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Life on Zen (Autosaved)

Life on Zen
My name is Jake and I have been living on this spinning ball
called Zen for the past 18 years and I have seen many things
happen. Such as which people disappear. I do not know if that’s
weird or not since nobody really seems to notice it or even talk
about it except for my neighbours, The Brysons. Like last time
when their brother went missing at the age of nineteen they
made such a fuss. Actually now I think of it, all of the people
that went missing were nineteen. And everyone who is still
alive is either 18 or below. But does that mean I’m gonna go
missing? I’m turning 19 tomorrow!
One day later….
“Today is the day. I will be able to find out what happened to
all the nineteen year olds. Just then Jimmy Robertson walked
by me.” ‘Oh hey Ji….,’ I said. He pounced……
“Where am I?” I asked.
“You’ve just fallen into my trap,” said Jimmy.
“What the… Who are all these people Jim?”
How do you even know if the Zen Gods are real? It’s just a myth,
I had said.
“I have seen them before. They talked to me” said Jimmy. “Now
you are going to die”.
AAH. I screamed
I broke free of my shackles and started running. I tripped and I
blacked out.
A demon looking pig appeared with Jim.
“You didn’t believe me. You thought I was a myth. Now you
shall die for this” said the pig.
My shackles were now a hard purple blob.
“You will never escape those dark energon sticks” said the
demon pig.
I found a flaming blue sword right in my area of reach and I
attacked. I managed to put a blow to them hard enough to
knock them out. I also used it to destroy my hand holders. I
was finally free! I escaped their large man cave and took a
speaker and told everyone. I am not going to lie. My planet is
pretty small. Everyone started panicking but I had a plan. We
had a neighboring planet called Earth and it was big enough to
support life. So I went straight to the nearest space station
controller and luckily no one was working there. So I managed
to control the space station to come back down onto Zen. I
called a meeting and told everyone to get in the space station.
Luckily it was easy since everyone was panicked and had no
2 years later….
Captain’s log: My crew and I are near death food is scarce and
we’re not even close to reaching Earth. I have an escape pod
that can surely get to Earth in a few hours but it can only take
one person. I have to do this it’s the only way of our race’s
“I’m sorry for taking you guys on this journey with me.
3 days later….
I am on earth and there is no human species here. There are
only these robotic animal life-forms. Aah. I got attacked. I
blacked out.
The demon pig had captured me once again.
“You thought you could hide from me with these beasts on
another planet” said the pig.
“You say beast like it’s a bad thing” said one of the robotic life
“You can talk?” I asked
“Of course I can. My name is Primal” said the robot.
“Enough of the small talk. Die you pesky brat” said the pig
“When are we taking this guy out already boss?” said another
“We won’t. He could be useful” Said Primal
Wait. What? AAAAH. I screamed.
“What he’s the bad guy. I am the good guy. Kill him” I said.
I broke free once again and this time Primal was on my side at
least. And he was fast. I managed to get away from the pig but
Primal dropped me off and went to finish the job. I heard a loud
scream in the nearby forest. He was dead at long last.
I have finally found civilization on earth and it is wonderful
here. But whenever I sleep I still have dreams about that
horrible, ugly face of the pig-man.