CSC1016S All-Lectures Notes CSC1016S All-Lectures Notes CSC1016SLectureNotes CSC1016S Lecture 16 Topic: Assignment 6 Course: CSC1016S Date: 25/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Announcement Assignment 5 due on Monday 10am and late submission due on Wednesday Prac test 1 second sitting taking place next week in Scilab A, 40 minutes after the quiz Theory test 1 on Wednesday, make sure to sign up for a venue and have Lockdown Browser installed on your laptop Assignment 6 due on the 4th of September Assignment 6: Class Declarations with Encapsulation A continuation from assignment 5 Correct version of the CarPark class will be uploaded on Wednesday The exact names of instance variables and any additional methods you might add do not matter Use exact signature for the required methods Exercise 1 Look at the constructor to get an idea of what the definitions of the instance variables should be lowerBound() and upperBound() methods are 'get' methods which return Duration values includes() checks if duration is within the lower bound (inclusive) and the upper bound (exclusive) Time periods need to be adjacent, and lower limit is included and upper limit is excluded precedes() checks if this time precedes the other time period adjacent() checks if time period is adjacent to the other time period Exercise 2 Goes hand in hand with exercise 3 Store a time period and tariff in an adjacent order Use TimePeriod and Cost as your instance variables Exercise 2 will be manually marked Exercise 3 Use constructor to identify what type of instance variables are to be included in class SIPP Lecture 05 Topic: Introduction to Values Course: CSC1016S Date: 24/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Maria Keet Summary Teleology Teleological theories give priority to "the good" over "the right" They evaluate actions by the goal or consequences that they achieve. Correct actions are those that produce the most good or optimise the consequences of choices, E.g. Voltaire’s “best of all possible worlds” Wrong actions are those that do not contribute to the good. Action-Based Approaches Ethical egoism : 'good/happiness' to self Utilitarianism : 'good/happiness' to the most Altruism : 'good/happiness' to the other Ethical egoism Egoism focuses on self-interest Ethical egoism claims that it is necessary and sufficient for an action to be morally right that it maximize one's self-interest. “Does the action benefit me, as an individual, in any way?” Utilitarianism Utilitarianism embodies the notion of operating in the public interest rather than for personal benefit. An action is right if it maximises benefits over costs for all involved, everyone counting equal Altruism Altruism “A decision results in benefit for others, even at a cost to some” an action is ethically right if it brings good consequences to others (even at the cost to yourself) Altruists choose to align their well-being with others — so they are happy when others thrive, sad when others are suffering. Utilitarianism vs. Deontology In utilitarianism what makes an action right/wrong is outside the action It’s the consequences that make it right/wrong For deontologists: It’s the principle inherent in the action If the action done from a sense of duty & If the principle can be universalised, then the action is right Ubuntu Ubuntu means humanness/humanity in isiZulu When we want to give high praise to someone we say, Yu, u nobuntu; ‘Hey, so and-so has ubuntu’. Then you are generous, you are hospitable, you are friendly and caring and compassionate. You share what you have. “My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up in yours.” I am, because we are; and since we are, therefore I am Ubuntu as an Ethical or Moral Principle Ubuntu morality: An action is right just insofar as it promotes shared identity among people grounded on good-will An act is wrong to the extent that it fails to do so and tends to encourage the opposites of division and ill-will. What is data mining/knowledge discovery? Data mining is a process of exploration and analysis of large quantities of data, by automatic or semi-automatic means. To discover meaningful patterns and rules. Note: in many cases, the data was not collected primarily for the purpose of data mining Professional Responsibility Two underlying issues (1/2) (1) Problem of ‘many hands’: Situation where multiple actors are involved in the development and deployment of technologies, which makes it hard to identify who exactly did what. Negatively affects the process of assigning blame when a technological accident occurs, as well as who to praise for its success Two underlying issues (2/2) (2) Trustworthy Software: The enhancement of the overall software and systems culture, with the objective that software should be designed, implemented and maintained in a trustworthy manner CSC1016 Lecture 15 Topic: Design and UML Class Diagram Course: CSC1016S Date: 23/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Announcements Sign-ups for theory test 1 will be opening today, for both 5pm and 6pm sitting Those who have unreliable laptops should sign up for scilab venue There's a lecture on Friday and (uploaded to Amathuba) Java requires a return statement for every non-void method When instance variable and parameter are the same name, use this. to refer to instance variable Use this() to call another constructor Printing an instance of a class (by name) calls the toString method by default Shallow and Deep copy To compare two instances, we create an equals() method Code Sample Student x = new Student("Paul", "Smith", 9876543); Student y = new Student("Peter", "Smith", 9876543); Student z = x; x.equals(y) returns "Different" because the names are different x.equals(z) returns "Same" because they are "pointing" to the same instance in memory (this is called shallow copy) Because x and z are "pointing" to the same instance in memory, if one is changed, the other will "see" the change(i.e. both instance variables will be changed, but they'll still be equal) if we change y from"Peter" to "Paul", x.equals(y) will return "Same" because both instances contain the same data, but x == y will return "Different" because they are "pointing" to different instances in memory(this is called deep copy) A shallow copy is a copy of the reference pointer to the object, whereas a deep copy is a copy of the object itself Design and UML Diagrams USES OF UML as a sketch: to communicate aspects of system forward design: doing UML before coding backward design: doing UML after coding as documentation – often done on whiteboard or paper used to get rough selective ideas as a blueprint: a complete design to be implemented sometimes done with CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) tools as a programming language: with the right tools, code can be autogenerated and executed from UML only good if this is faster than coding in a "real" language Autogenerator is used to convert UML diagrams to actual code 3 Most Important Diagrams for UML Class diagrams Object diagrams Sequence diagrams UML Class Diagram Contains: The classes in the OO system Their fields and methods Connections between methods Does not contain: Details of how the classes interact with each other Algorithmic details; how a particular behavior is implemented CSC1016S Lecture 14 Topic: CSC1016S Course: Chapter 4 - Defining Classes I Date: 22/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Announcements Sort out authentication for signing in to the lab computers, the lab test will not be written on personal laptops Information Hiding and Encapsulation Encapsulation is sealing the class, which then prevents direct access into the class code Always make instance variables private, unless for special cases Abstraction is the process of taking away or removing characteristics from something in order to reduce it to a set of essential characteristics. Encapsulation is a way to restrict the direct access to some components of an object, so users cannot access state values for all of the variables of a particular object Encapsulation can be used to hide both data members and data functions or methods associated with an instantiated class or object. Mutator Methods can Return a boolean Generally set (or mutator) methods are void They can be used to return a boolean value (i.e return true when the value is set successfully and false when it was not set) Preconditions and Postconditions The precondition of a method states what is assumed to be true when the method is called The postcondition of a method states what will be true after the method is executed, as long as the precondition holds Overloading Overloading is when we have two or more methods in the same class have the same method names but different signatures Method overloading is possible only if the overloaded methods have different signatures. It cannot be possible if the signature is same and only the return type is different Overloading and Automatic Type Conversion Java will try automatic type conversion when it cannot find a method signature that exactly matches a method invocation You Can Not Overload Operators in Java Default Variable Initialization Class types are initialized to null boolean types are initialized to false Other primitive types are initializes to the zero of their type, i.e. char = 'u000' byte = short = int = long = 0 float = double = 0.0 Local variables are not automatically initialized It is good practise to explicitly initialize instance variables in a constructor Always start a new class with a no-argument constructor, which will prevent Java from creatimng its own default no-argument constructor with its own default values for the instance variables StringTokenizer(Available on Amathuba ) DESIGN AND UML CLASS DIAGRAMS UML - Unified Modeling Language UML is used to design structure of different interaction of classes within project Design Phase Design: Specifying the structure of how a software system will be written and function, without actually writing the complete interaction A transition from "what" the system must do, to "how" the system will do it How do we design classes? Class identification from project spec'/ requirements: nouns are potential classes, objects, fields verbs are potential method or respossibilities of a class CSC1016S Lecture 13 Topic: Chapter 4 - Defining Classes I Course: CSC1016S Date: 21/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary ANNOUNCEMENTS Prac test 1 first sitting taking place this week, on the usual signed-up lab sessions Prac test will begin 15 minutes into the lab session Hard copies and handwritten notes are allowed, but no electronic assistance No need to create equals() and toString() methods unless stated Theory test 1 coming up next week Wednesday (30th August) at 18h00 Chemistry students will write the theory test at 17h00 Test will be online (on Amathuba) Everything up until the 30th will be included in the theory test SIPP will not be included in the theory test 1, but it will be included for theory test 2 and the Exam Past papers will be uploaded soon Constructors The purpose of constructors is to get and set initial values of instance variables For primitive types, use "==" for comparison For String types, use equals() for comparison It is a good practise to include the equals() and toString() methods in every class 3 Key Principles Of OOP Abstraction & Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism The Fundamental Rule For Testing Methods Every method should be tested in a program in which every other method in the testing program has already been fully tested and debugged Information Hiding and Encapsulation Information Hiding is when a programme interacts with the use but the classcode contents of the program are hidden from the user(i.e User can use the class, but can not access the code that runs it) Abstraction is the concept of discarding details in order to avoid information overload An abstraction includes only : Publicly defined variables Comments Headings of non-private methods Public definitions Encapsulation is when we seal the class into a single unit(class object), which hides the implementation details Public and Private public allows the data of a class to can be accessed and altered by other classes linked to it private blocks access to the data of a class anywhere outside the class itself In abstraction, private methods and variables are excluded Instance variables should be private except for special cases Most of the time methods are declared public Accessor and Mutator Methods Accessor gets (or accesses) the value of an instance variable Mutator sets (or changes) the value of the instance variable Provide set methods for non-static instance variables 5 Methods that all classes should have Constructor toString() equals() get (depends on program) set (depends on program) The set method can return a boolean instead of the normal void When a variable is final, its value does not change CODE SAMPLE 1 public class Student {//Class name 2 private String name; //Instance variables 3 private String surname; 4 private long idNumber; 5 public Student() { //no-argument constructor 6 this("abc", "xyz", 123); //the this() method refers to the constructor of the same signature and initializes the instance variables with these default parameters} 7 public Student ( String name, String surname, long idNumber){//an argument constructor to initialize the instance variables with variable parameters 8 = name; //initializes the instance variable name using the parameter 'name' 9 this.surname = surname; 10 this.idNumber = idNumber;} //The mutator methods 11 public void setName( String name) {;} 12 public void setSurname( String surname) { this.surname=surname;} 13 //The Accessor methods 14 public String getName() { return name;} 15 public String getSurname() { return surname;} 16 public long getIdNumber() { return idNumber;} 17 public boolean equals ( Student other){//Used to compare two instances of a class object //Compare the unique identifiers first, if equal then proceed to other comparisons, if not equal then conclude than the two instances of the class object are not the same 18 if ( this.idNumber.equals( other.idNumber)) { 19 if ((name.equals( && (surname.equals(other.surname))){ 20 return true;} 21 return false;} 22 return false;} 23 public String toString(){ 24 return "name: "+name+", surname: "+surname+", ID: "+ idNumber; 25 }} CSC1016S Lecture 12 Topic: Chapter 4 Course: CSC1016S Date: 18/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary ANNOUNCEMENTS Practical test 1 next week, during lab sessions Test on creating classes and defining methods Test will be written using the lab computers No lab quizzes next week ASSIGNMENT 5 INTRO Exercise One Creates a car-packing ticket toString() method returns a string representation of the Ticket object in the form Ticket [ id="ddddd", time="hh:mm:ss"] Exercise Two Creates a collection of all the Tickets created Register initializes the tickets and keeps track of the number of tickets Exercise Three Creates a car-parking Simulator UIDGenerator is used to generate ticket IDs\ Analyse the code snippets to get a clear understanding on how to go about writing the code THE equals() AND toString() METHODS Sample Code 1 1 public class Student {//Class name 2 public String name; //Instance variables 3 public String surname; 4 public long idNumber; 5 public Student() { //no-argument constructor 6 this("abc", "xyz", "123"); //the this() method refers to the constructor of the same signature and initializes the instance variables with these default parameters} 7 public Student ( String name, String surname, long idNumber){//an argument constructor to initialize the instance variables with variable parameters 8 = name; //initializes the instance variable name using the parameter 'name' 9 this.surname = surname; 10 this.idNumber = idNumber;} 11 public boolean equals ( Student other){//Used to compare two instances of a class object 12 //Compare the unique identifiers first, if equal then proceed to other comparisons, if not equal then conclude than the two instances of the class object are not the same 13 if ( this.idNumber.equals( other.idNumber)) { ...} 14 } //Code to be completed by Lecturer and uploaded on amathuba SIPP Lecture 04 Topic: Introduction to values Course: CSC1016S Date: 17/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Maria Keet Summary Terminology: Computer Ethics Computer Ethics describes the field that examines ethical/moral issues pertaining to computing and information technology We use moral theories to know if a certain action is good, and why it it Moral theory: a way of defining morality There are multiple moral theories They differ on the core from which you start reasoning toward whether something is ethical or ‘good’; e.g.: Divine command theory: X is good just because God commands it Cultural relativism: an action is judged good (or bad) based only on the standards that have been adopted by one’s society Teleological (utilitarianism): the right decision what is good or desirable (not the motivation behind it) is the one that causes the most happiness Terminology: Moral agency Determined by several entity innate conditions, three of which are commonly agreed upon: 1.Causality: An agent can be held responsible if the ethically relevant result is an outcome of its actions 2. Knowledge: An agent can be blamed for the result of its actions if it had (or should have had) knowledge of the consequences of its actions 3. Choice: An agent can be blamed for the result if it had the liberty to choose an alternative without greater harm for itself. Implicitly, observers tend to exculpate agents if they did not possess full moral agency, i.e., when at least one of the three criteria is absent MORAL THEORIES Cultural Relativism Ethics is relative What is right for me might not be right for you There is (always has been) a good deal of diversity regarding right and wrong Moral beliefs change over time and in a given Society Social Environment plays an important role in shaping moral ideals Two Basic Versions of Ethics Action-based theories: How should I act? Virtue-based theories: What sort of person should I be? Golden Rule (ethic of reciprocity) Confucius said in The Analects: 己所不欲、勿施於人 Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself Christianity (The words of Jesus Christ who died for our sins) “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” ~Matthew 7:12 Action-Based Approaches Action-based theories focus entirely upon the actions that a person performs Teleological theory (Greek telos, meaning "end" or "goal"): What are the consequences? When actions are judged morally right based upon their consequences Deontological theory (Greek deon = That which is binding, needful, right, proper.) What is my duty? When actions are judged morally right based upon how well they conform to some set of rules Categorical Imperative 1st Principle: “act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law.” (principle of universality) 2nd Principle (1797): “So act that you treat humanity, both in your own person and in the person of every other human being, never merely as a means, but always at the same time as an end” e.g.: killing is wrong, slavery is wrong, Has two branches: Duties: What are one's duties?(ought to follow) Rights: What are one's rights?