International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology journal homepage: Airline efficiency and environmental impacts – Data envelopment analysis Arun Saini, Dothang Truong ⇑, Jing Yu Pan Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, United States a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 20 July 2021 Received in revised form 9 November 2021 Accepted 19 February 2022 Available online xxxx Keywords: Airline efficiency Data envelopment analysis Environmental impacts Airline performance a b s t r a c t Airline efficiency has been a research interest for decades. While early airline efficiency research focused primarily on revenue generation and profitability, growing airline social responsibility is driving greater investment into understanding and improving the environmental impact on airline efficiency. This study developed a two-phase, two-stage model using a data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach to simultaneously evaluate airline operations for available seat mile (ASM) generation, revenue passenger mile (RPM) generation, carbon dioxide emissions abatement, and revenue generation on a sample of thirteen airlines. Efficiency evaluation was performed for the years between 2013 and 2015, between U.S. and non-U.S. carriers, and between full-service carriers (FSCs) and low-cost carriers (LCCs). Results indicated more accurate measurement of airlines’ overall efficiency using the proposed DEA model, which included operational and cost factors as input variables and environmental impact as both the input and output variables in the model. Service and environmental factors were found to be significant in determining airline efficiency, with environmental abatement affecting the overall efficiency of airline performance both inside and outside the U.S. when emission reduction effort was properly accounted for. The findings provided theoretical and managerial implications in the assessment of airline efficiency with a special emphasis on incorporating environmental impact in the overall evaluation. Ó 2022 Tongji University and Tongji University Press. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 1. Introduction Airline efficiency describes the airline’s ability to maximize its performance while minimizing resource consumption (Forsyth et al., 1986). Numerous studies have defined and measured airline efficiency, focusing on operational efficiency and consumption of assets to produce revenue (Sengupta, 1999), the effect of marketing and passenger services on airline efficiency (Scheraga, 2004), the impact of route configuration strategy and related costs on airline efficiency (Caves et al., 1984), and unionization as a possible factor in airline efficiency (Greer’s, 2009). While studies have typically focused on the impact of operational and cost factors such as labor, average load factor, and fleet optimization on airline efficiency, recent studies have considered broader factors such as socioeconomic and environmental factors. The environmental impact of aviation has received particular attention given the projected increase in aviation CO2 emission, from approximately 3.5 % of the Global Greenhouse Emissions in the 1990 s to 15%-40% by 2025 (Gössling & Peeters, 2007; Intergovernmental Panel on Peer review under responsibility of Tongji University and Tongji University Press. ⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail address: (D. Truong). 2046-0430/Ó 2022 Tongji University and Tongji University Press. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Please cite this article as: A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan, Airline efficiency and environmental impacts – Data envelopment analysis, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx Climate Change, 1999). This has generated considerable research interest in the environmental aspect of airline operations and its impact on airline efficiency (Cui & Li, 2016; Chen et al., 2017; Cui & Li, 2018, 2019, 2020; Li & Cui, 2021; Wang et al., 2020; Cui, 2019, 2020, 2021; Cui & Yu, 2021; Kim & Son, 2021; Kaya & Aydin, 2021; Xu et al., 2021). As airline efficiency analysis has started to incorporate both operational and social considerations, methods for measuring efficiency have evolved to cope with the increasing complexity of analysis. Researchers have moved away from traditional regression analysis to utilize methods such as data envelopment analysis (DEA) for airline efficiency (Mallikarjun, 2015). DEA makes use of multiple inputs and outputs to evaluate decision-making units (DMUs) and their productive efficiencies (Sengupta, 1999). This technique starts with defining a benchmark (production frontier) to provide a hypothesized optimal performance level for DMUs to compare their efficiencies in relation to the consumption of inputs and production of outputs. A major advantage of DEA is the ability to perform efficiency analysis without the need for cost information, which makes it particularly useful for the research of efficiency in the aviation industry where cost-related data is often not available due to data sensitivity (Merkert and Hensher, 2011; Sengupta, 1999). Early DEA research of airline efficiency focused on operations, often involving converting inputs (e.g., materials, labor, and capital) into outputs (e.g., revenue) (Sengupta, 1999). Recent DEA studies incorporated non-operational factors (e.g., environmental factors) for a more accurate analysis of airline efficiency. This often involves the use of single-stage DEA models (Wang et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2021; Kim & Son, 2021; Cui & Li, 2020; Li & Cui, 2021; Cui & Yu, 2021; Cui, 2021) or multi-stage DEA models (Cui & Li, 2016; Chen et al., 2017; Cui & Li, 2018, 2019; Shirazi & Mohammadi, 2019; Cui, 2019, 2020) with multiple input and output variables identified to uncover relationships that may have been hidden for other methodologies. Despite the increasing application of DEA in investigating airline efficiency, some gaps still exist in the literature, calling for more research to deepen the understanding of various types of impact factors and their combined effect on airline efficiency. Specifically, there is a need to further explore the role of environmental factors in the study of airline efficiency. Prior DEA studies of airline efficiency typically focused on factors that affect aircraft operating costs (Chen et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2021; Kim & Son, 2021). In these studies, environmental impact