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Weldment Analysis Assignment: Shear Stress & Safe Loads

Assignment 2
1. A steel bar of thickness h is welded to a vertical support as shown in the figure. What is the
shear stress in the throat of the welds due to the force F? Given, b = 50 mm, d = 30 mm, h = 5
mm, F = 100 kN.
2. A steel bar of thickness h is welded to a vertical support, as shown in the figure. Find the
safe force F if the maximum allowable shear stress in the welds is τallow. Given,
3. The permissible shear stress for the weldments shown is 137.9 MPa. Based on the
weldment of the cylinder and plate A, estimate the load, F, that will cause this stress in the
weldment throat.
5. A vertical column of 1018 hot-rolled steel is 254.000 mm wide. An attachment has been
designed to the point shown in the figure. The static load of 88.960 kN is applied, and the
clearance a of 158.750 mm has to be equaled or exceeded. The attachment is also 1018 hotrolled steel, to be made from 12.700 mm plate with weld-on bosses when all dimensions are
known. Specify the weldment (give the pattern, electrode number, type of weld, length of
weld bead, and leg size). Specify also the length l1 for the attachment.
6. The AISI 1018 HR steel strap of Figure 9–22 has a repeatedly applied load of 8896 N (Fa
= Fm = 4448 N). Determine the fatigue factor of safety of the weldment. Given: Ksurf = 0.7,
Ksize = 1, Kload = 0.59, Kfs = 2.0, Sse = 83 MPa, Ssu = 270 MPa.