2007 Structures Congress Selected New Provisions of ASCE/SEI 7-2005: Jim Harris J. R. Harris & Company Denver, Colorado John Hooper Magnusson Klemencic Associates Seattle, Washington May 18, 2007 • • • • • • • • • Overview Reorganization New maps; Long period map New systems, revised R factors and limitations Diaphragm assumptions Redundancy factor Dynamic analysis triggers Near fault spectral shape applicability Modal response spectrum analysis Simplified design method 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 2 ASCE 7-05 Reorganization Goals of Seismic Section Reorganization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To improve clarity and use Reduce depth of section numbering from 6 max typical to 4 max typical (i.e. Sec. is now Sec. 12.5.3) Simplify table and figure numbering (i.e. Table is now Table 12.6-1) Create logical sequence of provisions aim at the structural engineering community Improve headings and clarify ambiguous provisions 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 3 ASCE 7-05 Reorganization 1. Changed major subjects to Chapters rather than Sections (similar to the IBC) 2. Replaced Section 9 with Chapters 11-23 3. Incorporated the material appendices 4. Put the Chapters into a logical sequence 5. Rewrote ambiguous headings 6. Examined and rewrote sections to eliminate ambiguity 7. Provided Cross Reference Table C-11-1…02 to 05 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 4 Comparison of Contents ASCE 7-2002 Sections ASCE 7-2005 Chapters 1. General 2. Combinations of Loads 3. Dead Loads 4. Live Loads 5. Soil and Hydrostatic …and Flood Loads 1. General 2. Combinations of Loads 3. Dead Loads, Soil … and Hydrostatic 4. Live Loads 5. Flood Loads 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 5 Comparison, continued ASCE 7-2002 Sections ASCE 7-2005 Chapters 6. Wind Loads 6. Wind Loads 7. Snow Loads 7. Snow Loads 8. Rain Loads 9. Earthquake Loads 8. Rain Loads 9. (not used) 10. Ice Loads A. Supplemental (QA) 10. Ice Loads 11. - 23. Seismic B. Serviceability A & B. QA & Existing 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 6 Seismic Contents ASCE 7-2002 ASCE 7-2005 9.1 General Provisions 9.2 Definitions/ Symbols 9.3 (not used) 9.4 Ground Motion 9.5 Structural Design Criteria, Analysis, and Procedures 11. Seismic Design Criteria 12. Seismic Design Requirements for Building Structures 13. Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Comp. 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 7 Seismic Contents, continued ASCE 7-2002 ASCE 7-2005 9.6 Arch, Mech, Elect Comp and Sys 9.7 Foundations 9.8 Steel 9.9 Concrete 9.10 Composite Struct. 9.11 Masonry 14. Material Specific 15. Nonbuilding Structures 16. Response Hist Anal 17. Seismic Isolation 18. Damping Systems 19. Soil-Struct. Interact. 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 8 Seismic Contents, continued ASCE 7-2002 ASCE 7-2005 9.12 Wood 9.13 Seismic Isolation 9.14 Nonbuilding Structures A9. Quality Assurance 20. Site Classification 21. Site-Specific Ground Motions 22. Maps 23. Reference Docs 11A. Quality Assurance 11B. Existing Buildings 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 9 11 Seismic Design Criteria 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 General Definitions Notation Seismic Ground Motion Values Importance Factor Seismic Design Category Design Req’ts for Category A Geologic Hazards & Geotechnical Invest. 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 10 11.1 Purpose “…specified earthquake loads are based upon post-elastic energy dissipation in the structure, and because of this fact, the requirements for design, detailing, and construction shall be satisfied even for structures and members for which load combos w/o EQ exceed those with EQ…” 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 11 11.4 Seismic Ground Motions 1 Determine basic values from maps for bedrock conditions 2, 3 Classify soil conditions at site and determine site coefficients 4 Determine site-adjusted values 5 Take two-thirds for use in design 6 Construct design response spectrum 7 Site-specific studies permitted/required 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 12 Mapped Acceleration Parameters • Two updated sets of basic maps for the response spectrum accelerations – SS for spectral response acceleration at 0.2 secs – S1 for spectral response