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Afro-Latin & Popular Music: Grade 10 Module

Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Afro-Latin American and Popular
MAPEH – Grade 10
Quarter 2 – Module 1: Afro-Latin American And Popular Music
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Afro-Latin American and Popular
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to
use this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress
while allowing them to manage their own learning at home.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
As a learner, you must learn to become responsible of your own
learning. Take time to read, understand, and perform the different
activities in the module.
As you go through the different activities of this module be
reminded of the following:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any
part of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the
2. Don’t forget to answer Let Us Try before moving on to the other
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking
your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are done.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always
bear in mind that you are not alone. We hope that through this material,
you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep understanding
of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Let Us Learn
Before we start, I would like to know how far you know about Afro-Latin
American Music. Specifically, it seeks to achieve the learning competency
describes the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin
American and popular music; MU10APIIa-g-2
And we will focus our learning objectives with the following:
a. Describe the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin
America and popular music: and
b. Discuss some popular music styles.
Are you ready? Now, let us start learning about this module. See you
and good luck!
Let Us Try
Know Me
You complete me!
Instruction: Using the words in the word bank, complete the conversation
__________ is somehow reflection of our culture. ___________
works to ensure people’s survival, and music contributes to that
function by bringing people together. Best example for reflection of
culture is the Afro-Latin American Music and one of the best musical
style that they have is ________________________.
Guide Questions:
Is it easy to find the right words? What are the terms/words you
Which of the words used will most likely be our topic?
Let Us Study
It’s evident that music is a powerful force in more ways than one, but
how has its influence changed over the years? African Music is a rich and
diverse cultural heritage that exists in hundreds of different languages.
African music has been a collective result of the cultural and musical diversity
of the more than 50 countries of the continent over many years passed by.
Afro-Latin American Music
Afro-Latin American music is a rich and diverse cultural heritage that
exists in hundreds of different languages.
In Africa, singing, dancing, hand-clapping, and the beating of drums
are essential to many African ceremonies, including those for birth, death,
initiation, marriage, and funerals. Music and dance are also important to
religious expression and political events. African music has been a collective
result of the cultural and musical diversity of the more than 50 countries of
the continent. The rhythm and styles of Latin-American music are
influenced by the United States and other countries in Europe like Spain and
Portugal. Latin music is a combination of four musical elements, musical
styles, cultural backgrounds, language, and geography.
They usually perform by singing and using percussion instruments
played either by hands or with sticks, drums, and others and they use them
also for communication to convey news, to teach, to tell a story, and for
religious purposes; this includes the Maracatu.
This music can be traced back to the Spanish and Portuguese conquest
of the Americans in the 16th century when the European settlers brought
their music from overseas.
Their music is identified by their rhythms, which they adapted from the
elements of Moorish music and other African and Caribbean music in the
slave trade from 1550 to 1880.
Play drums mean of communicating. These were considered talking
drums, carrying messages of history, struggle, and unspeakable joy. All this
was accomplished through the replaying of these traditional Moorish and
African rhythms, sung on a drum.
1. Conversation: “Call and response” – a performance of voice interaction as
an answer to the first chant.
2. Improvisation: is the creative activity of immediate ("in the moment")
musical composition, which combines performance with communication of
emotions and instrumental technique as well as a spontaneous response to
other musicians.
3. The voice as an instrument: It is the manipulation of a freely controlled
piece where they can change the tone of voice, its tempo, the creation of
moods, and even changing the range and vocal power.
4. The instrument as a voice: The instrument serves as a “singer” along with
the range and vocal power.
1. Reggae – This is a Jamaican form of music and dance with strong,
accented, and supplementary beats. In the 1960s, it was known as the ska
and is a variation of rhythm and blues. The popular artist of this genre was
Bob Marley. It is a soulful entertainment in Jamaica. It expresses in words
the pain, struggle, hope, and emotion that is felt by the average person.
2. Cumbia – It is a type of dance and music similar to salsa and uses
instruments like accordions, guitars, and percussions.
3. Tango – This is a lively and spirited dance of two people. It is a passionate
kind of dance that shows expression and connection and is performed in
a traditional or modern style.
4. Cha-cha – This is a Latin-American ballroom dance with the basic
pattern of three steps with a shuffle. It has a fast rhythmic pattern.
5. Bossanova – This style of music that was derived from samba, which is
original Brazilian music. It gives more emphasis on percussion and
6. Rumba – This is a kind of song and dance that originated from Cuba
with percussive rhythm and a combination of Cuba’s musical and dance
Let Us Practice
Using the letters in each number, form a word by connecting it. Provide
a short corresponding explanation (in the bigger box) in line with the
Afro-Latin American Music.
