Uploaded by Saib Al-Haj

ChatGPT & AI in Education Certificate

Exploring ChatGPT and AI in Education: A Paradigm Shift for the Classroom
Presented by: Dr. Julene Reed, Education Technology Consultant and Researcher
See description at: home.edweb.net/webinar/technology20230425
Original Airdate: 04/25/23 4:00 PM ET
The goal of this presentation is to help educators
learn from experts and peers in the content area(s):
Artificial Intelligence, Technology for Learning
Saib Al-Haj Hassan
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Exploring ChatGPT and AI in Education: A Paradigm Shift for the Classroom
Presented by: Dr. Julene Reed, Education Technology Consultant and Researcher
The goal of this edWebinar is to help educators learn from experts and peers in the content area(s):
Artificial Intelligence, Technology for Learning
Saib Al-Haj Hassan's Personal Learning Plan
No learning plan has been entered by the educator for this edWebinar.
edWeb.net is a free professional learning network that helps educators learn from experts, share best
practices, and collaborate to improve teaching and learning.
www.edweb.net | 800-575-6015 | info@edweb.net | 50 Vreeland Drive, Suite 1, Skillman, NJ 08558