83 WAYS SDS ENHANCES AUTOCAD ELECTRICAL FOR SUBSTATION P&C DESIGN Providing Better, Faster, Smoother Substation P&C Design Date: 4/21/2023 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Table of Contents Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Reason 1 – Seamless Surfing ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Reason 2 – Richer Surfer Display ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Reason 3 – Surf on Component ‘Pin’ Number ........................................................................................................................ 6 Reason 4 – Surf on Item Number ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Reason 5 – Surf on Wire Network Connections ...................................................................................................................... 9 Reason 6 – Surf to Annotation References ........................................................................................................................... 11 Reason 7 – Improved Surf Continue ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Reason 8 – Manual Window Copy TAG/INST/LOC Assignments .......................................................................................... 13 Reason 9 – Selective ‘Child’ Update Option.......................................................................................................................... 13 Reason 10 – Show PINLIST Tool ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Reason 11 – Rollover - Smart Cursor Data Display ............................................................................................................... 17 Reason 12 – Wiring Diagram Terminal Strips ....................................................................................................................... 21 Reason 13 – Schematic Terminal Strips ................................................................................................................................ 23 Reason 14 – Renumber Terminals by Pick Sequence ........................................................................................................... 26 Reason 15 – Term Strips showing both Wire no. and Term no. ........................................................................................... 26 Reason 16 – Multi-Level Term Strips .................................................................................................................................... 27 Reason 17 – Auto-annotation of Wiring Diagrams from Schematics ................................................................................... 27 Reason 18 – Auto Leaders for Annotation ............................................................................................................................ 29 Reason 19 – Annotation Format Flexibility ........................................................................................................................... 29 Reason 20 – Annotation Format Overrides .......................................................................................................................... 29 Reason 21 – Anno Update Single Pick Mode ........................................................................................................................ 30 Reason 22 – Swap Annotations............................................................................................................................................. 30 Reason 23 – Component Tag Alias Option in Annotation..................................................................................................... 31 Reason 24– Audit WD Annotation vs. Schematics................................................................................................................ 33 Reason 25 – Surf on Audit Wiring Diagram........................................................................................................................... 35 Reason 26 – Annotation-sensitive Jumpers .......................................................................................................................... 36 Reason 27 – Jumper Collision Avoidance.............................................................................................................................. 37 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 28 – Smart PLine Annotation Jumpers ..................................................................................................................... 37 Reason 29 – Circuit Subsets per Block Name........................................................................................................................ 37 Reason 30 – Auto-detected Jumpers during Reannotation.................................................................................................. 39 Reason 31 – Internal Pin-to-Pin Jumpers Option .................................................................................................................. 39 Reason 32 – Windowed Int/Ext Assignments for Term Strips .............................................................................................. 40 Reason 33 – Smart Cable Fan-ins for Wiring Diagrams ........................................................................................................ 41 Reason 34 – Cable Fan-in Leaders- Graphical Turn Options ................................................................................................. 42 Reason 35 – Automatically generate Cable Fan-ins on Wiring Diagrams ............................................................................. 43 Reason 36 – ‘No Fan-in’ Support for Stand-alone Cable Tags .............................................................................................. 45 Reason 37 – Cable Fan-ins ‘Scootable’.................................................................................................................................. 45 Reason 38 – Cable Fan-ins Display Available Spares............................................................................................................. 45 Reason 39 – Cable Fan-in Labels DREF-aware ...................................................................................................................... 46 Reason 40 – Schematic Cable QA Report for Core ID Repeats ............................................................................................. 46 Reason 41 – Schematic Cable Fan-in Tool ............................................................................................................................ 46 Reason 42 – Schematic Cable Fan-in User Customization – ................................................................................................. 48 Reason 43 – Schematic Cable Fan-in MOVE Connections .................................................................................................... 48 Reason 44 – Toggle Symbol Tool .......................................................................................................................................... 49 Reason 45 – Persistent ‘Show Signals’ Tool .......................................................................................................................... 49 Reason 46 – Show Phase Tool............................................................................................................................................... 50 Reason 47 – Find/Display Attached Grounds ....................................................................................................................... 52 Reason 48 – Show Phase / Surf Connections Project-Wide.................................................................................................. 52 Reason 49 – Test Switch Assignment Manager .................................................................................................................... 53 Reason 50 – Annunciator I/O and Faceplate Manager ......................................................................................................... 53 Reason 51 – Relay 1-Line Symbol Builder ............................................................................................................................. 54 Reason 52 – CT Ratio Annotation Tool ................................................................................................................................. 54 Reason 53 – CT Ground Out Tool .......................................................................................................................................... 55 Reason 54 – Battery Bank Report ......................................................................................................................................... 55 Reason 55 – Tie-Link - Connect New/Smart to Dumb/Existing ............................................................................................ 55 Reason 56 – Tie-Link Array Mode ......................................................................................................................................... 57 Reason 57 – Cable Schedules ................................................................................................................................................ 58 Reason 58 – Duct and Conduit Fill/Cable Tag Reports.......................................................................................................... 60 Reason 59 – Totalized Cable BOM / Cable Tag Reports........................................................................................................ 61 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 60 – Show Wires Tool for Schematic QA .................................................................................................................. 61 Reason 61 – Recalc Wire Size ................................................................................................................................................ 63 Reason 62 – Job/WorkOrder Status Toolset ......................................................................................................................... 64 Reason 63 – Automatically Add Job/WO Revision Clouds and Hatches ............................................................................... 66 Reason 64 – Manually Draw ‘Smart’ Job/WO Revision Clouds............................................................................................. 66 Reason 65 – Job/WO Utilities ............................................................................................................................................... 66 Reason 66 – Quick Match Job/WO & Status from Source Pick to Many .............................................................................. 67 Reason 67 – Multiple, Simultaneous Job/WO Support ........................................................................................................ 68 Reason 68 – Job/WO and Status Report ............................................................................................................................... 68 Reason 69 – Support for Job/WO and STATUS fields to display in stock AcadE reports ...................................................... 69 Reason 70 – Job/WO Change Notes ..................................................................................................................................... 