(entitlement to that) Deontology: Duty-based Ethics (Pluralism) Seven basic moral duties that are binding on moral agents: Fidelity: one ought to keep promises Reparation: one ought to right the wrongs that one has inflicted on others Justice: one ought to distribute goods justly Beneficence: one ought to improve the lot of others with respect to virtue, intelligence, and happiness Self-improvement: one ought to improve oneself with respect to virtue and intelligence Gratitude: one ought to exhibit gratitude when appropriate Non-injury: one ought to avoid injury to others Deontology: Rights-based Ethics A right is an entitlement to something (Specified in, e.g., UDHR, SA Constitution) In Information Technology, e.g.: The right to know The right to privacy The right to property CSC1016S Lecture 11 Topic: Chapter 4 - Defining Classes I Course: CSC1016S Date: 16/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary ANNOUNCEMENTS Next week lab sessions will be on practical test 1 The prac will be based on the basics of classes Instance variables, methods and constructors will be included in the prac test We'll be having Friday lessons starting this Friday( 18th) CONSTRUCTORS A constructor is called when creating an instance of a class (using new) Methods can be invoked inside constructors first action of a constructor is to create an instance of the class ( with instance variables included) One constructor can call on other constructors within its body Include a No-Argument When a class has no specified constructors included by the programmer, Java will automatically create a default no-argument constructor A no-argument constructor takes no arguments, peformes no initialization, but allows the class object to be created Always add a constructor to your programmes Sample Code 1 1 public class Student {//Class name 2 public String name; //Instance variables 3 public String surname; 4 public long idNumber; 5 public Student() { //no-argument constructor 6 this("abc", "xyz", "123"); //the this() method refers to the constructor of the same signature and initializes the instance variables with these default parameters} 7 public Student ( String name, String surname, long idNumber){//an argument constructor to initialize the instance variables with variable parameters 8 = name; //initializes the instance variable name using the parameter 'name' 9 this.surname = surname; 10 this.idNumber = idNumber;} 11 } Sample Code 2 1 public class UCT { 2 public static void main (String[] args) { 3 Student x = new Student();//Calls no-argument constructor and sets default values for the instance variables 4 Student x = new Student ("Paul", "Smith", 957740);// calls argument constructor and assigns the parameters to the instance variables The this Keyword The this method is used to refer to instance variables in the class Can be used for one constructor to call another Can be used to separate overloaded methods The order of constructors and methods does not matter in a class The Methods equals and toString Java expects certain methods, such as the toString and equals method to be in all, or almost all classes The purpose of the equals() method is to compare two objects of one class, to see if they are exactly the same or not ( returns boolean value) '==' cannot be used to compare objects The function of the toString() method is to return a string value that represents the data in the object Sample Codes public boolean equals (className objectName){} public String toString () {} CSC1016S Lecture 10 Topic: Chapter 4 - Defining Classes I Course: CSC1016S Date: 15/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Safla Aslam Verse of the day: Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Summary ANNOUNCEMENTS Only students who have signed up for the lab session will be able to write the course tests Only attend lab sessions on the lab day you have signed up for DECLARING VARIABLES IN A FOR STATEMENT Variables declared within the for statement parameter will only be accessible within the body of the loop PARAMETERS OF A PRIMITIVE TYPE Parameters are a way of passing values to a method (i.e. parameters are the input values of a method) For each comma separated parameter, type declaration is necessary e.g public double myMethod(int p1. int p2, double p3) This method can take in 3 int arguments, but cannot take more than one double (automatic type casting) Java does not have default parameters, as in Python call-by-value/pass-by-value principle simple states that if you change the argument's value inside a method, the outside (or original) value of the variable will not be affected example: int a=1,b=2,c=3 double result = myMethod (a,b,c){a=b+c} // The original value of a, outside the method will not change, only the value of a inside the method will be altered One method can call another method inside its body CONSTRUCTORS A constructor is a special kind of method that is designed to initialize the instance variables of an object public ClassName(anyParameters){code}//structure of a constructor A constructor must have the same name as the class it's in A constructor has no type returned, not even void Every single class has a constructor 99% of constructors are Constructors are used to construct an instance of a class and allocate memory for the object of a class Constructors are typically overloaded Overloading is when we have more than one method with the exact same name but different signature (i.e. methods have same name but different parameters) Method Signature is the combination of a method's name and its parameter list A class cannot have two methods with the same signature If we declare two methods with the same signature, compilation error is thrown Method signature does not include the return type of a method. example: public void myMethod(int a, int b) public void myMethod(double c, double d) This program will not run if the parameters of both methods are integers or any lesser type (i.e. the parameters should not be ambiguous) A constructor is called when an object of a class is created (using new) If a constructor is invoked again (using new), the first object is discarded and an entirely new object is created CSC1016S Lecture 09 Topic: Chapter 4 - Defining Classes I Course: CSC1016 Date: 14/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Safla Aslam Summary ANNOUNCEMENTS Starting from this week, we'll be having Friday lectures from 11h00-11h45 (LS2A) and 12h00-12h45 (New Lecture Theatre) Introductions to assignments will be done on the Friday lectures from now on ASSIGNMENT 4 INTRO Unit testing is the most basic form of testing methods Question 1 deals with unit testing Check how to use JUnit in JGRASP by following this pathway: Amathuba>CSC1016S>OOP in Java>Section 4>Using JUnit in JGRASP After configuring JUnit, check top tabs for 'create JUnit' and click it to start new JUnit file More to be discussed on Friday CHAPTER 4 DEFINING CLASSES I Instance Variables and Methods public void myMethod(Parameter_goes_here) public : type of method (public, protected, private etc.) void : type of value returned (String, int, double etc.) myMethod : name of method In Java we have two types of methods. Namely the void method and nonvoid method At the end of every non-void method, the return statement must be included We can have any number of conditional return statements, but only one will be returned by the method void methods have no return statements, they only execute the specified action within the method body The 'main' function is a void method Local variable: A variable declared within a method (i.e. a variable that exists only within a method, as opposed to instance variables) Java does not have global variables SIPP Lecture 03-10/08/2023 Topic: ICT4D,UCT4Peace & War and green/sustainable computing Course: CSC1016S Date: 10/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Prof. Maria Keet Summary ICT4D The D stands for development and has a neutral use and a political connotation Potential of ICT4D Knowledge can be shared by one person to another without any loss With ICT people can have access to more information, which leads to more knowledge ICT can be used in developing countries to extend the distribution of knowledge resources(e.g giving people tablets instead of physical information papers) What is the Digital Divide The gap between those who have access to information society and those who are deprived of such access Two aspects: Global Digital Divide(international)-between countries Local Digital Divide-between groups in a particular country What causes the Digital Divide Poor education and illiteracy Disability Location(rural-urban) Gender Race Income level Consequences of the Digital Divide Cultural bias in the applications and contents Poor digital infrastructure Inappropriate computer equipment How to bridge the Digital Divide Provide sustainable solutions in under-serviced communities Government policy will have to change to make ICT more accessible to all Leapfrogging in technological development is when new form of technology is invented without having to follow the steps of previous form of technology (giant leap that bypasses current technology development ) Universal Service and Universal Access USAASA (Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa) Universal service is an old principle that all residents of a country should have access to basic communications services (Formulated in the 1930's in the USA for telephone services) Is Universal Service enough Cost of metered access Lack of appropriate and accessible content Effective use - The capacity and opportunity to successfully integrate ICTs into the accomplishment of self and collaboratively identified goals ICT4Peace For peace-building efforts Peacebuilding: Measures targeted to reduce the risk of conflict by strengthening national capacities Examples : Communication a Multilingualism and translations ICT4War Examples: Propaganda Autonomous Weapon Systems SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING Source of Pollution Basics(IT in social): User devices (PCs, servers, tablets, smart phones etc) costs electricity Printing Computer network infrastructure Policies, practices, greed: Trashware Forced obsolescence Perl and Python are the most polluting languages Java, C, C++ and Rust are the least polluting languages "Greenest" programming language is C Contributing to the solution Energy management: Devices for demand-side control Feeding solar back into the Net(management of distributed energy generation) Scheduling computing jobs based on electricity peak demand/downtime CSC1016S Lecture 08-08/08/2023 Topic: Chapter 4-Defining Classes I Course: aCSC1016S Date: 08/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary ANNOUNCEMENTS No quiz or lab sessions this week If in need of assistance, tutors will be present in Scilab A&B during lab sessions For loop is necessary for assignment 3 No lecture tomorrow MORE ON ARRAYS Arrays in Python are dynamic, and static in Java Code sample: int[] age ={2,12,1};//creates array with integer elements age.length //has a value of 3 Array is an object If a variable is not of a primitive data type, then it's an object DEFINING CLASSES INTRODUCTION Every program is a class All helping software consists of classes All programmer-defined types are classes Classes are central to Java An object represents an entity in the real world(e.g Person, Student,Money, Currency etc) Class defines object, object defines entity An object has a unique identity state(properties), and behaviour(actions) The state consists of a set of data fields (also known as instance variables) with their current values The behaviour is defined by a set of methods A CLASS IS A TYPE A class determines the type of data that an object can contain as well as the actions(methods) it can perform Primitive type vs Class type Primitive type variable can onlt store a single piece of data(e.g. int stores integers, char stores characters, double stores real numbers only etc.) Class type value or object can have multiple pieces of data(e.g Money can store strings as well as doubles) For a given object, each piece of data can hold a different value Contents of a Class Generally main method is the last method defined in the main class Class contains instance variables and methods A class is a reference type The 'new' Operator Is used to create the object and associate it with its variable name: ClassName classVar = new ClassName(); First, the new operator reserves memory for classVar Calls the constructor, which goes and initializes the variable by referring classVar to the actual object(className()) Instance Variables and Methods Code sample: public void myMethod()//Heading {//Code to perform some action and compute its value} public void is not part of the method signature but part of the header CSC1016S Lecture 07-07/08/2023 Topic: Chapter 3-Flow of Control in Java Course: CSC1016S Date: 07/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Tomorrow's lecture will be both in-person and online on MS teams, link to be sent prior to lecture ASSIGNMENT 3 Due on Friday 7pm Instance variable is created inside class but outside any method Seller Class Use Money class and Currency class for unit price Class should only contain 6 lines Make instance variables public You don't initialize public instance variables No method required in this class N.B compile Seller class before using it TestSeller Class Asks user for details and assigns the input values to their corresponding Seller variables code sample: Seller x = new Seller();//Creates Seller object for TestSeller class x.ID = keyboard.nextLine();//Stores user ID to Seller ID variable MarketPlace Class Seller x = new Seller();//Requered statement in makeSeller() method Array should contain all Seller variables CHAPTER 3 LOOPS When to use while instead of for loop? When the number of iterations(loops) is not known(minimum number of iterations is 0) When to use for loop instead of while loop? When the number of iterations is known No else statement for while loops Use break statement to end while loop Use continue to end current iteration Do-while loop does something first, then tests the condition Do-while code structure: do { statement_1; statement_2; : statement_n; } while (Boolean_condition);//Note the semi-colon at the end of the while statement Add if statement before do statement to convert do-while to ordinary while loop ALGORITHM AND PSEUDOCODE An algorithm is a set of precise instructions that lead to a solution THE FOR LOOP Similar to python but structured differently Doesn't create a list but acts as a counter For loop structure: for (Initializing;boolean;update) {body}//Initialize-test(true)-iterate-update For loop example: for(number = 100; number >= 0; number--)//Iterates 101 times, because 0 is included {System.out.println(number + " bottles on shelf");} Output: 100 bottles on shelf 99 bottles on shelf : 0 bottles on shelf System.exit(0) ends program(use in exceptional cases only) CSC1016S Lecture 06-02/08/2023 Topic: Chapter 2-Console Input and Output Course: CSC1016S Date: 02/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary BOOLEAN EXPRESSIONS && : and || ! : or : negation LOOPS 1)While loop code structure: while(boolean//executes loop only when boolean value is true) {statement(s)} 2)Do-while loop code structure: do {statement(s)}//executes this block, then proceeds to the loop while(boolean//executes loop only when boolean value is true) {statement(s)} 3)For loop code structure: for (Initializing;boolean;update) {statement(s)} For loop example: for(number = 100; number >= 0; number--) {System.out.println(number + " bottles on shelf");} Equivalent while loop example: number = 100; while(number >= 0) {System.out.println(number + " bottles on shelf"); number --;} Output for both codes: 100 bottles on shelf 99 bottles on shelf : 0 bottles on shelf When executing break statement, nearest enclosing loop or switch ends When executing continue statement, current loop body iteration of the nearest loop statement ends The exit statement (System.exit(0)) will immediately end the program INTRODUCTION TO ARRAYS Creating an array: Type[] var_name = new Type[n]//where n is the number of items or elements in array Example: double[] score = new double[3]; score[0] = 80; score[1] = 99.9; score[2] = 85.5; //This creates an array of 3 scores, starting at index 0 Results: score = {80; 99.9; 85.5} SIPP Lecture 02-03/08/2023 Topic: Social Context Course: CSC1016S Date: 03/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Prof. Maria Keet Summary GROWTH OF THE INTERNET 1980s: bulletin boards, UseNet groups, email 1990s: world wide web, then search engines, e-commerce, mobile phones, PDAs 2000s: record/CD shops close (in Europe, USA), smart phones, iPhone & Android Effects of INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY(ICT) Revolution Disruptive effects on: – Buying and selling – Communication – Access to knowledge – Socializing and falling in love – Crime – Classroom Effects: – Globalization & Economics – Privacy and surveillance – How we think? Digital Natives People born in the digital networked era: – Spend much of life online: with little distinction between offline (identity) and online (identities) – Express, create and relate while mediated by technology – Tendency to multitask, not successfully – Different notions of privacy (and online information can come back to haunt you) Many studies show the negative impact of mobile phone, laptop and tablet use in the classroom. Not everything is positive about ICT: Disruptive effects on jobs Changing media landscape ICTs to facilitate violence (e.g.: drones, surveillance, autonomous weapons systems) Human disposability and the fear of Artificial Intelligence (well, robots) Recall pop-quiz question Automatisation typically has the consequence of firing employees profit is generated by under-paying employees; can’t do that with robots; then if all is roboticised, then there’s no profit to be gained from that, yet capital needs profits to perpetuate itself Asimov’s laws of robotics 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. In that order…. SIPP Lecture 01-27/08/2023 Topic: Social Context Course: CSC1016S Date: 27/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Prof. Maria Keet Summary Social Issues and Professional Practice (SIPP) Introduces ethical issues of computing Introduces the effects of ICT on society, privacy concerns, intellectual property and open source software, ICT for development, and professional codes of conduct in ICT Analysing and formulating arguments about such topics. In this unit, we'll be covering : - key historical notes of computing - current states of affair and hotly debated topics - the notion of ICT for peace and development Prescribed textbook: SIPPnotes (on Amathuba) Other suggested textbook: Ethics and Technology: Controversies, Questions, and Strategies for Ethical Computing (4th Ed) Herman T. Tavani Read Chapter 1 of SIPPnotes Check SIPP00-whatSIPPquiz-2023AT.pdf under Resource on CSC1016S Amathuba OVERVIEW This block in CSC1016S is about the values that underlie your professional life Analytical tools helps you with: – Formulating your own position regarding x – Having a constructive argument with someone – Detect flaws in your own or someone else’s argument – Understand when to agree to disagree, and why Assignment 10 (Essay) is part of SIPP ChatGPT, Bard, CodePilot and the like are not to used in this course As technological advances continue to significantly impact the way we live and work, the critical importance of social issues and professional practice continues to increase; new computer-based products and venues pose ever more challenging problems each year. CSC1016S Lecture 05-01/08/2023 Topic: Chapter 2-Console Input and Output Course: CSC1016S Date: 01/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary DELIMITER What is a delimiter? In Java, delimiters are the characters that split (separate) the input values into tokens Java allows us to define any characters as a delimiter Java uses uses whitespace character as it's default delimiter keyboard.useDelimiter('new delimiter')//changes the keyboard default delimiter TEXT INPUT The Scanner class can also be used to read from files on the disk import and FoundException in addition to the Scanner class Try/catch code: 1 Scanner fileIn = null ; // initializes fileIn to empty 2 try { // Attempt to open the file 3 fileIn = new Scanner( new FileInputStream("PathToFile")); } 4 catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // If the file could not be found, this code is executed 5 System.out.println("File not found."); 6 System.exit(0); } ... Code continues here Code to read text file: 7 if (fileIn.hasNextLine()//checks if file is not blank, then returns boolean value){ 8 int num = fileIn.nextInt();//reads and stores next integer value 9 String word =;//reads and stores next string value 10 String sentence = fileIn.nextLine();//reads and stores the whole line FLOW OF CONTROL Java has 3 types of loops: -for loop (same as in python) -while loop (same as in python) -do-while loop (executes a block of code first, then runs the loop) THE SWITCH STATEMENT Code structure: Switch(Controlling_Expression){ case Case_Label_1: { Statement;break;//executes statement(s) and then exits out of the flow} case Case_Label_2: {Statement;break;} : case Case_Label_n: {Statement;break;} default: {Default_Statement;break;} If break statement is excluded, all cases will be execute Example: 1 String letter = "H"; 2 Switch(letter){ 3 case "H": 4 System.out.println("Hello "); 5 case "Y": 6 System.out.println("Goodbye"); 7 default: 8 System.out.println("World"); 9 break;} Output: Hello World Code sample: int max = (n1>n2)?n1:n2;//Compares the two numbers and stores