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Vocabulary List: Borrowings & Loan Words

第一組 B11504051 化工一 黃稚核
9-1 Borrowings or Loan Words
(adj.) belonging to or relating to Sweden, its
people, or its language 瑞典的
1. precept [ˈpriː.sept]
9. intermediary [ˌɪn.t̬ ɚˈmiː.di.ə.ri]
(n.) a rule for action or behavior, especially
obtained from moral thought (尤指道德方面的)戒
Synonyms: principle, rule
Ex: This policy goes against common precepts of
(n.) someone who carries messages between people
who are unwilling or unable to meet 調解人;中間
Synonyms: mediator, go-between
Ex: The police negotiated with the gunman through
an intermediary.
2. avid [ˈæ v.ɪd]
第一組 B11502171 機械一 蕭鎧瀚
9-2 Borrowings or Loan Words
(adj.) extremely eager or interested 熱衷的
Synonyms: anxious, athirst, eager, keen
Ex: He took an avid interest in the project.
3. morpheme [ˈmɔːr.fiːm]
(n.) the smallest unit of language that has its own
meaning, either a word or a part of a word 語素;
Synonyms: speech form, expression, term, word
Ex: "Worker" contains two morphemes: "work"
and "-er".
10. dialect [ˈdaɪ.ə.lekt]
(n.) a form of a language that people speak in a
particular part of a country, containing some
different words and grammar, etc. 方言
Synonyms: idiom, accent, vernacular, patois, slang
Ex: It also belongs to a dialect, but whether this
should really be labeled 'royalese' as if this were a
distinct dialect is doubtful.
11. tribe [traɪb]
(n.) (a list of) all the words used in a particular
language or subject, or a dictionary (某語言或學科
Synonyms: dictionary, wordbook, vocabulary list
Ex: The precision of each of these lexicons is
plotted versus its number of entries.
(n.) a group of people, often of related families,
who live together, sharing the same language,
culture, and history, especially those who do not
live in towns or cities 部落
Synonyms: primitive group, ethnic group, society,
phratry, clan
Ex: The cultural identity of these tribes was
undermined by the government.
5. phonological [ˌfoʊ.nəˈlɑː.dʒɪ.kəl]
12. be descended from [dɪˈsend]
4. lexicon [ˈlek.sɪ.kən]
(adj.) relating to the sounds in a particular language
or in languages
Synonyms: phonologic, linguistic, verbal,
Ex: Small-group activities focus on phonological
awareness and language skills.
6. etymology [ˌet̬ .ɪˈmɑː.lə.dʒi]
(n.) the study of the origin and history of words, or
a study of this type relating to one particular word
synonyms: derivation, word history
Ex: At university she developed an interest in
7. stage [steɪdʒ]
(n.) a part of an activity or a period of development
Ex: The project is in its final stages and should be
completed by August.
8. Swedish [ˈswiː.dɪʃ]
(phr.) to be related to a particular person or group
of people who lived in the past 是 ... 的後代
Synonyms: come down, go down, slide, settle, drop
Ex: Her father is descended from Greek royalty.
13. affair [əˈfer]
(n.) a situation or subject that is being dealt with or
considered 事務;事情
Synonyms: business, duty, thing, matter, concern
Ex: She organizes her financial affairs very
14. literary [ˈlɪt̬ .ə.rer.i]
(adj.) connected with literature 文學的;與文學相
Synonyms: bookish, learned, formal
Ex: She has been described as the creative colossus
of the literary world.
15. attorney [əˈtɝː.ni]
(n.) a lawyer 律師
Synonyms: lawyer, solicitor, barrister, defender,
public defender
Ex: She's an attorney who advises companies
about mergers and takeovers.
16. lechery [ˈletʃ.ɚ.i]
(n.) behavior, especially by men, that shows a
strong sexual interest in someone (尤指男性)好色
Synonyms: debauchery, lasciviousness, lewdness,
licentiousness, lubricity
Ex: He has a reputation for lechery.
17. jury [ˈdʒʊr.i]
(n.) a group of people who have been chosen to
listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to
decide if a person is guilty or not guilty, or if a
claim has been proved 陪審團
Synonyms: panel
Ex: The jury delivered a verdict of not guilty.
18. estate [ɪˈsteɪt]
(n.) a transparent jelly made from animal bones that
is used in cold savory foods 肉凍
23. bisque [bɪsk]
(n.) a thick soup, especially one that is made from
shellfish (= sea creatures that live in shells) 海味濃
24. bouillon [ˈbʊl.jɑːn]
(n.) a thin, clear soup made by boiling meat and
vegetables in water 清湯
25. canapé [ˈkæ n.ə.peɪ]
(n.) a small, thin, salty biscuit or small piece of
bread with food such as cheese, fish, or meat on
top, that is served with drinks, especially at a party
(n.) a large area of land in the country that is owned
by a family or an organization and is often used for
growing crops or raising animals (位於鄉村的)大
Synonyms: land, property, grounds, territory, tract
Ex: It's a typical country estate with a large house
for the owner, farm buildings, and estate workers'
26. caviar [ˈkæ v.i.ɑːr]
19. parliament [ˈpɑːr.lə.mənt]
28. quiche [kiːʃ]
(n.) in some countries, the group of (usually)
elected politicians or other people who make the
laws for their country 議會;國會
Synonyms: House of Commons, House of Lords,
British Legislature, authority, government
Ex: On Tuesday the country's parliament voted to
establish its own army.
