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Spelling List T1: Vocabulary & Definitions

Spelling list T1
1. Sequencing:
- Transcription: /ˈsiːkwənsɪŋ/
- Definition: The arrangement of items in a specific order or sequence.
- Synonyms: Arrangement, ordering, progression.
- Part of Speech: Noun
2. Inferences:
- Transcription: /ˈɪnfərənsɪz/
- Definition: Conclusions drawn from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.
- Synonyms: Deductions, conclusions, implications.
- Part of Speech: Noun
3. Gist:
- Transcription: /dʒɪst/
- Definition: The main point or essential part of something.
- Synonyms: Essence, core, main idea.
- Part of Speech: Noun
4. Archipelago:
- Transcription: /ˌɑːrkɪˈpɛləɡoʊ/
- Definition: A group or chain of islands.
- Synonyms: Island chain, island group, cluster of islands.
- Part of Speech: Noun
5. Ferocious:
- Transcription: /fəˈroʊʃəs/
- Definition: Extremely fierce, violent, or savage.
- Synonyms: Fierce, aggressive, brutal.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
6. Prevalent:
- Transcription: /ˈprɛvələnt/
- Definition: Widespread or commonly occurring.
- Synonyms: Common, widespread.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
7. Commentary:
- Transcription: /ˈkɒmənˌtɛri/
- Definition: An explanation or interpretation of events, often in a written or spoken form.
- Synonyms: Analysis, explanation, critique.
- Part of Speech: Noun
8. Devour:
- Transcription: /dɪˈvaʊər/
- Definition: To consume or eat something with great enthusiasm or voracity.
- Synonyms: Consume, gobble
- Part of Speech: Verb
9. Harmonious:
- Transcription: /hɑːrˈmoʊniəs/
- Definition: Marked by agreement, compatibility, or pleasantness.
- Synonyms: Peaceful, balanced, melodious.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Transcription: /mɪˈtɪkjʊləsli/
- Definition: With great attention to detail and precision.
- Synonyms: Carefully, thoroughly, precisely.
- Part of Speech: Adverb
11. Implicit:
- Transcription: /ɪmˈplɪsɪt/
- Definition: Implied though not plainly expressed; inherent.
- Synonyms: Inferred, suggested, unspoken.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
12. Explicit:
- Transcription: /ɪkˈsplɪsɪt/
- Definition: Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
- Synonyms: Clear, definite, precise.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
13. Cosmopolitan:
- Transcription: /kɒzˈmɒpəlɪtən/
- Definition: Familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures.
- Synonyms: International, worldly, multicultural.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
14. Enticing:
- Transcription: /ɪnˈtaɪsɪŋ/
- Definition: Attracting or tempting, often by offering something desirable.
- Synonyms: Tempting, alluring, seductive.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
15. Apartheid:
- Transcription: /əˈpɑːthaɪt/
- Definition: A policy of racial segregation and discrimination, formerly practiced in South Africa.
- Synonyms: Racial segregation, discrimination, racial separation.
- Part of Speech: Noun
16. Incorporating:
- Transcription: /ɪnˈkɔːrpəˌreɪtɪŋ/
- Definition: To include or integrate something as part of a whole.
- Synonyms: Integrating, including, assimilating.
- Part of Speech: Verb
17. Debris:
- Transcription: /dɪˈbriː/
- Definition: Scattered pieces of waste or remains, often from a destroyed or damaged object.
- Synonyms: Rubbish, wreckage, fragments.
- Part of Speech: Noun
18. Necropolis:
- Transcription: /nɛˈkrɒpəlɪs/
- Definition: A large cemetery, especially one of historical or archaeological significance.
- Synonyms: Cemetery, graveyard, burial ground.
- Part of Speech: Noun
19. Persuasively:
- Transcription: /pərˈsweɪsɪvli/
- Definition: In a convincing or influential manner.
- Synonyms: Convincingly, compellingly.
- Part of Speech: Adverb
20. Defeatist:
- Transcription: /dɪˈfiːtɪst/
- Definition: A person who is inclined to accept defeat or to expect the worst outcome.
- Synonyms: Pessimist, cynic, negative thinker.
- Part of Speech: Noun
21. Diminutive:
- Transcription: /dɪˈmɪnjuːtɪv/
- Definition: Extremely small in size or stature.