the one that is bigger CSC1016S Lecture 04-31/07/2023 Topic: Chapter 2-Console Input and Output Course: CSC1016S Date: 31/07/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Console-Where user interacts with the program(i.e. computer screen) System.out.println(Argument) //used to output a string Systemis the package, out is the class, and println() is the method Only one argument is allowed in println(), and can only concatenate the argument using "+" The print() method is like println(), except that it does not end a line Printf: Print formatter printf leaves cursor at the end of the same line Can take any number of arguments (i.e. printf(String, Arg_1,Arg_2,...) The code: double price = 19.8; System.out.print("$"); System.out.printf("%6.2f", price); System.out.println(" each"); will output the line $ 19.80 each The format string "%6.2f" indicates the following: – End any text to be output and start the format specifier (%) – Display up to 6 right-justified characters, pad fewer than six characters on the left with blank spaces (i.e., field width is 6) – Display exactly 2 digits after the decimal point (.2) – Display a floating point number, and end the format specifier (i.e., the conversion character is f. Can also use other conversion characters, see Chapter 2 slides for more info) Right-justified (from right to left): "+" Left-justified (from left to right) : "-" Centre justified (from centre) :"^" %n indicates new line(\n) Code that is "old fashioned" but too expensive to replace is called legacy code pr CONSOLE INPUT AND OUTPUT USING SCANNER CLASS code sample: 1 import Java.util.Scanner; //imports the scanner class 2 public class String entry { 3 public static void main ( String [] args){ 2 Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; //creates scanner object 3 System.out.println("Enter your name:"); 4 String name =; //Reads and stores single string of user input 5 System.out.println("Hello " + name); // concatenates string "Hello " with variable 'name' 6 }} code I/O: Enter your name: Marc Hello Marc Primitive types of input: -keyboard.nextInt() //reads single integer value -keyboard.nextLine() //reads entire line -keyboard.nextDouble() //reads single double value //reads single string value -keyboard.nextFloat()//reads single floating point value -keyboard.nextChar()//reads single character -keyboard.nextShort()//reads single short value -keyboard.nextLong()//reads single long value Each instance of the variable will have a new value stored CSC1016S Lecture 03 - 26/07/2023 Topic: Variables in Java Course: CSC1016S Date: 26/07/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary IDENTIFIERS : The name of a variable Cannot start with a digit All characters must be letters, digits or underscores (_) Case sensitive (rate RATE Rate are all seen as different variables) Reserved words are predefined words used for specific purposes in the Java language and cannot be used for naming. Predefined identifiers are defined in libraries required by the Java language standard Valid names: ○x ○ x1 ○ x_1 ○ _abc ○ ABC123 ○ sum ○ data2 ○ bigBonus ● Invalid names : ○ 12 ○ 3X ○ %change ○ data-1 ○ ○ PROG.CLASS Camelcase (topSpeed, timeOfArrival, bankRate1) Variable names typically begin with a lowercase letter Constant variable are all uppercase (GRAVITY = 9.8) (their values do not change) Use descriptive names (no var1, var2 please) Class names start with an uppercase letter (FirstProgram) VARIABLES: Every variable must be declared before it can be used The basic types in Java are called primitive types: byte>short>int>long>float>double When a variable is declare you are telling the compiler what data will be stored in it ○ int numberOfBeans; ○ Double oneWeight, totalWeight; ○ String userName; "=" is the assignment operator (i.e numberOfBeans = 15;) ARITHMETICS: + : Addition - : Subtraction / : Division * : Multiplication % : Modulus(Remainder) ++ : Increment -- : Decrement Type Casting: A type cast takes a value of one type and produces a value of another type This value is Java’s best guess of an equivalent value This expression is a type cast: ○ (double)m ○ m is an integer ○ If m was 2 them after the type cast it is 2.0 Increment and Decrement Operators: Increment operator (++) adds one Decrement operator (--) subtracts one n++ //Uses the value n, and after increments n by 1 ++n //Increments n by 1, then uses the new value instead ESCAPE SEQUENCES: \" : Double quote \' \\ \n \r \t : Single quote : Backslash : Newline : Carriage return : Tab CSC1016S Lecture 02 - 25/07/2023 Topic: Introduction to Java Course: CSC1016S Date: 25/07/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla INTRODUCTION TO JAVA Java is an Object-Oriented Program (OOP) Created by James Gosling (in 1991) Released by Sun Microsystems (in 1996) A type of Interpreted language (executes one line at a time) Functions are called methods in Java Java is a compiled language A regular Java program is a class with the main method JAVA CODING STEPS: Java code/java byte code/machine language/execute Java can be considered both a compiled and an interpreted language because its source code is first compiled into a binary byte-code. This byte-code runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is usually a software-based interpreter. Why Java byte code? Makes Java portable Allows program to run across various machines Difference between compiled and interpreted language: A compiled language is converted into machine code so that the processor can execute it. An interpreted language is a language in which the implementations execute instructions directly(line by line) without earlier compiling a program into machine language. The compiled programs run faster .t A Simple Java Program ● A java program is a class definition with a method named main ● When the program is run the actions specified in main are carried out ● The body of the method is enclosed in curly braces {} ○ Everything that the program is going to run needs to be inside of them ● public static void main(String[] args) TYPICAL HELLOWORD PROGRAM 1 public class FirstProgram //class name 2{ 3 public static void main ( String [ ] args) //main method 4 { 5 System.out.println("Hello world"); 6 //Semi-colons at the end of every statement 7 } 8} OUTPUT : Hello world CSC1016S Lecture 01 - 24/07/2023 Topic: Introduction to students Course: CSC1016S Date: 24/07/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Java lessons from Monday to Wednesday (by Mr. Aslam ) SIPP lessons on Thursdays (by Prof. Maria Keet ) Friday lessons are on only when necessary (TBA) Recommended textbook : Absolute Java, (International/Fifth edition or later) by Walter Savitch, Pearson / AddisonWesley, ISBN: 9780273764793 SIPP textbook available on Amathuba website 2 practical tests and 2 theory tests (all compulsory) SIPP essay assignment is compulsory CSC1016S All Lecture Notes CSC1016S Lecture 26 Topic: CHAPTER 8 - POLYMORPHISM AND ABSTRACT CLASSES Course: CSC1016S Date: 20/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Verse of the day: Matthew 11:28 -30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Summary ANNOUNCEMENTS This week Friday's lecture is going to be a very important one Friday's lecture is Aslam's very last lecture Introduction to Polymorphism Polymorphism is the ability to associate many meanings to one method name It does this through a special mechanism known as late binding or dynamic binding Inheritance allows a base class to be defined, and other classes derived from it Code for the base class can then be used for its own objects, as well as objects of any derived classes Polymorphism allows changes to be made to method definitions in the derived classes, and have those changes apply to the software written for the base class Late Binding The process of associating a method definition with a method invocation is called binding If the method definition is associated with its invocation when the code is compiled, that is called early binding If the method definition is associated with its invocation when the method is invoked (at run time), that is called late binding or dynamic binding Java uses late binding for all methods (except private, final, and static methods) Because of late binding, a method can be written in a base class to perform a task, even if portions of that task aren't yet defined Pitfall: No Late Binding for Static Methods When the decision of which definition of a method to use is made at compile time, that is called static binding This decision is made based on the type of the variable naming the object Java uses static, not late, binding with private, final, and static methods In the case of private and final methods, late binding would serve no purpose However, in the case of a static method invoked using a calling object, it does make a difference The final Modifier A method marked final indicates that it cannot be overridden with a new definition in a derived class If final, the compiler can use early binding with the method public final void someMethod() { . . . } A class marked final indicates that it cannot be used as a base class from which to derive any other classes Upcasting and Downcasting Upcasting is when an object of a derived class is assigned to a variable of a base class (or any ancestor class) Downcasting is when a type cast is performed from a base class to a derived class (or from any ancestor class to any descendent class) Downcasting has to be done very carefully In many cases it doesn't make sense, or is illegal: CSC1016S Lecture 24 Topic: Chapter Course: CSC1016S Date: 18/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Quiz 5 taking place this week Prac test 1 final sitting taking place this week after quiz No need for signup Submit prac test code even if it doesn't work 100% All sample codes have been uploaded on Amathuba csc1016s resources Derived Class(Subclass) Derived class does not have direct access to private instance variables and methods Derived class can only access private instance variables through get and set methods Inherited Members A derived class automatically has all the instance variables, all the static variables, and all the public methods of the base class Members from the base class are said to be inherited Definitions for the inherited variables and methods do not appear in the derived class The code is reused without having to explicitly copy it, unless the creator of the derived class redefines one or more of the base class methods Overriding a Method Definition Although a derived class inherits methods from the base class, it can change or override an inherited method if necessary In order to override a method definition, a new definition of the method is simply placed in the class definition, just like any other method that is added to the derived class example, toString() and equals() Changing the Return Type of an Overridden Method Ordinarily, the type returned may not be changed when overriding a method However, if it is a class type, then the returned type may be changed to that of any descendent class of the returned type This is known as a covariant return type Changing the Access Permission of an Overridden Method The access permission of an overridden method can be changed from private in the base class to public (or some other more permissive access) in the derived class However, the access permission of an overridden method can not be changed from public in the base class to a more restricted access permission in the derived class Pitfall: Overriding Versus Overloading Do not confuse overriding a method in a derived class with overloading a method name When a method is overridden, the new method definition given in the derived class has the exact same number and types of parameters as in the base class When a method in a derived class has a different signature from the method in the base class, that is overloading Note that when the derived class overloads the original method, it still inherits the original method from the base class as well For child class to access a visible accessible overridden method from parent class use super() The final Modifier If the modifier final is placed before the definition of a method, then that method may not be redefined in a derived class It the modifier final is placed before the definition of a class, then that class may not be used as a base class to derive other classes The super Constructor A derived class uses a constructor from the base class to initialize all the data inherited from the base class In order to invoke a constructor from the base class, it uses a special syntax: public derivedClass(int p1, int p2, double p3) { super(p1, p2);//must always start by calling the super constructor instanceVariable = p3;//this child class has p3 as its only instance variable } In the above example, super(p1, p2); is a call to the base class constructor A call to the base class constructor can never use the name of the base class, but uses the keyword super instead A call to super must always be the first action taken in a constructor definition An instance variable cannot be used as an argument to super If a derived class constructor does not include an invocation of super, then the no-argument constructor of the base class will automatically be invoked This can result in an error if the base class has not defined a no-argument constructor Since the inherited instance variables should be initialized, and the base class constructor is designed to do that, then an explicit call to super should always be used The this Constructor Within the definition of a constructor for a class, this can be used as a name for invoking another constructor in the same class The same restrictions on how to use a call to super apply to the this constructor If it is necessary to include a call to both super and this, the call using this must be made first, and then the constructor that is called must call super as its first action • Often, a no-argument constructor uses this to invoke an explicit-value constructor No-argument constructor (invokes explicit-value constructor using this and default arguments) Tip: An Object of a Derived Class Has More than One Type An object of a derived class has the type of the derived class, and it also has the type of the base class More generally, an object of a derived class has the type of every one of its ancestor classes Therefore, an object of a derived class can be assigned to a variable of any ancestor type An object of a derived class can be plugged in as a parameter in place of any of its ancestor classes In fact, a derived class object can be used anyplace that an object of any of its ancestor types can be used Note, however, that this relationship does not go the other way An ancestor type can never be used in place of one of its derived types Pitfall: The Terms "Subclass" and "Superclass" The terms subclass and superclass are sometimes mistakenly reversed A superclass or base class is more general and inclusive, but less complex A subclass or derived class is more specialized, less inclusive, and more complex As more instance variables and methods are added, the number of objects that can satisfy the class definition becomes more restricted instanceOf(classType) checks what type a specific class is of and returns either true or falsee depending on the parameter type SIPP Lecture 12 Topic: Intellectual Property Course: CSC1016S Date: 19/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Maria Keet Verse of the day:"Revelation 22:12 And behold, I come quickly and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be," Summary Lesser GPL (aka GNU Library) GPL says you are free to modify software and combine it with other libraries, but that all such extensions must also be distributed under GPL GNU Library or Lesser GPL has less stringent conditions Allows open-source libraries to be used in proprietary applications The Creative Commons(CC) The Creative Commons (CC), a nonprofit organization, was lunched by Lawrence Lessig and others in 2001 CC aims at providing creative solutions to problems that currently copyright laws pose for sharing information Creative Commons: Key Themes Minimum of fuss creativity: Sharing, Accessing, Collaborating and Negotiating Unleash the potential of the digital environment Free Culture-Free to Access a repository of open space or commons Not anti-copyright Relies on and is complementary to copyright Four main protocols Attribution: Other people may use, modify and distribute the work, as long as they give the original author credit Non-commercial: Other people may use, modify and distribute the work, but for non-commercial purposes only No derivatives: Other people may use and distribute the work, but can not modify it to create derivative works Share alike: Other people may modify the work and distribute derivatives, but only on the condition that the derivatives are made available to other people on the same licence This term can not be used with the No derivatives term, because it applies only to derivative works Conclusion Open Source is clearly a phenomenon which has and will continue to greatly impact software use and development Open Source and proprietary software are likely to coexist for some time Many traditional software companies are adopting some "open source" practices and principle Open Source has reached mainstream acceptance, with an increasing number of organizations and companies, promoting, developing and using open source software People are generalizing the idea beyond just software to other forms of digital content. CSC1016S Lecture 40 Topic: Chapter 17: GUI with Java Swing Part 2 Course: CSC1016S Date: 18/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary Announcements This is the last Java lecture Friday lecture will be code demo Monday is the very lecture-Aslam will be briefing on the coming Exam GUI COMPONENTS Swing A text field is an object of the class JTextField. It allows the user to enter a single line of text. JTextField in = new JTextField("Enter name", 30); String inputString = in.getText(); in.setText(""); A text area is an object of the class JTextArea. It is the same as a text field, except that it allows multiple lines A menu is an object of the class JMenu. A choice on a menu is called a menu item, and is an object of the class JMenuItem. JMenu sortMenu = new JMenu("Sort by"); JMenuItem recent = new JMenuItem("Recent"); recent.addActionListener(new ItemListener()); sortMenu.add(recent); JMenuItem likes = new JMenuItem("Most likes"); likes.addActionListener(new ItemListener()); sortMenu.add(likes); A menu bar is a container for menus, typically placed near the top of a windowing interface. JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar(); bar.add(sortMenu); LAYOUT MANAGERS Swing Containers vs Components 1. Any class that is a descendent class of the class Container is considered to be a container class. e.g. JFrame, JPanel 2. Any container object can have components added to it. Any descendent class of the class JComponent is called a component class. e.g. JButton, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea Almost every GUI built using Swing container classes will be made up of three kinds of objects: 1. The container itself, probably a panel or window-like object. 2. The components added to the container such as labels, buttons, and panels. 