Let Us Practice More
• Listen to one of Afro-Latin American Music.
Write or draw your interpretation of what the music is all about
and how Afro-Latin American Music differs from the other type of
Let Us Remember
Afro-Latin American Music
Afro Latin American music reflects the distinctive mixtures of Native
American, African and European influences.
They use music for communication to convey news, to teach, to tell
a story, and for religious purposes.
Reggae is an urban popular music and dance style that originated in
Jamaica in the mid 1960s.
Let Us Assess
Direction: Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Where did Reggae originate? (1pt.)
a. Africa
c. Jamaica
b. Europe
d. Spain
2. What do you call the musical style that expresses in words the pain,
struggle, hope, and emotion that is felt by the average person?
a. Afro music
c. Latin music
b. Reggae
d. Rocksteady
3. It has always has been an important part of the daily life of an African.
a. Music
c. Dance
b. Music & Dance
d. Acting
4. A musical style that considers as the evolution of the Rocksteady and Ska
musical styles.
a. Afro music
c. Latin music
b. Reggae
d. Rockstead
5. The Afro-Latin American music was adapted from the elements of Moorish
music and other African and Caribbean music in the slave trade from 1550 to
a. It is a rich and diverse cultural heritage.
b. It consists of hundreds of different languages.
c. It is distinctive mixtures of Native American, African and European
d. None of the above.
Matching Type: Write the letter of your answer in the space provided. Choose
from column B.
Column A
Column B
__________6. This is a kind of song and a dance that
originated from Cuba with a percussive rhythm and a
a. Reggae
b. Cha cha
combination of Cuba’s musical and dance traditions.
c. Bossanova
_________7. This is a Jamaican form of music and
dance with strong, accented, and supplementary
d. Cumbia
beats. In the 1960s, it was known as the ska and is a
variation of rhythm and blues.
e. Pasodoble
_________8. This a style of music that was derived
f. Rumba
from samba, which is an original Brazilian music.
_________9. It is a type of dance and music similar to
salsa and uses instruments like accordions, guitars,
and percussions.
__________10..This is a Latin-American ballroom
dance with the basic pattern of three steps with a
shuffle. It has a fast rhythmic pattern.
Let Us Enhance
Circle the best answer (1 only) and support it with an explanation of
why you consider it as the best answer.
Which of the following best describe the main purpose of this Afro-Latin
American music during the slave trade overseas?
a. Playing drums means of praising and worshiping.
b. They play drums as enjoyment despite their situation.
c. They play drums to summon the good spirit.
d. Playing drums means of communicating.
Let Us Reflect
Today you have learned and explored the Afro-Latin American Music.
You maybe heard this type of music before but now you appreciate it more
after knowing its cultural and historical background. You were also able to
discuss popular musical styles. Congratulations! You have accomplished
this module and you did a great job!
Answer Key:
Let’s Try This:
Let’s us practice:
Key terms:
REGGAE - is an urban popular music and dance style that originated in Jamaica in the mid
AFRO-LATIN AMERICAN MUSIC - reflect the distinctive mixtures of Native American, African
and European influences.
COMMUNICATION – They use their music for communication to convey news, to teach, to
tell a story, and for religious purposes.
Let us practice more:
It is all about Call & Response. Work song - Prision song
Let us Assess:
1. C
2. B
3. B
4 B.
5. A.
6. F
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. B
Let’s enhance:
1 point a. Playing drums means of praising and worshiping. (wrong answer)
3 points b. They play drums as enjoyment despite their situation. This will bring
2 points c. They play drums to summon the good spirit. To save them from being
5 points - d. Playing drums means of communicating. These were considered
talking drums, carrying messages of history, struggle, and unspeakable joy
Answer Key
Andree-Ann D.(2017). Open Your Ears to Afro-Latin music.
Béhague, Gerard,(2015).Professor of Musicology/Ethnomusicology,
The Virginia Murchison Regents Professor in Fine Arts at University
of Texas at Austin. Editor of Latin American Music Review; author
of Music in Latin.
Cipriano, Eduardo, (2018). The 21s Century MAPEH in Action:
Worktext in Music Arts Physical Education and Health: Rex Book
Sunico, R. M. (2015). Horizons grade 10 learner’s materials, music
and arts
appreciation for young Filipinos. Quezon City: Tawid Publications.
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