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Jesus Christ: Name, Family, and Significance as Messiah

The innocence of a child
❑ Jesus according to the Gospel of Matthew pointed
out that the “greatest in the kingdom of heaven“ is
like a little child
❑ He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and
become like little children, you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven. v3
❑ Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is
the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. V4
❑ In real life, Jesus become a HUMAN CHILD, the
gospel called him “Holy Child – Santo Niño”
1. Jesus had a name and his name
is derived from his family
2. Jesus had a family
3. God intends that he will be
formed and belong to a family
4. See: Matthew 1:2 – 16
Common face of Jesus in nArt
Name of Jesus (origins and etymology)
❑ Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and
❑ Shem is the line of the Messiah—the
line of the Jews and the Semites.
❑ The word Shem means “name.”
❑ Therefore the Semites are the People
of the name (SEMITIC PEOPLE)
Jesus. The name who saves
(acts 4:12)
Jesus. The name above all
names (Phil 2:9-10)
Latin: Iesus
❑ Greek: Iēsous
❑ Hebrew:
❑Yeshua "to rescue", "to deliver“,
❑Yehoshua “the lord is salvation”
❑ Aramaic : Yeshu a
❑ Arabic: Isa
Dervied from the Hebrew word
Yeshua, which is an abbreviation of
Yehoshua means “Yahweh is
salvation” or “the Lord is salvation.”
Jesus is Yeshua ben Abraham, Yeshua
ben David, or Yeshua ben Joseph.
The word ben is placed to denote “son
When people use this style they are
speaking of the son of so and so. This
how names are identified in the
Biblical times
Matthew 1 says “the book of the
generation of Jesus Christ”
It is the book of the generation of
Yehoshua ha Masheach, Jesus
the Messiah, or “Jesus Christ.”
Matthew: Jesus is “ben David,”
the son of David
Yeshua ben David means the Messiah
is the son of David (the messianic
Jesus is the messianic King - Yeshua
ha Masheach [Jesus the Messiah]
Jesus is the son of Abraham. “ben Abraham”
The seed of Abraham will bring
salvation to the entire world.
No one else can. And if you existed
before He became a baby, you still
had to call upon Him in order to be
Abraham, the father of Isaac, the father of nations
Yeshua ben Yosef
[Jesus son of Joseph]
Jews never say that a person is the son of
a woman instead, they always list the
That is why in the genealogies you see all
these men.
Now in Matthew 1:16, it says, Yacov
[Jacob] begat Yosef [Joseph] (the
husband of Mary).
Yosef [Joseph], the husband of Mary, the carpenter
Technically, Jesus became a carpenter , like his father
Matthew 1:21 - He was given the
name of Yehoshua
“She shall bring forth a son and thou
shalt call His name Jesus.”
Why? “For He shall save His people from
their sins.”
You see, it means, Yahweh is salvation.
That is the meaning of Yehoshua—
Yahweh is salvation.
part of Hosanna
Hosanna means “save us now.”
So Yehoshua means, “Yahweh
is salvation.”
Jesus cannot be define for who he really
is except for the truth that he was
indeed HUMAN and subject to the
laws of humanity
Galatians 4:4... Born of a woman, subject
to the law
Hebrews 4:15.... Tempted in every way
• For somebody so important, we don’t have any
contemporary accounts of his appearance.
• He certainly wasn’t the Caucasian-looking fellow
that gets portrayed a lot in Western culture.
The name of Jesus in the
logo of FSUU
IHS is a monogram
symbolizing Jesus
it is an abbreviation of
the Greek name IHΣΟΥΣ
Iesus Hominum Salvator
- Jesus, Savior of Men
facial reconstructions from a skull from that time
• Bear in mind that this is just a random skull the face is
based on. You can’t say this is Jesus any more than if
you took George Bush’s skull and came up with my
This is based on the image from the Shroud of Turin
Portrayals of Jesus in peoples culture
(enculturated image)
Who is Jesus to the Filipinos?
