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Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Exam

Sector 29, Pradhikaran, Akurdi, Pune - Maharashtra, INDIA 411044
(Establishment by Maharashtra Act No. LXIII of 2017)
School of Computer Science, Engineering & Applications
Midterm-2 examination- 2023
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Course Code: CSE1002
Duration: 1 Hour
Semester: I
Total Marks: 20
Note: Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data, then choose suitably.
1. Attempt any two questions in brief
a. Explain the V-I characteristic of p-n junction diode. How it is differ from Zener diode?
b. Draw the circuit and discuss the working of full wave bridge rectifier with suitable input -output
waveforms. What is PIV of bridge rectifier?
c. Using basic Diode equation, determine the diode current at 20°C for a silicon diode with I s=50 nA
and an applied forward bias of 0.6 V.
d. Why does an intrinsic semiconductor behave like an insulator at absolute zero temperature?
e. Why silicon diode is more popular than Germanium? Mention its application and cut-in voltage
2. Attempt any four of the following:
a. With appropriate circuit diagram explain the DC load line analysis of semi-conductor diode.
b. Determine the dc resistance of a diode at VD =-20V if its reverse saturation current is 1µA (The
VT=25 mv at room temperature)
c. Determine I1, I2 and I3 for the circuit shown in the following figure.
The circuit in the Fig. has a zener diode connected across the load.
(a) For RL = 180 Ω, determine all currents and voltages.
(b) Repeat part (a) for RL = 450 Ω.
(c) Find the value of RL for the zener to draw maximum power.
(d) Find the minimum value of RL for the zener to be just in on-state.
Sketch vo for the network of Fig. and determine the dc
voltage available
Design a clamper to perform the
function indicated in Fig.