- Synonyms: Tiny, small, miniature.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
22. Blurbs:
- Transcription: /blɜːrbs/
- Definition: Short descriptions or promotional summaries, typically found on the covers of books or in
- Synonyms: Promotions, descriptions, endorsements.
- Part of Speech: Noun
23. Chronological:
- Transcription: /ˌkrɒnəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/
- Definition: Arranged in the order of time or events.
- Synonyms: Sequential, time-based, ordered.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
24. Colloquial:
- Transcription: /kəˈloʊkwiəl/
- Definition: Informal language or conversational style used in everyday communication.
- Synonyms: Conversational, informal, everyday.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
25. Mercurial:
- Transcription: /mɜːˈkjʊriəl/
- Definition: Subject to sudden and unpredictable changes in mood or behavior.
- Synonyms: Capricious, unpredictable
26. Perennial:
- Transcription: /pəˈrɛniəl/
- Definition: Lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring.
- Synonyms: Enduring, lasting, permanent.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
27. Modification:
- Transcription: /ˌmɒdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/
- Definition: A change or alteration made to something.
- Synonyms: Alteration, adjustment, change.
- Part of Speech: Noun
28. Rubric:
- Transcription: /ˈruːbrɪk/
- Definition: A set of instructions or rules for conducting an assessment or evaluation.
- Synonyms: Guideline, instruction, protocol.
- Part of Speech: Noun
29. Synthesize:
- Transcription: /ˈsɪnθəˌsaɪz/
- Definition: To combine or create something by blending or merging various elements.
- Synonyms: Combine, integrate.
- Part of Speech: Verb
30. Ostensibly:
- Transcription: /ɒˈstɛnsɪbli/
- Definition: Apparently or outwardly, often with the implication of hiding the true nature of
- Synonyms: Supposedly, outwardly, seemingly.
- Part of Speech: Adverb
31. Omniscient:
- Transcription: /ɒmˈnɪʃənt/
- Definition: Having complete or infinite knowledge; all-knowing.
- Synonyms: All-knowing, all-wise, all-seeing.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
32. Morphology:
- Transcription: /mɔːrˈfɒlədʒi/
- Definition: The study of the structure and form of words, including their roots, prefixes, and suffixes.
- Synonyms: Word structure analysis, word formation.
- Part of Speech: Noun
33. Compulsory:
- Transcription: /kəmˈpʌlsəri/
- Definition: Required by law or rule; mandatory.
- Synonyms: Mandatory, obligatory, required.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
34. Angiosperms:
- Transcription: /ˈændʒi.oʊˌspɜːrmz/
- Definition: Flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed within a fruit.
- Synonyms: Flowering plants.
- Part of Speech: Noun
35. Chloroplasts:
- Transcription: /ˈklɔːroʊˌplæsts/
- Definition: Organelles found in plant cells that contain chlorophyll and are involved in
- Synonyms: Plant cell organelles
- Part of Speech: Noun
36. Vertebrates:
- Transcription: /ˈvɜːrtəˌbreɪts/
- Definition: Animals with a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles,
amphibians, and fish.
- Synonyms: Animals with a spine
- Part of Speech: Noun
37. Callipers:
- Transcription: /ˈkælɪpərz/
- Definition: A measuring instrument with two hinged legs used to measure the diameter or thickness
of an object.
- Synonyms: Calipers, measuring instrument.
- Part of Speech: Noun
38. Gradient:
- Transcription: /ˈɡreɪdiənt/
- Definition: The degree of steepness of a slope or the rate of change of a physical quantity concerning
- Synonyms: Slope, incline
- Part of Speech: Noun
39. Sublimation:
- Transcription: /səˈblɪmeɪʃən/
- Definition: The process of a substance changing from a solid directly to a gas without passing
through a liquid phase.
- Synonyms: Vaporization, evaporation, transformation.
- Part of Speech: Noun
40. Conservation:
- Transcription: /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃən/
- Definition: The act of preserving and protecting natural resources and the environment.
- Synonyms: Preservation, protection
- Part of Speech: Noun
41. Osmosis:
- Transcription: /ɒzˈmoʊsɪs/
- Definition: The movement of solvent molecules from an area of lower solute concentration to an
area of higher solute concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.
- Synonyms: None applicable (scientific term).