acceleration at 1.0 secs • New map for long period transition: TL in seconds 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 13 Ground Motion Parameters & Seismic Hazard Mapped Contours of SS SS and S1 are the mapped 2% in 50 year spectral accelerations for firm rock SDS and SD1 are the design level spectral accelerations (modified for site and “expected good performance”) 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 14 General Comparison of Maps With ASCE 7-02 • Changes everywhere, but mostly minor • Deterministic area around New Madrid 2007 Structures Congress With UBC 97 • Lots of change • Lower in most areas • Higher in high hazard areas, except near fault in California • Three maps, not one Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 15 Long Period Transition Maps (Fig 22.15) 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 16 Site Specific Studies • Clarification of two types: – Basic ground motion hazard at a point in rock – Site amplification in overburden soil • First type never required, but permitted; limits placed upon results • Second type encouraged; required in some instances 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 17 Cumulative Nature of Provisions by Seismic Design Category A 2007 Structures Congress B C D E F Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 18 Seismic Design Category A • 11.7 is a self-contained section; defines E • Horizontal force = 1% of dead load • Load path for horizontal forces – connections = 5% of weight of smaller part • Beam, truss connections = 5% D + L • Anchor concrete and masonry walls – 280 pounds per foot 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 19 Geologic Hazards and Geotechnical Investigations • SD Category E and F: – Do not locate on active fault • SD Category C: – Evaluate slope instability, liquefaction, differential settlement, surface displacement • SD Category D, E, F: – More detail than C plus lateral pressures on basement walls and retaining walls 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 20 • • • • • • • • • Overview Reorganization New maps; Long period map New systems, revised R factors and limitations Diaphragm assumptions Redundancy factor Dynamic analysis triggers Near fault spectral shape applicability Modal response spectrum analysis Simplified design method 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 21 12 Seismic Design of Building Structures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Design Basis Structural Systems Diaphragm Flexibility; Configuration; & Redundancy Load Effects & Combinations of Loads Direction of Loading Selection of Analysis Modeling Criteria 2007 Structures Congress 8 ELF Method 9 Modal RS Method 10 Diaphragms, Chords Collectors 11 Structural Walls (outof-plane) 12 Drift and Deformation 13 Foundation Design 14 Simplified Alternate Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 22 12.1.1 Basic Requirements • • • • Strength, Stiffness, Energy Dissipation Design Motion in Any Horizontal Direction Construct Mathematical Model Evaluate Model for Effects – Limitations on methods of evaluation – Modifications to internal forces (R, 0) – Modifications to deformations (Cd) • Alternate Procedures Must Be Consistent 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 23 Minimum Connection Forces • Very Similar to 11.7 for SD Category A • Continuous Load Path: “…from point of application to final point of resistance…” – 0.133 SDS WP 0.05 WP – Does not apply to overall design of SFRS (Seismic Force Resisting System) • Beams, Trusses to Support 5% of D + L 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 24 12.2 Structural System Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. System identification and limitations Combos of systems: different direction Combos of systems: same direction Combos of systems: detailing Specific system requirements 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 25 System Identification • “Basic lateral and vertical SFRS shall conform to one (or a permitted combo) of the systems from Table 12.2-1…” • “Selected SFRS shall be designed and detailed per referenced requirements…” • SFRS not from table permitted only if analytical and test data establish basis 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 26 Basic system parameters Obtain from table and use in seismic design: • R Response Modification Factor - measure of system inelastic capabilities • Cd Deflection Amplification Factor - increase elastic to total • o System Overstrength Factor - accounts for actual strength greater than design strength; used to protect vulnerable items. 