Title of the Research Project: Lawyer as a writer: Explore the role of the lawyers as writers Topic-Group Number: Project-topic number: C 17 ENGLISH LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR THE LAWYERS (English LLCSL) Student’s Name: Himanshu Singh Roll Number: LLB23024 CLASS: B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), First Year, First Semester SUBMITTED TO: PRO. (DR.) PRASANNANSHU 2023 NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .............................................................4 METHODOLOGY ............................................................8 OBSERVATION TABLE ...................................................9 FREQUENCY BAR CHART AND TREEMAP ............. 22 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS ............................................ 23 CONCLUSION ................................................................ 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................ 27 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION Description of the topic: Writing skills are crucial for someone to survive in the legal profession. Even the most talented lawyers will find it difficult to survive in the legal field if their writing skills are subpar.1 Extreme importance is given to legal writings. In the realm of legal writing, one cannot underestimate the power of the carefully chosen words. This is so because legal writing can ultimately decide the client losing or winning the case. A lawyer’s choice of words can drastically affect the interpretation of the legal document, for instance in case of a contract, a lawyer’s words are capable to completely change the terms of a contract. Legal writing is an indispensable skill that every lawyer. It demands from a lawyer creativity, research abilities, precision in formatting, persuasive arguments and great attention to detail. A literary bend to mind is an asset for lawyers, it enhances their ability to draft and argue effectively. Importance of this topic: Massive amount of legal writing is performed by lawyers at law firms. With the huge spike in commerce during recent decades. People need legal help either to ward of takeovers of their companies or facilitate a takeover of merger, either get a loan from banks or tackle problems with their failed mortgages and other loans.2 These activities require large amount of documentation. Demand of lawyers for legal writing is on the rise. Legal writing has become extremely crucial for the legal sector.3 Every point made has to be backed by assertions and citations to authority,4 Therefore, legal writing is the backbone of legal documents. Legal writing is also useful to young lawyers. There is no other medium that stimulates selfimprovement and organises thoughts as does legal writing.5 This is so because of the complexity of legal documents. A well written legal document may help a lawyer to gain prestige and ultimately win cases through his writing. 1 legalupanishad. (2022, August 31). Importance of Legal Writing for Law Students: Writing Guide. Legal Upanishad. https://legalupanishad.com/legal-writing-for-law-students/?amp=1 2 Kaushal, R. (2016, April 21). Legal Research & Writing: Essential for Legal Success. Cogneesol Blog. https://www.cogneesol.com/blog/how-important-is-legal-research-and-writing-in-legal-sector/ 3 Kaushal, R. (2016, April 21). Legal Research & Writing: Essential for Legal Success. Cogneesol Blog. https://www.cogneesol.com/blog/how-important-is-legal-research-and-writing-in-legal-sector/ 4 Kaushal, R. (2016, April 21). Legal Research & Writing: Essential for Legal Success. Cogneesol Blog. https://www.cogneesol.com/blog/how-important-is-legal-research-and-writing-in-legal-sector/ 5 Witherspoon, G. B. (n.d.). Why write why write. Und.Edu. Retrieved October 16, 2023, from https://commons.und.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3194&context=ndlr Aim of this project: The topic, ‘‘Lawyer as Writer: Explore the role of lawyers as writer’, of this project delves into the fundamental aspect of the legal profession. As already mentioned, writing skills are not only desirable but crucial for lawyers to not only “survive” but thrive in the demanding field. This project will highlight the nature of legal writing, its importance for lawyers, and skills qualities it demands from lawyers. An average lawyer in their lifetime writes more than an author.6 He is tasked with drafting various legal documents ranging from contracts, briefs, memorandum, letters and emails. But, this project is not limited to legal writing. This project also explores lawyer turned authors and creative writers. Why I have undertaken the study? Lawyers and writers often have opposite personalities. Lawyers are painted as calculating, persuasive individuals with a great focus on reality. 