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Creative Writing: Poetry Lesson Plan for Grade 12

Subject: Creative Writing
Grade Level: Grade 12
Objective: Write a short poem applying various elements, techniques, and
literary devices.
Learning across the curriculum:
- English Language Arts: Analyzing poetry by renowned poets
- Visual Arts: Creating illustrations to accompany the poems
- Social Studies: Researching the cultural significance of poetry in different societies
- Engage students in a discussion about their favorite poems and what they enjoy about them.
- Ask students to share any prior experience with writing poetry.
- Show examples of well-known poems and discuss the elements and techniques used.
1. Play a short audio clip of a famous poem being recited and ask students to listen and share
their initial reactions.
2. Display a collection of visually appealing and thought-provoking images related to various
emotions or themes. Ask students to select image that resonates with them and share why.
3. Provide a short excerpt from a poem and ask students to complete it by adding their own
lines. Encourage creativity and imagination.
Activity 1: Elements of Poetry
Materials: Handout with examples of different poetic elements, such as imagery,
metaphor, rhyme, and rhythm.
- Provide the handout and explain each element briefly.
- Ask students to read poems from different poets and identify the elements used.
- Assessment questions:1. Identify the poetic element used in the line "Her eyes were like
sparkling diamonds in the night sky."
2. How does the use of imagery enhance the reader's understanding of the poem?
Activity 2: Techniques and Literary Devices
Materials: Examples of poems with different techniques and literary devices.
- Discuss various techniques and devices, such as alliteration, personification, and
- Assign students to analyze a poem and identify the techniques and devices used.
- Assessment questions:
1. Give an example of alliteration in the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe.
2. How does the use of symbolism contribute to the overall meaning of the poem?
Activity 3: Writing a Short Poem
Materials: Blank paper, writing utensils.
- Provide a prompt or theme for the poem, such as love, nature, or personal experiences.
- Guide students through the process of brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing their
- Rubric for grading:
1. Creativity and originality - 10 points
2. Effective use of poetic elements - 10 points
3. Clear and coherent expression of ideas - 10 points
1. Teach the concept of imagery by showing examples and discussing how it appeals to the
reader's senses.
2. Teach the concept of metaphor by providing examples and guiding students to create their
own metaphors.
1. Organize a poetry reading session where students can share their poems with classmates
and receive feedback.
2. Collaborative activity: Pair students and ask them to exchange poems. They should analyze
each other's poems and provide constructive feedback.
- Assess students' understanding of poetic elements, techniques, and literary devices through
written quizzes or short response questions.
- Evaluate the students' final poems based on the rubric provided in Activity 3.
- Encourage students to submit their poems to local contests or literary magazines.
- Invite a local poet or writer to speak to the class and share their experiences.
Write a reflective essay discussing the process of writing your poem. Include the challenges
you faced, the techniques and elements you incorporated, and the overall impact of the poem
on yourself and others.