20. sue [suː]
(v.) to take legal action against a person or
organization, especially by making a legal claim
for money because of some harm that they have
caused you 控告;對...提起訴訟(尤指要求賠償)
Synonyms: take legal action against, bring legal
action against, file a suit against, file a lawsuit
against, take sb. to court
Ex: He was so furious about the accusations in the
letter that he threatened to sue.
21. slaughter [ˈslɑː.t̬ ɚ]
(n.) the killing of animals for meat 屠殺;宰殺
Synonyms: kill, slay, murder, butcher, massacre,
Ex: The geese are being fattened for slaughter.
22. aspic [ˈæ s.pɪk]
(n.) the eggs of various large fish, especially the
sturgeon, are eaten as food. Caviar is usually very
expensive 魚子醬
27. escargot [ˌesˈkɑːr.ɡoʊ]
(n.) a snail that you can eat (from the French word
for snail) (法國)食用蝸牛
(n.) an open pastry case, filled with a mixture of
eggs, cream, and other savory (= not sweet) foods,
that is baked and eaten hot or cold (以蛋、奶油和
鹹味食物做餡的) 開口餡餅;法式鹹派
29. croissant [kwɑːˈsɑ̃ː]
(n.) a piece of light crescent-shaped pastry, usually
eaten in the morning (通常指早餐時吃的)羊角麵
30. quorum [ˈkwɔːr.əm]
(n.) the smallest number of people needed to be
present at a meeting before it can officially begin
and before official decisions can be taken (會議的)
第一組 B11501106 土木一 Yazidane Hakim
9-3 Language in Society.
31. centuries [ˈsen.tʃər.i]
(n.) a period of 100 years 100 年的時間
Synonyms: centenary, centennial
Ex: His music was influential in the 19th and 20th
32. isles [aɪ]
(n.) an island, especially a small one 一個島,尤
Synonyms: reef
Ex: Explore the more remote Caribbean isles.
33. trace [treɪs]
(v.) to find someone or something that was lost 尋
(n.) a sign that something has happened or existed
Synonyms: breakthrough, ascertain
Ex: He attempted to cover up all the traces of his
34. Norse [nɔːs]
(adj.) belonging or relating to the people who lived
in Scandinavia in the past, especially the Vikings
Ex: Norse mythology
35. loan [ləʊn]
(n.) an amount of money that is borrowed, often
from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually
together with an extra amount of money that you
have to pay as a charge for borrowing 一筆從銀行
(v.) to lend 借出
Synonyms: amortizable, borrow
Ex: Thank you very much for the loan of your
36. predecessor [ˈpriː.dɪˌses.ər]
(n.) someone who had a job or a position before
someone else, or something that comes before
another thing in time or in a series 在其他人之前
Synonyms: ancestor, forebear
Ex: The latest Ferrari is not only faster than its
predecessors but also more comfortable.
37. Celtic [ˈkel.tɪk]
(adj.) of an ancient European people who are
related to the Irish, Scots, Welsh, and Bretons, or of
their language or culture 與愛爾蘭人、蘇格蘭
Ex: Celtic art
38. shipping [ˈʃɪp.ɪŋ]
(n.) the act of sending goods from one place to
another, especially by ship 將貨物從一個地方運
Synonyms: seagoing, maritime, nautically
Ex: The fruit is picked and artificially ripened
before shipping.
39. scientific [ˌsaɪənˈtɪf.ɪk]
(adj.) relating to science, or using the organized
methods of science 與科學有關,或使用有組織
Synonyms: experimental, mathematical, objective
Ex: The project has attracted considerable criticism
from the scientific community.
40. sample [ˈsɑːm.pəl]
(n.) a small amount of something that shows you
what the rest is or should be like 少量的東西,向
(v.) to taste a small amount of food or drink to
decide if you like it 品嚐少量食物或飲料來決定
Synonyms: role model, specimen
Ex: Please bring some samples of your work to the
41. colonists [kɒl.ə.nist]
(n.) someone who lives in or goes to live in a
country or area that is a colony 居住在或去往居住
Synonyms: pilgrim
Ex: He arrived in Maryland with the first American
colonists in 1634.
42. Yiddish [ˈjɪd.ɪʃ]
(n.) a language related to German that is spoken by
some Jewish people 一些猶太人使用的與德語有
(adj.) in or relating to Yiddish 在或關於意第緒語
Ex: English has borrowed from Yiddish.