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 27 R factor comparisons System 97 Special RC Shear Wall (bearing) 4.5 5 5 Ordinary RC Shear Wall (bearing) 4.5 4 4 Special RC Shear Wall (bldg frm) 5.5 6 6 Ordinary RC Shear Wall (bldg frm) 5.5 5 5 Intermed Precast Shear Wall (b f) -- -- 5 Ord Precast Shear Wall (b f) -- -- 4 2007 Structures Congress 02 Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 05 28 R factor comparisons System 97 Special RM Shear Wall (bearing) 4.5 5 Intermed RM Shear Wall (bearing) 4.5 3.5 3.5 Ord RM Shear Wall (bearing) 4.5 2 Special RM Shear Wall (bldg frm) 5.5 5.5 5.5 Intermed RM Shear Wall (bldg frm) 5.5 4 Ord RM Shear Wall (bldg frm) 5.5 2.5 2.5 2007 Structures Congress 02 Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 05 5 2 4 29 R factor comparisons System 97 Special Steel Concentric BF 6.4 6 6 Ordinary Steel Concentric BR 5.6 6 3.25 Special RC Shear Wall (bldg frm) 5.5 6 6 Ordinary RC Shear Wall (bldg frm) 5.5 5 5 Eccentrically Braced Frame (with) 7 8 8 Eccentrically Bracked Frame (w/out) 7 7 7 2007 Structures Congress 02 05 Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 30 R factor comparisons System 97 Light Frame with SWP (bearing) 5.5 6 6.5 Light Frame with other (bearing) 4.5 2 2 Light Frame with SWP (bldg frm) 6.5 6.5 7 Light Frame with other (bldg frm) 5 Light Frame with straps (bearing) 2.8 4 2007 Structures Congress 02 05 2.5 2.5 Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 4 31 Height Limits • Most shear wall and braced frame systems limited to 160 feet high in SD Categories D and E, and to 100 feet in SD Category F • These limits can be increase to 240 feet and 160 feet, respectively for some structures – No line resists more than 60% of base shear – Torsional force < 20% of total force in the line • Many exceptions, especially for nonbuilding 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 32 Concrete Shear Wall - Frame • Limited to SD Category B • Ordinary detailing for wall and frame • Analyze for interaction and provide as a minimum – Walls strong enough for 0.75 Vx at each story – Frames strong enough for 0.25 Vx at each story 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 33 12.3 Diaphragms, Configuration, and Redundancy 1. Diaphragm Flexibility in Analysis 2. Identification of Irregularities in System Configuration 3. Limitations on and Penalties for Irregularities 4. Redundancy – Significant changes from prior edition 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 34 Diaphragm Flexibility Assume Flexible if Assume Rigid if • Wood or steel deck with concrete or masonry walls • 1 or 2 family residential if light frame • Compute ΔDia > 2 * δvert • Concrete slab (or filled deck) with span to depth < 3 and no horizontal irregularity 2007 Structures Congress Otherwise: • Must analyze system including actual stiffness of diaphragm! Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 35 Configuration: Basic Parameters Size Proportion 2007 Structures Congress Shape Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 36 Plan Irregularities Type Measure 1a Torsional irregularity corner > 1.2 center 1b Extreme torsional irregularity corner > 1.4 center Note: torsional irregularity not checked for flexible diaphragms 2 Re-entrant corners Both projections > 15% of respective sides 3 Diaphragm discontinuity 50% change in a level or from level to level 4 Out-of-plane offsets absolute 5 Nonparallel systems absolute 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 37 Vertical Irregularities Type Measure 1a Stiffness-Soft Story Story stiffness < 70% above 1b Stiffness- Extreme Soft Story Story stiffness < 60% above 2 Weight (Mass) More than 150% adjacent story Note: 1 and 2 dropped if no story drift exceeds 130% of story above 3 Vertical Geometric Length of SFRS >130% of that in adjacent story 4 In-Plane Discontinuity Offset > length of element or a reduction in stiffness below 5a Capacity-Weak Story Lat strength < 80% of above 5b Extreme Weak Story Lat strength < 65% of above 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 38 Configuration Limitations • • • • Horiz 1b not permitted in