3. A layout manager to position the components inside the container. The add method adds components to a JFrame, but doesn’t specify how they are arranged. To describe how multiple components are to be arranged, a layout manager is used. There are a number of layout manager classes: BorderLayout (default) FlowLayout GridLayout To add a layout manager to a JFrame: setLayout(new BorderLayout()); A BorderLayout manager places the components that are added to a JFrame object into 5 regions. FlowLayout manager is the simplest layout manager. It arranges components one after the other, going from left to right, in the order in which they are added. GridLayout arranges components in a 2D grid with some number of rows and columns. setLayout(new GridLayout(rows, columns)); Each entry is the same size. Each component is stretched so that it fills its grid position. Items are placed in the grid from left to right, top to bottom GridLayout arranges components in a 2D grid with some number of rows and columns. setLayout(new GridLayout(rows, columns)); Creates a grid with specified number of rows and as many columns as required. setLayout(new GridLayout(rows, 0)); Same! setLayout(new GridLayout(0, columns)); Creates a grid with specified number of columns and as many rows as required. A GUI is often organized in a hierarchical fashion, with containers called panels inside other containers. A panel is an object of the JPanel class that is a simple container. It subdivides a JFrame and groups smaller objects into a larger components (e.g. buttons into a panel, panels into a JFrame). A JFrame and each panel in it can use different layout managers. =⇒ Enables almost any kind of overall layout to be used in a GUI. (Panels within the JFrame, panels within those panels, etc.) ACTION COMMANDS Swing When a user clicks a button or menu item, an event is fired that normally goes to one or more action listeners. This action event includes a String instance variable called the action command for the button or menu item. This string can be retrieved with e.getActionCommand(). JButton nextButton1 = new JButton("NEXT"); next1.setActionCommand("next1"); JButton nextButton2 = new JButton("NEXT"); next2.setActionCommand("next2"); The default value for the action command string is what’s written on the button or the menu item. The setActionCommand method can be used to change the action command for a component (useful when multiple components have the same default action command. CSC1016S Lecture 39 Topic:Chapter 17: GUI with Java Swing Course:CSC1016S Date: 17/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary GUI: Graphical User Interface Is a windowing system that interacts with the user. In Java, the AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) package was the original Java package for creating GUIs. The Swing package is an improved version of AWT. Some AWT classes are replaced by Swing classes, but other AWT classes are needed when using Swing Event-driven programming Event-driven programming is a programming style that uses a signal-andresponse approach to programming Flow of the program is determined by events such as user actions (mouse clicks, key presses). How does Event-driven programming work? Windows contain GUI components e.g. buttons. These send events to other objects called listeners. An event is an object that acts as a signal to a listener. The sending of an event is called firing the event. e.g. When a button is clicked, it fires an event that sends a signal to another object, telling that object what to do. What is a listener? A listener object performs some action in response to the event. e.g. When a login button is clicked, check if the entered username and password is correct. A component may have several listeners. Each listener may respond to a different kind of event, or multiple listeners might may respond to the same events. What is an event handler? Methods that specify what happens when events occur. A listener object has methods (event handlers) that specify what happens when events of various kinds are received by it. e.g. When a login button is clicked, check if the entered username and password is correct. The programmer using the listener object will define or redefine these event-handler methods. Swing A simple window can consist of an object of the JFrame class. 1. The JFrame class is found in the javax.swing package JFrame firstWindow = new JFrame(); 2. A JFrame object includes a border and the usual three buttons for minimizing, changing the size of, and closing the window. 3. A JFrame can have components added to it, such as buttons, menus, and text labels. firstWindow.add(endButton); firstWindow.setVisible(true); GUI components are available as Swing classes. They can be added to the window. A button object is created from the class JButton. JButton button1 = new JButton("Click"); firstWindow.add(button1); Text can be added to a JFrame using a label. JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Hello"); firstWindow.add(label1); A color is an object of the class Color from the java.awt package. There are constants in the Color class that represent a number of basic colors. The background color of a JFrame can be set: getContentPane().setBackground(Color.BLUE); The color of a GUI component can also be set: button1.setBackground(Color.PINK); A pixel is the smallest unit of space on a screen. The size and position of Swing objects are measured in pixels. A screen’s resolution is the number of pixels it uses to display. For a fixed size screen... High resolution: many pixels, windows will look smaller. Low resolution: fewer pixels, windows will look larger. GUI programs are often based on a kind of infinite loop. The windowing system normally stays on the screen until the user indicates that it should go away. In order to end a GUI program, System.exit must be used when the user asks to end the program. It must be explicitly invoked, or included in some library code that is executed. Otherwise, a Swing program will not end. Listeners A button object is created from the class JButton. JButton button1 = new JButton("Click"); firstWindow.add(button1); In order to let this button do something: Specify what objects are its listeners, i.e. register listeners. Define the methods that will be invoked automatically when the event is sent to the listener. A button object is created from the class JButton. JButton button1 = new JButton("Click"); firstWindow.add(button1); EndingListener buttonEar = new EndingListener(); button1.addActionListener(buttonEar); A listener object named buttonEar is created and registered as a listener for the button named button1. Buttons fire events known as action events, which are handled by listeners known as action listeners. Different kinds of components require different kinds of listener classes to handle the events they fire. An action listener is an object whose class implements the ActionListener interface. ActionListener has one method to be implemented. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) When the user clicks a button, an action event is sent to the action listener for that button. The action listener receives the action event as the parameter e to its actionPerformed method (automatically invoked). Note that parameter e must be received, even if it is not used. CSC1016S Lecture 38 Topic: Chapter 15: Stacks & Queues Course: CSC1016S Date: 16/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary Stacks & Queues What are stacks and queues in Computer Science? Data structures that operate in specific ways regarding adding and removing data. They are used in many different settings (well known data structures in computing). They can be implemented as linked lists. Stacks and queues are not necessarily linked data structures (can be implemented in other ways too). Stacks & Queues are different data structures from LinkedLists Stack What is a stack? A data structure that removes items in reverse of the order in which they were inserted. The last item to be inserted will be the next to be removed. Terminology: push: adds an item to the collection pop: removes the most recently added item that has not been removed yet A last-in/first-out data structure. We can implement a stack as a linked list. Requires very little change from the linked list we have already implemented. push: add to the start of the list pop: remove from the start of the list Queue What is a queue? A data structure that removes items in the same order in which they were inserted. The earliest inserted item in the queue will be the next to be removed. Terminology: enqueue: adds an item to the collection dequeue: removes the item that has been in the queue the longest A first-in/first-out data structure. We can implement a queue as a linked list. Requires some change from the linked list we have already implemented. enqueue: add to the end of the list dequeue: remove from the start of the list CSC1016S Lecture 37 Topic: Linked Lists Part 2 Course: CSC1016S Date: 13/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary Linked Lists A linked list is the simplest example of a linked data structure. Single chain of nodes, each connected to the next by a link. A linked list can be made self-contained by making the node class an inner class A node inner class so defined should be made private, unless used elsewhere. A linked list can be made self-contained by making the node class an inner class A node inner class so defined should be made private, unless used elsewhere. This can simplify the definition of the node class by eliminating the need for accessor and mutator methods This solves issues related to privacy leaks - makes the private instance variables of a node inaccessible. Like other classes, a linked list class should normally have an equals method. It can be defined different ways, depending on the situation. Usually checks if two linked lists have the same nodes. Can check if nodes are in the same order it can be independent of order. Deep copying vs shallow copying LinkedList copiedList = list; This just copies the reference - another name for the same list (a shallow copy). Would have to traverse a linked list and copy of each node. Even this would not be a deep copy - for that you have to copy the node data as well. Generic Linked Lists A linked list can be created with a type parameter <T> for the node class type. This would enable our linked list to store objects of any class type, including types that contain multiple instance variables. e.g. linked list of Strings, Integers, Employees, Teams. This class can have the same methods, coded very similarly (only difference is node type being a parameter). Iterators A collection of objects, such as the nodes of a linked list, must often be traversed in order to perform some action on each object. An iterator is any object that enables this. Can be implemented as an inner class in the linked list class. Iterator inner class can be made public, so it can be used outside the linked list class. LinkedList.ListIterator i = list.iterator(); Linked list class has an iterator method that returns an iterator for that linked list. Basic methods for an iterator: restart: Resets the iterator to the beginning of the list. hasNext: Determines if there is another data item on the list. next: Produces the next data item on the list. addHere: Add a node at the current position in the linked list. delete: Remove the current node. changeHere: Modify the current node. An iterator can be used to add/delete/change nodes at the current position. This is implemented by reassigning the position and/or previous nodes. Deleting a node Code Sample: =; position =; Adding a node (between previous and position) Code Sample: Node temp = new Node(newData, position); = temp; previous = temp; SIPP Lecture 11 Topic: Intellectual Property Course: CSC1016S Date: 12/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Maria Keet Summary Critiques(Selection) on Intellectual Property Physical possession issue - Information objects, such as numbers and propositions are abstract objects, which cannot causally interact with material objects, and hence cannot be owned or possessed Copies, so no exclusive property - Information is "non-rivalrous", i.e.: intellectual works are not typically consumed by their use and can be shared concurrently Rights-based issue - Individuals have a right to knowledge and IP restricts access, use, and expression of ideas Protecting Software Currently three mechanisms: copyright, trade secrecy and patent. Copyright Copyright prevents others from copying original works without permission for a limited time (50 years after death of author) Only expression of an idea, and not the idea itself, can be copyrighted Exist in a material form Copyright comes into being automatically and no registration is required Software Copyright in South Africa Computer programs are eligible for Copyright, if they are original Need permission for: Reproducing the computer program in any manner or form; making an adaptation of the computer program; etc What Constitutes Copyright Infringement? In general copyright infringement occurs where the copyrighted material of others is used for personal gain as opposed to private or personal use Backup is allowed for personal use Fair dealing is allowed for review, illustration in teaching, demonstration of equipment Copyright of programs lasts 50 years after first made available to the public The author of a computer program is the person who exercises control over the making of the program TRADE SECRECY Trade Secrecy Laws Grant companies the right to keep information secret e.g. a secret recipe allowing them to keep a competitive edge not designed with computer technology in mind For a piece of information to be considered trade secret: It is novel Represents an economic investment to the claimant Have involved some effort in development The claimant made some effort to keep it secret TRADEMARKS AND DOMAINS Trademarks Distinguishes one person's goods or services from those of another Rights exist either via common law or by registration Registered Trademarks are perpetually renewable in periods of 10 years Domain Names Domain Name System(DNS) Used instead of IP numbers generic Top Level Domain(gTLD) .com, .net, .org etc PATENTS Patent Protection I Gives inventor monopoly on use of the invention even if someone makes the same product in a different way Is granted for a limited number of years (20) The main aim of patents advance useful arts and science foster inventions promotes disclosure of inventions ideas already in the public domain remain there. Cannot patent abstract idea, algorithm or scientific principle Must satisfy the following criteria: Permissible subject matter Satisfies the three tests of: utility, novelty and non-obvious. Patents versus Copyright(practical things) Software is already protected by copyright law Copyright rules are simpler protection available to everyone at very low cost(or nil) The patent system is cumbersome and expensive Applying and conducting patent searches can cost a lot Feasible for large companies like Microsoft Patenting is South Africa: CIPRO CIPRO is South Africa's patent office Companies and Intellectual Properties Registration Office. In South Africa patents are granted without any examination by the authorities What is the Lifespan of a Patent? A patent can last up to 20 years, provided that it is renewed annually before the expiration of the third year. It is important to pay an annual renewal fee to keep it in force. The patent expires after 20 years from the date of application What can be patented? 1) A patent may, subject to the provisions of this section, be granted for any new invention which involves an inventive step and which is capable of being used or applied in trade and industry or agriculture. 2) Anything which consists of: a) a discovery; b) a scientific theory; c) a mathematical method; d) a scheme, rule or method for performing a mental act, playing a game etc Alternatives to Current Intellectual Property Regimes In response to the misuse of current IP mechanisms to stifle rather than encourage creativity and innovation a coherent movement has arisen Open Source or Free Software: Freedom to use, study, modify and share software Open Content: Freedom to use, study, modify and share scientific and creative works Open Standards: Publicly licensed standards that allow different hardware/software vendors to make products that interoperate Copyleft - Richard Stallman copyleft is a general method for making a program or other work free, and requiring all modified and extended versions of the program to be free as well Uses copyright law, but flips it over to serve the opposite of its usual purpose: instead of privatizing software, it becomes a means of keeping it free Give everyone permission to: run the program, copy the program, modify the program, distribute modified versions but not permission to add restrictions of their own Thus, the crucial freedoms of "free software" are guaranteed to everyone who has a copy; they become inalienable rights What is FLOSS? The process with Free/Libre and Open Source Software: software developer(s) create a piece of software which they think may be useful the software, as well as the source code, is made freely available to anyone the code is then read, modified and improved by other programmers The original developer(s) usually remain as the custodian(s) of the software, issuing new releases based on the input from other developers Essentially it is a means of "peer review", where other developers get to review code Licensing: GPL Each open source project has a license associated with it This license indicates what rights and responsibilities the user of the software has A very common license is the GNU General Public License(GPL) allows the user to: freely copy and distribute copies of source code and software, only with the license modify code, but those changes must be clear and made available with same license CSC1016S Lecture 36 Topic: Linked Lists Part 1 Course: CSC1016S Date: 10/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary LINKED LISTS PART 1 Linked Data Structures A linked data structure consists of nodes connected via links. Nodes store data as instance variables. In Java nodes are objects of a node class. Links are one way passages from one node to another (visualised as arrows). In Java links are references (memory addresses) stored as instances variables of the node class type. Linked Lists The first node is called the head node The last node serves as a kind of end marker Each node is an object of a node class. Each node contains data and a link to another node. A piece of data is stored as an instance variable of the node. Links are implemented as references to a node stored in an instance variable of the node type. The node class is crucial to a linked lists. So how do we implement a linked list, using the node class? A linked list object does not contain all the nodes in the linked list directly. Instead, it only contains the head node. The entire linked list can be traversed by starting at the head. It has an instance variable of the node type that contains a reference to the head node. The head node and every node of the list contain a link instance variable that provides a reference to the next node in the list. Linked list implementation details When head == null, the list is empty. The last node’s link instance variable is always null. This indicates that we have reached the end of the linked list. What do we want to do with a linked list? Traverse it - from beginning to end. Add nodes - where? - e.g. at the start. Remove nodes - which node? - e.g. the first. How to traverse a linked list 1. Set a variable equal to the head node. Node position = head; 2. Access the next node using the node’s accessor method for the link instance variable. position = position.getLink(); 3. Repeat until position == null. How to add a node to the start of a linked list? 1. Create a new node and set its link to the current head. Node newHead = new Node(name, count, head); 2. Set head equal to this new node. head = newHead; How to remove the first node of a linked list? 1. Set the head node to the second node head = head.getLink(); 2. Now the old head node is no longer in the linked list. 3. Java frees up storage used by variables no longer referenced (automatic garbage collection). Takes care of deleted nodes. CSC1016S Lecture 35 Topic: Inner Classes Course: CSC1016S Date: 09/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary Announcements No lecture on Wednesday due to test 2 Friday lecture will not be a code demo but a normal class Inner Classes Inner classes are classes defined within other classes the class that includes the inner class is called outer class inner class can be defined anywhere in an outer class, but convention is at the start or end of a class definition. compiling a class with one(or more) inner classes and produces two(or more) class files Why use inner classes? they make outer class more self-contained outer classes and inner classes have access to each other's private methods and instance variables very useful as helping classes(should then be private) An inner class definition is a member of a class-just like variables and methods Code Sample: public class ClassName { private int num; public int getNum() {...} private Class InnerClassName {...