Uploaded by Sultan Tamalli

Examen de Medicina: Neurología, Fisiología y Rehabilitación

1) 46 yr old male GCS 5, ICU stay 3 weeks leads to
1. Atelectasis
2. sarcoidosis
3. duodenal ulcer
4. Weight gain (Y)
2) Metabolic syndrome does not include
1. Elevated fasting blood glucose
2. Low serum high density lipoprotein
3. Elevated blood pressure
4. Elevated monocyte count (Y)
3) Pronator drift head shift to left and right hemiparesis Lesion is in which region
1. Parietal
2. Frontal (Y)
3. temporal
4. insula
4) Patients unable to perform standard exercise stress testing should complete
1. 6 minute walk test (Y)
2. Chest x-ray
3. cardiac MRI
4. Cardiopulmonary stress test
5) Nerve involved in the achilles re ex
1. Peroneal
2. tibial (Y)
3. Sciatic
4. femoral
6) A patient cannot prevent anterior adduction of femur on tibia when knee is exed Which
ligament is defective
1. Patellar
2. Tibial collateral
3. bular collateral
4. posterior cruciate (Y)
7) Patient has lost sensation on lateral arm. Where are the cell bodies of nerve present
1. Dorsal root ganglion (Y)
2. lateral horn
3. anterior horn
8) Skin changes seen in old people
1. Increases response to immune system
2. Increase in elasticity
3. Increase in density
4. Poor wound healing (Y)
9) CIMT in cerebral palsy
1. Tetraplegia
2. Hemiplegia (Y)
3. Quadriplegia
4. Diplegia
10) Cardiac stress testing is contradicted in
1. Valvular stenosis (Y)
2. Acute myocarditis (Y)
3. HSV
4. Diabetes (Y)
11) A person su ers rotator cu tear which muscle tendon is intact
1. Scapular
2. Infraspinatus
3. supraspinatus
4. teres major (Y)
12) A person has weakness in left leg and thigh, Which artery could be a lesion
1. Anterior cerebral artery (Y)
2. Middle cerebral artery
3. Anterior communicating
13) A person su ers damage of middle meningeal artery during an accident. Where does blood
1. Epidural (Y)
2. subdural
3. subarachnoid
14) the goal of rehab in myocardial infarction is
1. Reduce stroke volume
2. increase blood pressure
3. Reduce resting heart rate (Y)
15) Pulmonary ventilation during mild to moderate exercise is done via increasing.
1. Respiratory rate
2. FVC
3. tidal volume (Y)
4. Residual volume.
16) Pink pu er emphysema does not have.
1. Ventilation perfusion mismatch (Y)
2. barell chest
3. dyspnea
4. non cyanotic appearance
17) Downward and inward de ection of eye which nerve is involved :
1. Oculomotor nerve ( If outward de ection)
2. Abducens nerve
3. Trochlear nerve (Y)
18) Actin - myosin which ion
1. ca++ (Y)
19) Anticholinergic treatments for dystonia may trigger in cerebral palsy
1. urinary retention (Y)
20) Thurst technique
1. Pop sound (Y)