7 They talk straight to the point, in a clear and precise manner while presenting arguments in a courtroom. On the other hand, a stereotypical writer is a hermit, spending most of his time sitting in quiet corners, tearing up drafts of stories. Even though they share stark portrayals, it is not surprising that many writers have backgrounds as lawyers. There is a remarkable overlap in essential skills of lawyers and writers. Both share many skills including attention to detail and storytelling. Writers create stories with character backgrounds. Lawyers, as advocates, construct compelling narratives that revolve around facts. Both require a deep knowledge of people and events, and to communicate this knowledge to others in a compelling way. With all of their training in research and a career full of interesting stories, it’s no wonder many lawyers write novels and fictions. They have all the means and necessary skills to do so. 6 Indulia, B. (2023, August 26). Experts Corner Archives. SCC Blog. https://www.scconline.com/blog/post/tag/experts-corner/ ... https://www.scconline.com/blog/post/2022/04/26/making-alternative-dispute-resolution-the-primary-modeof-dispute-resolution/ 7 Greenleaf Book Group. (n.d.). Why Lawyers Write Great Fiction. Greenleaf Book Group. Retrieved October 16, 2023, from https://greenleafbookgroup.com/learning-center/book-creation/why-lawyers-write-great-fiction In the law school, there is a complex body of legal material, law students are taught to simplify complex material and analyse it. Additionally, students undertake academic writing and legal writing in law schools. While legal writing is traditionally associated with documents, contracts, case briefs and wills, it is a field that extends far beyond these boundaries. Writing well is the fundamental skill in a lawyer’s role. Many lawyers venture far beyond into the world of legal writings. When it comes to writing outside of one’s practice, writing can be enjoyable, rewarding and beneficial.8 I undertook this study because I find it that lawyers and writers with completely different personalities can be so similar. It fascinates me to think of the same. Also, as a future lawyer, through this study I’ll learn the need of writing skills in the legal profession. Review of the literature: After comprehensive study, it is found that others researchers and academicians have mainly written about the importance of writing in legal profession and lawyers turned authors of fiction and legal thrillers. The main focus of the others is on lawyers as creative writers. This can be ascertained after reading the published articles, internet resources. In my own course material, stories and poems are written by lawyers. Like the poem “Law” is by Professor Prasannanshu and parable “Before the law” by Fran Kafka. Course material also focus on lawyers turned authors or lawyer-writers. In the pages to follow, we will explore the roles of lawyers as writers. We will navigate various writing forms including legal writings, academic writings, professional writings and creative writings. By reviewing the works of some well-known lawyer of the past and present, we will discover how their writings aware masses, initiate an academic revolution, draft legal documents and deliver compelling stories that resonate with all of us. 8 ebrown. (n.d.). ebrown. NCCU LAW. Retrieved October 16, 2023, from https://law.nccu.edu/author/ebrown/ METHODOLOGY Collection of data A comprehensive search was conducted to identify relevant sources, including academic journal articles, books, newspaper articles, and blogs written by lawyers. These sources were chosen to provide a diverse and comprehensive perspective on the topic. Then a systematic approach was used to extract relevant information and insights form selected sources. Observations were made by carefully reading and summarising each source, with the key focus of finding arguments, and examples related to the role of writing in the legal profession. Observation table An observation table was created to organise and categorize the observations. This framework helped in recording observations, comments, and keywords for each source. Keywords identified within each observation to highlight recurring themes, concepts and pattern. These keywords were selected to facilitate further analysis and to identify common threads across the selected sources. Analysis and Result Frequency analysis was conducted to identify the most frequently occurring keywords and pattern across multiple observations. The result of frequency analysis was visually represented using horizontal bar diagram and treemap. This visual representation allows for quick overview of most common keywords and patterns. A critical comment was provided to rationalise and connect the identified keywords and patterns. This analytical commentary aimed to offer insights into relationships and implications of identified themes, forming a basis for drawing a meaningful conclusion. Conclusion The project is concluded with a summary of the findings and insights derived from the analysis of the observation table and the critical comment. This section aimed to present key takeaways and central claims based on the literature review and analysis. OBSERVATION TABLE S. Source Observation Comments Key No. 1 Words David L. 1969, Kirp, "There is something that can Legal writings Legal "THE legitimately different writing be called and thus legal are WRITER AS writing, be from other types LAWYER AS distinguished from other kinds of of writings WRITER", Journal writings." of Legal Education, Vol. 22 , No. 1, pp. 115-118 2 Michael Nava, "It seems every second lawyer I It seems like Creative 1996, "Lawyers as meet has a novel-in-progress and creative writings Writing, writers", The stashed away and dreams of are Compleat very Novel lawyer, retiring from practice on the common among Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. proceeds of the movie sale." lawyers. 