Introducti on Push workout form examples Schedule Leg workout Benchmark Test & Program Customi zation Leg workout form examples Progression Exercises Leg workout form examples Pu11 workout Progressing in calisthenics Pull workout form examples Progression Pull workout form examples Progression Push workout Push workout form examples pathways (pull) pathways (push) Progression pathways (leg) v; INTRODUCTION CALISTHENICS � Starter Workout Program program will focus on starting your calisthenics 」ourney by helping you build the necessary strength which is required for further sk ill training. Man y beginners overlook the basics and skip straight to advance skills which is an inef什cient training method and is one that often results in in」ury. The routines in this prog ram will ensure that you progress smoothly and give you guidance on what paths you might want to take based on your strength and goals. W ith that, the biggest piece of advice that I can give to everyone who is starting, or training calisthenics is to stay consistent. There will be times when progress is slow but if you dig at it little by little you will eventually reach that end goal of yours. This An important thing I want to discuss is core training. Many people have a common misconception about abs, thinking that the only way to get them is by isolating them. I am tired of seeing these clickbait "five-minute ab workouts"saying you will get abs by doing their workout. This is complete bullshit. You cannot spot reduce fat in your stomach by doing abs workouts. The only way to get visible abs is t o drop down in body fat percentage by being in a calori c de ficit. I have not included any core specific workouts in this program because I feel that it is unnecessary. As a matter of fact, I have not done any isolated core workouts in years! This is because all calisthenics exercises are compound exercises where you should already be activating your core. I find it redundant to specifically target them unless you are training for extremely core intensive skills such as v-sit and manna. 劝 th that being said, just training calisthenics in general will give you a strong solid core and putting yourself through hell with isolated core workouts is not necessary. The exercises in this program would be what I consider the "basics" of calisthenics. These basics should be used to build up an initial foundation for those just starting calisthenics. Basics are also used by me and other professional calisthenics athletes to supplement and progress advanced skill training. Many beginners try to train for advanced skills once they start calisthenics, but the lack of foundational strength causes them to become frustrated and give up. If you master these basics in the beginning, you will have a MUCH easier time progressing with skills. I cannot stress enough the importance of basics. PLEASE DO NOT Sl<IP THEM! 1 There will be five workouts over the course of the week. Two push days, two pull days, and one leg day. Ideally you would group one push day and one pull day together, followed by a rest day and then another push day and a pull day. The leg day can be fit into its own day or done with the push or pull day. The order in which you do the workouts can be rearranged based on your personal schedule. Example of the schedule that I use: MONDAY:PUSH TUESDAY: PULL WEDNESDAY: REST THURSDAY: PUSH FRIDAY PULL SATURDAY:REST SUNDAY:LEGS Workouts will be structured into a circuit format with shorter rest times between each exercise and longer rest times between each circuit set. Please complete the exercises in the order they are listed. Rest times: 60-90 second rest between exercises, 2-4 minute rest between circuit sets (If you just started working out you may not be able to keep up with these rest times, if that is the case rest till you feel like you can complete the sets and as you progress slowly drop the rest times to align with the program. For all exercises focus on having an explosive concentric and a slow eccentric. By training like this you will build fast twitch muscle fi bers, and in turn will help you gain more explosive power in the long term. I have included form videos for the exercises in the workouts please refer to them and do all exercises with proper form! A big ego will get you no where in calisthenics. Remember, form over reps! 2 v; BENCHMARK TEST CALISTHENICS PROGRAM CUSTOMIZATION Since everyone is different, the rep ranges for the rou tine should be determined from an initial strength test. The rep ranges I have provided are only To test & for general guidance. y our initial strength for t his routine, complete the firs t circuit set of the pull, push, and leg workout to your maximal ability and jot down your max reps for each exercise. This test should be done in order of the exercises listed with the recommended rest between each exercise. If the exercises in this test are too hard you can do easier progressions of the exercise (see progressions section) Take those numbers and sub trac will be the reps one or two. If t 1-2 reps from each exercise and the numbers you are left with for your first set. After each set decrease the number of reps of each exercise by you cannot complete the reps later in the workout due to fatigue, you can replace the exercises with easier progressions starting from the point of failure. *Example: Let's say you have to do 4 reps of inverted pullup rows for your circuit set but you fa仆 at rep 2. You will replace the remaining reps with an easier progression exercise for inverted pullup rows (see progression exercise section) and complete the set. I t is important to 」ot the progression exerc ise you use along with the reps you replaced because as you progressively overload you will want to gradually decrease the number of easier progression reps and eventually be able to complete the set with the initial exercise you failed with. The rep ranges in the workouts will be based off an example benchmark test (located top right) so you can see a demonstration of how to compute your plan based on your own personal benchmark test. 3 v; PROGRESSION CALISTHENICS EXERCISES Progressions of each exercises is listed on the right of the workouts. These progression exercises can be substituted for their respective exercises from the routine which you find too difficult/ easy. The progression exercises are ordered from easiest to hardest. Pick the exercise which is not too easy nor too hard. You should be able to com plete around 6-10 reps of the progression exercise you pick as a working set. Ad」ust the rep ranges accordingly into the routine based on your initial strength test results. 