Subject: Environmental Engineering lab - ii Course Code: CE 452 Topic: Pipe Network, Sewer Network, Plumbing System & Septic tank Design • Presented By : Toufiqul Islam Mushfeq Uddin Hillary Chowdhury Razibul Islam Forhad Rahaman (030-21-02) (030-21-05) (030-21-06) (030-21-07) (030-21-08) • Submitted to: • Engr. Md. Arafat Ahmed Lecturer Southern University Bangladesh Introduction. Aim and Objectives. Pipe Network. Sewer Network. Plumbing System. Septic tank Design. Out come of this experiment. Pipe Network, Sewer Network, Plumbing System & Septic tank Design Water is necessary for urban development, power production, growing and processing high-value crops, oil and gas development and processing, and industrial manufacturing. Satisfying all of these competing needs requires a better understanding of water resources and new approaches to water management. to determine the flow rates and pressure drops in the individual sections of the network. To determine the limit of water level in streets or watercourses and avoid flooding to bring water into the structure for human use, and the second is to remove wastewater of various types to retain the human waste in the tank. The Hardy Cross method is an iterative method for determining the flow in pipe network systems where the inputs and outputs are known, but the flow inside the network is unknown. The method was first published in November 1936 by its namesake, Hardy Cross. The Hardy Cross method is an adaptation of the Moment distribution method, which was also developed by Hardy Cross as a way to determine the forces in statically indeterminate structures. In this experiment we have a good idea about calculation and design in Pipe Network, Sewer Network, Plumbing System & Septic tank Design of water demand & Fire Demand according to the population.