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Earth History Timeline: From Big Bang to Civilizations

Big Eras
Era One: 13 Billion - 200,000 Years ago
Humans came into existence after the creation of the environment
The environment of earth is the product of the earlier history of the cosmos
Universe created 13.7 bya, big bang, started expanding very fast, then expanded slower
Sun created 4.5 bya, made from collapse of huge cloud of gas and dust
Earth experienced heavy asteroid impacts early on but lessened as atmosphere formed
and surface cooled, formed tectonic plates, move constantly and surface of earth is
constantly changing
First organisms evolve in deep sea around volcanic vents , experienced laws of
evolution, organisms with highest fitness in their environment reproduced the most
3.5 bya organisms use photosynthesis
600 mya first eukaryotes
Dinosaurs appear 235 mya, wiped off the earth 65 mya by asteroid, allowed other
species to flourish such as mammals
Human ancestor Hominins appear 6 mya in Africa, were able to stand upright but still
had brain size of chimp. Lived in small family sized groups and sometimes scavenged
4.2 mya Australopithecius appear, brain 1/3 of human, stayed in africa
Around 2.4 mya Homo Erectus and Habilis appear and coexist, modified stone into tools
2 mya Homo Erectus appear leave Africa and inhabit lower Eurasia
Neanderthals appear around 400,000 years ago with larger brains and flourish
Lived in family groups of 6-40 and used tools dating back to 3 mya, fire used as early as
0.5 mya in china. Society was complex and had competition for status and alliances,
however no signs of complex ideas like religion or art and long term thinking.
Mothers have much care for their offspring, and they appear genuinely distraught if their
babies come to harm. Hominins almost certainly engaged in behaviors that were equally
Homo sapiens appear 200,000 years ago
Human Evolution Time line
- In the Great Rift Valley in east Africa
- Ardipithecus > Australopithecus > Homo (specifically homo habilis first of Homo
Homo Erectus
- First fully bipedal hominin, toll technology - Acheulean hand axe
- 1.8 mya: began spreading in regions outside Africa (SW Asia)
- 1.4 mya: inhabits Asia and S. Asia
- 1.2 mya Europe is inhabited by H. erectus and others
- 150,000 YA: H. Erectus dies out
Era Two: 200,000-10,000 Years Ago
Homo Sapiens, modern humans, appear 200,000 years ago
10,000 years ago, humans start farming, marks end of Paleolithic and start of Neolithic
which the the use of new tools that aided in farming
Existence of art shows wider and more complex ability to communicate, likely means the
presence of a language
Humans have the ability to communicate and pass on knowledge before death, allows
for the preservation and accumulation of knowledge through time
New technology equals ability to inhabit other habitats like deserts of middle east and
northern parts of NA
Sea crafts allowed access to NA and Australia, also inhabited Siberia by building pit
houses and warm clothes
Humans were foreign to the land so animals were unfamiliar to them making hunting
easy, causing over hunting and causing an impact in the environment, including
disappearance of all other Hominins
Total human population went up but size of communities remained small
Meat is valued but not the main component as foraging is more guaranteed
50,000 to 10,000 years ago, called the upper Paleolithic, artistic expression was widely
The longer two human populations have no contact with one another, the greater the
genetic differences between them will be
Extensification = increasing the number of communities and the area of settlement
across the world without increasing the size of each community
Intensification = opposite
Wherever people lived, they took advantage of the local materials and opportunities
they had
- Eg. wallpainting in western Europe because of many limestone caves, small
sculptures in Eastern Europe because not many caves
Migration/Pop trends:
- Small pop - Migration - “Out of Africa” theory
- Geog. changes = Land bridges connect continents > allow hominins to travel
Geographic trends:
- Rising and falling sea levels accoc. w/ ice ages = climate change
- End of last ice age 12-10,000 BP leads to shift in flora and fauna
Historic trends:
- Modern Humans > extinction of other Hominins
- No written record - no formalized linguistics
- Lang. developed sometime between 100,000 - 40,000 BP
Era Three: 10,000 - 1000 BCE
10,000 BCE humans begin to systematically produce food and reduce reliance on
foraging and hunting
- Emergence of agrarian societies involved complex interplay of plants, animals,
topography, climate, and weather with human tools, techniques, social habits, and