SD Cat E+ Vert 1b, 5a not permitted in SD Cat E+ Vert 5b not permitted in SD Cat D+ Vert 5b limited to 2 stories or 30 feet in SD Cat B or C, unless weak story strength capable of 0 times design force 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 39 Configuration Penalties • Horiz 4 and Vert 4 (column, slab, beam, or truss elements supporting discontinuous elements) to resist 0 force (all SD Categories) • Horiz 1, 2, 3, 4 and Vert 4 have 25% increase in force for connection of diaphragm to vert element and collectors in SD Cat D+; also req’d for collectors except those already designed for 0 force 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 40 • • • • • • • • • Overview Reorganization New maps; Long period map New systems, revised R factors and limitations Diaphragm assumptions Redundancy factor Dynamic analysis triggers Near fault spectral shape applicability Modal response spectrum analysis Simplified design method 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 41 Redundancy factor Seismic Design Category Reliability Factor B or C ρ 1.0 D, E or F ρ 1.0 or 1.3 is always 1.0 for drift and P-delta calcs and for design of: • Nonstructural components • Nonbuilding structures not similar to buildings • Members designed for 0 forces • Diaphragms • Structures with damping systems 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 42 Redundancy Factor = 1.3 Unless following loss does not an extreme torsional irregularity and does not reduce story strength by more than 33%: • Braced frame: removal of a single brace • Moment frame: loss of moment resistance at both ends of a single beam (or at base of a single cantilever column) • Shear walls: removal of any single pier with h/l > 1.0 (or collector to such a pier) 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 43 12.6 Analysis Method Selection Methods Defined • Equivalent (Static) Lateral Force: ELF • Modal Response Spectrum: MRS • Seismic Response History (Linear and Nonlinear): SRH (Defined in section 16) Alternate classifications: Static / Dynamic Max / Dynamic History Linear / Nonlinear 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 44 What type of Analysis? • The answer depends on: – what performance level you are hoping to achieve – the configuration of the structure – how accurate you need to be • A wide range of choices are available- 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 45 Superior Performance Levels Joe’s Beer! Food! • Behavior will be essentially elastic – For regular structures with short periods, linear static procedures are fine – For regular structures with long periods and all irregular structures - linear dynamic procedures are better, response spectra accurate enough 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 46 Poorer Performance Levels • Inelastic behavior is significant (elastic analyses are the wrong approach!) – For structures dominated by first mode response, pushover analysis may be adequate – For structures with significant hire mode response, nonlinear time history necessary 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 47 Methods Permitted • SD Cat B and C: any defined method • SD Cat D+: ELF permitted for – – – – – Occ Cat I/II < 3 stories Occ Cat I/II of light frame < 4 stories Reg structures with T < 3.5 TS Reg structures of light frame any T Irreg structure with T < 3.5 TS limited to horiz types 2, 3, 4, or 5 and vert types 4, 5a, or 5b • Other SD Cat D+ must use MRS or SRH 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 48 Design Response Spectrum 0.7 0.6 Sa = SD1 / T Sa = SDS(0.4 + 0.6 T/T0) Spectral Acceleration, g 0.5 Drawn for SS = 1.0, Fa = 1.0 S1 = 0.4, Fv = 1.5 TL = 4 Sa = SD1 TL / T2 0.4 0.3 0.4SDS 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 T0 TS 1 2 2007 Structures Congress 3 4 5 6 7 Period, seconds Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 49 Design Response Spectrum 0.7 Drawn for SS = 1.0, Fa = 1.0 S1 = 0.4, Fv = 1.5 TL = 4 Sa = SD1 / T 0.6 Spectral Acceleration, g 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4SDS Sa = SDS(0.4 + 0.6 T/T0) Sa = 0.5 S1 0.2 Sa = SD1 TL / T2 0.1 0.0 0 T0 TS 1 2 2007 Structures Congress 3 4 5 6 7 Period, seconds Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 50 12.8 ELF Method of Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Seismic Base Shear: V = CSW Period Determination Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces Horizontal Distribution of Forces Overturning Story Drift Determination P-Delta Effects 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 51 Seismic Coefficient Basic rules are the design spectrum adjusted for R and I: C S DS S D1 S D1TL R R 2 R T T I I I Cs 0.01 (new minimum) s Also, where S1 > 0.6: 2007 Structures Congress S1 C s 0. 