} } An inner class is local to the outer class definition If the inner class is private, then the inner class can not be accessed by name outside the definition of the outer class Within the definition of the inner and outer class, the modifiers public and private are equivalent in the definition of an inner class method, you can access private variables and methods of the outer class in the definition of an outer class method, you can access private variables and methods of the outer class (but you might have to create an object of the inner class) Static Inner Classes But sometimes we want static inner classes: if an object of the inner class is created within a static method of the outer class if the inner class must have static members the entire body of a non-static inner class is not within a static scope and therefore you can’t have static members in there A static inner class has no connection to an outer class object instance variables of the outer class can not be referenced non-static methods of the outer class can not be invoked NOTE: Static inner classes are static for the outer class! Code Sample: public class ClassName { private int b; private static int b; private Class NormalInnerClass { ... } private static Class StaticInnerClass { ... } } Public Inner Classes If an inner class is marked public, then it can be used outside of the outerclass in the case of a non-static inner class, it must be created using an object of the outer class e.g., BankAccount account = new BankAccount(); BankAccount.Money amount = Money("41.99"); the new object amount can now invoke methods from the outer, but only from within the inner class A public static inner class can be instantiated - in a static context relative to the outer class. It will belong to the class, not an instance of the class OuterClass.InnerClassvinnerObject = new OuterClass.InnerClass(); Note that all of the following are acceptable: innerObject.nonstaticMethod(); innerObject.staticMethod(); OuterClass.InnerClass.staticMethod(); Nesting Inner Classes You can define an inner classe with in an inner class: The rules are the same as before, but then the names get longer. • Given class A, which has public inner class B, which has public inner class C, then the following is valid: A aObject = new A(); A.B bObject = aObject.newB(); A.B.C cObject = bObject.newC(); Inner Classes and Inheritance An outer class can be a derived class An inner class can be a derived class Given an OuterClass that has an InnerClass: any Derived Class of OuterClass will automatically have InnerClass as an innerclass in this case, the DerivedClass can not override the InnerClass Anonymous Class An anonymous class is a class without a name definition is embedded inside the expression with the new operator useful when you only use a class once sometimes anonymous classes are assigned other types(e.g. interfaces such as Comparable) all anonymous classes are examples of inner classes CSC1016S Lecture 34 Topic: Code demo Course: CSC1016S Date: 06/10/2023 Professor/Speaker:Francois Meyer Summary The Sort method From java.util.Collections.*; The sort method arranges a series of values in order code sample: import java.util.Collections.*; public class SortSample { int[]array = {3,1,2}; int[]sortedArray = Collections.sort(array);}//will sort the array in ac=scending order, i.e., {1,2,3} Selection Sort Easiest method to sorting an array of things The process: takes first element in list, compares with the rest of the elements to find an element that comes before it, then if it does, the two switch positions, and the process continues for all the individual elements until the array is sorted In java, abstract classes do not have constructors and thus they don't have objects GenericsDemo If not sure of which type parameter to use, just use T, and the type parameter will be specified at runtime SIPP Lecture 10 Topic: Privacy & Intellectual Property Course:CSC1016S Date: 05/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Maria Keet Summary South Africa: the POPIA A few tidbits for illustration: includes the 'right to be forgotten' A responsible party must take reasonably practicable steps to notify a data subject when collecting personal information Right to request, free of charge, whether or not the responsible party holds personal information about them, as well as a description of the personal information held ACM Code of Conduct Minimize data collection Only allow authorised access to data Provide proper security Determine required retention period Ensure proper disposal of data Privacy and Ubuntu Ubuntu is a community-based mindset Ubuntu has no concept of privacy core of privacy is to protect dignity: in harmony with ubuntu Protect Your Online Privacy Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF) is an organisation that protects rights and promotes freedom in the electronic frontier, including an individuals right to privacy INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Can, or do, you own software? No, the company of that software is the one that owns it, you can only get license Objective of Intellectual Property Promote progress except trademark Fair exchange of for mutual benefit: creator gets limited exclusive rights society gets disclosure of inventions and creative works Incentive is created for inventors and and authors to create and disclose their work Intellectual Property Designs does not cover how the article functions(unlike patent) protects physical appearance of a manufactured object Copyright computer programs and data computer program's "author" is the person who exercises control over the making of a computer program Trade secrets-not really property law protects industrial secrets Trademarks-forever Patents-20 years in South Africa innovations do not apply to software (yet) Philosophical Basis of Intellectual Property 1) Labour Theory(John Locke): A property right is a "natural right" and property rights can be justified by the labour or "toil" that one invents in cultivating land or in creating a work of art 2) Utilitarian Theory(Incentives-Based): Property rights are "artificial rights" created by the state. Property rights are granted to individuals and to corporations because they result in greater social utility overall 3) Personality Theory(Hegel): A property right is a "moral right" and property rights are justified because creative works express the personalities (talents, feelings, ...) of the authors that create them CSC1016S Lecture 33 Topic: Generics Course: CSC1016S Date: 04/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary Announcements Generics is the last topic to be covered for the upcoming test 2 There's a lecture this upcoming Friday Generics Created in the same way as object of any class except that you specify the base type Base type must be a reference type The class ArrayList is an example of a parameterized class or generic class Public class Sample<T>//T is the type parameter A type parameter can have any reference type(e.g any class type) plugged in for the type parameter Traditionally. a simple uppercase letter is used for a type parameter, not any non-keyword identifier may be used Generic constructor definition has no type parameter e.g., public class Pair<T>{ public Pair(T varA, T varB){ Pair<String> p = new Pair<String>("Abc")}} The following are not allowed in Java: T object = new T()//illegal T[] a = new T[10]//illegal pair<string> a = new pair<string>[10]//illegal A generic class definition can have any number of type parameters, e.g., public class ClassName<T1,T2>{...} Inheritance and interfaces can be set with generic classes public class ClassName<T> extends BaseClass public class ClassName<T> implements Comparable public class ClassName<T> extends BaseClass<T> Generic class can extend normal class but normal class cannot extend generic Sometimes you want to restrict the possible type that can be plugged in for a type parameter T, This is done by placing 'bounds'' on types (compiler will check) public class ClassName <T extends comparable> only classes implementing Comparable interface can be plugged in for T public class ClassName<T extends BaseClass> only descendent classes of BaseClass can be plugged in for T public class ClassName<T extends BaseClass & Comparable & Ordered> a bound expression may contain multiple interfaces and up to one class Interfaces can have parameterised types(details and notation are the same as for generic classes) public interface Ordered<T> public class Example implements Ordered<String>//specify type T, in this case T= String Methods can be generic, having their own type parameters method heading: public<T> T gen(T[]a)[....] method invocation: String s = new Object.gen<T>(T[]a); CSC1016S Lecture 32 Topic: Interface & ArrayList Course: CSC1016S Date: 03/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary Announcements Test 2 next week Wednesday Test will cover everything from(and including) UML Diagrams to Generics(included) Interface & ArrayList Marker Interface is an empty (no method headings or constants) interface class used to tag a class as having a specific property/behaviour, but it won't necessarily be enforced instanceOf() can check if an object type implements a marker interface Cloneable Extreme but commonly used interface Completely empty - no method headings or constants Used to indicate that the clone() can be used safely Serializable Extreme but commonly used interface Completely empty - no method headings or constants Type tag indicating that it implements file I/O in a particular way Comparable Not a marker interface Many things can be ordered/ranked/sorted Comparable lets us apply one sorting algorithm to all these classes Provides sorting functionality to any class Has only method heading that must implemented code sample: public int compareTo(Object other) //Parameters: the object to be compared //Returns:- negative number if this object preceded other - zero if equal - positive number if this object follows other The ArrayList Class Class in the standard Java libraries (requires import java.util.ArrayList) Similar to arrays, except ArrayList length can change while the program is running Implemented using array instance variable ArrayList has the same purpose as arrays, but array size is fixed - ArrayList size can change dynamically The downsides not convenient for square bracket notation base type of an ArrayList must be a class type (or other reference type); it can not be a primitive types can't create an ArrayList of ints - only of Integers, but Java provides automatic boxing code sample: ArrayList<Base_Type> l = new ArrayList<Base_Type>();//creates a new arraylist object to store items Created in the same way as object of any class, except that you specify the base type Base type must be a reference type (e.g. class, interface) An initial capacity can be specified when creating an ArrayList e.g, ArrayList<Base_Type> l = new ArrayList<Base_Type>(20);//this is more efficient but size can still change dynamically ArrayList Method Examples 1) add() - adds new item to arraylist 2) set(int index, Type item) - sets item at given index 3) remove(Object item) - checks and removes first occurrence of item 4) indexOf(Object item) - returns first index of item 5) size() - returns size of arraylist 6) get(int index) - returns items at given index 7) contains(Object item) - returns true if list contains item and false if not 8) isEmpty() - returns true if list is empty and false if not 9) toArray() - returns array that contains all elements in arraylist 10) clone() - creates shallow copy of arraylist (both copy and original arraylists have same reference position) for-each loop for(String element : list) { System.out.println(element); //will print every element in list } CSC1016S Lecture 31 Topic: Interface Course: CSC1016S Date: 02/10/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary INTERFACE An interface simply specifies which methods a class has to have(no method definitions, only headers) An interface class contains: methods heading constant definitions no method definitions no instance variables An interface is like an extreme form of abstract classes Code sample: public interface Ordered { public boolean precedes(Object other); public boolean follows(Object other); } Use keyword implements next to class definition to implement an interface class An interface and its methods must be declared public (always) When a class implements an interface it must make all methods in the interface public (cannot lower access scope) An interface is a type Java does not allow multiple inheritance, but we can approximate it by implementing multiple interfaces A class can implement multiple interfaces e.g., public class implements Class1,Class2 Abstract classes can also implement interfaces Interface methods not given definitions are made abstract methods Like classes, an interface may be derived from a base interface What is the purpose of interfaces? shared functionality, but no shared implementations an interface is a blueprint for a class it is a 'contract' between the class and outside world approximates multiple inheritance for Java Problems with interface: interface syntax is enforced, semantics is not java does not check whether methods do what they should that is the responsibility of the programmer - read the docs Differences between interface and abstract classes interface classes have no methods implemented while abstract classes have some methods implemented interface classes define functionality but does not implement any, while abstract classes define some functionality, implements others interface methods can only be public while methods can be anything except private Similarities between interface and abstract classes both are types can be used as method parameter types can be used as variable types neither one can be used to create objects interfaces cannot have constructors nor instance variables Are the following allowed in Java public void sort(Ordered orderList) - YES, an interface is a type and allows any class that implements it to use the type as a parameter type Ordered orderList = new Ordered() - NO, interfaces do not have constructors, nor instance variables Ordered orderList = new Employee- YES, as long as Employee implements Ordered Interfaces can contain method headings and defined constants A class that implements the interface has access to the constants All the constants must be: public - so implementing classes have access to them static - because interfaces cannot be instantiated in their own right, the value of the variable must be assigned in a static contect in which no instance exists final - ensure they are true Java does not allow multiple inheritance, preventing inconsistencies arising from the same method heading having different definitions a class can implement multiple interfaces, but allows inconsistencies Possible conflicts with multiple interfaces: interface classes may have constants with same name, but different values interface classes may have methods with same name but different return types Methods with same names, same return types: will run but unclear Methods with same names, different parameter types will run clearer(overloading) CSC1016S Lecture 30 Topic: Workshop Course: CSC1016S Date: 29/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Summary HOW TO PREPARE FOR EXAMS by Jean There's no such thing as being smart/dumb - only those who have a fixed mindset and those who have a growth mindset CS takes a drastic change after 1016 Setting yourself up for success Know when is your best time to study (i.e., morning, noon or night) Use Excel spreadsheet (or any other program) to track your progress Exercise Get sufficient sleep Be always consistent Take breaks - try the promodoro technique or something similar Understand that most people don't have more than 4 hours of deep learning a day The core of this presentation These won't work: Passive re-reading of slides Aimlessly doing past papers Working for hours on end no breaks Start now, mastering little bits at a time Even 20 mins a day is better than nothing Don't fall into the trap of if i cant do it all i shouldn't do it at all The brain, i.e. your focus can be trained, like anything else Anything worth archiving takes effort, please make peace with this by Claudius Coding is like maths, it requires practice Trying coding on paper to test your understanding of the topics Go over examples in the slides - practice makes perfect Try to understand every single line of code in a program Master the concepts first and then use programming as a tool It is better to work with friends and seek help instead of doing things alone by Ciara Useful course resources: whatsapp group vula site for past exams hotseat lab sessions go to the disability unit if you have need for accommodation Documentations ubuntu Don't plagiarize any code, instead understand what every line means Practising coding is about learning how to break down problems into smaller manageable pieces, and then solving it examples of useful websites: codechef, geegforgeeg,imaginecup etc Honours in computer sciences requires a minimum of 65 in all courses SIPP Lecture 09 Topic: Privacy and Civil Liberties Course: CSC1016S Date: 28/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Maria Keet Summary PRIVACY AND CIVIL LIBERTIES Define Privacy It is about drawing a boundary in order to withdraw from others or withdraw information Tied up with what we value about it: we value some control over who knows what about us and worries about how we can loose it via surveillance: advances in IT have reduced our control over personal data Cookies: enables site owners to collect data about those who use their sites stored on the users computer Privacy is sometimes viewed in terms of something that can be diminished or lost altogether Privacy is also sometimes construed in terms of the metaphor of a (spatial) zone that can be intruded upon or invaded Privacy is also sometimes analysed in terms of concerns affecting the confidentiality of information, which can be breached or violated Three Views of Privacy Accessibility privacy -Privacy is defined as one's physically being let alone, or being free from intrusion into one's physical space Decisional privacy-Privacy is defined as freedom from interference in one;s choices and decisions Informational privacy-Privacy is defined as control over the flow of one's personal information, including the transfer and exchange of that information Kant's Theory Privacy is essential to autonomy Autonomy is inconceivable without privacy Preserving privacy fosters individual autonomy, dignity, self-determination. Privacy ultimately promotes a more robust, participatory citizenry Privacy is important for democracy Unwanted exposure may lead to discrimination, loss of benefits, loss of intimacy, stigma, and embarrassment South African Bill of Rights Everyone has the right to privacy, which includes the right not to have their person or home searched; their property searched; their possessions seized; or the privacy of their communication infringed. Protection of Personal Information Act(POPIA or POPI) Sets conditions for how you can process information It has been signed by the President and is law General Information Protection Principles Those who process personal Information generally, anyone with customers, partners or staff who store their personal information in some way Collect only information needed for a specific purpose Apply reasonable security measures to protect information Only hold as much information as needed for as long as needed Allow the subject of the information to view it upon request If information is transferred across borders must ensure compliance with the restrictions in terms of the PoPI Act If information is used for direct marketing the data subject has to give his or her consent or be a customer CSC1016S Lecture 29 Topic: CHAPTER 8 - Polymorphism & Abstract classes Course: CSC1016S Date: 27/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary Announcements Slides available under relevant chapters in OOP Java Lecture slides are uploaded after every lecture There's a lecture this Friday ABSTRACT CLASSES An abstract class is defined to present a general category Partially implemented (some methods, some attributes) explicitly leaves some methods unimplemented then, specialised versions of the class are defined - concrete classes the child class inherits methods and variables from the abstract class these attributes are required to be defined Classes derived from abstract classes can also: add additional instance variables and methods override methods from the base class be abstract An abstract method is like a placeholder for a method that will be fully defined in descendent class it has a heading, but no method body the body is defined in the derived concrete class code sample: public abstract class Shape{ public abstract double perimeter(); public abstract double area();} Abstract class can have defined methods and instance variables they will then be inherited along with the abstract attributes What is the idea? To postpone the definition of a method to the derived concrete class Cannot create create an object of an abstract class Abstract methods cannot be made private because they have to be overridden(defined) in a concrete descendent class; private methods cannot be accessed/overridden Abstract methods cannot be made static because static methods cannot be overridden;static binding- methods definitions bound during compile time A class derived from an abstract class can be made abstract as well e.g., public abstract class Circular extends Shape{...