The Nazarene
Studies say that this image is reflected in the acceptance
and resilience of the Filipino towards suffering
The Crucified Jesus
Studies say that this image shows the humility of the
Filipino to offer all to God
The Divine Mercy
By nature the Filipino is a very merciful person
The Sacred Heart
Christ the King
The Sto. Niño
Filipino find the Sto. Niño, a God who can be easily
Traditionally, the Filipino is pro-life and had been active on
the fight for the unborn
Summary: Who is Jesus to the
• The Nazarene “The crucified
• The divine mercy
• The Sacred heart
• Christ the King
• The Sto. Niño “The baby Jesus”
From the Greek - Christos
Meaning: “Messiah” the
"anointed one"
Mt. 16:16
The claims of Jesus Christ
to be the Messiah is the heart
of the gospel.
John 20:30-31 wrote, “These signs are
written that you might believe that
Jesus is the Messiah and that in
believing you would have life through
His name.”
❑ Seed of the woman - Gen 3:15
❑ From the line of Shem - Gen 9:26
"Shem"- "name" - Semitic people people of the name
❑ Seed of Abraham - Gen 12:1-3, 7
❑ Seed of Isaac - Gen 17:18-21; 21:12
❑ From the line of Jacob – Num 24:17-19
❑from the tribe of Judah
❑Genesis 49:10
❑from the family of Jesse
❑Isaiah 11:1-5, 18
❑from the house of David
❑2 Sam. 7:12-13
❑ The messiah will be born in
Bethlehem, the city of David
❑ Micah 5:2
❑ The messiah will be born of a
❑ Isaiah 7:14
The manger where Jesus was born
The manger where Jesus was born
❑ Appears in just one passage - Daniel 9:25-26;
❑ The word "Christ" appears 555 times.
❑ The Hebrew word, Mashiyach, appears 39
times in the Old Testament, and refers to an
"anointed one"
❑ The N.T. Greek word, Christos, appears
569 times.
ways of
passing the mission,
heritage and Gods’
Jesus is Anointed by a Woman
In all 4 Gospels, a woman anoints Jesus during a
❑ In Mark 14:3-9 and Matt 26:6-13, a woman
anoints Jesus' head with expensive ointment.
❑ Some people complain about the waste, saying
the ointment could have been sold and the
money given to the poor; but Jesus commends
the woman, saying the anointing was a
preparation for his burial.
Mt 26: 6-13
6 While Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper,
7 a woman came up to him carrying a precious jar of expensive
perfume. She poured it on Jesus' head as he was at table.
8 Seeing this the disciples became indignant, protesting, "What a
useless waste!
9 The perfume could have been sold for a large sum and given to the
10 But Jesus was aware of this, so he said to them, "Why are you
troubling this woman? What she has just done for me is indeed a
good work.
11 You always have the poor with you but you will not have me forever.
12 She was preparing for my funeral when she anointed my body with
this perfume.
13 Truly, I say to you: wherever the Gospel is proclaimed, all over the
world, what she has done will be told in praise of her."
Mt 26: 6-13
Jesus is Anointed by a Woman
❑ In
John 12:1-8, a woman anoints Jesus'
feet and wipes them with her hair.
❑ Judas Iscariot is singled out as the one
who complains about the waste, but
Jesus' reaction again makes reference to
his upcoming burial.
John 12:1-8
1 Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany where he had raised
Lazarus, the dead man, to life.
2 Now they gave a dinner for him, and while Martha waited on them, Lazarus
sat at the table with Jesus.
3 Then Mary took a pound of costly perfume made from genuine nard and
anointed the feet of Jesus, wiping them with her hair. And the whole
house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
4 Judas, son of Simon Iscariot - the disciple who was to betray Jesus remarked,
5 "This perfume could have been sold for three hundred silver coins and
turned over to the poor.“
6 Judas, indeed, had no concern for the poor; he was a thief and as he held
the common purse, he used to help himself to the funds.
7 But Jesus spoke up, "Leave her alone. Was she not keeping it for the day of
my burial?
8 (The poor you always have with you, but you will not always have me.)"
John 12:1-8
Jesus is Anointed by a Woman
❑ In
Luke 7:36-50, An anonymous but sinful
woman anoints Jesus' feet while he is eating in
the house of an anonymous Pharisee, who
complains not about the waste of the ointment,
but that Jesus allows a sinful woman to touch
him. In response, Jesus talks about love and
forgiveness, not about his own death.