5 R I Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 52 Adjustments to Base Shear • Soil-Structure Interaction per Section 19 is permitted • Low rise buildings in high ground motion areas: If stories < 6 and T < 0.5 seconds Can use SS = 1.5 max 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 53 12.8.2 Period of Vibration • Follow modeling criteria in 12.7 to compute T • Upper bound for forces: T CuTa 2007 Structures Congress SD1 > 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.15 <0.1 Cu 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 54 Approximate Period Ta C h x t n Structure 100% Moment Frames: Steel Concrete Eccentrically Braced 0.028 0.8 0.016 0.9 0.03 0.75 All others 0.02 2007 Structures Congress Ct x 0.75 Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 55 What is hn? – Concept of Base Masonry wall RC frame hn hn RC wall Base Base RC wall 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 56 Alternate Estimates for Ta • 100% moment frames up to 12 stories with story heights at least 10 feet: , Ta = 0.1N • Shear walls of concrete or masonry: 0.0019 Ta hn Cw 2007 Structures Congress 2 Ai 100 hn Cw 2 AB i 1 hi hi 1 0.83 Di x Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 57 Vertical Distribution of Force Equivalent static force at level x: Fx CvxV Cvx k x x wh n wh i 1 k i i n Story Shear: Vx Fi ix where wi , wx: Portion of W assigned to level i or x hi , hx: Height of level i or x above base k sets the shape of distribution and depends on T 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 58 Shape of Vertical Distribution 1 ≤ k ≤ 2: Varies with T For T ≤ 0.5, k = 1 (linear distribution) For T ≥ 2.5, k = 2 (parabolic distribution; impact of higher modes) For 0.5 < T < 2.5, k = 2 or k = 0.75 + T/2 (interpolation) 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 59 ELF - Story Shears n Vx Fi Sum the story forces from the top down i x Distribution of story forces intended to give proper envelope of maximum story shears for a regular building. It does not give envelope of maximum story forces. F 2007 Structures Congress V Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 60 ELF - Horizontal Distribution • Distribute story shear to vertical elements per relative stiffness of vertical elements and diaphragm • Account for computed (inherent) torsion - eccentricity between mass and resistance • Add accidental torsion, except for flexible diaphragms • Amplify torsion if torsionally irregular 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 61 Torsional Irregularity max av g min max 1.2 irregular avg 1.4 extreme For S.D. Category C, D, E or F accidental eccentricity must be multiplied by Ax where Ax 2007 Structures Congress 2 max 3 .0 1.2 avg Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 62 ELF - Overturning Moments n M x Fi hi hx Story force times height to level under consideration. ix • Overestimate where higher modes are significant . • Prior “codes” allowed up to a 20% reduction in tall buildings • Now require modal analysis for such structures, thus this provision is now deleted • Moment can be reduced 25% at foundation, permitting some rocking F 2007 Structures Congress V M Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 63 Definition of Drift Cd xe Structural displacement, x I where, xe Elastic deflection calculated from design forces Cd Deflection amplification factor I Importance factor No reduction for ASD, but, can ignore limit on T 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 64 Stability: P-Δ Effects Δ P Deflection introduces P-Δ moment which increases deflection, which increases moment ….. Structure must be designed to prevent collapse due to P-Δ effects 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 65 Stability: P-Δ Effects • Determine stability coefficient, θ, for each story Px Vx hsxCd • If θ > 0.10 at any level, then all design forces and moments must be increased by factor 1+ad where ad 1 • Check max 2007 Structures Congress 0 .5 0.25 