cultural understandings, humans manipulated their environment to benefit their farming
- Farming allowed for intensification, more people living in settlements and saw world
population increase drastically
- “Great Thaw” end of ice age cause rising sea level and cut of land bridges, Afro Eurasia,
America, and Australia had no way to interact with each other
- Ice-free conditions allowed meadows and forests to flourish hosting small plant and
animal populations, letting humans become sedentary and hunt for the plentiful bounty
instead of moving camp to camp constantly
- Domestication begins as humans selectively choose best crops and animals to continue
to breed
- Develop codependency, humans relied on their plants and animals and the other way
- Intensification in particular parts of the world moved to a level that required radical
innovations in the way humans lived and worked
- Civilizations far denser than previous societies emerge near large rivers
- Higher population required greater efforts to manipulate environment
- Complex societies emerge in the most densely populated cities, showing signs generally
associated with civilization such as:
- Large cities of 30,000 or more
- Full time jobs/occupations
- Social class and hierarchy
- Government
- Writing system
- All social, economic, cultural, and political elements interacted with each other
- Pastoral nomadism allowed humans to have denser societies in places where farming
on a large scale was not possible
- Ideas and innovation occurred and spread rapidly, as well as emergence of a belief
- Complex societies were constantly changing
- civilizations not self contained, saw many interactions with other civilizations and
exchange of ideas
Era Four: 1200 BCE - 500 CE
Food production, formation of social organizations, standard of living, and world
population increase faster
Ideas, belief systems, and technologies spread thousands of miles through roads and
Ability to smelt iron increases efficiency in tools
Deforestation increases at a greater rate than before, global climate begins to be altered
Urban population rise and fall, large mega cities take place (ex. rome) but also fall (crisis
of the 3rd century, bronze age collapse)
Mastery of horses allow for faster travel times and communication, enable empire
building and maintaining
Appearance of alphabet writing systems
World religions take place, provided foundations of cultural communication, moral
expectations, and trust
Era Five: 300 - 1500 CE
Population growth at much larger scale, appearance of large empires all of the world
Trade along silk road and Indian Ocean basin booms and ideas spread rapidly
Apex of pastoral power (huns, mongols, etc)
Maritime empire also found success (Majapahit)
Scale of warfare increased with new inventions like catapults and bows and later on
Quality of ships become better and bigger and allowed for trans-ocean travels
Belief systems were used to explain the natural world
Universalist religions: Christianity, Buddhism, Islam
Paper and printing press make knowledge even easier to be spread and libraries with
concentrations of knowledge pop up like House Of Wisdom
Era Six: 1400-1800 CE
Human societies and the networks that connected them became more complex and
interacted much more
Eastern and Western hemispheres became more linked
Global economy emerges, incentivized by silver in americas
European might and colonialism rise
Scientific revolution and Enlightenment allowed humans to gain better understanding of
the natural world
Great dying causes massive population deflation in Americas, leading to downfall of
civilizations like Aztec and Inca
Loss of labor from Great Dying leads to import of Africans into Americas as slaves for
Expansion of mining causes mass deforestation on a previously unseen scale
New weapons like muskets and pistols lead to Gunpowder Empires which were able to
expand quickly and far due to their weapons
Linking of Afro Eurasia to Americas leads to shift of global economic center at Asia to be
moved to Europe
Europe becomes center of technological and scientific advancement
Era Seven: 1750-1914 CE
Catalyst: a person or thing that precipitates a change
Global changes have become self-perpetuating and ever-accelerating
Coal and steam power commonplace
Industrial revolution, production of goods on mass scale, altered distribution of wealth
and poverty around the world
Long form transportation became easily accessible with trains and steamboats, mass
immigration from western EU to look for better opportunities
Democratic revolution, abolishment of slavery, workers rights
More colonialism and empire building (U.S. Japan)
Deforestation and climate change now on a global scale
Liberalism: an attitude that favors individual rights, free markets, representative
government, and progress.
