3.Vector analysis M I S S P H ATTH A RA K UL S ILPARAT , D 6110727 S C H O O L O F G E O I N F O RMATI CS, S U RA N A REE U N I VER SI T Y O F T E C H N O L O GY PH ATTH A S IL@ GM AI L.C O M TE L . 0915491451 Vector Data Analysis ❖ 1. Extract 1.1 Clip 1.2 Split ❖ 2. Proximity 2.1 Buffer 2.2 Multiple ring buffer ❖ 3. Overlay 3.1 Union 3.3 Identity 3.5 Dissolve 3.2 Intersect 3.4 Update 3.6 Merge 1. Extract 1.1 Clip - The Clip Features can be points, lines, and polygons, depending on the Input Features type. The Output Feature Class will contain all the attributes of the Input Features. - 01_SUTcampus Select shp >> BinPoint.shp, Road.shp, Building.shp and LandZone.shp BinPoint.shp Select polygon of landzone that you want to clip 1. Extract 1.2 Split - The Split Features dataset must be polygons. The Split Field data type must be character. Its unique values form the names of output feature classes. - The feature attribute table of each output feature class contains the same fields as the Input Features attribute table. - 1.2 Split Select shp >> Building.shp and LandZone.shp Proximity 2.1 Buffer Buffers can be created inside or outside of polygons. 2.2 Multiple ring buffer Creates multiple buffers at specified distances around the input features. These buffers can optionally be merged and dissolved using the buffer distance values to create non-overlapping buffers. 2.1 Buffer Select shp >> BinPoint.shp, Road.shp and Building.shp Output dissolve type : none Output dissolve type : ALL 2.2 Multiple ring buffer 3. Overlay 3.1 Union All input feature classes and feature layers must have polygon geometry. 3.1 Union Select shp >> buffer_binpoint_10m.shp and buffer_road_10m.shp Look at the attribute 3.2 Intersect Input Features must be simple features: point, multipoint, line, or polygon. They cannot be complex features such as annotation features, dimension features, or network features. 3.2 Intersect Select shp >> buffer_binpoint_10m.shp and buffer_road_10m.shp 3.3 Identity - Input Features can be point, multipoint, line, or polygon. The inputs cannot be annotation features, dimension features, or network features. - Identity Features must be polygons or have the same geometry type as the Input Features. 3.3 Identity Select shp >> buffer_road_10m.shp and LandZone.shp 3.4 Update - The Input Features must be of type polygon. - The input feature class will not be modified by this tool. The results of the tool will be written to a new feature class. - The Update Features must be polygon. - The input feature class and update feature class field names must match. - If the update feature class is missing one (or many) of the fields that are present in the input feature class, the input feature class field value for the missing fields will be removed from the output feature class. 3.4 Update Select shp >> buffer_road_10m.shp and LandZone.shp 3.5 Dissolve - This tool is used to create a simplified coverage from one that is more complex. Although the input coverage may contain information concerning many feature attributes, the output coverage contains information only about the dissolve item. - The merging of polygons with this tool is the counterpart of intersecting polygons in overlays. Dissolve will remove the boundaries. - The output coverage cannot already exist. 3.5 Dissolve 00_Administrative korat >> select >> polbndry polygon.shp 3.6 Merge - Use this tool to combine datasets from multiple sources into a new, single output dataset. All input datasets must be of the same type. For example, several point feature classes can be merged, or several tables can be merged, but a line feature class cannot be merged with a polygon feature class. - Combines multiple input datasets of the same data type into a single, new output dataset. This tool can combine point, line, or polygon feature classes or tables 3.6 Merge Select shp >> output of split in landzone Referencing https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/ THANK YOU