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Qur'an & Hadith Exam Prep: Surahs & Teachings

Text From
The Holy Qur’an
and Hadith
Paper 1: Section C
Section C: Texts from the Holy Qur’an and Hadith
Candidates are expected to have knowledge and understanding of the following Suras and
the context in which they were revealed:
1. Fateha – Opening Chapter, Chapter 1 verses 1 to 7
1. No 11 Doubt
2. Alaq – Clot of Blood, Chapter 96 verses 1 to 5
2. No 13 Love
3. Quraish – Custodians of the Ka’ba, Chapter 106 verses 1 to 4
3. No 15 Generosity
4. Kauthar – Abundance, Chapter 108 verses 1 to 3
4. No 16 Tolerance
5. Ikhlas – Purity (of Faith), Chapter 112 verses 1 to 4
5. No 18 Piety
6. An Naas – Mankind, Chapter 114 verses 1 to 6
6. No 27 Obedience and good character.
Type of Questions
Question A
Explain the teaching of the surah/hadith, the teaching of the ayah/hadith to
muslims about, background, give examples for putting into practice
(knowledge and understanding)
Question B
Statement, implications,
surah/hadith (Evaluation)
the relevance
Type of Questions
Question A
§ Explain the ayah or hadithà Explain the hadith (matan) or quran
itself: the background, asbab nuzul/ Wurud.
§ Sometimes asking to give example (from good Muslim life today or
from Islamic teaching): how it influences actions and thoughts……
§ The teaching of ayah or hadith:………….. (after explaining) this
ayah/surah/hadith teaches……..this surah/ayah/hadith rejects……
Type of Questions
Question B
§ Discuss the hadith or Quranà assess how the teachings might
impact on the life of a Muslim/muslims. Good to provide examples
from personal experience or others by referring to general/world
§ The statement: “…..that you have thought about different pointsà
argue with reasons both for and against the statement.
‫َ ْ َ ُ َ‬
‫ب فِيْهِ ُهًدى ل ِلُْمَّتِقْيَ‬
‫‪َ .‬ريْ َ‬
‫ذل ِك ال ِ‬
Al-Fatihah (The Opener)
Chapter 1 verses 1 to 7
Translation of the meaning
1. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
2. All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds (mankind, jinn and
all that exists).
The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
The Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day
of Resurrection)
You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and
Guide us to the Straight Way.
7. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of
those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went
astray (such as the Christians).
The surah was named so because of its subject matter. Fatihah is something which
opens a subject, a book, or anything else. In other words, Al-Fatihah serves as a
preamble/ preface.
Surah al-Fatiha is amongst the earliest revelations to the prophet. It was revealed in
As a matter of fact, according to authentic traditions, it was the first complete Surah
that was revealed to Muhammad pbuh. Before this, only a few verses were revealed
which form parts of Alaq, Muzzammil, Muddaththir, etc.
al-Fatihah, the Opening - because it opens the Book and by it the recitation in prayer
Ummul Qur`an, the Mother of the Qur`aan, and Ummul Kitaab, the Mother of the
Book, according to the opinion of the majority.
al-Qur`aan al-Adheem, the Great Qur`aan.
Sab`ul Mathani, the Seven Oft Repeated Verses, because they are frequently recited
and indeed recited in every raka`ah of the prayer.
al-Hamd, the Praise because it contains mention of hamd just as al-Baqarah is
named so because it contains mention of the cow.
as-Salaah, the Prayer due his (saw) saying while reporting from his Lord.
ar-Ruqya, the Spiritual Cure due to the hadith of Abu Sa`id reported in Sahih Bukhari
that after he had recited it to cure a person who had been bitten by a scorpion, the
Prophet pbuh said to him: “And what made you to know that it was a ruqya? “
This Surah is in fact a prayer that Allah has taught to all those who want to make a
study of His book. It has been placed at the very beginning of the Quran to teach this
lesson to the reader: “if you sincerely want to benefit from the Quran, you should offer
this prayer to the Lord of the Universe.”
This preface is meant to create a strong desire in the heart of the reader to seek
guidance from the Lord of the Universe Who alone can grant it. Thus Al-Fatihah
indirectly teaches that the best thing for a man is to pray for guidance to the straight
path, to study the Quran with the mental attitude of a seeker searching for the truth,
and to recognize the fact that the Lord of the Universe is the source of all knowledge.