43. Jews [dʒu]
(n.) a member of a people whose traditional
religion is Judaism 傳統宗教為猶太教的民族的
Ex: Although my family is Jewish, we're not
practicing Jews.
44. copious [ˈkəʊ.pi.əs]
(adj.) in large amounts; more than enough 大量; 綽
Synonyms: plentifully, abundantly, generously
Ex: He took copious notes during the lecture.
45. diverse [daɪˈvɜːs]
(adj.) including many different types of people or
things 包括許多不同類型的人或事物
Synonyms: alternative, another, disparity
Ex: We hold very diverse views on the topic.
46. compound [ˈkɒm.paʊnd]
(n.) something consisting of two or more different
parts 由兩個或多個不同部分組成的東西
(v.) to make a problem or difficult situation worse
Synonyms: admixture
Ex: Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.
47. syntax [ˈsɪn.tæ ks]
(n.) the grammatical arrangement of words in a
sentence 句子中單詞的語法排列
Synonyms: order, system, structure
Ex: The search engine uses the Windows Desktop
Search query syntax.
48. yacht [jɒt]
(n.) a boat with sails and sometimes an engine,
used for either racing or travelling on for pleasure
Synonyms: sailboat, racer, sloop
Ex: He spent three days adrift on his yacht.
第一組 B11504051 化工一 黃稚核
10~11 No English, no job
49. supervisor [ˈsuː.pɚ.vaɪ.zɚ]
(n.) a person whose job is to supervise someone or
something 主管
Synonyms: manager, director, administrator,
overseer, controller, boss, chief
Ex: Women still dominate the occupation today:
only some five per cent of care managers or
supervisors are men.
50. funnel [ˈfʌn.əl]
(n.) to send something directly and intentionally 運
Ex: No one knows who has been funneling
weapons to the terrorists.
51. plant [plæ nt]
(n.) a factory in which a particular product is made
or power is produced 工廠
Synonyms: works, plant, workshop, yard, mill,
industrial unit
Ex: Two more car-assembly plants were closed by
the strike.
52. brush up (on) sth. [ brʌʃ]
(phr.) to improve your knowledge of something
already learned but partly forgotten
Ex: I thought I'd brush up (on) my French before
going to Paris.
53. extend [ɪkˈstend]
(v.) to add to something in order to make it bigger
or longer 擴大;擴展
Synonyms: expand, enlarge, increase
Ex: The government has produced a series of
leaflets designed to extend public awareness of the
dangers of AIDS.
54. firm [fɝːm]
(n.) a company or business 公司;商號
Synonyms: company, business, concern, enterprise,
venture, undertaking, house, establishment
Ex: He works for a law firm called Neil and
55. outlet [ˈaʊt.let]
(n.) a shop that is one of many owned by a
particular company and that sells the goods that the
company has produced 零售網點;經銷點;專賣
Synonyms: store, retail store, reseller, cash and
carry, boutique
Ex: Farmers were also asked about their interest in
using the same four markets as outlets for selling
crops and other farm products.
56. approach [əˈproʊtʃ]
(n.) a way of considering or doing something 態度
Synonyms: attitude, slant, perspective, point of
view, viewpoint, outlook
Ex: I've just read an interesting book which has a
new approach to Shakespeare.
57. trigonometry [ˌtrɪɡ.əˈnɑː.mə.tri]
(n.) a type of mathematics that deals with the
relationship between the angles and sides of
triangles, used in measuring the height of buildings,
mountains, etc. (數學中的)三角學
Ex: Trigonometry concerns the functions of
angles, such as sine, cosine, and tangent.
58. study [ˈstʌd.i]
(n.) the activity of examining a subject in detail in
order to discover new information
Synonyms: investigation, inquiry, research,
examination, analysis, review, survey, scrutiny,
evaluation, interpretation
Ex: Some studies have suggested a link between
certain types of artificial sweetener and cancer.
59. reap [riːp]
(v.) receive (something, especially something
beneficial) because of one's own or another's
actions 獲得
Synonyms: receive, obtain, get, acquire, secure,
bring in, realize, derive, procure
Ex: In spite of this, the sphere of public contracts
and tenders has reaped few benefits from the
creation of the internal market.
60. administer [ədˈmɪn.ə.stɚ]
(v.) to control the operation or arrangement of
something 掌管;料理事物
Synonyms: manage, direct, control, operate,
regulate, conduct, handle, run
Ex: The economy has been badly administered by
the present government.
61. talent pool [ˈtæ l.ənt puːl]
(n.) a collection of potential candidates that help an
organization grow and achieve its long-term goals
62. project [prəˈdʒekt]
(v.) to calculate an amount or number expected in
the future from information already known
Synonyms: forecast, predict, estimate, calculate,
gauge, reckon, expect, extrapolate
Ex: Government spending is projected to rise by
three percent next year.
63. seamless [ˈsiːm.ləs]
(adj.) happening without any sudden changes,
interruption, or difficulty 順利的;連續的
Ex: The intention is to achieve a seamless
transition with a continuity of management.
