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1IGP20 GuestLectureCareerSkillsPersonalNotes Baerten Tiebo

Kanban as a Visual Management System:
Kanban is a system that uses visuals to manage tasks.
Originally created by Toyota for factories, it's now used for all kinds of projects.
Kanban boards can be customized to show how tasks move through a system.
It helps with organizing, identifying roadblocks, and improving processes.
Focuses on managing task flow to boost efficiency.
Time Management and Planning in Project Management:
Estimating time and planning is hard, as we can't predict or control everything.
The Knafen model is mentioned as a tool to determine decision domains, such as
clear, complicated, and complex domains
Efficient Work Strategies:
To work efficiently, avoid multitasking.
Use the Eisenhower matrix to prioritize tasks.
Break big projects into smaller, manageable tasks.
Remember Little's Law: tasks take the time you allocate.
Focus on one task at a time for better productivity.
Schedule rest and create slack time for better work quality.
The Iron Triangle Concept in Project Management:
The Iron Triangle has three aspects: scope, timing, and resources.
You can't have all three fixed, so adjustments are needed.
Change resources or deadlines to manage the Iron Triangle.
When goals are unclear, start with a general direction and try different approaches.
This concept helps project managers balance constraints for successful outcomes.