He should, therefore, begin the study of the Quran with a prayer to Him for guidance.
From this theme, it becomes clear that the real relation between Al-Fatihah and the
Quran is not that of an introduction to a book but that of a prayer and its answer: Al-
Fatihah is the prayer from the servant and the Quran is the answer from the Master to
the servant's prayer. The servant prays to Allah to show him guidance and the Master
places the whole of the Quran before him in answer to his prayer, as if to say, "This is
the Guidance you begged from Me."
Main Teachings
§ The first verse is the Basmallah that is “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
Merciful”. In that verse it is a clear indication that we must always start whatever we do in the
name of Allah. All actions of our lives must be done with the name of Allah. There is an indication
of two attributes of Allah in “the Most Gracious” and “The most Merciful”. The first “Ar-Rahman”
signifies that Allah is merciful over all His creatures and creations, but the second “Ar-Rahim “
signifies that He will be Most Merciful in Akhirah towards those who will really need His
forgiveness and help.
§ The second verse means “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds”. Allah deserves praise not
only because He is our Creator, Sustainer, Provider, Helper among others but because He
deserves to be praised as such. Hamd (praise) takes place on the tongue and in the heart. It is
also evident that we must recognize Allah being the Lord of the Worlds that is the Worlds of
angels, mankind, jinns, animals and what we can see and what we can‘t see.
§ The third verse, “The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” allows us to know much more who is
Allah through His attributes of Compassion, Glorious and Mercy. Allah‘s Compassion (rahmah) is
paramount as it is for everyone. He is more Mercy (rahim) only for those who believe in Him.
Main Teachings
§ The fourth verse is “Master of the Day of Judgement”. The notion of master, brings to our
mind that when there is Master and the servants. The Master will be the judge on that day and we
will be questionable. He will decide of what to do with us. Only His mercy can come to our help. It
is the day the debts will fall due; “deen” can be debts the, debts we owe Allah. Allah will take us to
account on this Day and the result will be either Jannah or Jahim.
§ The fifth verse is “You do we worship and Your Help we see”. In this we recognize Allah‘s
place and we know we have to worship Him alone. Ibadah whether it may be Fard, Wajib,
Sunnah, Nawafil must be for Allah. It is also an indication that Allah alone can help us and we can
seek refuge in Him. There is no polytheism and idol worshipping in Islam.
§ The sixth and seventh verse states to “Guide us to the Straight Way, the way of those on
whom You have bestowed Your blessings not on those on whom there is anger nor on
those who go astray”. In this we know that guidance is in the hands of Allah. We are asking
guidance from Him and our du‘a are specific. We ask to show us the road taken by the Nabiyyin
(prophets), Siddiqin (ashab), Shuhada (martyr) and Salihin (the righteous). At the same time, we
are asking help and protection against anyone who had your anger and who went astray like the
Jews and the Christians respectively. We are asking for the middle way between too much and
too little. Muslims pray Allah to guide them in every walk of life.
Why this surah is important?
§ Mentioned above in the theme of this surah
§ It is a constant reminder and warning of the Day of Judgement and man‘s accountability in front
of Allah. When Allah affirms that He is the Master or Owner of that day, this means that He will
be the One to decide whom He likes to enter paradise.
§ It is said that if it is recited it can act as a healing (Shifa) or as enlightenment to a difficulty. It can
be read and can be blown on the painful part of the body or in water for drinking purposes.
However, it must be read with Iman.
§ It is recited after a person dies to invoke mercy on the soul. The reading of the verses of the
Qur‘an followed by du‘a for anyone alive or dead is considered blessed by the scholars.
§ It is also a clear indication that worship is for Allah alone and His help is paramount at any time.
As such, it is used to drive away Jinn from a person as a Ruqya and it is used to protect oneself
from the influence of Shaitaan. Allah is the One who can help us in such difficulty.
Example of the implication
§ Assess the ways in which being accountable on the Day of Judgement might influence the life of
a Muslim.
§ The belief that God is watching and will judge all souls on the Last Day encourages Muslims to
do good deeds and obey His commands. Muslims need to ask for forgiveness for sins and
depend on the mercy of Allah to allow them to gain Paradise and avoid punishment in the
§ Belief in God demands sacrifice and self-discipline from Muslims and that life on earth is a test
that they must strive to overcome. This demands constant effort but it is rewarded both in this
life and in the hereafter.
§ You might give examples from daily life or from the life of other Muslims as to the way faith is
observed and the way compassion; mercy and forgiveness are shown to others. You might give
examples of how the concept of accountability shapes character and makes people disciplined,
avoiding temptation and sin. Caring (for others); honesty and fair dealing.
§ You might give comment on those people who do not let this belief affect/influence their life and
actions and the possible consequences of this. (counter idea)
Answer Following questions:
Explain the teachings in Surah al-Fatihah. [12]
What are attitude/manners Muslims should observe when they make supplication to Allah.
Give your own opinion and show that you have thought about different points of view. [8]
Al-Alaq (Clot of Blood)
Chapter 96 verses 1 to 5
Translation of the meaning
Read in the name of your Lord
Who has created.
Created man from a clot of congealed blood.
Read and your Lord is Most Generous.
Who taught knowledge by the pen, taught man what he did not know.
Majority of the Islamic scholars agreed that it forms the very first Revelation to be
sent down to the Holy Prophet pbuh.
It is said and narrated that the prophet of Islam (s.a.w) spent many years in the cave
of Hira searching and trying to know who is Allah. Finally, at the age of 40 it is
narrated in Hadith that the archangel Jibril (as) came to him in his real form with
One day when he was in the Cave of Hira, Revelation came down to him
unexpectedly and the Angel said, to him: "Read".
After this Aishah reports the words of the Holy Prophet himself, to the effect, "I said:
'I cannot read!' Thereupon the Angel took me and pressed me until I could bear it no
more. Then he left me and said: 'Read.' I said: 'I cannot read!' He pressed me a
second time until I could bear it no more. Then he left me and said: 'Read.' I again
said: 'I cannot read!' He pressed me for the third time until I could bear it no more.
Then he left me and said: 'Iqra bismi Rabbi kal- ladhi khalaqa': (Read in the name of
your Lord Who created) till he reached 'ma lam ya lam' (what he did not know)."
Then the Holy Messenger pbuh returned home to Khadijah trembling with fear, and said to
her: "Cover me, cover me", and he was covered. When terror left him, he said: "O Khadijah,
what has happened to me?" Then he narrated to her whatever had happened, and said: "I
fear for my life." She said: "No never! Be of good cheer. By God, never will God debase you:
you treat the kindred well, you speak the truth, (one tradition adds: you restore what is
entrusted to you), you bear the burden of the helpless, you help the poor, you entertain the
guests, and you cooperate in good works.“
Then she took him to Waraqah bin Naufal, who was her cousin. He had become a Christian
in pre-Islamic days, wrote the Gospel in Arabic and Hebrew, and had become very old and
blind. Khadijah said: "Brother, listen to the son of your brother." Waraqah said to the Holy
Prophet: "What have you seen, nephew?" The Prophet described what he had seen.
Waraqah said: "This is the same Gabriel which Allah had sent down to Moses. Would that I
were a young man during your Prophethood! Would that I were alive when your tribe would
expel you!" The Holy Prophet said: "Will they expel me?" Waraqah said: "Yes, never has it so
happened that a person brought what you have brought and was not treated as an enemy. If
I live till then I would help you with all the power at my command." But not very long after
this Waraqah died.
The surah addresses Prophet Muhammad specifically in the first verse who is precisely
instructed to recite Quranic verses in the name of his Lord i.e. he should recite
bismillahrrahmanirrahim before reciting the sacred verses of the Quran.
The attribute of Allah which speaks of Him as the Lord of the creation is also
Allah swt is the creator of everything who nurtures and nourishes His creations and
therefore, He finds it no difficult to impart knowledge to a man who dies not know how
to read and write.
The surah further continues to mention one of the processes which bring about man’s
existence to give him a physical life from a mere clot of blood.
Prophet Muhammad was instructed by the word iqra to invite people to the Truth.
He is ummi (unlettered) but this sura clearly tells him that the will of Allah is not bound
by any sort of limitations. Allah Almighty can easily grant him abundant knowledge
through means which do not necessitate the use of pen, therefore, the Prophet’s
unlettered status did not serve as an obstacle in his way.