- Part of Speech: Noun
42. Scalar:
- Transcription: /ˈskeɪlər/
- Definition: A quantity that has magnitude (size) but no direction, in contrast to vectors which have
both magnitude and direction.
- Synonyms: None applicable (scientific term).
- Part of Speech: Noun
43. Equilibrium:
- Transcription: /ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm/
- Definition: A state of balance or stability where opposing forces or factors are in equal proportion.
- Synonyms: Balance, stability, steadiness.
- Part of Speech: Noun
44. Linearity:
- Transcription: /ˌlɪnɪˈærəti/
- Definition: The quality or property of being linear, or following a straight line.
- Synonyms: Straightness, directness.
- Part of Speech: Noun
45. Oscillation:
- Transcription: /ˌɒsɪˈleɪʃən/
- Definition: A regular and repetitive back-and-forth movement or fluctuation.
- Synonyms: Vibration, swinging, fluctuation.
- Part of Speech: Noun
46. Saturate:
- Transcription: /ˈsætjəˌreɪt/
- Definition: To completely fill or soak a substance to the point where it can hold no more.
- Synonyms: Soak, drench, immerse.
- Part of Speech: Verb
47. Compression:
- Transcription: /kəmˈprɛʃən/
- Definition: The act or process of applying pressure to reduce the volume or size of something.
- Synonyms: Constriction, squeezing, pressing.
- Part of Speech: Noun
48. Amplitude:
- Transcription: /ˈæmplɪˌtjuːd/
- Definition: The maximum extent of a vibration, wave, or oscillation, measured from its equilibrium
- Synonyms: Intensity, magnitude, size.
- Part of Speech: Noun
49. Octaves:
- Transcription: /ˈɒkteɪvz/
- Definition: A musical interval between one note and another with double its frequency.
- Synonyms: Musical intervals
- Part of Speech: Noun
50. Convection:
- Transcription: /kənˈvɛkʃən/
- Definition: The process of heat transfer in a fluid (liquid or gas) through the movement of the fluid
- Synonyms: None applicable (scientific term).
- Part of Speech: Noun
51. Synchronized:
- Transcription: /ˈsɪŋkrəˌnaɪzd/
- Definition: Coordinated or occurring at the same time or in unison with something else.
- Synonyms: Coordinated, simultaneous
- Part of Speech: Adjective
52. Incandescent:
- Transcription: /ˌɪnˈkændəsənt/
- Definition: Emitting light as a result of being heated to a high temperature; glowing.
- Synonyms: Glowing, radiant, luminous.
- Part of Speech: Adjective
53. Simultaneously:
- Transcription: /ˌsaɪməlˈteɪniəsli/
- Definition: Occurring at the same time or instant.
- Synonyms: At the same time, concurrently, together.
- Part of Speech: Adverb
54. Extravaganza:
- Transcription: /ɪkˌstrævəˈɡænzə/
- Definition: An elaborate and spectacular display, performance, or event that is often extravagant or
- Synonyms: Spectacle, show, display.
- Part of Speech: Noun
55. Mesmerized:
- Transcription: /ˈmɛzməraɪzd/
- Definition: Captivated or spellbound by something or someone's influence or charm.
- Synonyms: Enchanted, entranced, fascinated.
- Part of Speech: Verb
56. Equatorial:
- Transcription: /ˌɛkwəˈtɔːriəl/
- Definition: Relating to or near the equator, an imaginary line encircling the Earth's midpoint.
- Synonyms: Near the equator, tropical
- Part of Speech: Adjective
57. Memoir:
- Transcription: /ˈmɛmwɑːr/
- Definition: A written account or autobiography of one's personal experiences and memories.
- Synonyms: Autobiography, recollections, biography.
- Part of Speech: Noun
58. Impurity:
- Transcription: /ɪmˈpjʊrɪti/
- Definition: The state or quality of being impure, contaminated, or tainted with foreign substances.
- Synonyms: Contamination, pollution, dirtiness.
- Part of Speech: Noun
59. Transcript:
- Transcription: /ˈtrænskrɪpt/
- Definition: A written or printed record of something, such as a speech, conversation, or academic
- Synonyms: Record, document, manuscript.
- Part of Speech: Noun
60. Aqueous:
- Transcription: /ˈeɪkwiəs/
- Definition: Relating to or containing water; watery.
- Synonyms: Watery, liquid
- Part of Speech: Adjective