HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 Although nutrition and nutritional science is highly complex and in practice can be highly personalized, I do believe there is a fundamental approach that most ideally suits the needs of human physiology and optimal health. The human body thrives when it gets all the essential building blocks so that each cell can thrive. It needs essential nutrients like amino acids and fatty acids as structural building blocks, essential cofactors like vitamins and minerals to carry out specific biochemical reactions and functions within the body. Finally, it needs a network of specialized nutrients that provide the stimulus to help support different regions of the body that become keystones for overall health; phytonutrients and how they enhance the health of the microbiome as just one example. The question becomes, what does a high effective diet look like? How is it best created and applied for each individual? After the above foundational principles have been established, I create the next layer down to consider what are the desired (or undesired) systems and associated effects that need to be regulated within the body: ● Cellular Optimization ● Inflammatory modulation ● Metabolic influence and Mitochondrial Optimization (energy production) ● Digestion / Microbiome / Gut Health. ● Detoxification Considerations. Lymph, Gut, Liver, Kidney. ● Overall Nutrient Status / Individual Requirements ● Performance: the Nervous, Endocrine, Cardiovascular and Muscular Systems. ● Nourishment and Fuel for the Brain (and Mind). HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 As you can see, there are many considerations when looking at a nutrition plan at an intricate level. The consideration of what enters the body and the outcomes that generates are a vastly underappreciated element of what nutritional modulation can do for the body and mind. All foods and food-like substances carry with them more than just calories or “macros”. They carry biochemical influence on the entire system in varying amplitudes based on concentration, absorption, volume, and strength. It is the influence of these key variables that allow for the harmonious path to health and lifespan when each one is properly addressed in the design of a nutritional. The remaining pieces to consider in a potentially complex overlay are the genetics, lifestyle, environment, and the desired goal or effect of the individual, which gets manipulated after the base framework is applied. So, it again raises the question, what does this approach look like? THE FRAMEWORK The best clinical approach I have personally come across is the “Supplemented Paleo- Mediterranean Diet” from Dr. Alex Vasquez in which he promotes consumption of the most nutrient dense foods of the highest quality possible. I have added a couple modifications and additions based on the population I work with and our needs / wants: HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 PROTEIN A variety of high-quality proteins from land and sea including organ meats if possible, and always raised or caught in an ideal environment. I encourage rotation of protein sources for its effects of promoting immune tolerance. I also promote general avoidance of pro-inflammatory immunogen proteins from dairy, grains, and GMO soy. The degree of avoidance comes down to the individual. Some people can tolerate these foods well, but that still doesn't make them the best choices when aiming for optimal outcomes. Animal proteins are of superior quality to plant proteins based upon their essential amino acid content and the absence of anti-nutrients phytic acid, lectins and oxalates in vegetable based proteins which are notably challenging for some people but not all. When choosing high fat cuts of meat, ensure they are grass fed and organic to avoid excessive pesticide intake. If you do not have access to grass fed organic, opt for leaner cuts of meat. HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 FAT A focus on a varied intake of fatty acids ensuring all essential fatty acids are included and not over consuming saturated fats, but not avoiding them either. When it comes to choosing fats, it's a good idea to go with organic when possible due to the nature of fats and their ability to hold toxins (pesticide residues). NOTE: choose animal fats and high saturated fat oils (coconut oil or butter) for cooking and avoid overheating any vegetable / fruit based oils (olive, avocado, nut oils). Choose more of: ● ● ● ● ● Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Organic Avocado Organic Coconut Macadamia Nuts/Oil Wild Fish and High Quality Fish Oils (processed without solvents) ● Walnuts ● Grass-Fed Organic Butter, Cheese, Cream. ● Grass-Fed Organic Meats. HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 VEGETARIAN AND VEGAN SOURCES OF OMEGA-3 ● Seaweed and algae ● Chia seeds ● Hemp seeds ● Flaxseeds ● Walnuts It also seems to be a good idea to limit consumption of omega 6, not because these foods are inherently bad, but because they are typically excessively prevalent in the SAD (standard american diet). The ratios of omega 6 relative to omega 3 and 9 are often very poor. Aim for a higher ratio of Omega 3/9 and less Omega 6. Foods high in omega 6: ● Grapeseed oil : 9.5 g per table spoon (tbsp) ● Pine nuts : 9.3 g per 28-g serving. ● Sunflower seed oils : 9.3 g per 1-oz serving. ● Sunflower oil : 8.9 g per tbsp. ● Corn oil : 7.3 g per tbsp. ● Cottonseed oil : 7.0 g per tbsp. HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 CARBOHYDRATES “Earn your carbohydrates” is a good general rule. If you're active, your body uses more carbs. If you're not, you don't need them. Some carbs are fine but overconsumption relative to activity level seems to bring with it inflammation and potential decreases in mental alertness and cognitive performance. You are encouraged to consume carbs from whole-food sources such as fresh fruits, berries, vegetables, roots, and tubers. It is a good idea to moderate / avoid grains and legumes (rice is fine for most people) when it comes to carbohydrate food selection in the beginning because they tend to come with anti-nutrients, and pro-inflammatory components. Choosing to