Main Teachings
§ First verse, Allah ordered Jibril to tell the prophet to say “Read, in the name of your Lord who
created”. In it there is the first command from Allah to read. By “read” it is an order to proclaim
the message of Allah and to spread it. It also means to learn and to study as the implication of to
read is to know how to read, that is to be literate. It also means to “read”, “recite”, “proclaim
aloud” without any limit. There is also an indication that we must always start by the name of our
Lord that is Allah. Whatever we do or we are engaged in we must take the name of Allah.
According to the prophet, if the name of Allah is omitted, Satan will accompany the person in his
task. There is also an indication that Allah is the Creator.
§ Second verse, Allah says that He “Created man, out of a mere clot of congealed blood”. There is
the evidence and proof that it is Allah who is our Creator. He has molded Insan in the best way. It
negates the idea of polytheism considering other gods as creators of human beings, animals,
plants and all creatures. In it there is an indication 14 centuries ago that Man has been created
out of a congealed blood that is the sperm. It indicates life is an act of Divine Creation. Allah has
endowed man with Spiritual and intellectual potential.
Main Teachings… cont’
§ Third verse, Allah says to “Read! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful”. Here we have another
command from Allah concerning reading. This indicates emphasis being put on education
and its worthiness. Another important idea here is that Allah is the most Bountiful meaning that
He is the One who gives us everything that we need. It is also an invitation to reflect on
everything Allah does for us because Allah blesses us with so much in every way
§ Fourth verse, Allah says that “He who taught (the use of) the Pen”. Here again another aspect
related to the Pen is as a symbol for the art of writing. It is an encouragement for Muslims to
embark in the field of education and as such Allah has given man the unique ability to record and
transmit knowledge. The only simplest way that is easy for Mankind to know Allah and what He
wills from us is through the use of the Pen. Allah sent His knowledge through His prophets who
in turn elaborated their scriptures to us.
§ Fifth verse, Allah says that He “Taught man that which he knew not”. This is an indication that
the knowledge of Man is either low or insignificant compared to Allah. As Allah taught prophet
Adam the names of things presented to him, Allah teaches new knowledge to human beings at
every given moment. He is the One who gives education to the whole humanity at large and man
is utterly dependent on Allah for knowledge
Why these verses are important
§ These were the first verses revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It was the start of wahy upon the
prophet and at the same time the start of guidance.
§ Though the prophet pbuh was unlettered and unable to read, Jibril a.s was sent to him in the cave
of Hira by Allah. This means that when Allah wishes guidance to someone it is not because of his
level of knowledge and education but because of the purity of his heart.
§ The prophet pbuh was called to receive and understand Allah‘s message. He was, thus, ordered
to convey it to everyone in the best possible way that is through wisdom.
§ Through this surah there is a clear indication which stresses the simplicity of man‘s origins that
is from a congealed blood. At the same time, it shows that man is capable of reaching
intellectual and spiritual potential.
§ There is enough sign to emphasis on the importance of that night as Lailatul Qadr and how
Muslims are reminded that all knowledge comes from Allah. These verses are important to
Muslims as they increase our faith in Allah and at the same time showing our
Why these verses are important
§ It shows Mankind the importance of education. It is only through it that one may be successful in this
world and the next. By education here means both academic and religion but reading the Qur‘an,
proclaiming the Lord‘s words and praising Him is the way towards Him.
§ These verses consolidate our Iman in Allah as being our Creator. In this present world where science is
taking over the time and thought of our youngsters, it is good to have a background of faith in Allah as
our Creator. There are so many questions related to the authenticity and existence of Allah. This surah
can help.
§ The verses remind us that we must be grateful to our Lord as He is the one who is the Most Bountiful.
We are obliged to be at His service for whatever He has and is doing for us.
§ This surah sets the limits of Man. It is obvious that we were born illiterate and it is Allah who has given
us that opportunity to become literate. As such literacy lies in the hands of Allah as He is the One who
has taught with the Pen. Allah encompasses all knowledge and there must not be any pride on our part
for our knowledge.
§ The Surah presents to the Muslims various lessons to be successful in this world and the Next. All
commands from Allah are meant for success. The mere fact of commanding Muslims to start in the
name of Allah or to recite the praise of Allah or to cite His name silently or loudly is a way towards
Answer Following Questions:
Explain the meaning of these verses of Sura Alaq, which were revealed to
Muhammad (pbuh) in cave Hira. [12]
How might Muslims today make good use of the abilities given to them by
God? Give examples and show that you have thought about different points of
view. [8]