40-41 at 41 3 REIDINGER, P. "Lawyers who take up slippery Lawyer-writers (1997). Beyond the business of imaginative writing involved Lawyer- in writer, Courtroom Thriller: typically stage their fictions in creative writing Creative The story of two the familiar confines of usually write writing, lawyers who write courtroom. It's a lawyer-writer's about their Courtroom serious fiction–and natural venue, is inherently a familiar , Law get away with it. place of drama and conflict and experiences in a ABA Journal, offer (as John Grisham and Scott courtroom. 83(3), 56–59 Turow have discovered) the possibility of real lucre." 4 Posner, R. (2010). “Kafka: Kafka's "day job" as a lawyer in a known The Writer A. " It has long been understood that Kafka, a well- Lawyeras Central European bureaucracy writer, lawyer- writer, usually Creative Lawyer”. Columbia that dealt with industrial injuries” wrote stories and Law Review, “influenced his fiction. Law is a novels 110(1), 207–215 around writing, prominent theme in it, notably law and allied Law but not only in his unfinished fields. novel The Trial. And bureaucracy is depicted in another unfinished novel, The Castle." 5 Wayne Schiess "For three main reasons, you, as Lawyers need to Profession (2012). Lawyers as a lawyer, are a professional be professional al writing Professional Writer. writer. 1. You're paid to write.... writers because Austin Lawyer 2. You write on complex topics that Magazine, is their Nov. that affect rights, money, and primary 2012, 11 work liberty…. 3. Your written work is apart subject to serious scrutiny…." from representing others in a courtroom. 6 David L. 1969, Kirp, "How to simplify complex legal Students learn Simplify, "THE materials: these are important legal writing in Complex WRITER AS matters for the student to learn" law schools are legal LAWYER AS taught WRITER", Journal simplify of Legal Education, complex Vol. 22 , No. 1, pp. material to material, Law legal 115-118 at 116 7 Michael Nava, "A number of lawyers have There are many Lawyer- 1996, "Lawyers as published writers", Compleat books, some to lawyer-writers, The considerable success, and their some are also lawyer, success means the publishing very successful. Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. industry will continue to be on 40-41 at 40 the look-out for next Grisham. Also, the mere facts that there are lawyer-writers proves that the two careers can be combined" writer 8 “White, J. B., & "This is to think lawyer as writer Lawyer is Gaakeer, J. (2007). or speaker, which he or she surely writer Interview a Lawyerand writer with is, and to suggests to the students speaker. Law James Boyd White. that they need to focus their students need to Michigan Law attention in a fresh way both focus on legal Review, 105(7), upon legal language and what language. 1403–1419 9 at can, by art and invention be done 1411” with it" Wishingrad, J., & "The "hostile" reader is certainly A legal writer Legal Abrams, D. E. well-known to the legal writer. A has to pay great writing, (1981). [Review of party “Writing from seeking to evade attention a contractual obligations searches detail to reduce to-detail Legal Perspective, for any loop hole" ambiguities, that by G. D. Gopen]”. could be Duke Law Journal, misused by 1981(6), parties 1061– 1070 at 1063 10 to Attention- Christ, B., a contract & "Lawrence Joseph…. where he Another instance Legal Mueller, S. (2017). teaches [Introduction]. Amerikastudien in courses employment, on and labour, of tort a lawyers writing, and involved in legal Creative / compensation law, legal theory, writing as well writing American Studies, and law 62(2), 323–324 at subjects 323 and he interpretation, as has creative extensively writing. written and lectured on. He also taught Creative writing at princeton." 11 Wishingrad, J., & "Amidst the widespread criticism Books Abrams, D. E. of legal writing, any book that contribute that Legal to writing, (1981). [Review of contributes to improved written improved “Writing from a expression is likely to receive a writing Legal Perspective, warm welcome." expression by G. D. Gopen]”. welcomed Duke Law Journal, are 1981(6), 1061– 1070 at 1070 12 Gandhi M.K. "The three articles written and As a young Lawyer- (1962), “The Law published by Gandhiji in his lawyer, Gandhi writer, and The Lawyers”, weekly paper Young India for ji was involved Journalism Navajivan which he was tried on the charge in journalism Publishing House, of sedition" Ahmedabad 13 Tariq Khant (2022), "An average lawyer writes more Highlights the Legal SCC OnLine Blog in their lifetime than an author. A importance legal writing Exp 22… literary bent of mind inevitably writing “https://www.sccon helps lawyers draft and argue lawyers line.com/blog/post/ better…. 