第一組 B11502171 機械一 蕭鎧瀚
11~11-1 No English, no job
64. heritage [ˈher.ɪ.t̬ ɪdʒ]
(n.) features belonging to the culture of a particular
society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings,
that were created in the past and still have historical
importance 遺產(指流傳下來的具有歷史意義的
Synonyms: inheritance, patrimony, legacy,
succession, line of succession
Ex: These monuments are a vital part of the
cultural heritage of South America.
Synonyms: defender, advocate, enthusiast,
champion, protector
Ex: He is one of the leading proponents of capital
66. raise sb’s hackles [ˈhæ k.əlz]
(phr.) to annoy someone 激怒(某人)
Synonyms: annoy
Ex: The president's speech has raised hackles
among members of the opposing party.
67. boycott [ˈbɔɪ.kɑːt]
(v.) to refuse to buy a product or take part in an
activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval
Synonyms: withhold patronage, blacklist, avoid,
bar, ostracize
Ex: People were urged to boycott the country's
68. dismay [dɪˈsmeɪ]
(n.) a feeling of unhappiness and disappointment
Synonyms: alarm, consternation, fear, confusion,
Ex: Aid workers were said to have been filled with
dismay by the appalling conditions that the
refugees were living in.
69. subsidize [ˈsʌb.sə.daɪz]
(v.) to pay part of the cost of something 給予 ... 津
Synonyms: support, finance, back, subsidize,
Ex: The refugees live in subsidized housing
provided by the authorities.
70. urgency [ˈɝː.dʒən.si]
(n.) the quality of being very important and needing
attention immediately 緊迫性
Synonyms: exigency, need, gravity, seriousness,
Ex: It now is a matter of urgency that aid reaches
the famine area.
71. tactics [ˈtæ k.tɪk s]
(n.) a planned way of doing something 策略
Synonyms: strategy, maneuvering, military art,
generalship, plan of attack
Ex: These bomb attacks represent a change of
tactics by the terrorists.
65. proponent [prəˈpoʊ.nənt]
72. rationale [ˌræ ʃ.əˈnæ l]
(n.) a person who speaks publicly in support of a
particular idea or plan of action 提倡者;宣導
(n.) the reasons or intentions that cause a particular
set of beliefs or actions 理由
Synonyms: reason, reason why, explanation,
pretext, justification
Ex: I don't understand the rationale for these
73. military [ˈmɪl.ə.ter.i]
(adj.) relating to or belonging to the armed forces
Synonyms: martial, fighting, defense, service,
Ex: The military expedition was made up of 100
officers and men.
74. multinational [ˌmʌl.t̬ iˈnæ ʃ.ən.əl]
(n.) involving several different countries, or (of a
business) producing and selling goods in several
different countries 多國的;(企業)在多國經營
Synonyms: international, overseas
Ex: Major multinational manufacturers have
pioneered the field of environmental auditing.
75. intimate [ˈɪn.t̬ ə.mət]
(adj.) having, or being likely to cause, a very close
friendship or personal or sexual relationship 親密
Synonyms: close, buddy-buddy (slang), friendly,
familiar, inseparable
Ex: The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere.
behavior, fairness, honesty, etc. that each person
believes in, rather than to laws 道德的
Synonyms: ethical, principled, virtuous, righteous,
Ex: It's her moral obligation to tell the police what
she knows.
80. supersede [ˌsuː.pɚˈsiːd]
(v.) to replace something, especially something
older or more old-fashioned 取代
Synonyms: succeed, take the place of, replace,
stand in for, displace
Ex: Most of the old road has been superseded by
the great interstate highways.
81. trumpet [ˈtrʌm.pət]
(v.) to announce or talk about something proudly to
a lot of people 大聲宣告
Synonyms: announce
Ex: The museum has been loudly trumpeting its
reputation as one of the finest.
82. slangy [ˈslæŋ.i]
(adj.) Slangy language contains a lot of slang
expressions 俚語的;好用俚語的
Synonyms: colloquial
Ex: His language is very slangy.
83. recruit [rɪˈkruːt]
76. executive [ɪɡˈzek.jə.t̬ ɪv]
(n.) someone in a high position, especially in
business, who makes decisions and puts them into
action 行政主管;高管
Synonyms: official, manager, administrator,
director, supervisor
Ex: She is now a senior executive, having worked
her way up through the company.
(v.) to persuade someone to work for a company or
become a new member of an organization 招聘;
Synonyms: hire, take on, employ, give a job to
Ex: Charities such as Oxfam are always trying to
recruit volunteers to help in their work.
第一組 B11502005 機械一 曾品傑
11-1 British vs. American English
77. criterion [kraɪˈtɪr.i.ən]
(n.) a standard by which you judge, decide about,
or deal with something (作出評判、決定或處理
Synonyms: factor, standard, measure, foundation,
Ex: The Health Service should not be judged by
financial criteria alone.
