Uploaded by Cristi Tanase

Organisational Behaviour Assessment Report

BMA4001-20: Organisational Behaviour & Management
Assessment 1: An Individual Business Report of 2,000 words (+/- 10%)
(40% of module marks)
1. Assessment Preparation:
For the first assessment of module BMA4001-20 ‘Organisational Behaviour & Management,
you are required to write a report of 2,000 words applying key organisational behaviour theory to a
specific organisation.
Before you start writing you will need to identify an organisation that you either work for at
the moment or have worked for in the past. If you have never worked for an organisation, then you
will need to choose an extracurricular organisation you are involved in, or an alternative organisation
that you know a lot about. This could be an organisation a parent, partner or sibling works for. If you
are having difficulty selecting an organisation, please discuss this with your seminar tutor.
You will be expected to write in specific detail about what happens in the organisation’s
internal environment – relative to organisational behaviour concepts.
When you have chosen your organisation, you then need to answer the following question:
“How can line management motivate employees to respond positively to organisational
change within your chosen organisation?” Consider individual level, group level and
organisational level challenges that could arise.
2. Organisational Theories:
To help you answer the question, use ONE organisational theory (choose from any of the
organisational theories that we have introduced in lectures/seminars.
You will need to apply the chosen theory to your chosen organisation.
3. Report Details:
You need to write a business report, which includes each of the following sections:
1. Briefly Introduce the organisation you have chosen to write about (5% of marks)
2. Briefly introduce the key organisational theory that you will use (5% of marks)
3. Answer the question, using your chosen organisational theory and applying it to your
organisation (40% of marks)
4. Provide a critical evaluation of your chosen theory (30% of marks)
5. Provide recommendations for the organisation to implement (20%)
You need to ensure your report:
Is closely linked to the key academic theory throughout.
Is within the requested word limit of 2,000 words +/- 10%.
Uses a suitable report structure (include an executive summary)
Is well presented, professional and includes scholarly / peer-reviewed references
Uses good grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Uses BSU Harvard Referencing as detailed at http://www.citethemrightonline.com/
More comprehensive details related to this assignment will be given within seminars.
4. Submission Details:
Please ensure your report is uploaded into Turnitin by a deadline (22nd January 2024, Time: