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Narrative Writing Lesson Plan: Story Planning & Characters

• To write narratives about
personal experiences and
those of others (real and
• To plan or say out loud
what they are going to write
• To write down ideas and/
or key words, including new
4: Building a story
Curriculum objectives
Display photocopiable page 174 ‘Island characters’. Ask the children to
raise their hands to indicate which of the characters they chose in the previous
lesson’s game. Ask several to tell the class something about the character as
they saw them. How do the interpretations of similar characters compare?
Paired work
Explain that each child will be choosing any three of the characters to use in
a story. Ask them to discuss all the characters, before choosing those they will
be using. Advise them to select different types of character in order to make
their stories interesting.
●● When they have chosen, ask them to fill out more details through discussion
with their partner. If they choose any of the same characters, they don’t need
to develop them in the same way.
Photocopiable page 174
‘Island characters’
Independent work
Ask the children to write brief biographies of each of their characters, giving
them a name, describing their appearance and personality and saying where
they live on the island. They should sum each character up in three or four
words, for example, strong, powerful, evil.
Invite several children to read out one of their descriptions for the rest of the
class to suggest which character they are.
Curriculum objectives
• To write down ideas and/
or key words, including new
• To plan or say out loud
what they are going to write
Annotated story maps from
lesson 1; setting descriptions
from lesson 2; character
biographies from lesson 4;
photocopiable page 173
‘Story map’
5: Planning the plot
Display photocopiable page 173 ‘Story map’. Remind the children that they
have described settings on the island, used it as a game to build a story and
developed some characters who live there. Explain that today they will start to
plan a story that involves the characters and which takes place on the island.
Whole-class work
Remind the children of the series of events in the Katie Morag story. Talk
about how the events move from one setting to another and that what the
characters do fits in with where they are. Ask the children to give examples of
this from what they remember from the story.
Paired work
Allow the children time to think about and discuss the plots for their stories.
Ask them to work with their partner and list plot ideas that could only happen
on an island. Where will their stories begin? What events cause the story to
move between settings? What will the characters do and what might they say
to each other? How might their stories end? Tell them to make brief notes of
their best story idea to use next week.
Ask for feedback on their discussions. How easy was it to fit a story around
the settings and characters?