84. infiltrate [ˈɪn.fɪl.treɪt]
78. pep [pep]
85. prevail [prɪˈveɪl]
(n.) energy, or a willingness to be active 精力;活
Synonyms: energy, vigor, liveliness, action, vim
Ex: The men in industry are somewhat tired of pep
talks and observations by theorists.
(v.) to get control or influence 佔優勢、佔上風
Synonyms: win out
Ex: And did reason prevail over emotion?
79. moral [ˈmɔːr.əl]
(adj.) relating to the standards of good or bad
(v.) to secretly become part of a group in order to
get information or to influence the way that group
thinks or behaves (使)潛入;(使)滲透
Synonyms: penetrate, invade
Ex: A journalist managed to infiltrate the powerful
drug cartel.
86. miffed [mɪft]
(adj.) annoyed at someone's behavior towards you
Synonyms: annoyed, offended, displeased
Ex: She hadn't called for a week, and I was getting
87. subsidize [ˈsʌb.sə.daɪz]
(v.) to pay part of the cost of something 給予 ... 津
Synonyms: fund, sponsor, support
Ex: The refugees live in subsidized housing
provided by the authorities.
88. sanction [ˈsæŋk.ʃən]
(v.) to formally give permission for something 批
Synonyms: authorize, permit, allow
Ex: The government was reluctant to sanction
intervention in the crisis.
89. relent [rɪˈlent]
(v.) to act in a less severe way towards someone
and allow something that you had refused to allow
before 變溫和;變寬容;不再拒絕
Synonyms: do a U-turn
Ex: Her parents eventually relented and let her go
to the party.
第一組 B11902065 資工一 莊庭瑋
11-2~11-6 Who owns English?
90. outnumber [aʊtˈnʌmbɚ]
(v.) to be greater in number than someone or
something (數量上)超過...
Ex: With 20 girls and 10 boys in the class, girls
outnumber boys by 2 to 1.
Phrases: [A] outnumber [B] by ...
91. council [kau̇n-səl]
(n.) a group of people chosen as an administrative,
advisory, or legislative assembly 議會
(n.) an assembly or meeting for consultation,
advice, or discussion 委員會
Synonyms: congress, convention, assembly,
Ex: The city council is considering a ban on
smoking in restaurants.
92. multinational [mʌltɪˈnaʃ(ə)n(ə)l]
(adj.) involving several countries or individuals of
several nationalities 跨國的
(n.) a large and powerful company operating in
several countries 跨國公司
Synonyms: transnational, international
Ex: 1,500 troops were sent to join the
multinational force.
93. immersion [ɪˈmə-ʃ(ə)n]
(n.) deep mental involvement in something 沉浸
(n.) the act of putting something completely under
the surface of a liquid 浸入;沉沒
Synonyms: absorption, involvement, concentration,
attention, dipping, submerging
Phrase: immersion in sth.
Ex: We have all learned a complex set of grammar
rules simply by immersion in a language since
94. accommodation [əkɒməˈdeɪʃ(ə)n]
(n.) a place in which someone may live or stay 住
(n.) the process of reaching an agreement between
two groups who have different opinions on a
subject (達成)協議;調解
Synonyms: lodging, lodgment, arrangement,
settlement, accord, deal
Phrases: come to / find / reach an accommodation
Ex: The government will provide temporary
accommodation for up to three thousand people.
Ex: Negotiators were convinced that
accommodation with the union was possible.
95. Singlish [ˈsɪŋɡlɪʃ]
(n.) a variety of English spoken in Singapore,
incorporating elements of Chinese and Malay 新加
96. pageant [ˈpadʒ(ə)nt]
(n.) a competition for young women in which they
are judged on their beauty and other qualities 選美
(n.) a colorful public show consisting of people
wearing elaborate costumes and often celebrating
events or people from history 盛裝遊行;慶典
Synonyms: beauty pageant, parade, procession
Ex: She was born in Birmingham, grew up in
Gadsden and won her first beauty pageant at age
97. finalist [ˈfʌɪn(ə)lɪst]
(n.) a person or group competing in a final 決賽選
Ex: I have the good fortune to be on the judging
panel to select the winner from those four finalists.
98. llama [ˈlɑmə]
(n.) an animal of the camel family found in South
America with a long neck and long hair, often kept
for its meat, milk, or fur and to carry heavy loads
99. exclaim [ɪkˈsklem]
(v.) (vi.) to cry out suddenly, especially in surprise,
anger, or pain 呼喊;驚叫
(v.) (vt.) to utter something sharply and
passionately 大聲說出 ...
Synonyms: cry out, blurt out, proclaim
Phrases: exclaim at/against/on/upon somebody
對 ... 大聲叫嚷
Ex: She looked in the mirror, exclaiming in dismay
at her appearance.
100. smugly [ˈsmʌglɪ]
(adv.) in a way that shows excessive satisfaction or
pride in oneself 沾沾自喜地
Ex: He spoke smugly about his victory.