Armed intervention staged by western powers against eastern countries to force better
economic opportunities for western powers
Secularization and modern science fight challenge religious institutions
Pseudo science and a distorted view of darwinism used to justify colonial actions
Popular sovereignty became commonplace
Workers rights make pushes and improvements with political thinkers like Marx
Rise of nationalism
Era Eight: 1900-1950 CE
Natural environment strained due to advancement of human race and population
World wars see non European powers gain more power enough to rival
Anti colonial movements increase
Haber synthesizes ammonia, a chemical fertilizer, which allowed for more farming, more
food, and exponential population growth
More people start living in cities due to improved sanitation and better living conditions
and opportunities
Human impact to the environment increases to a rate incomparable to the past, nuclear
As productivity soared, producers find difficulty in selling surplus goods, along with WWI
and massive loans given out lead to Great Depression when bankers pull money out
Rise of Soviet Union after WWI leads to long standing rivalry between communism and
Nationalism on the rise, nationalist leaders challenge European control and look for
Cinema and radio new mediums to spread ideologies/propaganda
More mediums of art, blur the lines between popular and elite culture
Era Nine: 1945 - Present
50% live in cities
Cumulative environmental impact shows signs of threatening our future and potentially
Cold war signal beginning of U.S. dominance, end of Eu colonial empires
Humans forced into closer interdependence than before with new technologies like
Military arms race continues
New advancements in health care rise in life expectancy from 35 to 55
Even larger population growth = more resources needed = more environmental impact
“Big Science” - increase in research and development projects funded by governments
Transportation is accessible and allows for mass migration
Post war causes economic growth, however not everyone benefits, difference between
rich and poor greater than ever
Decolonization, loss of European control
Establishment of global human rights recognition (CRC, UNHRC)
Death of peasantry, few people farming on their own small parts of land, instead turning
to wage work on commercial farms or other jobs in the city
Increase in environmental consciousness, pivot toward environmentally friendly energy
sources slowly
Scientific advancements give answers to the natural world but also ethical questions
about its uses on humans (cloning, gene editing, etc)
The Future
Uncertain, reasonable accurate predictions possible but never guaranteed
World 101
The Americas
Modern History
- Isolated until 15th century when Spain and Portugal come followed by UK and
France splitting up the land into profitable colonies, many of the indigenous
population killed
- Enlightenment values used as basis for various constitutions and also used by
colonial people to demand independence, leading to Haitian independence
- Many South American colonies revolt and gain independence, however not much
equality was gained, light skinned and wealthy were still favored
- Early economies built off backs of slave labor
- Slavery ends up abolished but lingering racism and inequality persist
- U.S. becomes industrial power and begins empire building (Spanish Amer War)
- Panama canal shows U.S. willing to use force to get what it wants
- United States back coup in Guatemala for bananas and other Latin Amer
countries to stop communism
- U.S. also backed anti communist dictatorships which were brutal and killed
- Brief period where many socialist leaders led Latin Amer countries but was
quickly replaced with conservative regimes
People and Society
- South Amer extremely diverse, over 500 indigenous languages
- Many young people leaving SA for better job opportunities
- Health care inequalities are persistent, especially in U.S.
- Majority are Christian, Catholic being largest denomination
- Millions of indigenous people live in America, however are oppressed and forcibly
- Democracy is majority of gov in Latin Amer, however many are fragile and
military becomes increasingly influential
- Surveillance technologies allow for more authoritarian govs to monitor people
- Authoritarian leaders in Venezuela and reliance on oil lead to economy collapse
Corruption is endemic in Latin America, hindering the region’s political
development and undermining people’s trust in their institutions
Latin Amer ingrained in the drug trade and causes violent crimes to be
- Economic landscape of the Americas is dominated by the United States
- 45 percent of the region’s total exports go to the United States
- Wealth inequality in LATAM big, 10% hold 71% money
- LATAM resource rich but relies too heavily on commodities