selectively reintroduce other carb sources that you want to try can be a decision at a later date once the body is healed and functioning well. This approach will offer an adequate wide variety of fiber and phytonutrients the body uses in conjunction with micronutrients for the maintenance of health. A diet high in grains and legumes seems to negatively impact metabolism, inflammation, immunity, detoxification, cardiovascular system, and GI systems as it tends to be associated with large swings in blood sugar, pro-inflammatory protein content, increased pesticide consumption, GI disturbances (such as IBD/IBS and microbiomedisrupting qualities in these foods. HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 WATER Finally, but perhaps most importantly, is the quality of your water. Water makes up the vast majority of content inside our cells, and its quality is directly correlated with our health. Chlorine, fluoride, pesticides residues, and agents of industrial processing shouldn’t be present in what we drink and it is highly advisable to invest in the best water filtration you can find for your home. The same can be said for food additives, artificial sweeteners, dyes, and preservatives in what we eat: avoid them as much as possible. Their detriment seems to be dose dependent but they are not offering any benefit. Beverages with zero caloric content like organic tea and coffee can be a part of a health-promoting diet providing they adhere to the quality-first principles. HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 SUMMARY A diet with its foundations in high variety, high quality whole foods will ensure your basic needs for micronutrients are met in conjunction with the required macronutrients to support a well adaptation to a well-designed training program. Your nutrition should be built around your lifestyle, training, stress, genetics, and the current state of your body. Each person, each goal, and each life circumstance brings with it special considerations nutritionally. This is why there is no such thing as the best diet for everyone and there never will be. Even though for most people this approach is vastly superior to other mono diets (vegan, carnivore, etc), it is important to acknowledge that those diets can absolutely provide benefits to many people depending on genetics, lifestyle, timeline, adherence, and moral issues but they are not generally more healthy for every person as is often spewed by loud fringe minority groups. A good general rule is that if you're in a deficit (relative to what you burn) you can likely get away with a lot more sub-optimal choices and the body will still be able to process it without issue. If you're in a caloric excess, the body won't tolerate sub optimal choices very well and will likely start to show signs of metabolic dysfunction (stored fat, inflammation, etc). Nothing is perfect, we simply do our best to find what works for you, right now, based on your genetics, the current state of your body, your goals, your lifestyle, and preferences. One thing we know for sure is that movement is key to creating a more effective environment in the body for the food you eat to do its job. HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 A simple single framework that I share with people that are new to dietary decision-making is: RULE 1 CHOOSE THE HIGHEST QUALITY FOODS YOU CAN FIND. Quality is defined by the absence of toxins / pesticides / food chemicals (aka Organic), grown in natural environments (local is a good idea when possible) and as close to its natural state as possible. The further the food is from its natural state (aka processing) the less of it you should consume. Humans are energetic beings, everything in the known universe vibrates at a frequency. Energy matters. High vibration food is a real thing. RULE 2 EAT TO FEED YOUR MICROBIOME AND ENSURE MAXIMUM NUTRIENT DIVERSITY WITH MANY DIVERSE PLANTS. This means fresh fruits and vegetables, fermented foods, nuts, and tubers. NOTE: Not all plants are good for you, especially in larger amounts. The cooking process is important. HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 RULE 3 EAT 1G / LB PROTEIN FROM HIGH QUALITY SOURCES. High quality means the absence of pesticides and GMO grains, living in a stress-free environment, and being fed a diet that is what the animal is supposed to eat: grass, shrubs, etc. NOT corn and soy like typical feedlot animals. NOTE: I am not against corn / soy fed meat, I think it has value for farmers to make money, and ultimately feed more humans. This is great. I just choose not to eat it personally. RULE 4 INTRODUCE A TIME RESTRICTED FEEDING WINDOW. Eating between a fixed window of time has been shown to be effective for nutrient sensitivity, inflammation, fat loss, longevity, focus, energy, and much more. I suggest starting by simply reducing your eating window by 2 hours at the beginning and end of the day. No food or calories for the first and last 2 hours of the day. This will begin to change your relationship with being hungry. It's important to be hungry. Learn to enjoy it. Avoid mindless snacking between meals. Those seemingly small calorie snacks are keeping you fat. RULE 5 THE STATE YOUR BODY IS IN MATTERS ALMOST AS MUCH AS THE FOOD YOU EAT. Eating anything in a stressed, anxious, tired, overwhelmed stress isn't going to digest, absorb, or assimilate well regardless of the quality. Taking time to acknowledge how you feel, slow down, breathe, be grateful, and chew your food well might be the single best advice you can get for optimization of nutritional status. HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35 CHAMPIONS CHOOSE US FOR A REASON: RESULTS. Our Coaching Programs Consist of 3 Phases to Ensure Success: ● FOUNDATIONAL ● OPTIMIZATION ● PERFORMANCE Our world-class coaches are trained to get you the results you want in half the time. It doesn’t have to be hard if you are committed to following the plan with 100% accuracy and adherence. We have one motto here at Muscle Intelligence: Results First. We combine Elite-Level Accountability, World-Class Execution and Pro-Athlete Programming to Achieve Sustainable Success. HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN OVER 35