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MGT 351 FInal Assignment

MGT 351
Section: 02
Final Assessment
Spring 2021 Semester
Submitted By:
Azmyen Mustafa Chowdhury
Date of Submission: 21st May, 2021
Solution to the Case no: 01
In my views, The Patel Hotels, PLC must opt for a combination of both Parent Country
Nationals staffing and Host Country Nationals staffing technique.
Every staffing strategy has a set of pros and cons associated with it. Let us go through the
pros and cons of PCN and HCN to check their relevancy in the given situation:
❖ Hiring Parent Country Nationals:
➢ Advantages:
✓ The culture and value system of the company will be retained in the expansion
✓ The company will be able to control the business operations more effectively
✓ The employees would have more loyalty for the company
➢ Disadvantages:
✓ Cost of expatriation is quite high
✓ Government of the targeted country may show resistance as the business is
doing nothing for boosting the local employment of region
✓ Expats may face culture shocks or difficulty in adapting to the norms of the
new country
❖ Hiring Host Country Nationals:
➢ Advantages:
✓ The locals will have clear idea about the needs and requirements of the local
market. Hence the expansion proposition of the company will be implemented
✓ Hiring cost of HCNs is quite low
✓ The government may offer subsidies to the company as the company is
enhancing local employment of their country
➢ Disadvantages:
✓ The company may not be able to exert direct control on business in new
✓ There can be communication problems as well as conflicts between HCNs and
employees in corporate office
According to given scenario, the organization has decided to use an ethnocentric approach and
send some of their already existing managers from the UK to France to lead the new hotels and
manage them after the re-open. However, the hotel management should hire new employees
from the host country in order to complete all the positions in the hotel. The organization as
for the recruitment of the new workforce will have to think about several factors concerning
ethical and legal obligations. An ethical dilemma arises in our situation and this dilemma is: to
send employees from the UK or to keep the previous employees of the hotel or to hire new
employees and if they keep or hire employees, will be the appropriate ones. To send managers
from UK to lead the hotels is not completely wrong, because they already know the philosophy
of the organization but is unethical as for the previous employees of the hotels who will
probably lose their jobs. Under “The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act
1986” every employee must have the same opportunity for the job. If the management wishes
to keep the ethical procedures, the best solution is to follow the recruitment procedures as for
the new staff and interview the previous ones and after the selection of the best qualified
persons to send them for a short period to UK to work in the belonging hotels. With this process
the new employees will be introduced to the organizations philosophy and policies which will
assist after to a better communication with the managers from UK. This approach will also help
the managers to maintain confidence and trust among the new employees.
Solution to the Case No: 02
In my opinion, there is nothing right with the organization as per the facts presented in the case.
Right from organizational culture to ethical standards that are being followed at Friends and
Co. is questionable and it brings the very sustainability of the organization in jeopardy.
The key problems that I have identified in the HR functions of the organization are:
Lack of policy and enforcement on the conduct of business.
Corrupt management.
Issues with employee welfare and the very lack of hygiene factors.
A lack of promotion policy.
No oversight on the conduct of senior employees.
The ways in which the above problems can be solved are:
✓ Establish office strategies and hold instructional courses on showing admiration to
associates, however don't zero in explicitly on governmental issues, which can fuel
✓ Make what comprises an "assessment" and what ascends to the degree of irritating
another specialist clear—in fact an extreme undertaking, given that a portion of the way
of talking and web-based media postings of chose authorities would cross paths with
hostile to segregation laws, notes Galen G. Variety, right hand general advice and HR
specialist for Engage PEO.
✓ Set a model at the top. On the off chance that the supervisor speaks transparently about
supporting some up-and-comer, workers can feel scared or stress they'll be dealt with
contrastingly on the off chance that they conflict. So, chiefs should remain mum. "Try
not to utilize web-based media to examine legislative issues. Period," prompts Stephen
Paskoff, proprietor and CEO of ELI Inc., an Atlanta-based organization that gives work
environment culture preparing.
✓ Consider keeping political projects off the TVs in the workplace, remembering those
for the lounge.
✓ Steer discussions in gatherings from governmental issues or hold conversation to the
more nonexclusive parts of an issue.
✓ Limit or boycott visual presentations in the workplace, for example, crusade catches,
guard stickers and banners.
✓ Be mindful so as not to cross paths with government and state laws that ensure
particular kinds of discourse.
All that is mentioned in the case is not possible to happen without the knowledge of the HR
department and in my opinion, the people at HR should be reminded of their duties towards
the people they serve. A powerful HR leader can work as a check on the corrupt senior officials
and this proposal can also be explored.
Solution to the Case no: 03
A well-designed compensation philosophy upholds the organization's strategic plan and
initiatives, business goals, competitive outlook and compensation and total reward strategies.
All things considered; most compensation philosophies define the following fundamental
✓ To identify the companies, pay programs and total reward strategies.
✓ To identify how the pay programs and strategies support the organization's business
strategy, competitive outlook, operating objectives and human resources needs.
✓ To attract people to join the organization.
✓ To motivate employees to perform at the best of their capabilities, capacities and ranges
of abilities.
✓ To retain key talent and reward high-performing employees.
✓ To explain how the company plans to pay and reward competitively, in view of business
conditions, competition and capacity to pay.
A strong compensation philosophy is regularly attached to an organization's main goal, core
business, operating strategies and competitive outlook. For instance, an innovative
organization, with a core business strategy to attract and retain the top professional and
administrative talent in the business to surpass contending organizations, may receive a
compensation philosophy and strategy of driving the market with its total money compensation
bundle or of paying higher than different organizations in the industry. See Companies Are
Raising Wages for Lower Earners.
In another model, a warehouse, dissemination and retail organization that has low employee
turnover and exists in a demographically contained community with a large labor pool may
embrace a pay philosophy and strategy of offering a compensation and total rewards bundle
that is esteemed not exactly that of a comparable organization found 50 miles away in a
profoundly competitive community with labor deficiencies and high employee-request issues.
In this situation, this organization embraced a philosophy of coordinating with market interest
conditions for its own community and set the policy to control cost. See What are the benefits
or weaknesses of a lead, match or slack compensation strategy?
An effective compensation philosophy should breeze through the following quality assessment:
✓ Is the general program equitable? See Managing Pay Equity.
✓ Is the general program fiscally sensitive?
✓ Can the company effectively impart the philosophy, policy and in general programs to
employees? See Employees Rarely Understand Their Employer's Pay Policy.
✓ Are the programs the company offers fair, competitive and in the accordance with
compensation philosophy and strategies?
To effectively exist and flourish in current competitive marketplace, many companies
understand that a one-size-fits-all strategy in regards to compensation philosophy doesn't work.
Different philosophies might be produced for different employee portions, for example, "hot
positions," information innovation, difficult to fill, administrative and operations. See
Philosophizing Compensation.
---THE END---