04/1 GLOBALIZATION REGIONALISM * the rapid expansion and intensification of social relations 8eross world -time and world -space (Steger, 2013) * F@glonalization is part of globalization A World of Regions Regionalism and Regionaljzation * Region: Learning Outcomes : i. 2. Differentiate globalization, regionalization and reglonalism, Explain how reglons are formed and kept together, 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of reglonalism, 4. Identify the factors that led to a greater integration of the Aslan region. = ‘a group of countries in the same geographically spgeifiad area; « an amalgamation of two regions; » a combination of two or more regions organized tg ragulate and oversee flows and policy choices * Regionalization: is the regional concentration of econgmiz flaws(goods, services and people} * Regionalism * A political process characterized by economic poligy ¢pgperation and coordination among countries « “the formal process of intergovernmental collaborgi|an between two or more states » set of conscious activities carried out by states within a region (ASEAN) ——rey Reasons for regionalism * There Is strength |n nu ribers, (ASEAN dialogue with USA) * Military ASIAN REGIONALISM alliance (NATO) * Political Alliance against supe rpower polities * Economic Alliance/ Trade Partnership/ Economic crisis Globalized Asia BY EHITO KIMURA iy Framework Em ow EE OE EN Ee oe security Em ms mm ferent modes of regionalism : economle, poli tical, cultural, and South Asia em » Example : ASEAN, EU » Dif Asia Pacific Bm » Definition shared |dentity and purpose; process through which larger geograph|cal areas emerge as political organizations Em SF What is Regionalism? — 1 Oternalisy View 1. The Region as an Ob ject I mpacted by Glob alization Colonial rule and do minance Advantages and di sadvantages of coloni al rule CS lonized Asian countries 2. Woarld war 11 * Influenced by exte rnal forces 1 externalist Effects on Employment Practices view * Globalization initiated significant changes in employment practices * Characteristics * Temporary and part time employment * Informal employment: self employment, family workers, Informal enterprise workers 3. Adoption of export or iented growth * Japan, Korea and Taiw an (1380s and 1990s) * Underemployment: 25% of work forca Philippines 18% of work force; Indonesia = * No legal contracts * Poor working conditio ns and safety issues at factor manufacture goods for ies that Western companies | i 4. 5. 6. 7. 1 IMF and WB (Bretton Wood System) Asian Financial Crisis Membership to WTO Liberalization of Economy AI viewR | * Rise of China: Deng Xiaoping 1970s: economic reform — liberalization of the economy Effects on Politics * There was a substantial fal| in authoritarian regime; rise in democratic regime * Due to: * Rising middle classes * More globally connected world * End of Cold War * Fall of Suharto in May 1998, Influence on culture externulist Influence on Diets View * Globalization is a form of Cultural westernizati on called McWorld * Asla have been increasingly westernized * Wheat replaced rice as staple food je * MeDonaldization , * MTV-ization * Hellywoodization ¥ =o | Se, Influence on Culture al « Globalization Is leading to cultur of cultural genization and destruction Generating Globalization: Asia as a Springboard McD Ones 1. Spice trade hamo 2. Early modern world economy: central was diversity : + Increase in number of McDonald stores In 3, Asia » Rise of domestic fast food chains arkets + Rapid expansion of superm Asia Colonialism: influenced the colonizers as well 4, Rise of Japan on procurementof raw materials 5. Rise of China: producer and consumer ding JONG) Generating Globalization: Asia as a Springboard 6. Rise of India * on IT / software development 7. 8. * Global service provider outsourcin an g d offshoring Internationa! migrant labor Remittance from migrant workers (Ph = 11% of the Ph economy) as a Generating Globalization: Asia Springboard 8. arrangements e ad tr ee fr al on gi re of Rise Open regionallsm Market al ob Gl in s t c u d o r 10. Asian P 9, A — er BT ye or Generating Globallzatian: Asla as a Springboard The ant global im pulse: Regional alternat ives to globalization 1. 2. Japan's colonization of the region in 1930s and 40s — East Aslan Co-Prosperit y Sphere Promotion of the Asian way (Mahathir Mohammad) = Aslans respect hard work, thr ift, authority: community over the individual The anti global impulse: Regional alternatives to globalization Regienal arrangements (ASEAN) 3. Asian Monetary Fund (no USA) 4, yah, Abu Sayyaf, mi la Is ah ma Je — (JI k or tw ne or rr Regienal ta 5, : | BIEF, Ma ute-ISIS g » movements that emerged d its own currency Sp §uk In Thailand: created Seikatsu Community Supported Agriculture an Japan: locally and ethically) Elub (en eouraged to buy Suggested Activity * Organized the students on the following broad regional divisions : North America ; China ; Korea; Middle East South America ; Japan ; 96uth Asia ; South East Asia * Trace how THE REGION has changed from the time before the Européan powers, then during the era of colonialism, until its independaiice. The Bn