2022/03/14/masteri indispensable skill for a lawyer or ng-the-art-of-legal- a legal scholar to cultivate, writing/” compete, survive, and flourish in They are for an this profession..." 14 Wishingrad, J., & "Legal argumentation, like other Legal writer has Legal Abrams, D. E. forms of logic, requires the writer to make sure to writing, (1981). [Review of to articulate each argument that articulate each Clarity “Writing with from a leads to the conclusion." Legal Perspective, by G. D. Gopen]”. Duke Law Journal, 1981(6), 1070 at 1065 1061– argument clarity. 15 Gandhi M.K. "As I write this, many sweet Autobiography (1959), “An reminiscences come to my mind. of Autobiography: Mahatma Writing, Hundreds of clients became Gandhi, The Story of My friends and real co-workers in highlights Experiments With public service, and Creative Autobiogr that aphy, their despite being a Expressio Truth”, pp. 269-270 association sweetened a life that lawyer and n was otherwise full of difficulties revolutionary he and dangers. " was engaged in creative writing. 16 Wishingrad, J., & "The classic forms of legal highlights Abrams, D. E. writing-agreements, (1981). [Review of briefs, and memoranda" “Writing from the Legal appellate forms of legal writing writing a Legal Perspective, by G. D. Gopen]”. Duke Law Journal, 1981(6), 1061– 1070 at 1064 17 legalupanishad. "Lawyer must analyse a situation Highlights the Legal (2022, August 31). and try to persuade others in their importance legal writing “Importance of client’s favour through written writing Legal Writing for communication" Law Writing Students: Guide. Legal Upanishad”. https://legalupanish ad.com/legalwriting-for-lawstudents/#:~:text=It %20is%20the%20l awyer's%20respons ibility,of%20a%20s uccessful%20legal lawyers for %20career. 18 Witherspoon, G. W. "Writing is helpful per se because Legal writing is Legal (1960). The your thoughts importance of legal crystallized, your are useful to young Writing, thinking lawyers, writing to young clearer and sound conclusions solidify lawyers. Student result. When law professors are thoughts, Lawyer Journal, no 6(1), 20-24. longer stimulate available and discipline of guide your to Expressio their n to express you, themselves more mind is clearly. needed. There is no other medium that stimulates self-improvement and organizes your thinking as does legal writing." 19 “Wayne. (2012, "When I began working at a law highlights the Legal December 3). firm that I was surprised at how amount of legal Writing, Lawyers are much writing there was. “Gosh,” writing Professional I thought. “Why didn’t anyone performed Profession by al writing. Writers | LEGIBLE. tell me I was going to be doing so lawyers at law Utexas.edu. much was writing?” If writing is firms. https://sites.utexas. a significant part of your job, edu/legalwriting/20 you’re a professional writer" 12/12/03/lawyersare-professionalwriters/” 20 Kaushal, R. (2019, "There was a huge spike in there is a great Legal January 29). Legal business with people needing demand Research Writing: for writing & legal help either to ward off lawyers to Essential takeovers of their companies or perform legal for Legal Success. to tackle problems with their writing due to Cogneesol Blog; failed Cogneesol. mortgages and other increase loans." in commerce https://www.cogne esol.com/blog/how -important-is-legalresearch-andwriting-in-legalsector/#:~:text=Wh y%20is%20legal% 20writing%20impo rtant,profession%2 0to%20resolve%20 clients'%20matters. 21 Tokmakov, S. "Throughout (2023, August 3). individuals history, with many It highlights the Legal legal contribution of Writing, “The Intersection of backgrounds or experiences have lawyer-writers to Creative Law and Literature: made significant contributions to literature not writing, The Lasting Impact literature, using their unique only in form of Literature, of Historical Legal insights and perspectives to legal writing but lawyer- Writers on Society. examine the world around them. also in creative writer Terms. Law”. These legal writers have left a writing. https://terms.law/2 lasting impact on society by 023/08/02/the- shaping public discourse, intersection-of-law- influencing legal education, and and-literature-thelasting-impact-of- inspiring legal reforms." historical-legalwriters-on-society/ 22 Kalyan Jhabakh, G. “A well-drafted document in my Importance of a Legal (2021, July 30). The opinion can make or break a case. legal writing and writing, Skill Of Legal A legal document, regardless of the role of legal Law Writing. whether it is a plaint, affidavit or document. Livelaw.In. contract serves two purposes - https://www.livela informing and engaging both the w.in/law-firms/law- client