was often treated as an output in the form of pollution and particulate or acoustic emissions. There is a need to define environmental factors as both input and output variables in the DEA model and structure the decision-making units in a way that considers environmental impact or abatement expenses in the same total efficiency calculation. Incorporating environmental factors at multiple steps of the decision-making process allows for better integration of operational and non-operational factors in the DEA analysis, with environmental consideration playing a more significant role in model development, as both input and output variables, to achieve the accurate analysis of airline efficiency. Few studies used environmental variables as one of the primary inputs, such as the works by Cui and Li, (2016, 2018, 2019); Cui (2019), and Cui & Yu (2021). However, in those studies, environmental impact, measured by carbon oxide emissions created from aviation kerosene consumption, was used as an input in either in stage 1 or in stage 2 in those models but not both. Additionally, they focused mainly on airlines operating outside of the U.S., mostly in Asia and Europe. Due to the dynamism and high air travel volumes in the U.S. market, it is imperative to understand further how efficiently airlines have been operating in this market over time. This study developed a two-phase, two-stage multiplicative DEA model to evaluate and differentiate the efficiency of selected airlines. In addition to operational factors, it considers environmental impact as both input and output variables instead of treating it solely as an output or an input. The inclusive, multi-stage analytical process aims to answer two questions, including (1) Is environmental impact a viable input and output variable in addition to traditional operating and revenue generating factors in modeling airline efficiency, and, (2) What are the relative differences among airlines in terms of achieving optimal efficiency benchmark, when all facets of airline efficiency - operational constraints, environmental impacts, and revenue generating effectiveness – are taken into consideration? By defining environmental factors as both input and output variables, environmental impact can be analyzed in both consumption and production stages, which allows for new insights into airline efficiency. Furthermore, the study focuses mainly on the, which has been inadequately examined in the current airline efficiency literature. We evaluate the efficiency of both domestic and international airlines operating in the U.S. market and compare the efficiency scores in multiple ways: overall comparison of all airlines, comparison between U.S.-based and non-U.S.-based airlines, and comparison between Full Service Carriers (FSCs) and Low Cost Carriers (LCCs). For each analysis, we provide the efficiency for each phase, each stage, and overall efficiency. For the airline industry, the model can be used to evaluate and compare airline operations in different scenarios while taking into consideration of environmental impact, which helps improve the overall efficiency of airlines. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews the relevant literature and proposes the theoretical framework for the study. The methodology for data collection and analysis is explained in Section 3, followed by result presentation in Section 4. Section 5 interprets the study results, and Section 6 provides conclusions to the study with a summary of practical implications, study limitations, and future research directions. 2. Literature review 2.1. Environment impact in aviation Air transportation consumes large amounts of resources. It is, therefore, essential that valuable resources be utilized effectively to support the growing demand for air transport. One way to achieve sustainable growth is to fly more efficiently 2 International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan while minimizing the environmental footprint through technological, operational, and infrastructural improvement. In recent years, airlines have directed considerable investment to fulfill the corporate and social environmental responsibility (CSER) objectives. The decision to pursue the CSER goals has been largely driven by market-based factors, including CO2 emission allowances and landing fees for heavily polluting aircraft. In addition, maintaining constructive relationships with customers expecting airlines to demonstrate corporate responsibility is another motivating factor for airlines to consider environmental impacts (Lynes & Andrachuk, 2008). Several studies attempted to quantify the environmental impacts on aviation, based on which emission reduction measures can be established. Lu and Morrell (2006) developed a social cost estimation method to calculate the noise social costs by incorporating the population density of the communities located near the airport. The study utilized a summation equation combining emissions produced at each phase of flight operation to quantify the generation of noise pollution from engine operations. It was determined that the noise impact was most significant during taxi, take-off, and landing (TT&L) phases of a flight (Lu & Morrell, 2006). Accordingly, recommendations were made to use newer, more efficient aircraft to reduce emissions. Indeed, fleet optimization has become a new focus in the research of environmental impact on the airline industry. Rosskopf et al. (2014) developed a fleet planning optimization model containing cost data, airline network information, business financial capability, and nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx), taking into consideration factors such as aircraft types and emissions in different flight segments. The model was then used to maximize fleet asset value over a multiple year time framework, with different emission goals and fuel costs set at varying levels for comparison. While the results indicated the necessity to replace aged, less efficient aircraft with newer, more efficient ones to achieve the operational and environmental goals, they also pointed out the significant costs associated with reducing aircraft noise emissions, which can put further pressure on airline financial performance (Rosskopf et al., 2014). The large costs associated with fleet modernization have prompted airlines to seek alternative means to fulfill their environmental responsibility and improve efficiency (Delta, 2016). Lufthansa Airlines, for example, disclosed the airline’s year-on-year comparison of fuel dumping in reducing its environmental footprint (Lufthansa, 2016). Recognizing that inflight catering generates 70% of all non-hazardous waste, Air France-KLM improved the design in catering trolleys to allow for efficient separation of the different types of cabin waste (Air France-KLM, 2016). Airlines also prioritize fuel efficiency while offsetting aircraft emissions. This was achieved by KLM where now 70% of its pre-conditioned air supply carts were powered by electric instead of fossil fuel (Air France-KLM, 2016). Other ways of minimizing environmental impact include environmental friendly packages for catering, weight-saving strategies in the cabin (e.g., removing magazines), and the use of electric flight bags (EFB) in replacement of large printed mandatory pilot manuals (Air France-KLM, 2016; Lufthansa, 2016). 