- Effects of climate change push LATAM countries to switch to renewables
- United States has been the region’s preeminent economic, military and political
- China has emerged as an increasingly important partner for Latin America in
matters of diplomacy, security, and economics over the past two decades, leads
to dependency and closer ties and recognition with Beijing
- Rampant drug trade in LATAM leads to U.S. leaving thousands dead
- Regional cooperation in LATAM is lacking and meaningful actions are failed to be
carried out
- Bolsonaro allowing destruction of Amazon rainforest, refuses offers to stop
U.S. Foreign Policies
- U.S. interfering in LATAM often to advance its own interests rather than just to
prevent European influence
- Incidents like Guatemala with U.S. backed coup to overthrow democratically
elected leader Arbenz due to corporate lobbying and red scare
- U.S. intervene in the region numerous times to “fight” against communism with
military coups
- interventions by the United States in the twentieth century exacerbated existing
conditions in these countries and contributed to regional upheaval
Modern History
- Europe currently at peace but historically war torn constant conflicts
- Competition between leaders in Europe and the search for resources and new
markets drove European powers to colonize land overseas, exporting ideas and
- WWI devastated Europe, post war actions only cause more tensions and
unresolved problems
- Formation of USSR, exerts control over a ton of land, become global superpower
- Fascist govs take hold (italy Nazi germany) and push their own ideals outward
WWII leaves Europe weak and U.S. and USSR as global superpowers
Formation of NATO and Warsaw pact increase tensions and lead to Cold War
and series of proxy wars backed by U.S. and USSR
Formation of EU and euro zone forge closer unions and ties in Europe
People and Society
- Reputation for its high living standards, given its wealth, promotion of human
rights, commitment to social spending, and democratic institutions
- Post WWII, EU becomes a destination for migration for the first time, although to
all welcome migrants and are viewed as a challenge to the EU
- Migrants and religious terror attacks cause realignment to centrist parties and
anti immigration and right wing groups
- Free movement of people is a core EU value, along with the free movement of
labor, capital, and goods
- Europe has aging population, could strain health care and loss of labor means
economic consequences
- Majority Christian but very diverse
- Eurovision to unite EU and create peaceful relations but political messages still
sneak in
- EU is an economic and political union, created with goal of promoting peace,
security, and prosperity on the continent
- Some decision-making bodies in EU comprise people directly elected to serve in
the EU; others are led by the heads of state of EU member countries
- EU overreach into nation govts cause debate and some area against like in Italy
where a party won elections on anti EU platform
- More and more europeans voting for populist parties (anti establishment)
- Migration criss shows some countries unwilling to follow orders (italy) and not
everyone willing to share the burden
- Welfare benefits in Europe come from social democracy, however falling out of
public favor replaced by center left or right parties
- Brexit and struggles following it shows interdependence of EU
- Worlds second largest economy behind U.S.
- Big economy but unequal, east west split, west economically more prosperous
- Unemployment follows north south split, north lower unemployment rates than
- Eurozone has benefits since it's so widespread but Greece is bad at finance
- EU strong as an economic bloc and holds significant influence on global trade
- Eurozone is a monetary union, but not a fiscal union, meaning interest rates and
controlling the amount of money in circulation, harder for individual countries to
deal with financial crises
- Russia push boundaries in Georgia and Crimea with military force causes harsh
sanctions to be imposed
- Tensions with Iran as nuclear deal close to falling out as Trump pulls U.S. out
- Has large amount of leverage against corporations and can levy penalties if their
rules are not abided by (Apple has to switch to USB-C LMAOOOO)
- Country aren't perfectly stable within EU (Catalan independence movement)
- EU sets up own defense measures (PESCO) in light of recent upheaval (Terrorist
attacks, Crimea)
U.S. Foreign Policy
- U.S. leave WWII global nuclear power and forge deep ties with Europe
- U.S. attempts lasting peace after WWI with League of Nations but congress pulls
out and nothing substantial achieved (Europe returns to war)
- U.S. aims to contain communism in Europe and prevent its further spread
- U.S. offers aid to countries trying to rebuild their economies and weak to soviet
