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Autism Neuropsychology Certificate of Completion

Neuropsychological Evaluation and Treatment Issues in Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Presented by: Christine Barry, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist, Rainbow Babies and
Childrens Hospital, OH, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University Hospitals Cleveland
Medical Center, OH
Original Airdate: 04/11/19 3:00 PM ET
The goal of this edWebinar is to help educators
learn from experts and peers in the content area(s):
Autism, Special Education/Inclusion
Diana Rebrieva
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this edWebinar as of:
Number of clock hours earned: 1
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Lisa Schmucki
Founder & CEO
Neuropsychological Evaluation and Treatment Issues in Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD)
Presented by: Christine Barry, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist, Rainbow Babies and Childrens
Hospital, OH, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center,
The goal of this edWebinar is to help educators learn from experts and peers in the content area(s):
Autism, Special Education/Inclusion
Diana Rebrieva's Personal Learning Plan
No learning plan has been entered by the educator for this edWebinar.
edWeb.net is a free professional learning network that helps educators learn from experts, share best
practices, and collaborate to improve teaching and learning.
www.edweb.net | 800-575-6015 | info@edweb.net | 621 Executive Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540