Synonyms: conceitedly, proudly, egotistically
101. colloquial [kəˈlokwɪəl]
(adj.) (of words and expressions) informal and
more suitable for use in speech than in writing 會
Synonyms: informal, conversational
Ex: Students can always switch to more colloquial
language when they talk.
第一組 B11501106 土木一 Yazidane Hakim
11-7~11-8 The English Language, Simply, Is
Going Global.
102. de facto [ˌdeɪ ˈfæ k.təʊ]
(n.) a person someone lives with as a wife or a
husband, although they are not married 一個人作
(adj.) existing in fact, although perhaps not
intended, legal, or accepted. 事實上存在,儘管可
Synonyms: actual, apocryphal, proper
Ex: Iran became the latest country to try to fight the
spread of English as a de facto global language.
103. ban [bæ n]
(v.) to forbid (= refuse to allow) something,
especially officially 禁止(=拒絕允許)某事,尤
(n.) an official order that prevents something from
happening 防止某事發生的官方命令
Synonyms: abolish, abrogation, amendment
Ex: When its president proposed last month to ban
English words like “helicopter”, “chat”, and
104. global [ˈɡləʊ.bəl]
(adj.) relating to the whole world 與整個世界有關
Synonyms: ablate, alluvium, atmosphere
Ex: Iran became the latest country to try to fight the
spread of English as a de facto global language.
105. stoked [stəʊkt]
(adj.) excited and very happy about something 對
Synonyms: excited, interested, enthusiastic
Ex: We're really stoked about our new album!
106. factor [ˈfæ k.tər]
(n.) a fact or situation that influences the result of
something 影響某事結果的事實或情況
Synonyms: induced, actuation, associate
Ex: Heavy snow was a contributing factor in the
107. linguists [ˈlɪŋ.ɡwɪsts]
(n.) someone who studies foreign languages or can
speak them very well, or someone who teaches or
studies linguistics 學習外語、能說一口流利的外
Synonyms: native speaker, encode, biliterate
Ex: Public opinion research is not an area that has
received much attention from applied linguists.
108. tide [taɪd]
(n.) the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice
every day 每天發生兩次的大海的漲落
Ex: The tide comes in very quickly here and you
can soon find yourself stranded.
109. culture [ˈkʌl.tʃər]
(n.) the way of life, especially the general customs
and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a
particular time 特定人群在特定時間的生活方
Synonyms: lifestyle, affluenza
Ex: American culture has been exported all over
the world.
110. internet [ˈɪn.tə.net]
(n.) the large system of connected computers
around the world that allows people to share
information and communicate with each other 世界
Synonyms: affiliate link, landing page
Ex: Use your phone to connect to the internet.
111. project [ˈprɒdʒ.ekt]
(n.) a piece of planned work or an activity that is
finished over a period of time and intended to
achieve a particular purpose 一項計劃的工作或在
(v.) to calculate an amount or number expected in
the future from information already known 根據已
Synonyms: arrangement, blueprint, accommodation
Ex: The government has given the go-ahead for a
multi-billion-pound road-building project.
112. phenomenon [fəˈnɒm.ɪ.nən]
(n.) something that exists and can be seen, felt,
tasted, etc., especially something unusual or
interesting 存在並且可以看到、感覺到、嚐到等
Synonyms: episode, happening, occurrence
Ex: The El Nino weather phenomenon.
113. triumph [ˈtraɪ.əmf]
(n.) a very great success, achievement, or victory (=
when you win a war, fight, or competition), or a
feeling of great satisfaction or pleasure caused by
this 非常巨大的成功、成就或勝利(=當您贏得
(v.) to have a very great success or victory 取得很
Synonyms: success
Ex: The signing of the agreement was a personal
triumph for the prime minister.
114. codified [ˈkəʊ.dɪ.faɪ]
(v.) to arrange something, such as laws or rules,
into a system 將某些東西(例如法律或規則)安
Synonyms: alphabetize, classifying, arrangement
Ex: Leave it to a native of France- a country that
itself in the 1990’s briefly required that 3,000
English words be replaced by French ones- to
suggest that this simpler English be codified.
115. proposal [prəˈpəʊ.zəl]
(n.) a suggestion, sometimes a written one 建議,
Synonyms: suggestion, thought, idea
Ex: Congress has rejected the latest economic
proposal put forward by the President.
116. pizza [ˈpiːt.sə]
(n.) a large circle of flat bread baked with cheese,
tomatoes, and sometimes meat and vegetables
spread on top 一大圈扁平麵包,上面放著奶酪、
Ex: I thought I'd dress up the frozen pizza with a
few extra tomatoes and olives.
117. software [ˈsɒft.weər]
(n.) the instructions that control what a computer
does; computer programs 控制計算機做什麼的指
Ex: This software helps firms archive and retrieve
118. domination [dɒm.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən]
(n.) power or control over other people or things 對
Synonyms: ascendancy, influence
Ex: The movie was about a group of robots set on
world domination.