and the court about the firm-articles-/legal- legal issue.” writing-suranasurana-drafting178483 23 “Role of Lawyers in "The client often wants or needs Highlights the Legal Society: Analytical to understand what the law is in role of a lawyer, writing Essay”. (2022, order to evaluate options and the December importance 27). make decisions about his or her of legal writing Edubirdie. life, and the most common for https://edubirdie.co function m/examples/role- specializations of-lawyers-in- practice) is to provide that society-analytical- knowledge. It is further said that essay/ the of lawyers lawyers and should client to (across understand law. areas of provide access to the law to the clients so that clients are helped decide their own approach and stance." 24 Charumathi. (2015, “It is true that a writer may have Similarities and LawyerMay 12). lawyers Why a little more imagination than a differences can writer, be driver. Yet, he is expected to have between lawyers Creative writers too. Dailyo. a much greater grip on reality as and writers https://www.dailyo. compared to a lawyer. coherence and Writing In in/arts/lawyers-to- addition, the writers-authors- ability to stick to a plot, however literature-fiction- tenuous, are also prerequisites for books-3673 a writer - these qualities, by the way, are of no use to drivers. Thus, the only way a lawyer can be a writer is through the medium of an editor. This is also the reason why editors can easily apply for a driver's licence.” 25 Column, G. (2018, “Nothing is more critical to Similrities Lawyer- December 6). “How preparing a defence than trying to between writers writer, Being An Attorney see the situation from different and Helped Me Become vantage points and anticipating between A Writer. Writer’s what the prosecution may throw writing Digest”. lawyers, Creative legal writing, and legal at you next. The same is true in creative writing https://www.writers your writing. You may be digest.com/be- convinced that your character’s inspired/how- arc is fixed: she can only react being-an-attorney- one way or say certain things or helped-me- solve her problem by taking a become-a-writer particular course of action. But if you don’t assess other possibilities, you may miss a more inventive storyline and risk leaving your writing predictable and flat.” writing 26 Ajit, A. K. (2020, “A law student or budding lawyer Importance of Legal April 10). “Book spent much time on writing or legal writing for Writing, Review [The Art Of drafting but they may turn to be a lawyers Profession Legal Writing By successful professional only after al writing. Richa becoming the master in effective Kachhwaha] : writing. No one can excel in legal Practicing Lawyers profession in absence of good To Successful legal writing skill. The language Professional.” of Indian courts, its style and Livelaw.In. format are not indigenous. So, the https://www.livela language of law has always been w.in/book- a matter of expertise. A trained reviews/the-art-of- legal legal-writing- communicate the fact and law practicing-lawyers- effectively in writing to the to-successful- person who is entitled to give professional- relief.” professional knows to 155054 27 “Before Memory "The autobiography also gives a Lawyer-writers Fades By Fali S. detail insight of the National use Nariman Lawyer- their writer, (Book Emergency in 1975, when he was writings to Autobiogr Review) | ProBono the Additional Solicitor General provide detailed aphy India.” (2020). of India. One day after Indira information Probono-India.in. Gandhi, the then Prime Minister, about an event, https://probono- imposed the internal emergency, like india.in/research- he resigned from his post of observation, paper- Additional Solicitor General to autobiography detail.php?id=552 mark his protest to the unethical of move by Minister." the then in Fali Prime Nariman the S. gives us great detail about emergency period. 28 Catherine Harwood "There have been many great Highlights (2007). FRANZ writers who had legal training or many KAFKA’S worked in the legal profession" LITERATURE that Lawyer- lawyers writer, became creative Creative writer writing AND THE LAW 29 Greenleaf Book "In common narratives, the lives Highlights Group. (2019). of lawyers and writers are stark difference Creative Greenleaf Group. the Story, Book opposite. Lawyers are painted as between Greenleaf calculating, Book writing silver-tongued personalities of Group. firebrands with laser focus on lawyers and https://greenleafbo reality, while writers are moody creative writers okgroup.com/learni introverts who spend their time in ng-center/book- quiet corners of coffee shops, creation/why- typing and tearing up drafts of lawyers-write- stories that only exist in their great-fiction minds. Given these stark portrayals...." 