influence to shore up democratic allies
- NATO bolsters U.S. influence and proximity to USSR
- U.S. pressures USSR, Reagan exhorts Gorbachav to tear down Berlin Wall,
Germany Reunifies, USSR collapse, U.S. only global superpower
- U.S. relations with Turkey tense, Erdogan authoritarian, warming up to Russia
- Trump ego on twitter, U.S. NATO and Europe alliances being questioned
Middle East and North Africa
Modern History
- Ottoman empire controlled most of MENA for hundreds of years, falls after losing
in WWI, British and French carve up empire into smaller countries without regard
for ethnic groups living there
- Oil
- Israel and Palestine conflict over British distrust and other reasons
- Deadly wars of independence in North Africa lead to pushing out European
- Suez canal very import, Nasser wants to Nationalize it, French and British
invade, U.S. steps in, Egypt big power in MENA
- 6 day war see Israel come out on top as regions dominant military power
- Yom Kippur war, Israel does good but U.S. gets hit by OPEC and threatened by
USSR nuclear and signs Egypt-Israel Peace treaty making Israel give up
occupied Egypt land won in 6 day war
- Iran taken over by Khomeini's anti western theocracy after overthrow of Pahlavi
- Saudi Arabia give power to clerics after they helped the ruling family and now the
state is extremely religious and ruled by religious officials or under the influence
of religious officials
Oslo Accords bring Israel Palestine nearly to peace, breaks down after guy gets
assassinated and Palestinian uprisings
U.S. messes with Iraq, Saddam captured and executed, U.S. has no plans for
Iraq and leaves, ISIS emerges powerful and gains considerable influence
Arab Spring resistance against authoritarian governments, only few reforms are
People and Society
- Religion is a source of great strength and social cohesion, region is birthplace of
Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, many holy cities in ME
- Sunni Shia split causes conflict in recent years
- 30 million Kurds face historical oppression, still dont have their independent state
- Extremely low female representation in politics, females discriminated and much
less rights than men how hold power over them in most MENA societies
- Increase in school enrollment, however has low quality of education
- War torn area leads to humanitarian crisis, millions of lives lost from starvation in
countries like Yemen
- War causes mass waves of migration out of MENA
- Region faces health crisis, obesity and diabetes being prevalent, but overall
increase in life expectancy from 20 years ago
- Big oil money, cultural arms race between gulf states to attract more tourists
- Migrant workers from bangladesh india etc comprise a majority of population in
gulf countries and are treated as slaves
- MENA highly authoritarian region, only small number of countries hold real free
- Political opponents and dissenters are arrested without a second thought en
- Tunisia and Egypt overthrow their leaders, go back to corruption after a few yrs
- Lebanon failed state because certain leadership positions must be a certain
religion leading to deadlocks and corruption
- Israel shifts towards the right as Palestine negotiations fail again
- MENA has 53% worlds proven oil reserves and almost half of natural gas
- Countries have over dependence on oil and base majority of economy around it
- Tourism other big part of economy (gulf state luxury, religious sites)
- Oil states mainly operate on clientelism, systems where governments—rather
than the private sector—become the main providers for their citizens to build
goodwill for the leader of the country
- MENA has highest rate of youth unemployment in world (25%)
- Constant war costs billions to rebuild countries
Sanction imposed on most MENA countries costing them billions
China rises to ME top trading partner
- Iran and Saudi Arabia fighting their own little cold war by proxy wars
- Oil, Strait of Hormuz, Suez canal makes region highly contested out of economic
- ISIS almost completely pushed out but still exists in small fragments
- Hezbollah (Party of God) terrorist group funded by Iran and drug trade is anti
western and influential in Lebanon
- Israel only nuclear power, wants to prevent nuke arms race and destroyed
nuclear facilities in other countries to prevent
- Ethopia attempts to gain more control of the Nile from Egypt
U.S. Foreign Policy
- Insuring free flow of oil, survival and security of Israel, limiting influence of
communism drive U.S. foreign policy
- U.S. close relations and support of Israel alienate Arab neighbors
- Camp David Accords peace between Israel Egypt but further success could not
be replicated with other Arab countries
- Iran ruins relations with U.S. Khomeini overthrows and hostages at U.S. embassy
- 9/11 and Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) used to justify U.S.
