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Pharmacology Exam Questions: Drug Classes & Mechanisms

Short questions
1.Differentiate between gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
2.Justify congestive heart failure drugs with the help of flow chart.
3.Give synthesis of insulin.
4.Delineate the term bioassay with its type.
5.Give pharmacology of Thyroid hormone.
6.Examine anti-Diuretic Drugs with flow chart of mechanism of action of any one drug.
7.Appraise anti-Coagulant Drugs with the help of flow diagram.
8.Identify the synthesis of estrogens in brief.
9.Describe different types of drugs that are used in Angina Pectoris.
10. Demonstrate antiplatelet drugs with pharmacological profile.
11. Appraise anti-anginal drug with the help of flow diagram.
12. Give pharmacology of plasma volume expander.
13. Differentiate coagulants with the help of classification.
14. Classify Diuretic Drugs with pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic property.
15. Justify estrogen with the help of flow chart.
16. Give pharmacology of plasma volume expander.
17. Justify Thyroid hormone with pharmacological profile.
18. Give pharmacology of 5-HT drugs.
19. Elaborate synthesis and regulation of male sex hormones.
20. Justify CHF drugs with the help of flow chart.
Long Questions
21. Elaborate the term NSAIDs with mechanism of action and pharmacological profile.
22. Classify autacoids and give pharmacological profile of any one drug.
23. Categorize Anti-Hypertensive drug and give pharmacological profile of any one drug
24. Classify 5-HT drugs and give pharmacological profile of any one drug.
25. Categorize anti-arrhythmic drug and give pharmacological profile of any one drug.
26. Describe in detail the mechanism of action, ADRs, Uses of different class of ant-diuretic
27. Categorize anti-hyperlipidemic drug and give pharmacological profile of any one drug.