30 Greenleaf Group. Book "Authors, especially those in the Highlights the Creative (2019). high fantasy and mystery genres, similarities writing, Greenleaf Group. Book understand the minute details of between lawyers Novel Greenleaf their universes and how the and Book Group. experiences of each character Lawyers writer. use https://greenleafbo affect the outcome of the story. their organising okgroup.com/learni Lawyers, used to organizing and and memorising ng-center/book- memorizing critical information to write fiction creation/why- for a judge and jury, can utilize or lawyers-write- those same skills to write fiction stories. great-fiction that’s both clear and immersive." creative 31 “Why Writing Well "Clear writing is crucial in legal Importance of Legal is Essential to Your practices because without it, legal writing for writing Legal Career.” cases that could be won are lost. lawyers. Writing (2021). Cooley.edu. Providing clear and concise of a lawyer can https://info.cooley.e information means there’s less win cases du/blog/why- chance for ambiguity, questions, writing-well-is- and confusion when you're trying essential-to-your- to make yourself understood to legal-career judges, clients." other lawyers, and FREQUENCY TABLE S. No. KEYWORDS FREQUENCY 1 Legal Writing 17 2 Creative Writing 10 3 Lawyer-writer 9 4 Law 5 5 Professional Writing 2 6 Autobiography 2 7 Expression 2 8 Simplify 1 9 Complex legal material 1 10 Courtroom 1 11 Journalism 1 12 Clarity 1 13 Literature 1 FREQUENCY BAR CHART AND TREEMAP 13 Literature 12 Clarity 11 Journalism 10 Courtroom 9 Complex legal material 8 Simplify 7 Expression 6 Autobiography 5 Professional Writing 4 Law 3 Lawyer-writer 2 Creative Writing 1 FREQUENCY Legal Writing 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ANALYSIS AND RESULTS As we can see from the data, writing skills are essential for lawyer. A lawyer should be a master of legal writing to excel in the legal field. Even to survive in legal profession one’s legal writing skills should be at par with other lawyers. Legal writing is a distinct form of professional writing. It serves various purposes like communication between clients and the court. It caters to only specific audiences such as judges, clients and other lawyers. Legal writing involves a set of skill, these include logical structure, persuasive use of legal terminology, research skills, attention to detail and formatting skills. In law school, legal writing forms an important part of the curriculum. Law students are taught to simplify complex legal material. This is primarily done to prepare them as future lawyers. Good legal writing is characterised by clarity in writing, attention to facts, a logical arrangement and presentation of facts in a client’s favour. Lawyers are basically storytellers who arrange the facts of a case and present them in court, in a way that the client’s interest are best represented. This skill of storytelling, with other skills like attention to detail and a persuasive style of writing is shared by lawyers and writers. These lawyers turned writers or simply lawyer-writers have ventured into the domain of creative writing. In the recent century, we have seen many lawyers turn into authors writing biographies, fictions, novels and thrillers. Creative writing is not something new to lawyers. During the recent times several lawyers ventured into creative writing. Some prominent names are of Franz Kafka9 John Grisham10, Scott Turow11, R.K. Narayan12, Salman Khurshid13 and Chetan Bhagat14 to name a few. These writes from time to time published some of the most selling novels and thrillers. Something that is common in the writings of most of lawyers. For instance, most of the popular works of John Grisham are either legal-thrillers or courtroom dramas. Scott Turow’s novels are primarily set among the legal community in fictional Kindle County. Indian writer, R.K. Narayan’s novels are based on corruption and white-collar crimes. Salman Khurshid’s books are based on topics like law and politics. Franz 9 A well-known lawyer-writer, wrote novels around law. His notable works include “The Trial”, “Before the Law” and “The Imperial Message”. 10 Popularly known for his legal thriller, “The Firm”. A movie of the same name, based on “The Firm” was released in 1993 with Tom Cruise as the lead actor. 11 An American author and attorney known for his thriller, “Presumed Innocent” and “The Burden of Proof”. 12 He was an Indian lawyer by training. He is best known for his novels like “Swami and Friends” and “The Guide”. 13 Indian politician, a lawyer and author. His notable works include “At Home in India” and “The Other Side of the Mountain”. 14 Indian lawyer, writer and columnist. His known novels are “Five Point Someone” and “2 States”. A popular film “3 Idiots” is based on his novel “Five point Someone”. Kafka, also wrote novels and short stories revolving around law. It is clear that, (Reidinger, 1997) lawyers who take up slippery business of creative writing typically stage their fiction around the familiar confines of law. Professors at law schools are also involved in creative writing. Some of the poems of Professor Prasannanshu15 are also based on law, its concept and purpose. People become lawyers for many reasons, but they become writers because they cannot avoid it. Writing is a form of expression. One might engage in writing to express thoughts, ideas and emotions. Some of these writers expressing themselves write best-selling novels, fictions and legal thrillers that entertain masses. 