} Then this class would have to be further derived to finally create a concrete class e.g., public class Circle extends Circular{...} An abstract constructor cannot be used to create an object of the abstract class But it can still be used to call super() Abstract classes are types parameter types can be abstract class type variable types can be abstract class type e.g., Shape c = new Circle(); Variable type vs object type Compile-time time, i.e., What methods are accessible Runtime type i.e. what methods implementations are executed CSC1016S Lecture 28 Topic: CHAPTER 8 - Polymorphism and abstract classes Course: CSC1016S Date: 26/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Francois Meyer Summary Object is the ancestor of all classes Every object is the type of its own class, as well as of the type Object The Clone Method A First Look at the clone Method Every object inherits a method named clone from the class Object The method clone has no parameters It is supposed to return a deep copy of the calling object However, the inherited version of the method was not designed to be used as is Instead, each class is expected to override it with a more appropriate version The heading for the clone method defined in the Object class is as follows: protected Object clone() The heading for a clone method that overrides the clone method in the Object class can differ somewhat from the heading above A change to a more permissive access, such as from protected to public, is always allowed when overriding a method definition Changing the return type from Object to the type of the class being cloned is allowed because every class is a descendent class of the class Object This is an example of a covariant return type If a class has a copy constructor, the clone method for that class can use the copy constructor to create the copy returned by the clone method The copy constructor and clone method seem to do the same thing, but clone is polymorphic and the copy constructor is NOT. For example, given a method badcopy in the class Parent that copies an array of parent objects If this array of parents contains Child objects, then the copy constructor will return Parent objects. b[i] = new Parent(a[i]); //unsafe! b[i] = a[i].clone(); //safe, assuming clone() is correct code sample: public Employee clone() { return new Employee(this);} Pitfall: Limitations of Copy Constructors If the clone method is used instead of the copy constructor, then (because of late binding) a true copy is made, even from objects of a derived class. b[i] = a[i].clone(); The reason this works is because the method clone has the same name in all classes, and polymorphism works with method names The copy constructors named Sale and DiscountSale have different names, and polymorphism doesn't work with methods of different names. Java does not have Polymorphic constructors (unlike e.g. Pascal) CSC1016S Lecture 27 Topic: Chapter 8 - Polymorphism Course: CSC1016S Date: 22/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Announcements This is Aslam's last lecture ASSIGNMENT 09 Question 01 Identify inheritance relationship and polymorphism, which will be used for the question Need to create a base class, and then create an array or arraylist of the base class type You can give the base class any name Check what automarker expects, then implement it Question 02 VectorObject is the base class for HLine, VLine, PtLine and Rectangle The class VectorGraphics will do all the drawing Question 03 Will require more of inheritance and relationships than polymorphism SALE & DISCOUNTSALE PROGRAMME Programmes can be found in Resources>>Code Samples-Safla>>Chapter 8 When a parent object is assigned a child type instance, it's called upcasting Definition of method is taken from the class where it was defined originally Only if we have an overridden parent method, can we have polymorphism take place(i.e., we can not access child method that was not overriden from the parent class) When parent instance is assigned child class type, it's called downcasting (child class type must be in brackets) To use child method that was not overridden in parent class, first downcast parent class instance SIPP Lecture 8 Topic: Introduction to Values & Analysing tools Course: CSC1016S Date: 21/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Maria Keet Summary The structure of an argument: standard(basic) form Premise 1 … optional … optional Premise N optional Conclusion The form of a valid deductive argument A valid argument is valid solely in virtue of its logical form, regardless its content An example of a valid logical form is: Premise 1. Every A is a B. Premise 2. C is an A. Conclusion: C is a B. No matter which values are substituted for A, B, and C, the argument in this form is always valid. modus ponens (implication elimination) Premise 1. A implies B Premise 2. A is true Conclusion: B is true Counterexamples to arguments A counterexample is: A possible (actual) case where the premises in an argument can be imagined to be (is) true while, at the same time, the conclusion could still be false Note that if a deductive argument is valid, no counterexample is possible To put it differently: if you can give one counterexample to the argument then it is invalid. In informal reasoning, appeal to “the exception to the rule” is sometimes made It makes your informal argument a lot weaker to argue for Double-check if it is really a counterexample (maybe your opponent tries to sidetrack you) Types of Inductive Arguments Inductive generalisations: The premise identifies a characteristic of a sample of a population The conclusion extrapolates that characteristic to the rest of the population. ‘Causal’ generalisations: The premise identifies a correlation between two types of event The conclusion states that events of the first type cause events of the second type. But beware of causation vs correlation… Arguments from analogy: Arguments from analogy take one example of something Then extrapolate from a character of that example… …. to the character of something similar to that thing Arguments from authority: Take one person or group of persons Who are, or are assumed to be, right about some things… And extrapolate to the claim they are right about other things But beware of the ‘appeal to authority’ fallacy Evaluating Inductive Arguments: Inductive Generalizations Is the premise true? How large is the sample? How representative is the sample? e.g.: 50 students answering a question in class vs 500 who nswered the pop quiz on Vula Beware ‘informal’ heuristics (rules of thumb) Evaluating Inductive Arguments: Arguments from analogy are the two things similar? e.g.: an email and a postcard; Social media as a comms medium are they similar in respect of something relevant? can we find a disanalogy? where the analogy fails in exactly the feature we need to compare Premise 1: 75% of Apple Mac owners also own iPhones. Premise 2: My new bae owns an Apple Mac. Conclusion: My bae owns an iPhone. Analysing Arguments: identify it by converting to standard form 1. identify the conclusion of the argument; 2. identify each of the premises; 3. add suppressed (assumed) premises 4. remove irrelevancies; 5. remove inconsistent terms; 6. remove cross-references. At this stage do not evaluate the argument Analysing Arguments: check the reasoning Test the argument for its reasoning strength For a deductive argument: see whether it is valid or invalid. assume the premises to be true, and ask yourself whether the conclusion must also be true when those premises are assumed true. Now see if the argument is sound, that is, are the premises true in the actual world? For an inductive argument, see if it is weak or strong see earlier: inductive generalisations and causal generalisations; arguments from analogy and authority Is a counterexample to the argument possible? Analysing Arguments: make an overall assessment Describe the argument's strength of reasoning in conjunction with the truth conditions of the argument's premises. For example is the argument: deductive and sound? inductive with all true premises? inductive with some false premises? fallacious with a mixture of true and false premises? …? Remember that an inductive argument with premises that are all true is useful while a valid argument with one or more false premises says nothing Example: what are the arguments? A computer equipped with signature-recognition software, which restricts access to a computer to those people whose signatures are on file, identifies a person’s signature by analysing not only the form of the signature but also such characteristics as pen pressure and signing speed. Even the most adept forgers cannot duplicate all of the characteristics the program analyses. 1. Access to the computer is restricted by means of signature-recognition software. 2. Such software cannot be fooled by even the best forger. FALLACIES It means faulty reasoning We have already seen that it is possible for an argument to contain all true statements and still be (logically) fallacious There are very many kinds of (informal) fallacies In particular we are going to look at fallacies of: relevance vacuity clarity Fallacies of relevance Citing in support of a conclusion something that is true but irrelevant (nonsequitur): Bill lives in a large building, therefore his apartment is large. Every year many people are supported through life by their religious beliefs, so their religious beliefs must be true Attacking the person making the argument rather than the argument that is made (ad hominem) How can we take seriously a position regarding the future of our national defense that has been opposed by MP X, who has been arrested for drunken driving and who has been involved in extramarital affairs? Note that an ad hominem attack is not the same as an ad hominem fallacy Fallacies of vacuity Citing in support of a conclusion that very conclusion (circular arguments) In a circular argument the conclusion is one of the premises Citing in support of a conclusion a premise that assumes the conclusion (begging the question) In a question-begging argument the conclusion is assumed by one of the premises Straw man I The straw man fallacy is when you misrepresent someone else's position so that it can be attacked more easily, then knock down that misrepresentedposition, then conclude that the original position has been demolished. It's a fallacy because it fails to deal with the actual arguments that have been made. CSC1016S Lecture 25 Topic: CHAPTER 7- INHERITANCE Course: CSC1016S Date: 19/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Encapsulation and Inheritance Pitfall: Use of Private Instance Variables from the Base Class An instance variable that is private in a base class is not accessible by name in the definition of a method in any other class, not even in a method definition of a derived class This is to prevent privacy leaks Instead, a private instance variable of the base class can only be accessed by the public accessor and mutator methods defined in that class A private method in the parent class is invisible to the child class and thus it is not inherited when the child extends the parent class A method with the same signature as the parent's private method can be created in the child class Protected and Package Access Private is least accessible(i.e., can not be accessed anywhere outside the class it's defined in) and public is most accessible(i.e., can be accessed by any class ) If a method or instance variable is modified by protected (rather than public or private), then it can be accessed by name Inside its own class definition Inside any class derived from it In the definition of any class in the same package The protected modifier provides very weak protection compared to the private modifier It allows direct access to any programmer who defines a suitable derived class Therefore, instance variables should normally not be marked protected An instance variable or method definition that is not preceded with a modifier has package access(default visibility) Package access is also known as default or friendly access Instance variables or methods having package access can be accessed by name inside the definition of any class in the same package However, neither can be accessed outside the package If a derived class that's not in the same package as the parent can not access package Note that package access is more restricted than protected Package access gives more control to the programmer defining the classes Whoever controls the package directory (or folder) controls the package access Visibility hierarchy(from most to least access) public >> protected >> package >> protected Tip: "Is a" Versus "Has a" A derived class demonstrates an "is a" relationship between it and its base class Forming an "is a" relationship is one way to make a more complex class out of a simpler class For example, an HourlyEmployee "is an" Employee HourlyEmployee is a more complex class compared to the more general Employee class Another way to make a more complex class out of a simpler class is through a "has a" relationship This type of relationship, called composition, occurs when a class contains an instance variable of a class type The Employee class contains an instance variable, hireDate, of the class Date, so therefore, an Employee "has a" Date HINT: Is a >> Inheritance relationship Has a >> Composition relationship Tip: Static Variables Are Inherited Static variables in a base class are inherited by any of its derived classes The modifiers public, private, and protected, and package access have the same meaning for static variables as they do for instance variables Access to a Redefined Base Method Within the definition of a method of a derived class, the base class version of an overridden method of the base class can still be invoked Simply preface the method name with super and a dot You Cannot Use Multiple supers It is only valid to use super to invoke a method from a direct parent Repeating super will not invoke a method from some other ancestor class The Class Object In Java, every class is a descendent of the class Object Every class has Object as its ancestor Every object of every class is of type Object, as well as being of the type of its own class If a class is defined that is not explicitly a derived class of another class, it is still automatically a derived class of the class Object The class Object is in the package java.lang which is always imported automatically Having an Object class enables methods to be written with a parameter of type Object The class Object has some methods that every Java class inherits For example, the equals and toString methods Tip: getClass Versus instanceof Many authors suggest using the instanceof operator in the definition of equals Instead of the getClass() method The instanceof operator will return true if the object being tested is a member of the class for which it is being tested However, it will return true if it is a descendent of that class as well It is possible (and especially disturbing), for the equals method to behave inconsistently given this scenario POLYMORPHISM Polymorphism is the ability to associate many meanings to one method name It does this through a special mechanism known as late binding or dynamic binding CSC1016S Lecture 23 Topic: ASSIGNMENT 8 Course: CSC10162 Date: 15/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary ANNOUNCEMENTS Theory test 1 marks have been uploaded, along with the feedback We'll be having a mark query session next week If test was marked by Aslam, don't go for query ASSIGNMENT 8 Is about arrays and basic inheritance Each class should have a constructor Each class should have a toString() method Question 1 The NumberUtils class contains a collection of routines for working with integers. It breaks up a number into individual digits and makes an array with them Assume number A and B have the same length and have no repetitions Question 2 This question concerns the construction of a simple game called ‘Cows and Bulls’ that is implemented using the NumberUtils class of question one. The game involves guessing a mystery 4 digit number. The number contains no repeat digits and no zero. With each guess, the number of correct digits – bulls – and the number of digits that would be correct if they were in the right position – cows. For example, say the mystery number is 8657 and the player guesses 4678, there is one bull (6), and two cows (7, 8). Class randomly generates a secret number using a seed Result() gives the number of cows and bulls Question 3 Write a program to demonstrate the use of inheritance by creating and outputting 3 simple objects, where the classes for the second and third objects inherit from the class for the first object. The first object is a Shape with a name and colour. The second object is a Rectangle with additional length and width. The third object is a Circle with additional radius. Use the provided file. Use constructors and override methods as appropriate. Code Sample: Java DocString is a string of comments contained in /** .... **/ public class Employee{ private String name; private Date hireDate; public Employee(){ name = "no name"; hireDate =new Date("Jan",1,2004)} public Employee(String name, Date d){ = name; hireDate = d} public String getName(){return name//String is immutable so no need for copy constructor} public String getDate(){ return new Date(hireDate)//Date is mutable so we return a copy of the original date}} public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee{ private double wageRate; private double hours;//for the month public HourlyEmployee(){ super();//for a base class to access something from the super class, use keyword super(), especially if it's something ambiguous. Super calls noargument constructor of the super class wageRate = 0;} public HourlyEmployee(HourlyEmpoyee originalObject){ super(originalObject);//It will extract name and hireDate from HourlyEmployee to Employee(automatically)} Child class uses parent methods as if they are its own, i.e. no need to create parent object SIPP Lecture 7 Topic: ESSAY WRITTING WORKSHOP Course: CSC1016S Date: 14/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Summary ESSAY WRITTING WORKSHOP What is academic writing? Academic writing is a formal style of writing used in universities and scholarly publications. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS Clear structure Appropriate Academic Register Language and Grammar THE ACADEMIC WRITING PROCESS 1) INTRODUCTION Contains: Context Thesis Roadmap 2) BODY PARAGRAPHS Adds information Explains/Elaborates the general topic CONSTRUCTING A STRONG ARGUMENT Coherence - Overall flow from paragraph to paragraph Cohesion - Overall flow from statement to statement 3) CONCLUSION Synthesis on main reasoning from essay So what? What is your total reason 4) REFERENCING To be used when summarizing point from a source or when quoting from a source Each sentence taken from source should include a reference How To Determine When To Cite? When not to cite: If the idea is originally from your own thinking If the idea is common sense or knowledge When to cite: If idea has been inspired by a source your read If it's someone else's words Use quotations sparingly If the idea is from your ownthinking CSC1016S Lecture 22 Topic: CHAPTER 7 - Inheritance Course: CSC1016S Date: 13/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Announcements New version of assignment 7 has been uploaded No extension for assignment 7 There's a lecture this week Friday and next week Friday INHERITANCE Follows class hierarchy Deals with parent-child relationship Child inherits all properties of parent, and possibly more properties not from parent Introduction to Inheritance Using this technique, a very general form of a class is first defined and compiled, and then more specialized versions of the class are defined by adding instance variables and methods The specialized classes are said to inherit the methods and instance variables of the general class Inheritance is the process by which a new class is created from another class the new class is called a derived class (or child class or subclass) the original class is called the base class(or parent class or super class) A derived class automatically has all the instance variables and methods of the base class, and it can have additional methods and/or instance variables as well Inheritance allows code reuse without having to copy the code again(redundancy) Derived Classes Example, Employee class(parent class) has HourlyEmployee and SalaryEmployee(child classes) code sample: public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee//HourlyEmployee will inherit all the properties of Employee The class HourlyEmployee inherits the methods getName, getHireDate, setName and setHireDate from the class Employee A derived class is defined by starting with another already defined class(base class), and adding(and/or changing) methods, instance variables, and static variables In Java child class can only extend one parent class, and a child class can be used a parent for another class CSC016S Lecture 21 Topic: Chapter 6 - Arrays Course: CSC1016S Date: 12/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary CHAPTER 6 - ARRAYS Introduction to Arrays An array is a data structure used to process a collection of data that is all of the same type An array behaves like a numbered list of variables with a uniform naming mechanism Creating and Accessing Arrays The individual variables that together make up the array are called indexed variables They can also be called subscripted variables or elements of the array The number(or variable) in square brackets is called an index or subscript In Java, indices must be numbered starting with 0, and nothing else The number of indexed variables in an array is called the length or size of the array When an array is created, the length of the array is given in square brackets after the array type The indexed variables are then numbered starting with 0, and ending with the integer that is one less than the length of the array An array can have indexed variables of any type, including any class type All of the indexed variables in a single array must be of the same type, called the base type of the array The for loop is ideally suited for performing array manipulations Three Ways to Use Square Brackets [] with an Array Name Square brackets can be used to create a type name: double[] score; Square brackets can be used with an integer value as part of the special syntax Java uses to create a new array: score = new double[5]; Square brackets can be used to name an indexed variable of an array: max = score[0]; An array is considered to be an object Since other objects can have instance variables, so can arrays Every array has exactly one instance variable named length When an array is created, the instance variable length is automatically set equal to its size The value of length cannot be changed (other than by creating an entirely new array with new) Pitfall: Array Index Out of Bounds When an index expression evaluates to some value other than those allowed by the array declaration, the index is said to be out of bounds An out of bounds index will cause a program to terminate with a run-time error message Array indices get out of bounds most commonly at the first or last iteration of a loop that processes the array: Be sure to test for this! Initializing Arrays An array can be initialized when it is declared Values for the indexed variables are enclosed in braces, and separated by commas int[] age = {2, 12, 1}; The array size is automatically set to the number of values in the braces Given age above, age.length has a value of 3 Another way of initializing an array is by using a for loop double[] reading = new double[100]; int index; for (index = 0; index < reading.length; index++) reading[index] = 42.0; If the elements of an array are not initialized explicitly, they will automatically be initialized to the default value for their base type Pitfall: An Array of Characters Is Not a String An array of characters is conceptually a list of characters, and so is conceptually like a string However, an array of characters is not an object of the class String char[] a = {'A', 'B', 'C'}; String s = a; //Illegal! An array of characters can be converted to an object of type String, however The class String has a constructor that has a single parameter of type char[] String s = new String(a); The object s will have the same sequence of characters as the entire array a ("ABC"), but is an independent copy Another String constructor uses a subrange of a character array instead String s2 = new String(a,0,2); Given a as before, the new string object is "AB" An array of characters does have some things in common with String objects For example, an array of characters can be output using println System.out.println(a); Given a as before, this would produce the output ABC Arrays and References Like class types, a variable of an array type holds a reference Arrays are objects A variable of an array type holds the address of where the array object is stored in memory Array types are (usually) considered to be class types Arrays Are Objects The previous steps can be combined into one statement double[] a = new double[10]; Note that the new expression that creates an array invokes a constructor that uses a nonstandard syntax Not also that as a result of the assignment statement above, a contains a single value: a memory address or reference Since an array is a reference type, the behavior of arrays with respect to assignment (=), equality testing (==), and parameter passing are the same as that described for classes Array Parameters Both array indexed variables and entire arrays can be used as arguments to methods An indexed variable can be an argument to a method in exactly the same way that any variable of the array base type can be an argument double n = 0.0; double[] a = new double[10];//all elements //are initialized to 0.0 int i = 3; Given myMethod which takes one argument of type double, then all of the following are legal: myMethod(n);//n evaluates to 0.0 myMethod(a[3]);//a[3] evaluates to 0.0 myMethod(a[i]);//i evaluates to 3, //a[3] evaluates to 0.0 Array arguments behave like objects of a class Therefore, a method can change the values stored in the indexed variables of an array argument A method with an array parameter must specify the base type of the array only BaseType[] It does not specify the length of the array Pitfall: Use of = and == with Arrays Because an array variable contains the memory address of the array it names, the assignment operator (=) only copies this memory address It does not copy the values of each indexed variable Using the assignment operator will make two array variables be different names for the same array b = a; The memory address in a is now the same as the memory address in b: They reference the same array A for loop is usually used to make two different arrays have the same values in each indexed position: int i; for (i = 0; (i < a.length) && (i < b.length); i++) b[i] = a[i]; Note that the above code will not make b an exact copy of a, unless a and b have the same length For the same reason, the equality operator (==) only tests two arrays to see if they are stored in the same location in the computer's memory It does not test two arrays to see if they contain the same values (a == b) The result of the above boolean expression will be true if a and b share the same memory address (and, therefore, reference the same array), and false otherwise In the same way that an equals method can be defined for a class, an equalsArray method can be defined for a type of array This is how two arrays must be tested to see if they contain the same elements The following method tests two integer arrays to see if they contain the same integer values public static boolean equalsArray(int[] a, int[] b) { if (a.length != b.length) return false; else { int i = 0; while (i < a.length) { if (a[i] != b[i]) return false; i++; } } return true; } Partially Filled Arrays A variable can be used to keep track of how many elements are currently stored in an array For example, given the variable count, the elements of the array someArray will range from positions someArray[0] through someArray[count – 1] Note that the variable count will be used to process the partially filled array instead of someArray.length Note also that this variable (count) must be an argument to any method that manipulates the partially filled array Accessor Methods Need Not Simply Return Instance Variables When an instance variable names an array, it is not always necessary to provide an accessor method that returns the contents of the entire array Instead, other accessor methods that return a variety of information about the array and its elements may be sufficient The "for each" Loop Although an ordinary for loop cannot cycle through the elements of a collection class, an enhanced for loop can cycle through the elements of an array The general syntax for a for-each loop statement used with an array is for (ArrayBaseType VariableName : ArrayName) Statement The above for-each line should be read as "for each VariableName in ArrayName do the following:" Note that VariableName must be declared within the for-each loop, not before Note also that a colon (not a semicolon) is used after VariableName The for-each loop can make code cleaner and less error prone If the indexed variable in a for loop is used only as a way to cycle through the elements, then it would be preferable to change it to a for-each loop For example: for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = 0.0; Can be changed to: for (double element : a) element = 0.0; Note that the for-each syntax is simpler and quite easy to understand Privacy Leaks with Array Instance Variables If an accessor method does return the contents of an array, special care must be taken Just as when an accessor returns a reference to any private object public double[] getArray() { return anArray;//BAD! } The example above will result in a privacy leak The previous accessor method would simply return a reference to the array anArray itself Instead, an accessor method should return a reference to a deep copy of the private array object Below, both a and count are instance variables of the class containing the getArray method public double[] getArray() { double[] temp = new double[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) temp[i] = a[i]; return temp } If a private instance variable is an array that has a class as its base type, then copies must be made of each class object in the array when the array is copied: public ClassType[] getArray() { ClassType[] temp = new ClassType[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) temp[i] = new ClassType(someArray[i]); return temp; } Sorting an Array A sort method takes in an array parameter a, and rearranges the elements in a, so that after the method call is finished, the elements of a are sorted in ascending order A selection sort accomplishes this by using the following algorithm: for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) Place the indexth smallest element in a[index] Selection Sort Class public static void sort(double[] a, int count) { int index, indexOfNextSmallest; for (index = 0; index < count - 1; index++) {//Place the correct value in a[index]: indexOfNextSmallest = indexOfSmallest(index, a, count); interchange(index,indexOfNextSmallest, a); //a[0]<=a[1]<=...<=a[index] and these are //the smallest of the original array //elements. The remaining positions contain //the rest of the original array elements. } } /** Returns the index of the smallest value among a[startIndex], a[startIndex+1], ... a[numberUsed - 1] */ private static int indexOfSmallest(int startIndex, double[] a, int count) { double min = a[startIndex]; int indexOfMin = startIndex; int index; for (index = startIndex + 1; index < count; index++) if (a[index] < min) { min = a[index]; indexOfMin = index; //min is smallest of a[startIndex] through //a[index] } return indexOfMin; } /** Precondition: i and j are legal indices for the array a. Postcondition: Values of a[i] and a[j] have been interchanged. */ private static void interchange(int i, int j, double[] a) { double temp; temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; //original value of a[i] } } Enumerated Types Usage An enumerated type is a type in which all the values are given in a (typically) short list The definition of an enumerated type is normally placed outside of all methods in the same place that named constants are defined: enum TypeName {VALUE_1, VALUE_2, …, VALUE_N}; Note that a value of an enumerated type is a kind of named constant and so, by convention, is spelled with all uppercase letters As with any other type, variables can be declared of an enumerated type Given the following definition of an enumerated type: enum WorkDay {MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY}; A variable of this type can be declared as follows: WorkDay meetingDay, availableDay; The value of a variable of this type can be set to one of the values listed in the definition of the type, or else to the special value null: meetingDay = WorkDay.THURSDAY; availableDay = null; Just like other types, variable of this type can be declared and initialized at the same time: WorkDay meetingDay = WorkDay.THURSDAY; Note that the value of an enumerated type must be prefaced with the name of the type The value of a variable or constant of an enumerated type can be output using println The code: System.out.println(meetingDay); Will produce the following output: THURSDAY As will the code: System.out.println(WorkDay.THURSDAY); Note that the type name WorkDay is not output Although they may look like String values, values of an enumerated type are not String values However, they can be used for tasks which could be done by String values and, in some cases, work better Using a String variable allows the possibility of setting the variable to a nonsense value Using an enumerated type variable constrains the possible values for that variable An error message will result if an attempt is made to give an enumerated type variable a value that is not defined for its type Two variables or constants of an enumerated type can be compared using the equals method or the == operator However, the == operator has a nicer syntax if (meetingDay == availableDay) System.out.println("Meeting will be on schedule."); if (meetingDay == WorkDay.THURSDAY) System.out.println("Long weekend!); Multidimensional Arrays It is sometimes useful to have an array with more than one index Multidimensional arrays are declared and created in basically the same way as one-dimensional arrays You simply use as many square brackets as there are indices Each index must be enclosed in its own brackets double[][]table = new double[100][10]; int[][][] figure = new int[10][20][30]; Person[][] = new Person[10][100]; Multidimensional arrays may have any number of indices, but perhaps the most common number is two Two-dimensional array can be visualized as a two-dimensional display with the first index giving the row, and the second index giving the column char[][] a = new char[5][12]; Note that, like a one-dimensional array, each element of a multidimensional array is just a variable of the base type (in this case, char) In Java, a two-dimensional array, such as a, is actually an array of arrays The array a contains a reference to a one-dimensional array of size 5 with a base type of char[] Each indexed variable (a[0], a[1], etc.) contains a reference to a onedimensional array of size 12, also with a base type of char[] A three-dimensional array is an array of arrays of arrays, and so forth for higher dimensions Using the length Instance Variable char[][] page = new char[30][100]; The instance variable length does not give the total number of indexed variables in a two-dimensional array Because a two-dimensional array is actually an array of arrays, the instance variable length gives the number of first indices (or "rows") in the array page.length is equal to 30 For the same reason, the number of second indices (or "columns") for a given "row" is given by referencing length for that "row" variable page[0].length is equal to 100 The following program demonstrates how a nested for loop can be used to process a two-dimensional array Note how each length instance variable is used int row, column; for (row = 0; row < page.length; row++) for (column = 0; column < page[row].length; column++) page[row][column] = 'Z'; Ragged Arrays Each row in a two-dimensional array need not have the same number of elements Different rows can have different numbers of columns An array that has a different number of elements per row it is called a ragged array double[][] a = new double[3][5]; The above line is equivalent to the following: double [][] a; a = new double[3][]; //Note below a[0] = new double[5]; a[1] = new double[5]; a[2] = new double[5]; Note that the second line makes a the name of an array with room for 3 entries, each of which can be an array of doubles that can be of any length The next 3 lines each create an array of doubles of size 5 double [][] a; a = new double[3][]; Since the above line does not specify the size of a[0], a[1], or a[2], each could be made a different size instead: a[0] = new double[5]; a[1] = new double[10]; a[2] = new double[4]; CSC1016 Lecture 20 Topic: Chapter 5 - Defining Classes II Course: CSC1016S Date: 11/09/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Announcements Prac Test 1 third sitting will be taking place next week The prac test 1 mark will be capped at 70%, so anyone who obtained 70% or more in the previous sittings should not participate This week's quiz will cover static and references For assignment 7, submit UML diagram as a PDF ( You can use any online website to design) Using and Misusing References When adding the private modifier to a primitive type instance variable, it will prevent privacy leaks, but not so for class type instance variables A statement that is always true for every object of the class is called a class invariant A class invariant can help to define a class in a consistent and organized way Copy Constructors A copy constructor is a constructor with a single argument of the same type as the class The copy constructor should create an object that is a separate, independent object, but with the instance variables set so that it is an exact copy of the argument object Copy Constructor for a Class with Primitive Type Instance Variables code sample of safe copy constructor: public Person(Person original){ if (original == null){ System.out.println("Fatal error."); System.exit(0); } name =; born = new Date(original.born); if (original.died == null) died = null; else died = new Date(original.died); } This creates a new class instance, but with a difference reference location to the original class It ensures that changing the instance variables of the copy constructor will not affect the original class values Mutable and Immutable Classes A class that contains no methods (other than constructors) that change any of the data in an object of the class is called an immutable class Objects of such a class are called immutable objects It is perfectly safe to return a reference to an immutable object because the object cannot be changed in any way The String class is an immutable class A class that contains public mutator methods or other public methods that can change the data in its objects is called a mutable class, and its objects are called mutable objects Never write a method that returns a mutable object Instead, use a copy constructor to return a reference to a completely independent copy of the mutable object Deep Copy Versus Shallow Copy A deep copy of an object is a copy that, with one exception, has no references in common with the original Exception: References to immutable objects are allowed to be shared A shallow copy of an object is a copy that has references in common with the original This type of copy can cause dangerous privacy leaks in a program Introduction to javadoc Unlike a language such as C++, Java places both the interface and the implementation of a class in the same file However, Java has a program called javadoc that automatically extracts the interface from a class definition and produces documentation This information is presented in HTML format, and can be viewed with a Web browser If a class is correctly commented, a programmer need only refer to this API (Application Programming Interface) documentation in order to use the class javadoc can obtain documentation for anything from a single class to an entire package CSC1016S Lecture 19 Topic: Chapter 5: Defining Classes II Course: CSC1016S Date: 30/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Announcements No lecture this Friday Wrapper Classes Wrapper classes provide a class type corresponding to each of the primitive types – This makes it possible to have class types that behave somewhat like primitive types – The wrapper classes for the primitive types byte, short, long, float, double, and char are (in order) Byte, Short, Long, Float, Double, and Character Wrapper classes also contain a number of useful predefined constants and static methods Boxing: the process of going from a value of a primitive type to an object of its wrapper class To convert a primitive value to an "equivalent" class type value, create an object of the corresponding wrapper class using the primitive value as an argument The new object will contain an instance variable that stores a copy of the primitive value Unlike most other classes, a wrapper class does not have a no-argument constructor Integer integerObject = new Integer(42); Unboxing: the process of going from an object of a wrapper class to the corresponding value of a primitive type The methods for converting an object from the wrapper classes Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, and Character to their corresponding primitive type are (in order) byteValue, shortValue, intValue, longValue, floatValue, doubleValue, and charValue None of these methods take an argument int i = integerObject.intValue(); Automatic Boxing and Unboxing • Starting with version 5.0, Java can automatically do boxing and unboxing • Instead of creating a wrapper class object using the new operation (as shown before), it can be done as an automatic type cast: Integer integerObject = 42; Instead of having to invoke the appropriate method (such as intValue, doubleValue, charValue, etc.) in order to convert from an object of a wrapper class to a value of its associated primitive type, the primitive value can be recovered automatically int i = integerObject; Constants and Static Methods in Wrapper Classes Wrapper classes include useful constants that provide the largest and smallest values for any of the primitive number types For example, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MIN_VALUE, etc. The Boolean class has names for two constants of type Boolean Boolean.TRUE and Boolean.FALSE are the Boolean objects that correspond to the values true and false of the primitive type boolean Wrapper classes have static methods that convert a correctly formed string representation of a number to the number of a given type The methods Integer.parseInt, Long.parseLong, Float.parseFloat, and Double.parseDouble do this for the primitive types (in order) int, long, float, and double Wrapper classes also have static methods that convert from a numeric value to a string representation of the value For example, the expression Double.toString(123.99); returns the string value "123.99" The Character class contains a number of static methods that are useful for string processing Variables and Memory A computer has two forms of memory Secondary memory is used to hold files for "permanent" storage Main memory is used by a computer when it is running a program Values stored in a program's variables are kept in main memory Main memory consists of a long list of numbered locations called bytes Each byte contains eight bits: eight 0 or 1 digits The number that identifies a byte is called its address A data item can be stored in one (or more) of these bytes The address of the byte is used to find the data item when needed Values of most data types require more than one byte of storage Several adjacent bytes are then used to hold the data item The entire chunk of memory that holds the data is called its memory location The address of the first byte of this memory location is used as the address for the data item A computer's main memory can be thought of as a long list of memory locations of varying sizes References Every variable is implemented as a location in computer memory When the variable is a primitive type, the value of the variable is stored in the memory location assigned to the variable Each primitive type always require the same amount of memory to store its values When the variable is a class type, only the memory address (or reference) where its object is located is stored in the memory location assigned to the variable The object named by the variable is stored in some other location in memory Like primitives, the value of a class variable is a fixed size Unlike primitives, the value of a class variable is a memory address or reference The object, whose address is stored in the variable, can be of any size Two reference variables can contain the same reference, and therefore name the same object The assignment operator sets the reference (memory address) of one class type variable equal to that of another Any change to the object named by one of theses variables will produce a change to the object named by the other variable, since they are the same object variable2 = variable1; Class Parameters All parameters in Java are call-by-value parameters A parameter is a local variable that is set equal to the value of its argument Therefore, any change to the value of the parameter cannot change the value of its argument Class type parameters appear to behave differently from primitive type parameters They appear to behave in a way similar to parameters in languages that have the call-by-reference parameter passing mechanism The value plugged into a class type parameter is a reference (memory address) Therefore, the parameter becomes another name for the argument Any change made to the object named by the parameter (i.e., changes made to the values of its instance variables) will be made to the object named by the argument, because they are the same object Note that, because it still is a call-by-value parameter, any change made to the class type parameter itself (i.e., its address) will not change its argument (the reference or memory address) Differences Between Primitive and Class-Type Parameters A method cannot change the value of a variable of a primitive type that is an argument to the method In contrast, a method can change the values of the instance variables of a class type that is an argument to the method Pitfall: Use of = and == with Variables of a Class Type Used with variables of a class type, the assignment operator (=) produces two variables that name the same object This is very different from how it behaves with primitive type variables The test for equality (==) also behaves differently for class type variables The == operator only checks that two class type variables have the same memory address Unlike the equals method, it does not check that their instance variables have the same values Two objects in two different locations whose instance variables have exactly the same values would still test as being "not equal" ToyClass variable1 = new ToyClass("Chiana", 3), variable2 = new ToyClass("Chiana", 3); if (variable1 == variable2) System.out.println("Equal using =="); else System.out.println("Not equal using =="); Instead use an equals public boolean equals(ToyClass otherObject) { return ((name.equals( && (number == otherObject.number)); } The Constant null null is a special constant that may be assigned to a variable of any class type YourClass yourObject = null; It is used to indicate that the variable has no "real value" It is often used in constructors to initialize class type instance variables when there is no obvious object to use null is not an object: It is, rather, a kind of "placeholder" for a reference that does not name any memory location Because it is like a memory address, use == or != (instead of equals) to test if a class variable contains null if (yourObject == null) ... Pitfall: Null Pointer Exception Even though a class variable can be initialized to null, this does not mean that null is an object null is only a placeholder for an object A method cannot be invoked using a variable that is initialized to null The calling object that must invoke a method does not exist Any attempt to do this will result in a "Null Pointer Exception" error message For example, if the class variable has not been initialized at all (and is not assigned to null), the results will be the same The new Operator and Anonymous Objects The new operator invokes a constructor which initializes an object, and returns a reference to the location in memory of the object created This reference can be assigned to a variable of the object's class type Sometimes the object created is used as an argument to a method, and never used again In this case, the object need not be assigned to a variable, i.e., given a name An object whose reference is not assigned to a variable is called an anonymous object Using and Misusing References When writing a program, it is very important to insure that private instance variables remain truly private For a primitive type instance variable, just adding the private modifier to its declaration should insure that there will be no privacy leaks For a class type instance variable, however, adding the private modifier alone is not sufficient Designing A Person Class: Instance Variables A simple Person class could contain instance variables representing a person's name, the date on which they were born, and the date on which they died These instance variables would all be class types: name of type String, and two dates of type Date As a first line of defense for privacy, each of the instance variables would be declared private public class Person { private String name;//String is an immutable (original String values can not be changed) private Date born; private Date died; //null is still alive ... SIPP Lecture 06 Topic: Introduction to values & Analytical Tools Course: CSC1016S Date: 31/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Maria Keet Summary INTRODUCTION TO VALUES Are Computer Ethics Special? Are computer ethics different to those that came before? No, since all fields have similar problems and issues. Yes, since there are issues specific to computers such as the precise nature of programming, autonomous action, etc. What is it about computers that make the computer environment different? Speed: Computers are able to do things faster than ever before data mining (only viable with computers) Storage and accessibility of data: Vast amount of data can be stored and easily accessible for processing. Big Data Concept of a program: How should one treat a computer program? Is it a property or an idea or a process? Is it something that may be copyrighted or patented? [see video] Breadth of Distribution: IT has presented consumers with new channel of distribution Faster, easier not as regulated internationally Traditionalist Approach Take traditional moral norm and principles; then apply to new situation Problems with Traditionalist Approach? Oversimplifies Implies a routine way of dealing with ALL problems Computing process is fluid – technology is changing Different writers use different analogies Internet – a network of highways (tolled or open?) Internet – postal service (priority mail?) Internet – a shopping mall Different analogies give different solutions Need to argue also why the analogy holds, or why one is better than another Filling the Policy Vacuum Takes a long time for the ethical framework to be developed for an innovation However: technology itself evolves (much) more quickly The framework should precede the law Appropriate laws are the best way to fill a policy vacuum takes time. Effective ways of filling the gap: Personal policies Company (but see paper on ‘finders keepers, losers weepers’) Social conventions in society can often effectively fill the gap and provide a framework for eventually creating laws (e.g., Free Software Foundation, creative commons) ANALYTICAL TOOLS Critical Reasoning and Logical Arguments Critical reasoning is a branch of informal logic. Critical reasoning tools, especially argument analysis, can help us to resolve many of the disputes in computer ethics. A logical argument, or argument, is a form of reasoning comprising various claims, or statements (or sentences). (Logical) Arguments A set of statements such that: One of them is being said to be true (conclusion) The other(s) (called premises) are being offered as reasons for accepting ('believing') the truth of the one conclusion. An argument: It is Monday, it always rains on the weekend in Cape Town, so it was raining on the past couple of days. Ice cream contains a lot of sugar. Sugar is unhealthy. Therefore eating ice cream is unhealthy. Arguments and Assertions I An argument is a set of statements, one of which is being asserted An assertion is a single statement (possibly complex) that is being stated as a fact Which of the following sentences are assertions? 1. It is very dry //assertion 2. Is it very dry? 3. Turn off the water sprinkler! 4. If it is very dry there will be water restrictions. //assertion Arguments and Assertions II Assertions are either true or false but arguments are neither true nor false Arguments are either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ How to specify ‘good’/’bad’? Deductive Arguments Deductive arguments are such that if their premises are true then the truth of their conclusion is guaranteed A deductive argument is either valid (and gives us certainty) or invalid and says nothing. Structure: All A are B a is a A Therefore a is B For example: All penguins are black and white Penny is a penguin Therefore Penny is black and white Or: All rockdassies are brown Charlie is a rockdassie Therefore Charlie is brown Inductive Arguments Inductive arguments are such that the truth of their premises makes the conclusion more probably true. Inductive arguments can be either weak or strong. their conclusions can be slightly more likely to be true or much more likely to be true Example of a strong inductive argument: The sun has risen every day for millions of years Therefore the sun will rise tomorrow Example of a weak inductive argument: It has been raining for the past couple of days Therefore it will rain today CSC1016S Lecture 18 Topic: Chapter 5: Defining Classes II Course: CSC1016S Date: 29/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Announcements Get to test venue at least 10 minutes before starting time Make sure to bring phone into Scilabs in order to verify account Download Microsoft Authentication for easier verification process CHAPTER 5: Defining Classes II Object variables store the reference to where the actual object is, in memory e.g Student x = new Student();// x will store the reference memory of the actual object Static Variable Static is used to access the actual memory location A static method can only access static variables (i.e. can not access instance variables) A static method belongs to the class, whereas instance variables belong to an instance of the class Instance variable can not access static variable directly Static variable can be declared and initialized at the same time example of static variable: private static int myStaticVariable = 0; A static variable is automatically initialized to the default value, unless initialized by programmer Static variables should always be private, unless it is also defined constant The value of a static defined constant can not be altered therefore it is safe to make it public In addition a static constant variable should be final, e.g. public static final double PI =3.142 Static Method String[]args is used when you run a program from a command line A static method that can be used without a calling object A static method still belongs to a class, and its definition is given inside the class defining e.g public static returnType myMethod(parameters){body} Static methods are invoked using the class name in place of a calling object returnValue = MyClass.myMethod(argument) Pitfall( or restriction): Static methods can only refer( or call) to static variables A static method has no this, so it can not use instance variables or instance methods that has an implicit ot explicit this A static method can invoke another static method Tip: You Can Put a main In Any Class Although the main method is often used in a separate class, it can be used to turn the class into a program If you print object variable, by default it will call upon the toString() Return type can not be overloaded, only method name can be overloaded Wrapper Class Wrapper classes provide a class type corresponding to each of the primitive types This makes it possible to have class types that behave somewhat like primitive types The wrapper classes for the primitive types byte, short, long, float, double and char are (in order) Byte, Short, Long, Double and Character Boxing: the process of going from a value of a primitive type to object e.g Integer integerObject = 42; CSC1016S Lecture 17 Topic: UML Class Diagrams Course: CSC1016S Date: 28/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Aslam Safla Summary Announcements Prac Test 1 second sitting will be happening this week during the normal prac sessions Quiz 3 will be covering Chapter 4(past 3 weeks) First 30 minutes will be alloted to quiz then after prac test 1(must use Scilab A) Sign ups for Theory test 1 will be closing tommorrow UML Class Diagrams: UML Class diagrams.pdf 2 MB CHAPTER 5 Static methods A static method is one that can be used without calling object A static method belongs to a class and its definition is given inside class definition Use keyword static to define static method (or variable) Static methods are invoked using the name in place of calling object (e.g. returnValue = MyClass.myMethod(argument);) CSC1016S Lecture 16 CSC1016S Lecture 16.pdf 68 kB CSC1016 Lecture 15 CSC1016 Lecture 15.pdf 2 MB CSC1016S Lecture 14 CSC1016S Lecture 14.pdf CSC1016S Lecture 13 83 kB CSC1016S Lecture 13.pdf 124 kB CSC1016S Lecture 12 CSC1016S Lecture 12.pdf 100 kB SIPP Lecture 04 SIPP Lecture 04.pdf 130 kB CSC1016S Lecture 11 CSC1016S Lecture 11.pdf 104 kB CSC1016S Lecture 10 CSC1016S Lecture 10.pdf 98 kB CSC1016S Lecture 08 CSC1016S Lecture 08.pdf 106 kB SIPP Lecture 03 SIPP Lecture 03.pdf 89 kB CSC1016S Lecture 07-07082023 CSC1016S Lecture 07-07082023.pdf 115 kB SIPP Lecture 02 SIPP Lecture 02.pdf 86 kB SIPP Lecture 01 SIPP Lecture 01.pdf 67 kB CSC1016S Lecture 06 CSC1016S Lecture 06.pdf 106 kB CSC1016S Lecture 05 CSC1016S Lecture 05.pdf 113 kB CSC1016S Lecture 04 CSC1016S Lecture 04.pdf 108 kB CSC1016S Lecture 03 CSC1016S Lecture 03.pdf 121 kB CSC1016S Lecture 02 CSC1016S Lecture 02.pdf 110 kB CSC1016S Lecture 01 CSC1016S Lecture 01.pdf SIPP Lecture 05 57 kB SIPP Lecture 05.pdf 90 kB CSC1016S Lecture 09 Topic: Defining Classes I Course: CSC1016S Date: 14/08/2023 Professor/Speaker: Safla Aslam Summary ANNOUNCEMENTS Starting from this week, we'll be having Friday lectures from 11h00-11h45 (LS2A) and 12h00-12h45 (New Lecture Theatre) Introductions to assignments will be done on the Friday lectures from now on ASSIGNMENT 4 INTRO Unit testing is the most basic form of testing methods Question 1 deals with unit testing Check how to use JUnit in JGRASP by following this pathway: Amathuba>CSC1016S>OOP in Java>Section 4>Using JUnit in JGRASP After configuring JUnit, check top tabs for 'create JUnit' and click it to start new JUnit file More to be discussed on Friday CHAPTER 4 DEFINING CLASSES I Instance Variables and Methods public void myMethod(Parameter_goes_here) public : type of method (public, protected, private etc.) void : type of value returned (String, int, double etc.) myMethod : name of method In Java we have two types of methods. Namely the void method and non-void method At the end of every non-void method, the return statement must be included We can have any number of conditional return statements, but only one will be returned by the method void methods have no return statements, they only execute the specified action within the method body The 'main' function is a void method Local variable: A variable declared within a method (i.e. a variable that exists only within a method, as opposed to instance variables) Java does not have global variables