Cd Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 66 Derivation of Stability Factor θ δf P V P V k V h Undeformed A Deformed B Equilibrium at B: Response C Vh P f k f h 0 δ V f h k o V , then Vh P f 0 o o o Rearranging terms: f P o 1 1 Vh Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 2007 Structures Congress 67 Define: P-Delta • What if your analysis program “includes” P-Delta and you don’t want to make a second set of output? • max must still be checked • Compute * from displacements that include P-Delta, then * max 1 * 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 68 12.9 Modal Response Spectrum Analysis Method 1. Minimum Number of Modes 2. Adjustment of Response Parameters by R/I (forces) and Cd/I (displacements) 3. Combining Modes for Total Response 4. Scaling of Design Values 5. Horizontal Shear Distribution, Torsion 6. P-Delta 7. Soil Structure Interaction 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 69 M.R.S. Analysis • Include enough modes to obtain a combined modal mass participation of at least 90% of the actual mass in each of the orthogonal directions of response • Short period branch of spectrum is usable • Divide spectrum by (R/I) to obtain force responses • Multiply each displacement by (Cd/I) 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 70 Combining Modal Results • Basic rule is Square Root of Sum of Squares (SRSS) • Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC) always permitted (see ASCE 4) • CQC required where modal periods are closely spaced or where translational and torsional modes are cross correlated 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 71 Design Response Spectrum 0.7 0.6 Sa = SD1 / T Sa = SDS(0.4 + 0.6 T/T0) Spectral Acceleration, g 0.5 Drawn for SS = 1.0, Fa = 1.0 S1 = 0.4, Fv = 1.5 TL = 4 Sa = SD1 TL / T2 0.4 0.3 0.4SDS 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 T0 TS 1 2 2007 Structures Congress 3 4 5 6 7 Period, seconds Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 72 Scaling Modal Results • Compute limiting base shear, V, by ELF; if T exceeds CuTa, then use T = CuTa • Compare 85% of this force with combined modal base shear, Vt • If Vt < 0.85V then multiply all combined response quantities from modal analysis by 0.85V / Vt 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 73 M.R.S. Analysis • Critical direction of load applies (orthogonal combinations) • Inherent torsion automatically included • Accidental torsion: two choices: – Offset mass to achieve accidental eccentricity - Include static torsion as a load case • P-Delta applies as for ELF • Soil Structure Interaction analysis permitted 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 74 12.12 Drift and Deformation 1. Story Drift – – – Satisfy limits per table; occupancy is factor If irregular, include torsion effect in SD Cat C+ Divide allowable by for MF in SD Cat D+ 2. Diaphragm Deflection 3. Building Separation 4. Compatibility for SD Category D+ 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 75 Drift Ratio Limits Structure Occupancy Category UBC I or II III IV 4 stories, no masonry 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.025* Masonry cantilever 0.010 0.010 0.010 Other masonry 0.007 0.007 0.007 All other 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.020* 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 76 Deformation Compatibility Applies to • SD Category D+ • All structural components not in SFRS • Check capacity for gravity load combined with effects induced from design drift; rational analysis of restraint required • ACI 318 Chap 21 acceptable alternate 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 77 • • • • • • • • • Overview Reorganization New maps; Long period map New systems, revised R factors and limitations Diaphragm assumptions Redundancy factor Dynamic analysis triggers Near fault spectral shape applicability Modal response spectrum analysis Simplified design method 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 78 12.14 Simplified Alternate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. General (Limitations/Eligibility) Design Basis (& Load Combinations) SFRS Identification (& Combinations) Diaphragm Flexibility Direction of Loading Design & Detailing: Load path connections, collectors, wall anchorage 7. ELF Analysis 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 79 