counterterrorism and military action in the region
- Bush invades Iraq, 4500 U.S. troops die, and thousands of Iraqis, U.S. maintains
troops in Iraq
- U.S. humanitarian intervention changes libya war and Gaddafi killed, angers
Russia and China and alienated international support for humanitarian
- Syria civil war causes mass loss of life as U.S. refuses to intervene, emboldening
- Saudi kill Kashoggi and Yemen war but good alliance plus oil with U.S. make it ok
- U.S. relies less on MENA oil and Israel doesn't need protection so U.S. cede
influence in the region
Sub-Saharan Africa
Modern History
- Home to large wealthy empires until 15th century Europeans come
- Conference of Berlin European powers decide how to carve up Africa, European
powers controlled 90% of Africa by 1914
- Europe wants Africa for its resources, labor, and to spread Christianity
- Independence movements swept Africa as WWII ends as UN promises universal
human rights to all
Colonial borders made without consideration of ethnic groups, cause conflicts
among themselves
People and Society
- One of the most populous places, growing at a fast rate, lots of youth
- Rural to urban population growing, 50% by 2030
- Super diverse, many countries have several official languages
- Religion very big, religious leaders hold significant influence, mainly Christian and
- Lowest literacy rates in world, less than half the pop enrolls in highschool
- Advances in medicine increase life expectancy, but healthcare is still scarce and
bad, lacking enough doctors
- Most are democratically elected govts
- ANC, party that ended Apartheid remains in power largely due to its reputation
- Most govts place restrictions on the press, political violence and repression not
uncommon in the region
- Large youth population setting the political agenda, many are voting and involved
in politics
- Domestic conflicts and terrorism still prevalent (boko haram)
- Worlds lowest GDP
- Very rich in natural resources
- Very unequal wealth distribution, 10% hold 90% in SA
- Lack of infrastructure makes transportation difficult
- China, Germany, India, and U.S. biggest trade partners, intra African trade still
low but could increase with African Continental Free Trade Agreement
- 1/3 unemployed, causes instability and unrest
- Thriving informal sector, 72% of all people in the region work in informal sector
- AU some successes but corrupt
- Smaller, regional organizations have a better track record of preventing conflict
and encouraging cooperation in the region
- Violent extremist groups like ISIS extend their reach into the Sahel by exploiting
the poverty and corruption
- Djibouti host of various foreign military bases due to its strategic location
China overtakes U.S. as regions biggest trading partner, interested in the
regions oil, also provide loans and investments in return for raw materials
U.S. Foreign Policy
- U.S. interfering with the region to prevent soviet influence post WWII
U.S. attempt to aid Somalia but warlords steal aid and shoot down two
helicopters, outrage on mainland, reluctant to help again
U.S. is draw back to the region because of terrorists and ISIS operating freely in
the region
Bush founds AIDS relief program, offered financial and material assistance,
touted as a success
South and Central Asia
Modern History
- By the 1500s, Europeans were trading directly with the Indian subcontinent
- British East India company is established and conquerors the subcontinent
- Sepoy mutiny leads to dissolution of East India Company replaced with British
- Russia begin annexing territory southwards and UK want to create buffer zone
from to block Russia from India
- British leave India post WWII create pakistan to separate muslim and hindu
- Hasty British exist causes Partition and killing, arson, abductions, and sexual
violence were widespread during the period
- Independence of Bangladesh make Pakistan insecure and start nuclear arm race
- USSR collapse creates new countries, struggle to diversify their economies and
still relied on russia heavily
- Power vacuum in Afghanistan gives Taliban power
People and Society
- Home to 1/4 of the world’s population spread over 7% of the world’s landmass
- India and Pakistan account for 86 percent of the region’s total population
- Rapid urbanization due to population growth, extremely polluted and dirty cities
- Decent amount of Female leaders, however all from political dynasties
- Gender inequality still prevalent literacy lower in women, many do not go to
- Central asian society drifts from soviet past, cyrillic taught less in schools, english
- Religion quite diverse, divisive force leading to conflict between hindu muslim
- India extremely diverse, 22 official languages, dozens of ethnic groups
- India a democracy but corrupt, large # of political parties makes decision making
- Indian constitution support multiple religions but hindu nationalists violent want
Pakistan democracy but military holds real power
Central asia authoritarian, blatantly rigged elections or nonexistent, suppress civil
liberties and political opponents
Over past decade, more terrorist attacks happened in South and Central Asia
than anywhere else in the world, pakistan being the worst
- South asia economies all trending up, india especially
- India has many wealthy people but also second most people in poverty
- Region relies heavily on remittances (the money migrants send home from
working jobs abroad)
- IT industry is a major driver of India’s growth
- Very little intra regional trade due to pakistan india mistrust
- Central asian countries turn to china to export natural resources to, forming
closer ties
- India one of largest militaries, way bigger than pakistan, but same nuclear power