15 Professor of English at National Law University, Delhi. Popularly known for his poetry in both English and Hindi. His notable works include poems like “Law” and “Strength of Justice” CONCLUSION In wrapping up this exploration into the intersection of the legal profession and the realm of writing, it is abundantly clear that writing is not just a tool but a cornerstone of the legal world. It extends its influence far beyond the confines of legal documents, emerging as a skill that is integral to the very survival and excellence of lawyers. In the legal profession, the written word is a potent weapon. The fate of a client, the outcome of a case, or the interpretation of a contract can pivot on the words chosen by a lawyer. Legal writing, often perceived as dry and technical, is, in reality, a dynamic and nuanced form of communication. It demands precision and clarity, ensuring that there is no room for ambiguity or misinterpretation. Lawyers must possess the acumen to craft documents that withstand scrutiny and arguments that resonate persuasively. The power of legal writing extends beyond the confines of documents; it is an art that is equally at home in the courtroom. Here, lawyers become storytellers, crafting narratives that revolve around facts, weaving persuasive arguments, and navigating the complexities of the legal system. A lawyer's prowess in the courtroom is often matched by their skill in conveying intricate legal arguments through written briefs and submissions. It is the art of persuasion through the written word, often the cornerstone of a successful case. Moreover, lawyers often venture into the world of creative writing. Renowned authors like John Grisham, R.K. Narayan, and many others have proved that legal acumen can seamlessly transition into the realm of fiction and storytelling. What makes these lawyer-authors unique is their ability to draw from their deep understanding of human nature, conflict, and justice. The legal world is inherently rich with stories, and these lawyer-writers bring these narratives to life, offering not only entertainment but also valuable insights into the complexities of the legal system. The ability to write effectively, whether in the form of legal documents, persuasive arguments, or creative narratives, is an enduring and indispensable skill. It is not just a tool for legal practitioners; it is a channel for artistic expression and storytelling. The written word transcends the boundaries of law, enriching the broader canvas of human creativity. The power of the written word, as witnessed in the narratives of lawyer-writers, leaves an indelible mark—a testament to the enduring influence of the written narrative within the spheres of law and literature.16 As we reflect on this journey, it becomes evident that writing is not merely a complement to the legal profession but an integral part of its very essence. Lawyers who wield the written word skilfully are often the ones who stand out in the courtroom and leave an indelible mark on the legal writings they craft. In an ever-evolving legal landscape, writing remains a timeless cornerstone—a versatile tool for legal practitioners and a channel for artistic expression and storytelling. It is, in every sense, the ink that continues to script the enduring legacy of law and literature. In summary, writing is the lifeblood of the legal profession, influencing every facet of law. Lawyers who wield the written word with skill and precision excel in the courtroom and in crafting legal documents. Furthermore, the convergence of legal acumen and the art of storytelling has given rise to lawyer-writers who illuminate the complexities of the legal world and provide captivating narratives. In a world where change is the only constant, writing remains an enduring and indispensable skill—a tool for legal practitioners and a channel for artistic expression and storytelling. It is, in every sense, the ink that continues to script the enduring legacy of law and literature. 16 Tokmakov, S. (2023, August 3). The Intersection of Law and Literature: The Lasting Impact of Historical Legal Writers on Society. Terms.Law. https://terms.law/2023/08/02/the-intersection-of-law-and-literature-thelasting-impact-of-historical-legal-writers-on-society/ BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary sources (Journal articles and Books): 1. David L. Kirp, 1969, "THE WRITER AS LAWYER AS WRITER", Journal of Legal Education, Vol. 22 , No. 1, pp. 115-118 2. REIDINGER, P. (1997). Beyond the Courtroom Thriller: The story of two lawyers who write serious fiction–and get away with it. ABA Journal, 83(3), 56–59 3. Michael Nava, 1996, "Lawyers as writers", The Compleat lawyer, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 40-41 at 41 4. Posner, R. A. 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