119. intensive [ɪnˈten.sɪv]
(adj.) involving a lot of effort or activity in a short
period of time 在短時間內涉及大量的努力或活
Synonyms: busy, active
Ex: Two weeks of intensive training.
120. anglophone [ˈæŋ.ɡlə.fəʊn]
(n.) a person who speaks English, especially in
countries where other languages are also spoken 說
Synonyms: native speaker, linguist
Ex: The authors have gone to considerable lengths
to add to the stock of data in the anglophone
linguistics literature.
121. extra [ˈek.strə]
(adj.) added to what is normal 添加到正常的
Synonyms: added, additionally
Ex: If you need any extra help, just call me.
122. tool [tuːl] (n.) a piece of equipment that
you use with your hands to make or repair
something 一件你用手用來製造或修理東西的設
Synonyms: instrument
Ex: A free low-interest credit card can be a useful
budgeting tool.
第一組 B11902065 資工一 莊庭瑋
11-9~11-10 Globish
123. alumni [əˈlʌmnaɪ]
(n.) (pl.) a former student, especially a male one, of
a particular school, college, or university (男)校友
Ex: Her parents are alumni of the state university.
124. catchphrase [ˈkæ tʃ͵frez]
(n.) a well-known sentence or phrase, especially
one that is associated with a particular famous
person 標語;名言
Synonyms: quotation, quote, slogan
Ex: The movie gave the world the catchphrase
“I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.”
125. aspiration [ˌæ s.pəˈreɪ.ʃən]
(n.) something that you hope to achieve 志向;抱
Synonyms: desire, urge, goal
Ex: It's a story about the lives and aspirations
of poor Irish immigrants.
126. contemporary [kənˈtem.pə.rer.i]
(adj.) existing or happening now 當代的;現代的
Synonyms: modern, current, recent
Ex: Although the play was written hundreds
of years ago, it still has a contemporary.
127. lingua franca [ˌlɪŋɡwə ˈfraŋkə]
(n.) a language that is adopted as a common
language between speakers whose native languages
are different 通用語;通行語
Ex: The international business community sees
English as a lingua franca.
Synonyms: transform, alter, distort
Phrases: morph into sth./sb. , morph sth. into sth.
Ex: The video showed a man morphing into a
134. stripped-down [ˈstrip(t)-ˈdau̇n]
(adj.) something that has been reduced to its
simplest form 精簡的
Ex: I think the stripped-down version of your
proposal has more chance of being accepted.
135. obscure [əbˈskjʊr]
(adj.) not known to many people 鮮為人知的
(adj.) not clearly expressed or easily understood 費
Synonyms: unclear, unknown, uncertain, vague
Ex: His origins and parentage are obscure.
128. mother tongue [ˌməT͟Hər ˈtəNG]
(n.) one's native language 母語
Ex: Her struggles with mental health were difficult
to explain to family members in their mother
tongue, Hindi.
136. satirical [səˈtɪrɪk!]
(adj.) criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way
Synonyms: satiric, biting, sarcastic, ironic
Ex: The films are very clever, funny, and satirical.
129. prevalent [ˈprɛvələnt]
(adj.) widespread in a particular area or at a
particular time 盛行的;普遍的
Synonyms: widespread, prevailing, popular
Ex: These diseases are more prevalent among
young children.
137. poke fun (at) [pōk fən at]
130. populist [ˈpɑpjʊlɪst]
138. bizarre [bɪˈzɑr]
(adj.) representing or relating to the ideas and
opinions of ordinary people 平民化的
(n.) a member of a political party claiming to
represent the common people 民粹派
Ex: The populist stance that you assumed will get
you nowhere, I am afraid.
131. subversive [səbˈvɝsɪv]
(adj.) intended to destroy an established system 顛
Synonyms: disruptive, inflammatory, insurgent
Ex: Composers often look for ways to use these
programs in a more creative manner, sometimes
subversive to their original design.
132. combustion [kəmˈbʌstʃən]
(n.) the process of burning 燃燒
Synonyms: burning, firing
Ex: combustion engine 內燃機
Ex: This ratio of air to fuel results in better
133. morph [môrf]
(v.) undergo a gradual process of transformation
(v.) tease or ridicule someone 嘲弄;嘲笑
Synonyms: mock, make jokes about, ridicule, tease
Ex: The satirical magazine is known for poking
fun at politicians and other public figures.
(adj.) very strange and unusual 怪異的;奇怪的
Synonyms: strange, peculiar, absurd, odd
Ex: A bizarre thought leaped into his mind.
139. fundamentalist [͵fʌndəˈmɛnt!ɪst]
(n.) someone who believes in traditional forms of a
religion, or believes that what is written in a holy
book is completely true 原教旨主義者(基本教義
Ex: His fundamentalist outlook led him to destroy
Hindu temples across the empire.
140. placard [ˈplæ kɑrd]
(n.) a large piece of card or paper with a message
written or printed on it, often carried in public
places by people during a demonstration 標語牌;
Synonyms: poster, banner
Ex: He held a placard saying Disarm Now!