Limitations • • • • Occupancy Category I or II Site Class A, B, C, or D 1, 2, or 3 stories Bearing Wall or Building Frame System – Braced frames or shear walls – No unbraced (moment) frames • “Regular” 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 80 Torsional Regularity • Flexible diaphragms: – Overhang (cantilever) < depth / 5 – Controls displacement at edge – Controls torsion in non-flexible • Non-flexible diaphragm – Eccentricity < 15% width of diaphragm – Minimum torsional stiffness 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 81 Torsion m n i 1 j 1 2 2 k d k d 1i 1i 2 j 2 j e1 2 m 2.5(0.05 )b1 k1i b1 i 1 •k1i - lateral stiffness, wall “i” parallel to 1 •k2j - lateral stiffness, wall “j” parallel to 2 •d1i,- the distance from the wall “i” to the center of rigidity, perpendicular to axis 1 •d2j is the distance from the wall “j” to the center of rigidity, perpendicular to axis 2 •e1 is the distance perpendicular to axis 1 between the center of rigidity and the center of mass •b1 is the width of the diaphragm perpendicular to axis 1 •m is the number of walls in direction 1 •n is the number of walls in direction 2 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 82 Regularity • Limit skewed alignments to 15 degrees • Use simplified method for design in both horizontal directions • No in-plane or out-of-plane offsets – Exception: shear walls in 2 story light frame – Must use Ω0 ( = 2.5 for all structures) • No weak stories (80% rule) 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 83 Seismic Design Category • Limited to Occupancy groups I and II • Only use SDS, therefore SDS < 0.33 gives Category B SDS < 0.50 gives Category C SDS > 0.50 gives Category D • Can have Category E if S1 is high 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 84 Combined Effects • Vertical Seismic Load = 0.2 S DS W • Combine positive vertical seismic load where gravity and effect of horizontal seismic add; combine negative vertical seismic load where gravity offsets effect of horizontal seismic • Orthogonal combinations not required 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 85 R Factor Table • Includes wood shear walls, all concrete and masonry walls and all steel bracing systems – special, ordinary, intermediate, plain, detailed, etc – and composite steel/concrete walls • Includes specific citations to reference standards for detailing the systems • No Cd or Ω0 factors here 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 86 Detailed Rules • • • • Connections: 0.2SDSwi or 0.05wi Openings and corners in shear panels Collectors: Ω0 = 2.5 (except light frame) Diaphragms: – use the story force – provide continuous ties • Anchor concrete/masonry walls (flexible) 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 87 Detailed Rules • • • • No orthogonal combinations Redundancy factor = 1.0 Bearing walls: out of plane = 0.4SDSwc Nonstructural components – same as any other building 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 88 Simplified ESF Analysis • Base Shear F S DS V W R • Story Force F S DS Fi wi R 2007 Structures Congress • Story factor F = 1.0 for one story 1.1 for two stories 1.2 for three stories • Same acceleration at all levels of building (very simple!) • No I factor, No period T Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 89 Simplified Response Acceleration • Use only SDS; don’t use S1S • Equation S DS 2 Fa SS 3 • Site response amplifier Fa = 1.0 for rock 1.4 for soil 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 90 Drift and Separation • Do not have to check drift • Use 1% drift for purposes of building separation, nonstructural component compatibility, etc, unless actually computed 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 91 Overview • Introduction to Earthquake Engineering • Basic Criteria in ASCE 7 – 2005 – Ground Motions – Response Spectrum – Occupancy and Seismic Design Categories • Seismic Design for Buildings – – – – – Basic Requirements System Requirements Analysis Diaphragms, Walls, Foundations Simplified Method 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 92 Errata • Go to the SEI website www.seinstitute.org • Go to the “Publications” in the bar at the top • Click on the “Errata” tab • Download pdf files for ASCE 7-05 (and any other structural standards you may need) 2007 Structures Congress Seismic Design Under ASCE 7-2005 93