4 Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the form videos. click edit on top left-> preferences-> security (enhanced) -> uncheck enable protected mode at startup (preview) then restart program. You can also save the videos to your device by right click-> disable content-> right click-> save video as... If you have any technical difficulties with the videos feel free to send me a message on Instagram or email me. Pullups: Hands placed slightly over shoulder width Keep scapula slightly retracted during the pullup After each rep go back to dead hang and reactivate scapula Core engaged, prevents swinging Chin should clear bar in a neutral head position Aim to get your chest as close to the bar as possible Control the negative Chinups: Hands placed slightly over shoulder width Keep scapula slightly retracted during the chin After each rep go back to dead hang and reactivate scapula Core engaged, prevents swinging Chin should clear bar in a neutral head position Aim to get your chest as close to the bar as possible Control the negative Inverted pullup/chinup rows: Hands placed slightly over shoulder width Protract scapula before you start the rep and retract scapula at the top Core engaged, whole body should be in line Do not flare elbows Aim to get your chest as close to the bar as possible Can be done using two chairs or under a stable table Pullup/chinup negatives: Jump to the upmost portion of the pullup/chinup Hands placed slightly over shoulder width Maintain scapula retraction thoughout the negative Keep core engaged to minimize swinging Circuit Set 1 The example rep ranges are based off this sample benchmark test: 7 Dips 9 Close g rip decline 8 dips Pushups 11 W ide pushups 10 Close g rip decline Pushups 12 Close g rip incline pushups 12 Wide pushups Circuit Set 2 14 Close g rip incline pushups 6 Dips 8 Close g rip decline Progression Excercises: Pushups 10 W ide pushups Dips: 11 Close g rip incline pushups l?ent knee bench dips, ��raig ht l� g bench dip, Dip negatwe, Circuit Set 3 5 Dips Leg assisted/ Band assisted dips, NormaI dip, Weig hted.dips 7 Close g rip decline pushups Close g rip decli ne pushups: 9 W ide pushups (Dif行cu| t节 can a|so be increased bg making_ the g rip _ narrower_ and(or- 10 Close g rip incline pushups squeezi ng t oget h�r your han_dsharder arid yice versa, adjusl according to your level) Circuit Set 4 �!ose g rip on !<nees wit� 9ecrease� �ec;!ine, C|ose g r!p on knees with increased dec|ine, C|ose gr! p with decreased dec|ine, 4 Dips ;:1_ose rip with increased dec ine,l Diamo-ndwith decreased decline, Diamond with increased decline. Wide Pushups: 6 Close g rip decline Pushups 8 W ide pushups 9 Close g rip incline pushups (T_hewider your arms a_refrom shoulder width the harder so adjust according ly) �tandard pushup on knees, Wide pushup on knees, Circuit Set 5 Rep out dips (Max_l_O_second break between reps until failure) �tandard pLishup, Wide pushup , Archer pushup Circuit Set 6 Close g rip i ncli ne pushups: (Dif行cu| t节 can aIso be increased bµ Rep out push ups (Max 1_ 0s�cond break between· reps un til failure) makmg t e g rl narrower and sq ueezmg [ ands harder and vice versa, 叩ether your a」ust according to your level) C|ose g rip on knees with increased i nc|ine, C|ose g r!p on knees with decreased inc|ine, CIose g r!p with increased inc|ine, C|ose g rlp with decreased inc|ine, Diamo-ndwith i ncreased i ncline, Diamond with decreased incline 8 Dips: Core engaged to prevent swinging If dip bars are tall enough keep legs straight and in line with your body throughout the rep, ff dip bars are short like in this example, keep legs bent behind you Do not cross legs as it can lead to muscle imbalances over time Maintain a slight lean on the way down Elbows should reach 90°or even slightly past 90°if you have good shoulder mobility Keep elbows tucked in throughout, do not flare elbows out Can be done on two parallel chairs Close grip decline pushups: Make sure to imagine squeezing both hands together on the way up, will build mind muscle connection with your chest Core activated with posterior pelvic tilt Lower back straight, in line with upper back Hands in line with shoulders Do not flare elbows Elbows should be a little under 90°at the deepest part of the pushups Wide pushups: Core activated Posterior pelvic tilt to get more range of motion Lower back straight, in line with upper back Hand position not too forward or back (in line with shoulders) Do not flare elbows Elbows should be a little under 90°at the deepest part of the pushups, chest should almost touch floor Close grip incline pushups: Make sure to imagine squeezing both hands together on the way up, will build mind muscle connection with your chest Core activated with posterior pelvic tilt Lower back straight, in line with upper back Hands should be in line with mid chest Do not flare elbows Elbows should be a little under 90° at the deepest part of the pushups, chest should almost touch floor Hand assisted shrimp squats: Hold opposite leg and pull back till it is almost in line with upper body Use other hand for assistance/balance Knee should touch floor during the deepest part of the squat Core engaged throughout the squat Hand assisted nordic curls: Try to go down as far as possible before catching yourself with hands Aim to do most of the concentric movement with your hamstrings and not the pushup Engage your core and aim to do movement without pelvic tilt if you are strong enough Keep legs wedged under something heavy such as a couch Hand assisted pistol squats: Keep opposite leg outstretched throughout the squat Use hand on side of extended leg for balance and the opposite side for assistance Extended leg should be parallel to the floor during the deepest portion of the squat If you lack hamstring flexibility do them on an elevated surface Elevated Single leg calve raises: Use a wall for balance Pause for one second at the top Pause for two seconds at the bottom and make sure you feel the calve stretch Don't use momentum and go slow and controlled