69 Reason 71 – Improved Wire Sequence Tool ......................................................................................................................... 69 Reason 72 – Wire Numbering ‘By LOC’ Option ..................................................................................................................... 70 Reason 73 – ‘Master’ → ‘Ref-only’ Update Feature ............................................................................................................. 70 Reason 74 – Super-flexible DREF Cross-ref Attribute ........................................................................................................... 71 Reason 75 – Configurable ‘Smart’ Tables ............................................................................................................................. 76 Reason 76 – Edit SIGCODES for Source & Destination Arrows ............................................................................................. 78 Reason 77 – Block Swap for Schematic Terminal Symbols ................................................................................................... 79 Reason 78 – Bracket Note Tool ............................................................................................................................................. 79 Reason 79 – Stand-alone smart Cable Tag and Wire Number labels ................................................................................... 79 Reason 80 – Title Block Revision ........................................................................................................................................... 80 Reason 81 – Wild Card-Delimited Data Editor ...................................................................................................................... 80 Reason 82 – Parameter Settings Tool – ................................................................................................................................ 84 Reason 83 – SDS_AUDIT – ..................................................................................................................................................... 85 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com 83 ways SDS Tools enhances AutoCAD Electrical to provide Better, Faster, Smoother Substation P&C Design (rev 21-Apr-2023 nate.holt@holtdesignco.com) The Autodesk® AutoCAD® Electrical software (AcadE) is great for plant, machine, and substation electrical controls design. But enhanced with Spatial Business Systems Substation Design Suite™ of powerful, purposebuilt tools riding on top of AcadE, it becomes even better! Welcome to SDS Tools for electrical controls design (intro video here). Hello to many things you wish Autodesk would have included or fixed in AutoCAD Electrical by now! Here are 83 reasons to consider this add-on. It is fully compatible with AutoCAD Electrical 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and beyond: Reason 1 – Seamless Surfing – The awkwardness in AutoCAD Electrical’s Surfer tool is gone! You are no longer required to save / close the existing drawing before surfing on to the next reference! Surfer, under SDS Tools, now operates smoothly and seamlessly as if in a normal AutoCAD “multi-document” mode instead of the old technology single document mode. (Note: Autodesk fixed this limitation starting with their 2024 release.) 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 2 – Richer Surfer Display - Surfer display is much richer, enhanced with extra key data. Additional attribute information is pulled in from the symbols and appended to the display’s right-hand column: Reason 3 – Surf on Component ‘Pin’ Number – There are new Surfer modes included with SDS Tools. One of them gives you the ability to Surf on just a selected “pin” number of a component or terminal strip. Surfer zeros in on that one component connection pin number or terminal pin number and just returns the direct references to it (instead of all references to the component or terminal strip). 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com The example below shows user picking on pin “B02” of relay’s wiring diagram representation. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com The normal AutoCAD Electrical Surf results above show ALL references for the whole relay. It includes “B02” references somewhere in that long list. But using the SDS “Surf COMP Pin” and carefully picking on “B02”, the much cleaner Surfer list displays below. It includes only the picked wiring diagram’s overall reference, a schematic I/O point that includes “B02”, and a SDS Tools “reference-only” copy of this schematic I/O point. Everything else is filtered out! The Surf COMP Pin results below, “B02” referenced only, clean and neat: Reason 4 – Surf on Item Number – Another new Surfer mode provided by SDS Tools include Surf on “item number” assignment. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Pick on item number in a BOM table. Surfer launches into a “Surf on ITEM number” mode. Reason 5 – Surf on Wire Network Connections – Surf on all component and terminal connections tied to a picked segment of a wire network – both “on page” and beyond. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Below is an example of a common wire starting at the left and jumping to two other drawings on the right. Selecting any segment on this wire network follows it through terminals and source/destination arrows in order to continue on to the other two drawings. All components that this picked “trace phase” wiring touches on any of the three interconnected drawings are listed in the Surf window: Note: The value displayed in the 3rd column (between columns "Type" and "Tag") for schematic components is the component's non-blank CONTACT attribute value or, if blank, the component's non-blank PINLIST_TYPE value (if present on the component). 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 6 – Surf to Annotation References - Surf on existing wiring diagram symbol ANNOTATION attribute text (updated by SDS_ANNO or SDS_ANNO1) to jump to the far-end wiring diagram or schematic reference. Launch the tool and pick on a panel wiring diagram ANNOTATION attribute. The tool reads the picked annotation's Xdata, finds the far end wiring diagram component or terminal connection along with the schematic representation. These are listed in a "Surf" dialog for easy navigation. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 7 – Improved Surf Continue – provides an enhanced sorting of the current Surfer data. Especially useful for complex devices with many child references. Example The left-hand display is the initial Surfer display when pick on a complex protection and control relay. Note that the child I/O points are randomly displayed in the Surfer dialog. Extra reference copies of I/O points, manually marked with trailing (*) character on the pin number values to avoid confusing PINLIST functions, are also randomly displayed. Exiting Surfer and then restarting it with SDS_SURFCONT (instead of the default AcadE AESURFCONT command) will neatly rearrange the displayed data with the schematic parent(s) at the top, the panel-related items at the bottom, and all the children in the middle neatly sorted by the pin number text held in the “Location” column. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 8 – Manual Window Copy TAG/INST/LOC Assignments – SDS_COPYTAGINSTLOC - Useful for a quick, first pass set up of standard circuits that are being added to a new or existing project drawing set. Reason 9 – Selective ‘Child’ Update Option – AcadE triggers an option to update all related/child component instances when a parent symbol’s attribute value is edited. SDS Tools provides a second choice – a “Selective” child update mode. In this new Selective Update mode, each related child or panel symbol’s attribute values is displayed, one-component-at-a-time. Example shown below is user needing to edit two values on a parent SEL relay symbol having over three dozen child contacts spread throughout the drawing set. With stock AcadE it’s ALL or NONE. But SDS provides this new Selective update option: The user edits the parent DESC2 and CAT attributes, hits OK. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com The user does not want to blindly have all children update. User picks the new SDS Selective update mode. The first of the edit parent's 42 child components displays. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com The dot symbol in the left-hand column identifies the attribute or attributes changed on the parent and now candidates to be changed on this related child instance. Selecting OK will update both attributes and then display symbol 2 of 42. Selecting Skip will not do any update on the displayed child. It will move on to the next. Alternately, user can deselect an attribute to be updated (highlight and hit the “No button), and/or cut and paste or manually edit or type in a new value in the lower Optional Edit box to be pushed into the selected attribute. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 10 – Show PINLIST Tool – SHOW PINLIST tool provides a total-project listing of all protection relay pin list assignments, both used and available. User can browse the left-hand list of all PINLIST populated devices found in the active project. User picks on an entry and gets a sub-dialog giving an inventory of what assignments have been made for the selected device (project-wide). The left-hand side of the sub-dialog lists what is still available on the picked parent for assignment to new child devices. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 11 – Rollover - Smart Cursor Data Display - Smart cursor Rollover tool supports quick display of wire numbers, Source/Destination info and persistent drawn links when both ends on drawing, cable tags, and end connections, add/remove/existing assignments. Types of data displayed (based upon what is under the cursor while the command is active): • • • • • • Project/Job/Work-order ID and Status – displays any assigned Job/Work-order ID, and Status (ex: AddRemove-AsBuilt) assignment, and optional status description note held as Xdata on the underlying wire, component, terminal, text, Mtext, or any other non-intelligent graphical object that has been marked with the SDS_WIREMODS tool or the Track Add/Remove SDS_STATUS tool. LINE wire – displays wire number carried on underlying LINE wire entity. If rolled-over line wire segment carries "gap pointers" to other wire line segment(s), the tool "blinks" them. Wire numbers – displays wire number value and any hidden WnnUSER attribute values tied to the wire number. If wire number is an AcadE “Wire number COPY”, then ROLLOVER temporarily displays a dashed line leading back to the main wire number. Wire number QA check – detects if wire number is a “floater”. Component information – displays TAG, non-blank INST, LOC, DESC1-3, CAT, MFG, RATING1, CONTACT, PINLIST_TYPE, and other key information for a quick check/confirmation. Cable information – displays underlying cable tag ID and the “from” and “to” end connection information, CAT and MFG and cable color code, if present. If cable schedule data present, it will display cable length, routing path, and estimated voltage drop. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com • • • • • • Dumb extra cable marker symbols are identified. These special symbols with block name HT0_* or VT0_* and attribute “_TAG2” can be used to re-identify a cable’s tag on the other side of a source/destination jump. Source/Destination arrow symbols – displays SIGCODE value and key information for the far end of the pair. Draws temporary graphics arrows to the far end arrow symbol if on current drawing or stubbed to a floating symbol if far end if off-drawing. Fan-in Cable markers – displays any non-blank EXPORT$<attribute name>$ values held on the rolledover fan-in cable marker symbol (these values can auto-populate the “other end” with use of the SDS_DREF tool) Schematic Fan-in Cable Marker - Rolling over a schematic fan-in cable marker will trigger its linked inline Source or Destination wire marker symbols on the fanned-in wire representations to display temporary graphic hexagons -- Red if "source" or Blue if "destination". It draws temporary graphics arrow-font lines from the cable marker to the fanned-in Src/Dest in-line symbols (if on dwg). It also does a QA check on the links held on the label symbol to verify that they all point to valid src/dest inline symbols and to display a short help message if they do not then use the SDS_SIGFAN_REPAIR tool. Panel Fan-in Cable Marker - Rolling over a panel fan-in cable marker will trigger its linked annotation attribute fan-ins to display temporary graphics "hexagons" on the hexagons and dashed arrow line pointing from the rolled-over cable marker. Terminals – ROLLOVER uses temporary graphics to show “I” and “E” assignments, terminal tag, terminal number, and non-blank INST and LOC values. Reports if schematic terminal is a “break wire number” type terminal with a special message. Pass-through vs. Break wire number is controlled from the third char of schematic terminal symbol’s block name: =0 for pass through, =1 for break – examples “HT01_CIRCLE” vs. “HT11_CIRCLE”. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com ROLLOVER of Schematic Terminal Strips is similar to the "Panel" version example above, but it also reports if schematic terminal is a “break wire number” type terminal with a special message. • • • • • Dumb terminal copy symbols identified. These special terminal symbols with block name HT0_* or VT0_* and attribute “_TAGSTRIP” can be used to re-identify a terminal connection on the other side of a source/destination jump. Wiring Diagram annotation – gives terminal or device connection pin number, cable and/or wire number, and far end connection information Annotation Override is identified when present on a wiring diagram annotation attribute. This override value is used when “Honor format overrides” is checked in the SDS_ANNO wiring diagram annotation setup dialog. Job/Work-order marked items (marked with SDS_WIREMODS tool with a Job/WO number and status value such as Add, Remove, Abandon, Reconnect, or As-built). Master / Ref-only marked items (marked with SDS_REFONLY tool). Insert a ref-only version of a component and have it update to follow the real “master” version of the component. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com • Cable Schedule Work-points – enable SDS Tools to calculate cable lengths and routing paths from a scale plan layout populated with special, encoded Workpoint block inserts. This enables detailed cable schedules to be auto-generated. The ROLLOVER tool is used to provide a visual check on Workpoint relationships on an AutoCAD plan view of a station layout including control house, trench network, major equipment, panels, junction boxes, and optional connecting conduits. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com The rollover display WORKPOINT links using this default temp graphics color scheme: • • • • • Trench end to Trench end – red Trench end or Panel/Equip TAG or LOC to Conduit Entry – cyan Trench end or Conduit end to Panel/Equipment LOC or TAG – green Conduit vertex to vertex – cyan Panel/Equp TAG/LOC to TAG/LOC – white or black Note: The graphical path display does not necessarily identify the exact routing between workpoints. The cable length between workpoints is calculated by the SDS_CBLSCHED tool as orthogonal dX + dY + dZ sum of distances between adjacent workpoints in a routing path sequence. This calculated distance honors workpoint z-value UP or DN modifiers to simplify cable length calculations via routing through overhead or under floor trays. Reason 12 – Wiring Diagram Terminal Strips – Provides a quick, easy-to-use alternative to AcadE’s Terminal Strip Editor for single-level, graphical wiring diagram generation of a terminal strip. Each terminal inserted is a separate, stand-alone terminal symbol. The “strip” is just an array of contiguously inserted terminal symbols. These terminal strips are completely compatible with the SDS_ANNO autoannotation and the SDS_ANNOFAN cable fan-in annotation tools (described later in this listing) 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Smart wiring diagram terminal strip representations can be inserted horizontally, vertically, and in normal or reverse numbering order. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Enable special “First” and “Last” terminal block symbols to automatically give special start/ending block representations to the inserted “smart” connection wiring diagram terminal strips. Reason 13 – Schematic Terminal Strips – Insert a smart schematic terminal strip, similar to the panel wiring diagram version but consisting of individual schematic terminal symbols with incrementing terminal numbers. Great for situations where you need a wiring diagram terminal strip “look alike” but inserted on a schematic drawing. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com • • • • • • Terminal Strip ID - set the terminal strip tag and location values and the starting terminal number and total terminal count for the terminal strip. Terminal Type – select the more common Pass-thru type (no wire number change through the terminal) or Break wire num if an assigned wire number changes to a different number on the other side of the terminal strip. Orientation – set horizontal or vertical orientation, set normal or reverse order terminal strip build direction Internal / External assignment – choose which “side” of terminals should map to the optional “I/E” flag assignments. This can then drive which side of an equivalent panel connection wiring diagram terminal strip will have schematic external connections and which side will show schematic internal connections. Terminal Symbol to use – browse to the schematic symbol library for selection. Note that the four radio-button column selections will drive key parts of the schematic symbol name. Option to drive schematic terminal strip symbol selection from catalog part number assignment. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 14 – Renumber Terminals by Pick Sequence – Renumber terminals in the order that you “pick” on them. Works great for both schematic terminals and wiring diagram terminal symbols. Tool can also be used to change all, picked, or windowed terminals to give LOC, INST, and/or terminal strip TAGSTRIP value assignment. Great tool for copying a finished terminal strip junction box drawing and relabeling it for a second panel instance. Reason 15 – Term Strips showing both Wire no. and Term no. – Supports terminal strip wiring diagram representations that need to carry both visible terminal number and a wire number assignment (a not uncommon standard, especially for substation protection and controls design). 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 16 – Multi-Level Term Strips – Supports a way of representing multi-level terminal strips. A horizontal version is illustrated below. Here is how to push a suffix value to the terminal number based upon lower or upper terminal: Or reverse the order: Reason 17 – Auto-annotation of Wiring Diagrams from Schematics – Great flexibility in creating fully annotated connection wiring diagrams, automatically driven from connection information defined in the schematics – far more options than the stock TSEditor’s “Graphical” representation or the AcadE’s “Wire Annotation” tool. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Choose connection wiring diagram annotation options from this SDS Tools dialog. Select or window select the blank wiring diagram smart symbols. Schematic connection information is immediately formatted per the above dialog’s settings and pushed on to the wiring diagram symbols. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 18 – Auto Leaders for Annotation – Automatically inserts little leader lines, as needed, between wiring diagram terminal pin text and the non-blank annotation text. Two separate pieces of annotation text is supported per connection pin (automatically delimited when there are more connections). Annotation and little leaders are “Scootable” with the enhanced SDS Tools version of the AcadE standard “Scoot” tool. Reason 19 – Annotation Format Flexibility – Include or exclude cable tags and cable core color codes in the displayed annotation. Include or exclude far end connected Device and LOC code in the displayed annotation. Reason 20 – Annotation Format Overrides – Set individual annotation attribute to carry an annotation format override value. This can then be optionally honored by the overall WD Annotation tool. This override feature can be very useful when the internal and external sides of a connection wiring diagram terminal strip need to display different annotation formats. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 21 – Anno Update Single Pick Mode – With SDS Tools, wiring diagram annotation can be updated on a per component, per terminal, or per single connection basis. This means that a finished / checked drawing can have a single annotation value updated without affecting or touching anything else on that drawing. Great for last minute changes after project-wide QA checks are already complete. Reason 22 – Swap Annotations – Clean-up of Wiring Diagram Annotation tool’s -- allow annotation swapping between a pair of connection point attributes. Example 1 – dual wire annotations on a wiring diagram “Test Switch” symbol 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Example 2 – Swapping Annotation on Tabular Wiring Diagram Symbol Reason 23 – Component Tag Alias Option in Annotation – With SDS Tools, the AcadE MOUNT or GROUPWITH attribute can be used to carry a short panel grid reference “alias” to be substituted for the full panel symbol’s tag ID value wherever that tag ID shows up in wiring diagram annotation. In the example below, any connection annotation that ties into relay carrying tag value “11/T1BU” can have shorthand “Q” automatically substituted for “11/T1BU” in the wiring diagram’s annotation string. Any test switch component carrying tag value “RTS-3” can have the shorthand alias “QC” grid reference substituted. Here is how the MOUNT value is linked to the tag value on each panel component: 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Now, in the non-alias mode, the full tag value is included in all of the annotation: 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com But, when the SDS Annotation tool is instructed to substitute any non-blank MOUNT value for the component tag names, the result is much cleaner and easier to follow. Reason 24– Audit WD Annotation vs. Schematics – Compare current state of smart schematic connections with current state of wiring diagram annotation. Flag differences as Add/New and Remove/Old. This tool compares the current state of the schematic wiring against the current state of the wiring depicted by the annotation held on the wiring diagram symbols. It detects added and removed wire connections now shown on the schematics that are not depicted on the wiring diagrams. It detects wire connections that change -- that now come from some other source or through some other cable on the schematics but not shown the same way on the wiring diagrams. It can optionally show “visually” the differences on the wiring diagrams – this by flipping the annotation to Red or Green layers for a new wire connection or for a removed wire connection respectively. It will show both Red and Green annotation on top of one another for a wire connection that has changed (Red for the new schematic wire connection and a Green “text” lying on top of the Red attribute holding the original WD value. Example: Wiring connection changes, additions, and deletions can be sensed, displayed, surfed, and reported in the smart SDS wiring diagrams. This example shows how a change in two test switch assignments on the schematic / elementary drawing is detected and displayed in the wiring diagram using the AuditWD tool. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com On the wiring diagram, this tool displays the previous connection annotation in light green and the new in bright red. These are on separate layers to enable one or the other or both to be displayed. Alternately, the old/new differences can be displayed in a report, output to a file (various formats), and/or Surfed. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 25 – Surf on Audit Wiring Diagram - Surf on exceptions flagged by a previous run of the SDS_AUDITWD tool's audit of connection wiring diagram vs. schematics. In example shown here, four mismatches with what is currently defined in the AcadE project’s schematic drawings are identified: Leaving the SDS_AUDITWD command (with Exit) will automatically launch the WD Audit Surf tool. It will list the differences and enable the user to quickly Surf to each wiring diagram mismatch. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 26 – Annotation-sensitive Jumpers – Wiring diagram annotation can be set to specially mark annotation that appears to be a “jumper”. User can then use a special “Jumper” tool to replace a pair of “jumpered” terminal pins with a jumper symbol. Note: In the example above, when the physical jumper symbol replaces the jumper text annotation it also removes the now redundant annotation. This is done automatically by the Terminal Jumpers tool and any unused annotation is automatically removed. If the physical jumper symbol is already in place prior to the SDS_ANNO wiring diagram annotation tool applying the wire connection annotation, then the jumper text annotation also gets suppressed automatically as the WD_ANNO tool processes the symbols. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 27 – Jumper Collision Avoidance – Jumpers inserted with the tool are “smart” dynamic blocks in that they do an automatic collision check and offset adjustment as needed. Reason 28 – Smart PLine Annotation Jumpers – Free-hand drawn “polyline” jumpers, drawn from wiring diagram wire connection to wire connection, are fully supported. The SDS annotation tool recognizes them and auto-suppresses the now unneeded jumper annotation at the connection points. Reason 29 – Circuit Subsets per Block Name – Groups of standard polyline jumpers or other circuit components can be created and pushed into the AcadE libraries so that they can be quickly applied to specific wiring diagram block inserts on a moment’s notice. For example, different combinations of polyline jumpers appropriate for a given protection relay. Using the SDS ‘Add Circuit’ tool, pick on the symbol and the tool will search the AcadE panel or schematic libraries and display the available sets of jumper circuits found in the library that can go with the picked symbol’s block name. Here is a portion of a wiring diagram with an inserted block representation of a SEL-311C relay. The symbol block name is “WD_SEL-311C”. Launching the SDS ‘Add Circuit’ command and picking on this block finds two circuits in the symbol libraries that are appropriate for this block. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Selecting the one marked “All jumpers” and hitting OK inserts it into the drawing at the insertion point, rotation, and scale of the underlying WD_SEL-311C block insert. Now, when the SDS Annotation tool is run against this relay, annotation will be appropriately suppressed for the polyline jumper connections. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 30 – Auto-detected Jumpers during Reannotation – Running or rerunning the SDS Wiring diagram annotation tool automatically detects existing jumpers on a given symbol and suppresses that visible annotation. Reason 31 – Internal Pin-to-Pin Jumpers Option – SDS Tools support out-board jumper representations by default. But it also supports auto insertion of “pin-to-pin” straight jumpers on wiring diagram terminal strips when it detects that adjacent terminals are defined as electrically jumpered on the schematics. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 32 – Windowed Int/Ext Assignments for Term Strips – The “Internal/External” sides of a wiring diagram terminal strip are easily controlled by use of standard AcadE I/E manual assignments to hidden attributes on each wiring diagram terminal representation. These I/E assignments quickly verified with the SDS Rollover tool. Mass flipping of a terminal strip’s Internal / External connection sides is made easy with the SDS_FLIPIE tool. If you determine that the marked “Internal/External” sides of a wiring diagram terminal strip are reversed, mass flipping is made easy with the SDS_FLIPIE tool. Window select and hit Return. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 33 – Smart Cable Fan-ins for Wiring Diagrams – Wiring diagram annotation tied to a given cable can be quickly “fanned-in” to a single, smart cable symbol. This tool starts with smart schematic wire connection annotation deposited on wiring diagram terminal strip representations by the WD Annotation tool. User picks a group of wire connections that are identified as belonging together in a “cable”. User pulls the connections over and up or down to merge into a single “fan in” representation and identifies the fanned-in end point where the tool finishes by attaching an appropriately labeled cable tag. These cable labels are even “Surfable” from one end to the other. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 34 – Cable Fan-in Leaders- Graphical Turn Options – Fan-in supports automatic chamfer, fillet, or sharp corners. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 35 – Automatically generate Cable Fan-ins on Wiring Diagrams – Processes smart wiring diagram terminal strip annotation and auto-insert Cable Fan-ins. This is driven from where smart annotation indicates cable connections. This automatic cable fan-in operates in any mode: Drawing-wide, Project-wide, or window select. For setup, the user enters the desired fan-in “distance” defaults into the lower left-hand part of the dialog shown above. These drive how the fan-ins will be drawn as they auto-insert project-wide, drawing-wide, or window selected. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Distance settings also provide collision detection and adjustment when the cable fan-ins potentially overlay one another. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 36 – ‘No Fan-in’ Support for Stand-alone Cable Tags – Fan-in can be suppressed “No fan-in option” leaving a stand-alone cable marker placed anywhere on the drawing with a visual cross-reference code back to the grouped annotation. These can even work across different drawings – for example, all standalone cable markers for a panel might be placed on their own drawing but each links back to the cable connections on the actual wiring diagrams. Before After Reason 37 – Cable Fan-ins ‘Scootable’ – Fan-in parts and pieces, including fillets and chamfers, neatly “Scootable” with the enhanced version of the SDS Scoot tool. Helps you clean up the fan-in geometry in congested areas. Reason 38 – Cable Fan-ins Display Available Spares – Cable fan-in marker symbol can automatically display number of “spares” remaining for the given cable tag if the schematic parent cable marker carries a part number assignment with core conductor assignments (to define the number of conductors for the cable part number). 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 39 – Cable Fan-in Labels DREF-aware – Cable fan-in tool can include in-line cable color code, wire number assignment, and/or far-end’s cross-reference destination information text (using SDS Tool’s special attribute DREF described below). Reason 40 – Schematic Cable QA Report for Core ID Repeats – Leverage AcadE’s Cable From/To Report with “User Post” post-processing to detect any cables with duplicated wire/core color assignments. Reason 41 – Schematic Cable Fan-in Tool – Schematic wiring related to a cable can be “fanned-in” to a smart cable label symbol at one end of the cable and then again wherever the other end of the cable's wiring attaches to. These two fan-in labels are “Surfable” between each other and can interact with SDS_DREF crossreferencing. This tool is similar to the SDS_ANNOFAN for panel wiring diagrams but works on schematics, not wiring diagrams. It uses small, in-line source/destination symbols to fully link the two ends of each wire represented in the "from" and "to" fanned-in ends of the cable. A cable fan-in from multiple conductors to a single cable element is provided by the SDS_SIGFAN tool. Here is an example showing the insertion of a cable fan-in consisting of four separate wires at the “destination” end that matches with a “source” end elsewhere in the project set (in this example it’s on the same drawing). 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com This example also shows inserting a set of smart cable markers into one end of the fanned wires. This is a separate operation. Two things this Schematic Cable Fan-in tool does: 1. It works with AcadE to enable a “continuous connection” of each of the four separate conductors tying between the CTs on the left and the test switch and SEL relay inputs on the right. The tool does this by inserting matched pairs of tiny, in-line AcadE Source/Destination wire signal symbols into the wire segments at each end of the fan-in/fan-out. 2. As a result of the "continuous connection", the wire numbering and cable and conductor color assignments are maintained across the gap between the source on the left and the destination on the right. This also works when “the gap” is from one drawing to another in the project set. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 42 – Schematic Cable Fan-in User Customization – Supports creating your own custom AutoLISP function to customize this tool. One function, if present in memory, will execute just after the cable fan-in label pops in and before the AcadE EDIT COMPONENT dialog opens. A different one will execute just after the EDIT COMPONENT dialog closes and any Source/Destination in-line SIGNAL symbols have been inserted. An example AutoLISP program template is provided for each. Reason 43 – Schematic Cable Fan-in MOVE Connections – Quickly change schematic cable fan-in connections. Example: Here is a schematic fan-in cable inserted with the Schematic cable fan-in tool (not the Wiring Diagram version). The cable tag C-45 is assigned a part number for a 25 pair telecom cable and the fan-in connections auto-mark with the default color sequence defined for that part number on the smart Source/Destination in-line markers. Later on in the design process, it is determined that the pair of wires on input #5 need to be connected to input #9 but WITHOUT disturbing the existing wire connections and color assignments already in place. Use this SDS tool, window the two alarm #5 connections, and slide them down to alarm #9: 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com And that’s it! Reason 44 – Toggle Symbol Tool – Use SDS “Toggle Symbol” tool to instantly flip signal arrow symbols between Source and Destination types or flip a schematic cable marker between parent and child instantly. It can even flip a schematic terminal between its H and V versions – solving an often frustrating problem with stock AcadE. Reason 45 – Persistent ‘Show Signals’ Tool – Unlike AcadE, the SDS Tools version of the “Show Signals” tool is persistent! The user can zoom and pan and the temp graphics remains visible until the command is exited. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 46 – Show Phase Tool – Show Phase tool traces picked wire segment and follows it through the project set (not just the active drawing) 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Show Phase on active drawing is persistent… user can zoom in, pan and the highlight remains visible. Pick in multiple phases, each highlighted a different color. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 47 – Find/Display Attached Grounds – Show Phase tool tracks and lists each “ground” connection found on the picked phase in the project-wide search. This list is surfable. Reason 48 – Show Phase / Surf Connections Project-Wide – Show Phase tool provides a surfable list of ALL component connections, project-wide, tied to a picked wire segment. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 49 – Test Switch Assignment Manager – Edit Test Switch tool displays and enables reassignments on complex test switches project-wide This utility displays current test switch pin assignments project-wide in a left-hand pick list. It finds and lists groups of unused / spare switch positions on a per-switch basis. It allows a picked test switch’s pin assignments to be moved to a different part of the switch or even assigned to a different test switch. Reason 50 – Annunciator I/O and Faceplate Manager – Update “window” descriptions shown in a panel layout annunciator faceplate L/O symbol with each window’s linked I/O point parent or child symbol found in the schematics. This update is selectively bi-directional … update faceplate L/O with descriptions carried on the schematic I/O points, or drive faceplate window description edits back out to the parent or child I/O points scattered throughout the schematics. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 51 – Relay 1-Line Symbol Builder – Easy insertion and adjustment of “bubble” type 1-Line relay and transformer internal protection representations. Adjust options from pick list. Add or remove will length or shorten the representation. Reason 52 – CT Ratio Annotation Tool – Annotate schematic CT with terminal pin number per selected CT max and ratio selection. Supports single-pole, three single-poles grouped together, and CT groups embedded into an overall schematic symbol. Select from standard set of CT Ratio sets of annotation and push appropriate CT connection point terminal assignments out to the CTs based upon the ratio selected and which CT group is being processed. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 53 – CT Ground Out Tool – Insert predefined wiring circuit to “Ground out” 1-line or 3-line groups of CTs. This tool pops in a saved DWG “circuit” at the picked CT’s closest wire connection point. The file name of the circuit is in this format: “CIRC(“ + block_name +”)_” + closest_wire_connection_direction_code Example below is for inserting a ground-out AcadE “circuit” when picking on a “2 direction” wire connection point on symbol named VCB11_PWR3_C-C-X-C-C. Reason 54 – Battery Bank Report – Sum kW load assignments per battery bank and display results in both an on-screen summary and as a detailed report displayable from AcadE’s report display, format, and print dialog. Assign battery bank number or tag ID and kW load value to schematic or panel components as a value on any DESC1-3 or RATING1-12 attribute in this format: BANK=<battery bank ID>;KW=<kW load>. If this battery bank info is combined on a single attribute with other data, delimit the BANK and KW value with beginning and/or ending “;” character. Reason 55 – Tie-Link - Connect New/Smart to Dumb/Existing - Purpose-built commands and support library for inserting smart schematic and/or panel wiring diagram “Tie-Link” connection points on dumb “brownfield” CAD or raster drawings. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com This tool is used to insert tiny, AcadE-smart connection symbols over the top of existing graphics on “brownfield” raster or dumb AutoCAD drawings. These Tie-Link symbols include a “wire” connection point and the attributes appropriate for a component or a terminal, either schematic or panel W/D. The advantage of using Tie-Links is that it avoids having to convert the entire symbol to be an AcadE-smart symbol. Tie-links allow AcadE to generate various wire and cable point-to-point From/To Report that include what is connected to each end of the wire, even when an end “connects” to a dumb CAD or raster image representation. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 56 – Tie-Link Array Mode – Quickly populate a dumb CAD or raster image of a terminal strip with smart incrementing Tie-Links in an “array” insertion mode. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 57 – Cable Schedules – A path “Workpoint” list of equipment and panel XY and optional Z location coordinates along with trench and conduit start/end XYZ coordinate points can be leveraged by SDS Tools to create detailed cable schedules, duct/conduit schedules, and totalized BOM reports by cable type. It can calculate cable lengths and optionally calculate potential inrush voltage drops, conduit fill, and generate duct/conduit reports. It does not require modeling cables or conduits (or even trenches). It is driven only upon strategic placement and naming of “Workpoints” on an Inventor 3D model or on an AutoCAD plan view (2D or 3D) of the overall position layout of power and control enclosures and connected equipment. Here is a plan view of a substation control house, trench, and major equipment. Uniquely name “WORKPOINTS” are inserted marking the XY (and optionally Z) positions of control enclosures and junction boxes in the control house, beginning and ending points of trench sections. The WORKPOINTs are inserted, named, and special encoding added using this tool: 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com With WORKPOINTs shown on a plan view layout with control panels, junction boxes, equipment, and wiring paths such as ducts, trenches, conduits identified, SDS Tools can now generate a detailed cable schedule. This is done by combining schematic cable from/to location pairs with corresponding WORKPOINTs on the plan layout. Cable lengths, routing paths, and even estimated voltage drops can be formatted into a detailed project cable schedule report. Example below. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 58 – Duct and Conduit Fill/Cable Tag Reports – Similar to above but generates a trench/duct and conduit list, determines cables and cable size within each entry, and calculates conduit fill. Also includes a cable list running through each trench, duct, and conduit. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 59 – Totalized Cable BOM / Cable Tag Reports – Using ‘Workpoint’ data from ‘41’ above, generates a totalized cable BOM by cable type. Includes a listing of cable tags per cable type. Reason 60 – Show Wires Tool for Schematic QA – SHOW WIRES tools provides quick, visual QA check on schematic wires by LAYER name. It is persistent in that user can zoom and pan across the drawing, carefully examining wire connections. Display all wire layers or one at a time. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com The tool also detects and displays “zero length wires” which can be a problem with AcadE. It can visually display wire number pointer-to-segment links and help you diagnose issues. The tool lets you scroll around and zoom in and out, all without losing the temp graphics display. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 61 – Recalc Wire Size – This is an alternate, easy link into the standard AcadE “Re-calculate Wire Size” tool. This launches the tool immediately upon a pick on a cable marker, schematic wire, or other AcadE symbol. There is no “motor size selection” prerequisite to get the tool to launch and display. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 62 – Job/WorkOrder Status Toolset – Job/WO Status Assignment tool provides means to mark and show or hide a given “Work order” number and status assignment. Mark selected symbols, wiring, and general non-AcadE geometry of active project with a Job/Work-order number and a status assignment such as “New” or “Remove” or “Revise” or “Abandon”. Each of these status levels can have its own layer and color assignment. The marked entities are moved to these layers but their original layers are remembered. Tool then enables Job/Work-orders to be turned on and off (by flipping marked entities between their saved original layers and their picked status layers). Tool allows specific Status levels to be turned on and off (by manipulation of the status layers’ visibility). • Job/Work-order and Status marking of components, devices, wires, and any geometry across all drawings in the AcadE “active” project. • An AcadE project can have one or many simultaneous Job/Work-orders in progress, each with Status levels from an unlimited, user-defined status name list. An example Status levels list might be “New”, “Removed”, “Existing”, “Revised”, “Reconnected”, “Abandoned”. Components and entities can be marked with just one Job/WO and status combination at a time. • All Job/Work-order and status assignments are maintained in the native AcadE project drawing set. These assignments persist on the drawings of the AcadE project after closing and become re-accessible upon reopening the project. There is no external database involved. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com • Any visible entity type – lines, arcs, text, wires, components, labels, text, rev clouds, dimensions – can be marked as tied to a specific Job/Work-order and a selected Status level of that Job/Work-order. • Running totals of marked entities are stored inside a table in the project scratch database, so when changes are made to the drawing set using the Job/WO tool, users will have to use the Update Counts button to ensure that the most up-to-date information is stored in that database table. • Marking or Unmarking a parent symbol gives the user the option to automatically update some or all child and related symbols (including panel symbols) to match the parent's new Job/WO and status. • Impacted annotation attributes on wiring diagram symbols are automatically marked with the correct Job/WO and status. For example, if schematic terminal TA:1 is marked for "Remove" on a Job/WO, everywhere terminal TA:1 appears in annotation on the associated wiring diagram, that annotation attribute will be marked with the same color and layer information as the schematic symbol TA:1 was marked. • Close out a Job/WO with the Rename, Reassign, Erase, and Normalize utilities. • Automatically add Revision Clouds and Hatches to marked entities in Pick, Drawing Wide, and Project Wide modes. Also add Revision Clouds and Hatches to impacted annotation attributes in Project Wide mode. • For a drawing with marked entities related to different Job/Work-order assignments, each Job/Workorder along with all of its marked entities can be turned on and off. Its marked Status level state can be individually turned on and off. Each of the specific Job/Work-order can be individually turned on and off. • 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 63 – Automatically Add Job/WO Revision Clouds and Hatches – Automatically add revision clouds with or without hatches to selected Job/WO and Status combinations. Pick, Active Drawing, and Project-wide options supported. This function includes an option to remove revision clouds from selected Job/WO and Status combinations. Reason 64 – Manually Draw ‘Smart’ Job/WO Revision Clouds – Manually drawing fully compatible smart revision clouds for a given Job/WO and Status combination and mark items inside the cloud to carry the cloud’s Job/WO and Status assignment. Reason 65 – Job/WO Utilities – Manually pick, Drawing-wide, or Project-wide manipulation of existing marked Job/WO and Status items. Options include: • Rename/Move to a different Job/Work-order – Enables the user to move selected entities from one Job/WO to another, or even move entities to a new Job/WO. Entities will maintain their current status assignment, but the Job/WO to which they are assigned will change. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com • • • The Reassign selected status function allows users to move selected entities from one status to another within the same Job/WO. The user must first select a Job/WO from within the Select Job/Workorder window, and then select one or more statuses from the status list. Multiple statuses can be reassigned to a single status with this function. After clicking the Reassign selected statuses radio button, the user must select a status from the dropdown menu. This means that entities on the selected status in the Select Statuses list will be moved to the status chosen from the dropdown list. The Erase Marked Entities function allows the user to erase some or all entities that have been marked for a specific Job/WO and status combination. The user must first select a Job/WO from the Select Job/Workorder window, and then select one or more statuses from the Select Statuses list. Marked entities from multiple statuses can be erased with this function. Once one or more statuses have been chosen, the user must then pick the Erase Marked Entities radio button from the list. This activates the three selection options: Project Wide, Active DWG, and Pick. The Normalize Marked Entities function allows the user to return a selection of marked entities to their original, or normal, state. Normalized entities have all of their Job/WO and status information removed (this data is carried as xdata on each entity), and they are restored to their original layer and color. A normalized state may reflect a new standard or revision of the active drawing and/or project. Reason 66 – Quick Match Job/WO & Status from Source Pick to Many - Like AutoCAD's MATCH PROPERTY command but for JobWO and Status assignments. Select a "source" object that carries an existing JobWO/Status assignment and then select or window select other objects to match. Appropriate permission prompting if the “copy to” objects are already assigned. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 67 – Multiple, Simultaneous Job/WO Support – Support to mark and track and Surf on multiple work orders on a single AutoCAD Electrical project drawing set. Reason 68 – Job/WO and Status Report – Support to track and report a given Work-order with its status assignments. This Report function allows users to generate reports for a given Job/WO and one, some, or all of the statuses for which entities have been marked on that Job/WO. User can optionally filter the entity types to report: 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com The tool compiles a list of drawings that contain marked entities for the selected Job/WO, and users can select one or more drawings from which to generate the desired report. The normal AcadE report dialog displays documenting the selected Job/WO assignments. Reformat the report using the normal AcadE supported options on this report display dialog. Then select “Save” to file or “Put on Drawing” as a table. Reason 69 – Support for Job/WO and STATUS fields to display in stock AcadE reports – SDS Tools JobWO and STATUS values are compatible with AcadE’s “User defined attribute” and default.wda or <project>.wda configuration file feature. Example: get JobWO and Status assignments showing up in your standard AcadE Component List reports. Reason 70 – Job/WO Change Notes – Support for marking any entity marked with Job/WO and status assignment with additional hidden descriptions that can then be included in the reporting for a specific work order’s listing of components, wire, cables, dumb geometry tied to the specific Job/WO. Reason 71 – Improved Wire Sequence Tool – SDS Tools enhanced version of AcadE’s Edit Wire Connection Sequence tool, a “Quick” version, is smarter in avoiding needless and lengthy rebuilds of the wire connection tables in the project database. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 72 – Wire Numbering ‘By LOC’ Option – SDS Tools enables AcadE to handle inserting / editing / tracking wiring numbering “By LOC” (but current AcadE auditing function does flag these as wire number repeats) Reason 73 – ‘Master’ → ‘Ref-only’ Update Feature – Enable a component marked as “Master” to trigger semi-automatic attribute value updating of matched tag attributes on a block insert that has been marked as “Reference-only”. Once this link is established, user edits the master component and, if a reference-only symbol for that master is found in the AcadE project set, user is prompted for permission to update matching attribute tags on the reference-only whose values don’t match the current value found on the master. The tool also supports checking symbols and non-AcadE block instances for reference-only links back to a master and then prompts user for permission to update the reference-only symbol’s mismatched values. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com When a reference-only symbol instance is linked to a master, the user can trigger a check and selective update. This dialog shows the tool comparing attribute values carried on a linked pair of symbols. It shows that there are three common attributes between the linked master / ref-only symbols that have value mismatches (highlighted in red below). The attributes are TERM01, TERM02, and TERM03. When drawings containing legacy Master/Ref-only marked items are added to the current project, the SDS_UTIL_REFONLY_CLEAN tool is provided to reconcile the copied Master/Ref-only pairs into its new project drawing set. Reason 74 – Super-flexible DREF Cross-ref Attribute – New, configurable cross-reference update feature in the form of a new symbol attribute named “DREF”. Update a symbol’s DREF attribute with crossreference annotation based upon a paired “far-end” component. The DREF annotation can include data pulled from the far-end symbol’s drawing properties, its attributes, or its connection values. This is all encoded per a format string held in the DREF attribute “Prompt” value or defined in an attribute value held on a hidden, companion FORMAT_DREF attribute. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com A DREF attribute can be defined as single-line or a multi-line attribute. For example, the first line might be encoded with destination LOC value and the second line with the destination’s drawing name. There is DREF annotation referencing support for these types of symbol-to-symbol relationships: •Schematic Src/Dest arrows - Paired set of Schematic Src/Dest signal arrow symbols. •Schematic Cable Fan-in symbols - Paired set of Schematic Cable Fan-in symbols. •Panel WD Cable Fan-in symbols - Paired set of Wiring diagram Cable fan-in label symbols. •Master/Ref-only pairs - Master / Ref-only paired symbols. •Panel symbol to Schematic symbol - Panel symbol attribute values pushing up to its paired schematic symbol(s) - this works one-way only, from Panel --> Schem). Limitation: SDS_DREF does NOT support schematic parent/child cross-referencing. This is covered by an AcadE cross-referencing tool using the "XREF" attributes. DREF Annotation Format String The DREF format is user-defined as a text string value containing text and DREF annotation codes. The resulting format string definition is held either on the DREF attribute as a “Prompt” value or defined on a companion FORMAT_DREF attribute. The format string is flexible. It can have just a single Annotation Code, multiple codes, or a mixture of text, punctuation, and codes. Any Component Attribute can be set up to behave like a DREF Attribute Any symbol attribute <attr_name> with a corresponding non-blank FORMAT_<attr_name> will trigger SDS_DREF to update the <attr_name> attribute per the DREF-compatible format carried on invisible attribute FORMAT_<attr_name> (ex: attributes 'ANYNAME' and 'FORMAT_ANYNAME'). Wow. DREF Annotation Codes There are cross-reference annotation options available for each DREF attribute’s format string, but not all options are available for every relationship. Here is the breakdown: 1. DREF support for Schematic Source/Destination arrows ·%S = Far-end connection - Sheet assignment (if target sheet value is same as source, %S defaults to “THIS DWG” unless overridden as described in “LISP globals” below 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com ·%D = Far-end connection - Drawing name assignment (Drawing Properties, not the drawing file name) ·%Z = Far-end connection - Drawing file name (no path, no extension) ·%A = Far-end connection - Section assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%B = Far-end connection - Sub-section assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%P = Far-end connection - Project assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%I = Far-end connection - Installation assignment (Drawing Properties or non-blank INST attribute value) ·%L = Far-end connection - Location assignment (Drawing Properties or non-blank LOC attribute value) ·%N = Far-end connection - Component’s Grid/Zone or Ladder Line Reference value •^V$attrname$ = Far-end component or terminal non-blank attribute value (ex: ^V$DESC3$ would pull in the far-end component/terminal’s DESC3 value. Any attribute name can be used and multiple ^V$attrname$ can be encoded together within the format string. Attribute names used in this format string are not limited to just the AcadE standard attribute names. Important: this ^V$<attrname$ option requires that the Src/Dest wire network component connections are "Wire Sequenced". •^$attrname$ = Attribute name or Xdata name (text only value) held on the arrow symbol at the other end of a linked Src/Dest pair. For example, a wired Src arrow leaving a power supply symbol could carry an invisible attribute on the Src arrow named "END_DESC" with a value of "CAB2-PS". The Dest arrow at the other end of the wire (in the same or different drawing) could be set up with a FORMAT_DREF value including the substring "From ^$END_DESC$". In operation, the SDS_DREF would then automatically mark the Dest arrow's DREF with substring "From CAB2-PS". Likewise the Dest arrow could be set up with an invisible attribute "END_DESC" and marked with a user-assigned value of "RACK 20 (Bottom)". Now, if the Src arrow's FORMAT_DREF includes the substring "To ^$END_DESC$", then SDS_DREF will automatically mark the Src arrow's DREF with substring "To RACK 20 (Bottom)". Note: any attribute name can be used, or multiple used in a single format string. Xdata text values are also supported. Summarizing difference between Source/Destination usage of ^$attrname$ vs. ^V$attrname$ Both can be used on a Source or Destination arrow symbol, but o ^$attrname$ - limited to transfer of Attrib/Xdata values only between the Source and Destination symbols themselves o ^V$attrname$ - transfer of Attrib/Xdata values between 1) a Source arrow and the first (via wire sequence assignment) far-end connected symbol or terminal beyond the Destination arrow, or 2) a Destination arrow and the last far-end connected symbol (via wire sequence assignment) just before the Source arrow. 2. DREF support for Schematic Cable Fan-in symbols ·%S = Far-end connection - Sheet assignment (if target sheet value is same as source, %S defaults to “THIS DWG” unless overridden as described in “LISP globals” below ·%D = Far-end connection - Drawing name assignment (Drawing Properties, not the drawing file name) ·%Z = Far-end connection - Drawing file name (no path, no extension) ·%A = Far-end connection - Section assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%B = Far-end connection - Sub-section assignment (Drawing Properties) 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com ·%P = Far-end connection - Project assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%I = Far-end connection - Installation assignment (Drawing Properties or non-blank INST attribute value) ·%L = Far-end connection – Location assignment (Drawing Properties or non-blank LOC attribute value) ·%N = Far-end connection - Component’s Grid / Zone or Ladder Line Reference value •%T = Far-end connection - Component tag or terminal strip tag value ·%Y = Far-end connection - TERMxx pin number or terminal number ·%Q = Far-end connection - TERMDESCxx value (corresponding to %Y TERMxx pin) – Note: for schematic terminals this currently only returns the “I” or “E” or blank internal/external assignment flags. ·^V$attrname$ = Far-end component or terminal non-blank attribute value (ex: ^V$DESC3$ would pull in the far-end component/terminal’s DESC3 value). Any attribute name can be used, and multiple ^V$attrname$ flags can be encoded into a single DREF format string. The names are not limited to just AcadE standard attribute names. •^$attrname$ = Near-end component or terminal non-blank attribute value (ex: ^$DESC3$ would pull in the near-end component/terminal's DESC3 value). Any attribute name can be used, and multiple ^$attrname$ flags can be encoded into a single DREF format string. The names are not limited to just AcadE standard attribute names. 3. DREF support for Panel Wiring Diagram Cable Fan-in symbols ·%S = Far-end connection - Sheet assignment (if target sheet value is same as source, %S defaults to “THIS DWG” unless overridden as described in “LISP globals” below ·%D = Far-end connection - Drawing name assignment (Drawing Properties, not the drawing file name) ·%Z = Far-end connection - Drawing file name (no path, no extension) ·%A = Far-end connection - Section assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%B = Far-end connection - Sub-section assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%P = Far-end connection - Project assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%I = Far-end connection - Installation assignment (Drawing Properties or non-blank INST attribute value) ·%L = Far-end connection - Location assignment (Drawing Properties or non-blank LOC attribute value) ·%N = Far-end connection - Component’s Grid / Zone or Ladder Line Reference value •%T = Far-end connection - Component tag or terminal strip tag value ·%M = Far-end connected panel symbol's MOUNT attribute value (for FAN-IN to panel terminal strips, all fanned-in terminals should have a non-blank MOUNT attribute to guarantee a non-blank far-end connection value is returned) ·%U = Far-end connected panel symbol's GROUPWITH attribute value (for FAN-IN to panel terminal strips, all fanned-in terminals should have a non-blank GROUPWITH attribute to guarantee a non-blank far-end connection value is returned) •%Y = Far-end connection - TERMxx pin number or terminal number 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com ·%Q = Far-end connection - TERMDESCxx value (corresponding to %Y TERMxx pin) – Note: for schematic terminals this currently only returns the “I” or “E” or blank internal/external assignment flags. ·^V$attrname$ = Far-end component or terminal non-blank attribute value (ex: ^V$DESC3$ would pull in the far-end component/terminal’s DESC3 value). Any attribute name can be used, and multiple ^V$attrname$ flags can be encoded into a single DREF format string. The names are not limited to just AcadE standard attribute names. •^$attrname$ = Near-end component or terminal non-blank attribute value (ex: ^$DESC3$ would pull in the near-end component/terminal's DESC3 value). Any attribute name can be used, and multiple ^$attrname$ flags can be encoded into a single DREF format string. The names are not limited to just AcadE standard attribute names. 4. DREF support for paired symbols marked as Master and Ref-only •%S = Far-end connection - Sheet assignment (if target sheet value is same as source, %S defaults to “THIS DWG” unless overridden as described in “LISP globals” below ·%D = Far-end connection - Drawing name assignment (Drawing Properties, not the drawing file name) ·%Z = Far-end connection - Drawing file name (no path, no extension) ·%A = Far-end connection - Section assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%B = Far-end connection - Sub-section assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%P = Far-end connection - Project assignment (Drawing Properties) ·%I = Far-end connection - Installation assignment (Drawing Properties or non-blank INST attribute value) ·%L = Far-end connection - Location assignment (Drawing Properties or non-blank LOC attribute value) ·%N = Far-end connection - Component’s Grid/Zone or Ladder Line Reference value 5. DREF support for Panel symbol --> Schematic symbol The following annotation codes are applied to DREFs on Schematic symbols meant to pull in specific attribute values from their related Panel symbols (Panel --> Schematic only) ·%M = Far-end panel symbol - Panel symbol’s MOUNT attribute value ·%U = Far-end panel symbol - Panel symbol’s GROUPWITH attribute value ·^V$attrname$ = Far-end component or terminal non-blank attribute value (ex: ^V$DESC3$ would pull in the far-end component/terminal’s DESC3 value). Any attribute name can be used, and multiple ^V$attrname$ flags can be encoded into a single DREF format string. The names are not limited to just AcadE standard attribute names. Annotation Format String - Example Here is an example of a panel wiring diagram cable fan-in label symbol (cable #42). This symbol includes a visible DREF right-justified attribute and a small, hidden FORMAT_DREF attribute. The visible DREF attribute is 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com defined with a default prompt string of “%L (%S)” and the symbol’s FORMAT_DREF has a user-entered value of “%T %L(%Z)”. When the SDS_DREF tool operates on this symbol, it ignores the DREF prompt format string and defers to the FORMAT_DREF override attribute’s format string value. It pushes out cross-reference annotation based upon this non-blank FORMAT_DREF format string. Reason 75 – Configurable ‘Smart’ Tables – Ability to set up smart tables to automatically list, row by row, the I/O points of protective relays, switches, and other complex schematic devices. The table looks like a “panel layout” child of the schematic parent device (carries parent’s TAG as a link). As the design progresses, the tables can be automatically freshened with the current states of the tracked devices. For example, each complex protection relay can be set up with its own smart table to track / display a tabular list of I/O points – what is assigned and what is still available. Amazing. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Example: BEFORE Moments later: AFTER Table Customization – column attribute suffixes that drive the column’s displayed data: • A, B (attribute columns RxxA and RxxB) - Carry contact pin number assignment for the row. This is the only required code or codes. The pin numbers are in either column “A” or column “B”, or split between columns A and B. Note: If only a single column (either A or B) is defined in the table and there are multiple pins to define for a row’s I/O point, the pin numbers are entered on to the single A or B attribute as a comma- 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com delimited character string. For example, if the table is set up to only use column B attributes for the pin number definition (attribute SDS_TBL_ROW_FORMAT includes substring value of “PINS=B”) and the I/O point is a two-pin output with pins A11 and A12, then it would be encoded as text value “A11,A12” on the row’s RxxB column attribute. If it is a Form-C contact with three pins B01, B02, and B03, then it would be “B01,B02,B03” on the row’s RxxB column attribute. If the table is set up so that the first pin is in column “A” and the second pin of the pair is given in column “B”, then the SDS_TBL_ROW_FORMAT attribute value includes a substring value of “PINS=A,B”. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • D – Drawing file name location of the row’s contact (path and extension suppressed). E – Contact description (default is its RATING2 attribute value. Attribute CA_E provided for customizable override). F – Contact description (default is DESC2+DESC3 and then RATING1 previous is blank. Attribute CA_F provides customizable override). G – Contact description (default is DESC1. Attribute CA_G provided for customizable override). H – Contact description (default is PINLIST_TYPE. Attribute CA_H provided for customizable override). J – Contact description (default is non-blank wire connection TERMDESCxx value. If blank, then RATING2). K – Contact description (default is non-blank TERMDESCxx value. If blank, then DESC2+DESC3. If still blank, then RATING1). L – Contact description (default is non-blank wire connection TERMDESCxx value. If blank, then DESC1). M – Connected cable tag. S – Connected test switches (Tag + wire connection pin numbers). T – Connected terminals (Tag + terminal number) if test switch is “outboard” of terminals. U – First connection, whether terminal or test switch or other. Z – Contact drawing reference value calculated by AcadE based upon Grid location or ladder line reference number (whichever is set up in Drawing Properties > Drawing Format tab > Format Referencing). • %Z - Same as Z above but reference value is formatted per the "Same Drawing" or "Between Drawings" settings found on Drawing Properties > Cross-References tab > Cross-Reference Format.%D – Value contained in “Drawing” field from the Drawing Properties menu of the target • • • drawing. %S – Value contained in “Sheet” field from the Drawing Properties menu of the target drawing. %A – Value contained in “Section” field from the Drawing Properties menu of the target drawing. %B – Value contained in “Sub-Section” field from the Drawing Properties menu of the target drawing. Reason 76 – Edit SIGCODES for Source & Destination Arrows - Edit signal codes of either source or destination arrows and automatically update signal codes of orphaned arrows. Orphaned signal codes can be updated on closed drawings (without first having to open them). 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 77 – Block Swap for Schematic Terminal Symbols - work-around for limitation of AcadE’s Block Swap tool when dealing with schematic terminal swaps – problem with maintaining the original symbol’s “H” or “V” prefix even though you want to force the new terminal to the opposite. Reason 78 – Bracket Note Tool – Assists in neatly placing bracketed notes on terminal strips. Reason 79 – Stand-alone smart Cable Tag and Wire Number labels – Insert smart wire number and leader to supplement a selected piece of wiring diagram annotation. If wire number assignment is changed on the schematics, a re-run of the Annotation tool or the Single pick Annotation tool will update this WNLABELinserted version of a smart wire number to match it. In short, this is a wiring diagram copy of a smart schematic wire number. The wiring diagram example shown below has wire numbers “4CN” and “4CP” pulled across from the schematics. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 80 – Title Block Revision – SDS Tools can be configured to automatically add the next “revision line” to your title block, update title blocks rev level attribute value, and provide means to generate a projectwide report listing current revision level and revision description plus optional date, drawn by, approved by, etc. for each drawing in the AcadE project set. Retro-fit existing title block with a handful of invisible attributes and create a smart revision “row” block/attributes to drive this feature: Reason 81 – Wild Card-Delimited Data Editor – Search and replace nearly any kind of text value in the active drawing or across a subset or all drawings in the active AcadE project drawing set. There are three Search/Replace modes provided. Mode 1 - Simple Text Search/Replace The Data Editor tool includes an option for a Simple Text Search/Replace (no wild card-delimiters) that operates in either a Substring match mode or Match whole value mode (controlled by the Match whole value toggle value). It will process block attribute values and multi-line attribute values and optionally operate on 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com regular Text and MText (controlled by the Include Text and MText toggle). It will process either the active drawing in the active project or all drawings in the active project or a selected subset of those drawings. Mode 2 – Wild Card-Delimited Search/Replace This Search/Replace is accomplished by placing a “Search value” between a set of “wild-card” delimiter characters such as “$” or “&” and embedding these into attribute/Text/Mtext values throughout the project template set. Then, using the Data Editor’s Wild Card-Delimited mode and selecting Update Search button, all delimited substrings found in the active project are extracted and pushed into the “Search Value” column of the dialog’s grid. Now just enter a “Replace with value” appropriate for each specific wild-carded “Search value”. With a few more keystrokes, the drawing set updates with the Replace value substituted for the search value its wild card characters (see Example 2 below for illustrated step-by-step sequence). Mode 3 – RegEx Search/Replace The Data Editor tool also has an option that supports a “RegEx” search expression mode. Example - Wild Card-Delimited Search/Replace You can quickly turn a copied template project set into a new project-specific drawing set by finding and replacing Wild Card-delimited character strings embedded within attribute text, multi-line attribute text, regular Text, and Mtext. This search/replace can be operated drawing-wide or project wide on the copied/renamed drawing set. For this example, you have an AcadE/SDS substation template set that has hundreds of places where the incoming and outgoing kV voltage levels need to display on Text/Mtext notes and on attribute values. You want to automate this template set to allow quick update when it is copied and renamed to start a new AcadE project. You decide that the “code” substring for the incoming kV voltage level will be “HSVOLT”. For the outgoing voltage you choose “LSVOLT”. Now you go through the template set and manually substitute “$HSVOLT$” for every place that the incoming kV voltage value shows up in any Text/Mtext or attribute value. If your template has a piece of text that currently says “TO HV 345KV OPERATING BUS”, you change it to be “TO HV $HSVOLT$kV OPERATING BUS”. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com The AcadE/SDS template set is now ready when you are! Scenario: New substation design is needed… 128kV in high side, 12kV feeder low side. 1. You use AcadE’s COPY PROJECT tool to make a copy your above template set and push into a new AcadE project name (ex: “BIG OAKS” substation project) 2. With this new project the “active” AcadE project, launch the SDS Project Data Editor tool as shown below. Stretch out the dialog, if necessary, to display as shown below. Select the “Find Wild Cards” button. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com 3. The dialog displays a grid list of all “$-delimited” codes found in the active project set. Scroll down to find “$HSVOLT$” and “$LSVOLT$” entries. There are over 4000 instances found scattered throughout the drawing set. 4. Type “12” for $LSVOLT$ and “128” for $HSVOLT$ into the “Replace” column. Now you’re almost ready to quickly update four thousand pieces of text across your new project drawing set. Select “Update Project.” 5. Since not every line has a “Replace with Value” but is blank, make sure you turn on the “Default Skip Blanks” option. 6. With “Default Skip Blanks” toggled “ON”, select “Update Project” button to move to the next dialog. 7. Select drawings to process and then Review Final Selections. If all looks good, hit OK. The >4000 value replacements will be made throughout the drawing set. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 82 – Parameter Settings Tool – Define and manage default parameters for several dozen of the most commonly-used tools in the SDS Toolkit. These can be defined/managed either on a system-wide basis or on a projectname specific basis which simplifies the support for differing standards among multiple clients. The SDS Settings tool has a dialog (shown above) where users can make and process changes to one or more of the tools. In the left-hand column is a list of all of the Settings-optimized tools in the SDS toolkit. Users can modify the parameters of one of these tools by selecting it ["1" below], and then clicking on the Edit Settings button ["2" below]. This will bring up a dialog very similar to the tool's standard dialog, but with certain parts of it deactivated ["3" below]. Once changes have been made to the parameters, the tool will appear in the column on the right ["4" below]. From this column, one or more tools can be selected and then the user can process the selected tools on the active drawing, project wide, or export those settings to the CSV file ["5" below]. When choosing active drawing or project wide mode, the Xdata on the WD_M blocks on those selected drawings will be updated with the new settings for those selected tools. (Note: If a WD_M block is on a locked layer it will still be updated on the active drawing only, but it cannot be updated on a non-active drawing.) 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com Reason 83 – Drafting Errors / Omissions – SDS_AUDIT scans the active drawing or project for certain types of possible drafting / design omissions or errors. Launching the tool displays this dialog with selectable audit options: Audit category options: 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com • SDS_AUDIT will search for polylines that are on a layer meant to be for LINE "wire segments". AcadE expects "wires" to be drawn with graphically connected LINE entities on a layer marked for "WIRES". Polylines on wire layers will not be recognized as wires. A solution is to locate and manually EXPLODE polylines on a wire layer back to LINE segments on the wire layer. • Find missing or unused symbol block representations - Scan electrical components and group them by INST/LOC/TAG assignments. List the INST/LOC/TAG groupings that do not include all three possible symbol-type representations: Schematic, Panel Footprint (i.e. front-view footprint), and Panel wiring diagram footprint (ex: rear-view footprint). • Audit annotation on wiring diagrams - SDS_AUDIT will flag a wiring diagram connection as an issue if it doesn't match up with the connection information defined in the schematic. • Audit wire source/destination signal codes on schematics (all drawings, project-wide only) - checks for and reports issues with missing or multiple Source arrows, orphan Destination arrows, blank SIGCODE attribute values. • Audit DREF attributes on active drawing only - check for blank or missing DREF_FORMAT attributes or DREF attributes that appear to not be updated. Example Audit Report display Report dialog options include “Go To” which will “surf” the the drawing and the locatin of the detected issue. ===================================================== There’s a lot more. Any interest? Contact Spatial Business Systems directly at sales@spatialbiz.com. 1890 West Littleton Blvd, Littleton, CO 80120 Phone: (303) 847-4200 Fax: (303) 996-2673 www.spatialbiz.com