- Jammu and Kashmir contested region with constant warfare as it has important
water source
- India pakistan rivalry hinders institutions like South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
- Russia joined Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan to form
a military alliance called the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)
- India establishes relations with countries butting heads like U.S. and Russia who
are both trading partners to india, avoids formal alliances
- India one of the largest donors to Afghanistan, sees afghan as strategic partner
- China encroaching in Indian ocean with ports leased to china from other
U.S. Foreign Relations
- Post WWII U.S. offers aid to both Ind and Pak, pak becomes reliable trade
partner but Ind non aligned movement prevent deeper relations
- U.S. wants Ind as strong partner but Ind refuses as long as U.S. and Pak
relations are good
- U.S. look for opportunities in post USSR central asia but remains in russia sphere
of influence
- U.S. bring down taliban but taliban return after a few years
- U.S. pak alliance shaky as pak takes no action against terrorism and U.S. cuts
billion dollar in security assistance to pak
- U.S. ind relations warm, found common ground in moderating China’s increasing
presence in South and East Asia, and islamic terror attacks
East Asia and Pacific
Modern History
- home to some of the world’s oldest civilizations, colonized by Europe later on
- Japan loses WWII but comes out after help of U.S. as third largest economy
- In china KMT authoritarian govt after fall of Qing but civil war against CCP, KMT
lose and flee to taiwan
- Korea split post WWII into communist north and capitalist south, north invades
south and start korea war, ends 3 yrs later but still bad relations
- Tiananmen square shows chinas force and intolerance to dissent
- Hong kong passed over by british but would have its own system for 50 years
before it rejoins china, china already encroaching on the deal and taking away
hong kong freedoms and autonomy
People and Society
- Worlds largest region, china largest population by far
- Aging populations and shrinking in japans case foreshadow economic troubles
- Urban population growing too fast in some cities, infrastructure unable to keep up
- 2005, China overtook the United States as the world’s biggest polluter
- Really high school enrollment rates, high level education
- Least ethnically diverse region, japan 98% japanese, SK 99% korean
- CCP attempts to stamp out religion detaining and messing with religious groups
- Democratic success in Japan, SK, and Taiwan
- Some countries regressing in authoritarian regimes (thailand philippines)
- Singapore authoritarian but extremely successful
- China expands economically under Xi but in china becoming even more
- North korea isolated and oppressive regime rule
- several East Asian countries pulled off an economic transformation so dramatic
that many economists called it a miracle
- China more than quintupled its GDP between 1977 and 1997, and since 1977,
850 million Chinese people have risen out of poverty, global superpower
- one of the most economically interconnected areas in the world
- Together, Asia’s manufacturing sectors create a network of cross-border supply
chains that create goods for export
- China is the largest trading partner of about seventy countries around the world
as large amount of leverage and ability to impose devastating sanctions
- High speed rail helps economies and ties smaller cities to bigger ones
- China pushing Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), an ambitious trillion-dollar global
infrastructure development and investment plan to build rail and infrastructure,
could drown countries in debt but also lift millions out of poverty
Asia dominates world economy
- Some of the world’s most powerful militaries are in East Asia. These include
China and North Korea nuclear armed, china second highest military budget
- North korean nukes keep ruling family safe from outside intervention
- Beijing argues that Taiwan is a Chinese province and has kept open the option of
using force against Taiwan if it formally declares independence
- South China Sea is a strategic, natural gas–rich waterway through which over $3
trillion in trade passes every year, china claims with nine dash line claims 70% of
SCS but is disputed, china tries to force their way in with construction of artificial
- territorial dispute in the region has Japan and Russia on opposite sides over
northern archipelago islands
- China’s efforts to exert influence in the region have been met with resistance
- The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) aims to promote security,
prosperity, and collaboration across the region, but not all members agree on
how to deal with china as some have closer relations than others
- Climate change poses a huge threat to much of the region, indonesia sinking and
other pacific islands
- China positions to extend influence in arctic
U.S. Foreign Policy
- Spanish Amer war gives U.S. islands in pacific and influence in the area
- Pearl Harbor brings U.S. into pacific
- U.S. establish relations with hub-and-spoke system promising to defend if
country gets attacked in bilateral treaty
- Domino theory and communism lead U.S. to fight in vietnam war
- Nixon visits china, establish relations to push china away from russia
- U.S. backs taiwan and supplies high tech weapons but unclear if will come to
taiwan's defense
- public opinion in the United States has shifted. Many Americans see China’s
ever-restricted internet, disregard for human rights in places like Xinjiang, and
unwillingness to abide by international law in the South China Sea as causes for
concern, tariffs imposed on most of chinese imports