141. butcher [ˈbʊtʃɚ]
(v.) to kill someone in a very violent way 殺戮
(v.) to cut an animal into pieces of meat 屠宰
(n.) a person whose trade is cutting up and selling
meat in a shop 屠戶;肉販
Synonyms: slaughter
Ex: Many innocent people were butchered under
his regime.
142. jihad [dʒəˈhæ d]
(n.) in Islam, a religious struggle against evil in
yourself or in society 內心掙扎(抗拒內心邪惡的
(n.) a holy war fought by Muslims
against people who are a threat to Islam (伊斯蘭
143. surreal [səˈriəl]
(adj.) strange; not seeming real; like a dream 超現
Synonyms: unreal, bizarre
Ex: Driving through the total darkness was a
slightly surreal experience.
144. anglicization [ˈæŋglə͵saɪzeʃən]
(n.) the process by which a place or person
becomes influenced by English culture or British
culture 英語化;英化
145. devout [dɪˈvaʊt]
(adj.) believing strongly in
a religion and obeying all its rules or principles 虔
Synonyms: prayerful, faithful
Ex: a devout Buddhist.
146. libertarian [lɪbɚˈtɛrɪən]
(n.) an advocate of the doctrine of free will 自由派
Ex: Civil libertarians are worried about what they
see as government censorship.
147. legitimized [lɪˈdʒɪtə͵maɪz]
(v.) to make something acceptable or legal 合理
Ex: Elections will be held to legitimize the current
148. anglophone [ˈæŋglo͵fon]
(adj.) (n.) consisting of or belonging to an Englishspeaking population especially in a country where
two or more languages are spoken 講英語的;講
Ex: This has included an increase in scholarships
offered so much so China has overtaken the UK
and US as the top destination for students from
anglophone African countries.
149. oath [oθ]
(n.) a solemn promise, especially a promise to be
loyal to a person or country 誓言;誓約
Synonyms: pledge, promise, troth, vow, word of
Ex: He took an oath to give up gambling.
150. christen [ˈkrɪsn]
(v.) to give a person a name based on a
characteristic that they have 給 ... 取綽號
(v.) to give (a baby) a name at a Christian
ceremony and make him or her a member of the
Christian Church 給 ... 命名(基督徒受洗時)
Synonyms: call, name, dub, baptize
Ex: His is so creepy that his colleagues christened
him “Millipede.”
151. terminology [͵tɝməˈnɑlədʒɪ]
(n.) the technical or special terms used in a
business, art, science, or special subject 術語;專
Synonyms: jargon, lingo
Ex: The article uses rather specialized musical
第一組 B11502005 機械一 曾品傑
11-11~11-12 Globish
152. supremacy [suːˈprem.ə.si]
(n.) the leading or controlling position 最高地位,
Synonyms: hegemony
Ex: The company has begun to challenge the
supremacy of the current leading manufacturers in
the textiles industry.
153. monarch [ˈmɑː.nɚk]
(n.) a king or queen 君主;國王、皇帝;女王、
Synonyms: emperor, lord, ruler
Ex: Britain's head of state is a constitutional
154. hegemony [hɪˈdʒem.ə.ni]
(n.) (especially of countries) the position of being
the strongest and most powerful and therefore able
to control others(尤指國家的)霸權,支配權,
Synonyms: autocrat, supremacy
Ex: The three nations competed for regional
155. contentious [kənˈten.ʃəs]
(adj.) causing or likely to cause disagreement 有爭
Synonyms: controversial, disputable, debatable
Ex: She has some very contentious views on
156. supranational [suː.prəˈnæ ʃ.ən.əl]
(adj.) involving more than one country, or having
power or authority that is greater than that of single
countries 多國的
Synonyms: multinational
Ex: NATO is a supranational organization.
157. raucous [ˈrɑː.kəs]
(adj.) loud and unpleasant(聲音)刺耳的,尖厲
Synonyms: strident, squawky, sharp
Ex: Raucous laughter came from the next room.
158. succinct [səkˈsɪŋkt]
(adj.) said in a clear and short way; expressing
what needs to be said without unnecessary words
Synonyms: concise, brief, condense
Ex: Keep your letter succinct and to the point.
159. grievance [ˈɡriː.vəns]
(n.) a complaint or a strong feeling that you have
been treated unfairly 不平、委屈;不滿、抱怨、
Synonyms: injustice, wrong, unfairness
Ex: A special committee has been appointed to
handle prisoners' grievances.
160. linguistic [lɪŋˈɡwɪs.tɪk]
(adj.) connected with language or the study of
language 語言的;語言學的
Synonyms: semantic, lingual, rhetorical
Ex: I'm particularly interested in the linguistic
development of young children.
161. inexplicable [ˌɪn.ɪkˈsplɪk.ə.bəl]
(adj.) unable to be explained or understood 無法說
Synonyms: unaccountable, unexplainable,
Ex: For some inexplicable reason, he's decided to
cancel the project.