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Energy Efficiency Measures List

1. Steam Systems
 Boiler Energy Efficiency Measures
 Steam Distribution System Energy Efficiency Measures
 Process Integration
2. Motor Systems and Pump Systems
Energy Efficiency Measures for Motor Systems
Energy Efficiency Measures for Pump Systems
3. Refrigeration Systems
Refrigeration System Management
Cooling Load Reduction
Condensers and Evaporators
4. Compressed Air Systems
Energy Efficiency Measures for Compressed Air Systems
5. Building Energy Efficiency Measures
Energy Efficiency Measures for HVAC Systems
Energy Efficiency Measures for Lighting
Energy Efficiency Measures for building envelop & room isolation
6. Self Generation
7. Process Specific Efficiency Measures
Energy Efficiency Measures for Pasteurization, Sterilization, and Other Similar Heat Treatments
Energy Efficiency Measures for Evaporation
Energy Efficiency Measures for Drying
Energy Efficiency Measures for Miscellaneous Processes
8. Emerging Energy Efficient Technologies
9. Basic Water Efficiency Measures
Clean In Place (CIP) Improvements
General Facility Water Conservation Techniques(ETP/STP)
Boiler process control
Boiler replacement
Reduction of flue gas quantities
Direct contact with water heating
Reduction of excess air
Condensing economizer
Properly sized boiler systems
Segregate hot water system according to
Improved boiler insulation
Boiler maintenance
Condensate return
Flue gas heat recovery
Blow down steam recovery
Steam Distribution Systems
Improved distribution system insulation
Steam trap monitoring
Insulation maintenance
Leak repair
Steam trap improvement
Flash steam recovery
Steam trap maintenance
Process Integration
Process integration
Motor Systems
Motor management plan
Strategic motor selection
Properly sized motors
Pump system maintenance
Pump system monitoring
Pump demand reduction
High-efficiency pumps
Properly sized pumps
Refrigeration Systems
Refrigeration System Management
Good housekeeping
Monitoring system performance
Ensuring proper refrigerant charge
Refrigeration system controls
Cooling Load Reduction
Piping insulation
Pinch analysis
Adjustable-speed drives
Power factor correction
Minimizing voltage imbalances
Multiple pumps for variable loads
Impeller trimming
Avoiding throttling valves
Replacement of belt drives
Proper pipe sizing
Adjustable-speed drives
Efficient piping design
Thermal storage
Checking for refrigerant contamination
Segregation of refrigeration systems
Geothermal cooling
Minimizing heat sources in cold storage areas
Reducing heat infiltration in cold storage
Reducing building heating loads
Free cooling
Cooling towers
Compressor control systems and scheduling
Floating head pressure control
Indirect lubricant cooling
Raising system suction pressure
Condensers and Evaporators
Keeping condensers clean
Automatic purging of condensers
Reducing condenser fan use
Reducing condensing pressure
Use of axial condenser fans
Compressed Air Systems
System improvements
Leak reduction
Turning off unnecessary compressed air
Modification of system in lieu of increased
Replacement of compressed air by other
Improved load management
Building Energy Efficiency Measures
HVAC systems
Energy-efficient system design
Energy monitoring and control systems
Non-production hours set-back temperatures
Duct leakage repair
Variable-air-volume systems
Adjustable-speed drives
Heat recovery systems
Fan modification
Turning off lights in unoccupied areas
Lighting controls
Tank Insulation for storage tanks
Mixing in storage tanks
Properly sized motors
Optimized air flow pattern
Compressor heat recovery
Dedicating a compressor to defrosting
Adjustable-speed drives
Using an economizer with a single stage, low
temperature compressor
Adjustable-speed drives on condenser fans
Cycling of evaporator fans in cold storage
Adjustable-speed drives on evaporator fans
Demand defrost
Water defrosting
Pressure drop minimization
Inlet air temperature reduction
Properly sized pipe diameters
Heat recovery from compressors
Natural gas engine-drive compressors
Buffer tank to regulate compressor duty cycle
Efficient exhaust fans
Use of ventilation fans
Infrared heating
Solar air heating
Building reflection
Building insulation
Low-emittance windows
Air curtains
Replacement of T-12 tubes with T-8 tubes
High-intensity discharge voltage reduction
LED Exit signs
Electronic ballasts
High-intensity florescent lights
Combined heat and power
Photovoltaic panels
Solar thermal water preheating
Process Specific Energy Efficiency Measures
Pasteurization/Sterilization/Heat Treatment
Reclamation/adding plates
Compact immersion tube heat exchangers
Helical heat exchangers
Multiple effect evaporators
Thermal vapor recompression
Spray Drying
Operating temperature optimization
Strategic placement of air intake
Inlet air monitoring
Heat recovery from product
Miscellaneous measures
Good mixing in cooking tanks
Cave aging (with use of heat pumps)
Emerging Technologies
Heat pumps for waste heat recovery
Pulsed electric field pasteurization
Geothermal heat pumps
Advanced rotary burners
Water Efficiency Measures (Chapter 15)
CIP Improvements
Reuse or recovery distribution systems
Single phase cleaning
Over-ride procedure
Optimization of phase separation
General Techniques
Good housekeeping
Wastewater treatment
Recycling of milk waste as fertilizer
Use of water efficient building fixtures
Use of small diameter hoses
Use of automated start/stop controls
Induction heating of liquids
Heat exchanger enhancement techniques
Mechanical vapor recompression
Concentration using membrane filtration
Exhaust heat recovery
Use of multiple stage drying
Use of crystallization (dry whey only)
Using other concentration techniques
Creating 80% whey instead of powdered
Use whey permeate to feed biogas reactor
High hydrostatic pressure pasteurization
UV pasteurization
LED Lighting
Pulse rinse on tanks
RO or evaporative water use in CIP
Air blows
Reducing cooling tower bleed-off
High pressure low volume sprays
Low pressure foam cleaning
Pre-soaking of floors and equipment
Membrane filtration