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Final Project Teaching Plan

11/17/23, 12:04 AM
PD:Treball Final de Màster
Teaching plan for the course unit
General information
Course unit name: Final Project
Course unit code: 573240
Academic year: 2022-2023
Coordinator: Fariza Achcaoucaou Iallouchen
Department: Faculty of Economics and Business
Credits: 10
Single program: S
Estimated learning time
Total number of hours 250
Supervised project
Independent learning
Competences to be gained during study
General competences
CG1. Creative and entrepreneurial skills (capacity to conceive, design and manage projects,
and to research and integrate new knowledge and approaches).
CG2. Capacity to propose a business project based on an original idea and to assess its
Basic competences
CB6. Knowledge forming the basis of original thinking in the development or application of
ideas, typically in a research context.
CB7. Capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to problem-solving in new or relatively
unknown environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of
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PD:Treball Final de Màster
CB8. Capacity to integrate knowledge and tackle the complexity of formulating judgments
based on incomplete or limited information, taking due consideration of the social and ethical
responsibilities involved in applying knowledge and making judgments.
CB9. Capacity to communicate conclusions, judgments and the grounds on which they have
been reached to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.
CB10. Skills to enable lifelong self-directed and independent learning.
Specific competences
CE1. Capacity to apply the main concepts and management tools to resolve advanced
problems and business situations related to the strategic, financial, commercial, operational
and logistics management of international companies.
CE2. Capacity to adopt a strategic, integrated approach to business problems and ability to
address them effectively at an international level.
CE3. Capacity to analyse and interpret the economic and financial information generated by an
international company in order to make well-considered decisions.
CE4. Capacity to plan and direct the financial and accounting organization of an international
company or global group of companies, to ensure solvency and profitability.
CE5. Understanding of and capacity to apply marketing tools to solve problems and generate
opportunities and to use theoretical expertise and the appropriate research tools to solve
problems encountered in the fields of market research and international marketing.
CE6. Understanding of the heuristics, methodologies and techniques required for decisionmaking in the field of international business operations.
CE7. Capacity to direct the international logistics of a company or group of companies with a
view to achieving optimal supply chain management.
CE8. Capacity to manage people and teams in international organizations, in order to increase
motivation and establish a multicultural working environment.
CE9. Capacity to examine the options, potential and opportunities presented by different
regions in the global economy and to identify the specific features of the various markets and
societies involved, with a view to improving effectiveness and complying with demands on
professional responsibility.
CE10. Capacity to acquire an advanced level of competence in the writing of scientific
documents, specialized reports and research papers in which value judgements are
formulated, complying with standard criteria for publication or for presentation to potential
stakeholders or other interested parties at the global level.
Learning objectives
Referring to knowledge
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PD:Treball Final de Màster
The objectives of the Master’s degree Final Project (FP) refer to both content and
— Assessment of format: presentation (capacity to present a structured text:
background, references, clear and brief oral presentation).
— Assessment of content: the FP has to demonstrate the acquisition of the objectives
for the Master’s degree. This FP is a summary of the competences for the Master’s
degree. Students can choose between different types of projects: research projects,
reports, business plans and projects on intervention or innovation in the professional
field. Students are expected to reach their own conclusions and show a capacity for
critical and personal thinking.
— Students have to integrate and apply the competences acquired during the Master’s
degree in a professional, creative and innovative way, together with those specific to
the subject, such as autonomy, initiative, practical application, etc.
Teaching blocks
1. Master’s degree Final Project
* As stated in the University of Barcelona and the Faculty of Economics and
Business regulations on the Master’s degree Final Project (hereinafter, ‘FP’):
a) The FP is an individual project carried out independently that enables the student
to demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired in the Master’s degree.
Specifically, the FP is a project, research project or report through which students
must integrate each aspect of the training received during the Master’s degree. This
exercise requires students to apply the knowledge, capacities, attitudes and
competences they have acquired in such a way that it links to the specific learning
objectives and professional outcomes of each master’s degree.
b) The FP must be the product of individual work. Exceptionally, projects of
particular complexity may be worked on in groups. In these cases, students must
receive the authorisation of the Master’s degree Coordinator and provide a brief
report from the tutor outlining the justification for the FP and the contribution of
each student.
The process for preparing the FP is explained in the compulsory subject Research
Methods for International Business, taught during the first semester.
The characteristics of the FP are detailed in the Final Project Guidelines available in
the Virtual Campus of the subject. It must be an original project and hence any
form of plagiarism (that is, the copy of another author’s text without reference to
the source) will be penalised.
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PD:Treball Final de Màster
Teaching methods and general organization
The development of the project is not associated with face-to-face activities in the classroom.
The FP consists of an original work in international business studies.
The FP is completed autonomously, although a tutor must accept supervising and monitoring
the project. Students meet their tutor frequently. Students hand in follow-up work to the tutor.
At the beginning of the course, the Academic Council establishes the main characteristics and
deadlines of the FP in the Final Project Guidelines.
Students must submit different forms and partial sections of the FP during the process. Failure
to submit any of these forms or sections by the established date implies a grade of Fail for the
Official assessment of learning outcomes
There is no continuous assessment option.
Examination-based assessment
The FP is an atypical subject with only one call for assessment (and no repeat assessment) in
At the beginning of the course, the Academic Council establishes the main characteristics,
deadlines and assessment criteria of the FP in the Final Project Guidelines. These guidelines
are also published in the Virtual Campus of the subject.
On the dates approved by the Academic Council in July, each student must face a public
defence of their project in front of the Assessment Committee, which is made up of three
lecturers of the master’s degree. On a date announced in advance (students should check the
timetable and exams document on the website of the master’s degree), each student sends
an electronic version of their FP. The final submission must have the signed agreement of the
tutor. These FPs are distributed among the members of the Assessment Committee.