Sales and Inventory Management System (A WEB-BASED APPLICATION) BY Name T.U Roll No.: TU Registration No.: College A Summer Project Documentation Submitted to Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Information Management August 2023 1 STUDENT DECLARATION This is to certify that I have completed the Summer Project entitled “ Sales and Inventory Management System” a web-based application, under the guidance of “” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Information Management at Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University. This is my Original Work and I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere. Date:…………………. Name: …… Signature:……………………. 2 CERTIFICATE FROM THE SUPERVISOR This is to certify that the summer project entitled “Sales and Inventory Management System” a webbased application, is an academic work done by “Samir Khanal” submitted in the partial fulfillment of the required for the degree of Bachelor of Information Management at Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University under my guidance and supervisor. To the best of my knowledge, the information presented by him in the summer project report has not been submitted earlier. Name: Designation: Date:……………………… 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Summer Project has been constructed for the partial fulfillment of the required for the degree of Bachelor of Information Management at Faculty of Management. The completion of this summer project would not have been possible without the help of the administration of College Name. So, I would like to thank the entire administration of Kist College as well as the faculty members of the BIM. I am also thankful to teachers of Kist College for their constant guidance and supervision regarding this project development. I would like to thank Sir name my supervisor for his contribution to this project development process. Lastly, I would like to thank all the people who were directly and indirectly associated with this project. ……..Name (9911/19) BIM 6th Semester College Name 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS STUDENT DECLARATION 2 LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION LETTER OF APPROVAL 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 LIST OF FIGURES 8 ABBREVIATIONS 9 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objective of Study 1 1.3 Literature Review 1 1.4 Methodology 2 1.4.1 Data and Information 2 1.4.2 Project Framework 3 1.4.3 Tools and Technologies Used 3 CHAPTER II: TASK AND ACTIVITIES PERFORMED 2.1 Analysis of tasks, activities, problem, issues 4 2.1.1 Analysis of tasks 4 2.1.2 ER-diagram 4 2.2 Analysis of Possible Solution 5 2.2.1 Requirement Analysis 5 2.2.2 Functional Requirement 5 2.2.3 Non-Functional Requirement 2.2.4 Class Diagram 6 6 2.2.6 Activity Diagram 6 2.2.7 Design Diagram Sequence Diagram 2.2.8 Testing 7 8 CHAPTER III: CONCLUSION 10 REFERENCES 11 APPENDIX 12 6 4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Iterative Model 2 Figure 2.1: ER Diagram of Reels 4 Figure 2.2: Use Case Diagram of Reels 5 Figure 2.3: Class Diagram of Reels 6 Figure 2.4: Activity Diagram of user login, reel upload, and logout Figure 2.5: Sequence Diagram of user login, and reel upload 7 8 7 ABBREVIATIONS Admin: Administration BIM: Bachelor of Information Management ER: Entity-Relationship SQL: Structured Query Language TU: Tribhuvan University UC: Use Case 8 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 9