2.2. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) and related studies of airline efficiency 2.2.1. DEA While airline efficiency has become a research interest since the 1900 s, the definition and measurement of airline efficiency have not been extensively covered until recent decades (Marti et al., 2015). As the industry continues to evolve, the measure of efficiency has become complex to consider not only operational and cost characteristics but also socioeconomic factors, with the environmental impact being a predominant one. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has increasingly been recognized as a suitable method for evaluating airline efficiency. DEA uses a nonparametric approach to evaluate multiple decision-making units (DMUs), often involving multiple inputs and outputs. This analysis method does not require numerical values to be assigned to input and output variables. Rather, the research can define the units of measure for inputs and outputs regardless of their actual market values. The relationships between input and output variables would then be analyzed using linear programming models. The analysis starts with the development of an optimal DMU, based on which the relative efficiency of multiple DMUs is compared to each other and to the optimal DMUs. DEA has been used in evaluating operational and business performance in various domains (Zhu, 2014), including air transportation. Essential to DEA is the identification of best practices of peer DMUs based on multiple input and output variables. In many cases, there can be intermediate measures in the process of converting the inputs of a firm into outputs. When this situation presents itself, multi-stage DEA, representing tiered decision-making efforts of a firm, becomes a suitable method for efficiency analysis. In a multi-stage DEA, mathematical formulas are used to simultaneously optimize all stages of the model by using the outputs of the earlier stage as the inputs of the subsequent stage. During this process, the multi-stage DEA model generates a combined set of decisions (e.g., variable values) to represent aggregated, best practices of DMUs. Multi-stage DEA has been widely used to assess performance efficiency in areas such as information technology (Chen & Zhu, 2004), insurance (Kao & Hwang, 2008), and regional sustainability (Halkos et al., 2015). These studies generally showed an improved understanding of efficiency. Kao and Hwang (2008), for example, modified the traditional DEA model by dividing the decision process into two stages in measuring the product efficiency of non-life insurance companies in Taiwan. In their model, the outputs of the first stage were used as the inputs of the second stage of analysis. Taking the series of relationships into account, the study gained deeper insights into the efficiencies of the insurance companies and demonstrated that the overall efficiency was the product of the efficiencies of the two sub-processes (Kao & Hwang, 2008). 3 A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx 2.2.2. DEA studies of airline efficiency Many studies have used DEA to measure airline efficiency, often comparing airlines in different geographical markets within a given timeframe. DEA was found to be a preferred method in these studies, compared to other methods such as regression-based analysis given its ability to generate a more comprehensive evaluation of the efficiency of individual DMUs against predetermined benchmarks (Good et al., 1995). An inclusive and flexible modeling method, DEA allows for the addition of tertiary variables to gain deeper insights into airline operational efficiency. The aforementioned flexibility was evident in Scheraga (2004) which explored measures to balance investment between the goals of productive efficiency and customer-driven improvement. Similarly, an input-oriented DEA was utilized to calculate efficiency scores for 38 airlines across the world, considering both operational and environmental variables, which provided a holistic view of the airline efficiency (Oum et al., 2005). Several studies evaluated airline efficiency with a focus on environmental impacts using DEA models (Wang et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2021; Kim & Son, 2021; Cui & Li, 2020; Li & Cui, 2021; Cui & Yu, 2021; Cui, 2021). Those studies mainly used a single-stage DEA model to compare efficiency across airlines in the group. To facilitate complex analyses and increase the validity of a DEA model, researchers have employed multi-stage analytical technique in which DEA is conducted in consecutive sequences of individual stages. Each stage deploys its own mathematical equations to assess efficiency. Merkert and Hensher (2011) developed a two-stage DEA model, evaluating technical, allocative, and cost efficiencies of 58 airlines from 2007 to 2009. An important component in their model development was defining the interim values that connected the different stages. For example, the outputs of the first stage were interim values, which served as inputs in the subsequent research stage. The results of the multiple stages were then combined to represent the decision made by a DMU. The study produced mixed findings, with some (e.g., improved efficiencies due to larger market exposure) agreeing with the expected trends while others (e.g., greater cost efficiencies due to longer stage length) contradicted the literature (Merkert & Hensher, 2011). Zhu (2011), following a similar concept, developed a twostage DEA model to assess the efficiency of 21 airlines operating in the U.S. In the first stage, the focus was airlines’ operational efficiency. Several input variables such as fuel costs, salaries and wages, and operating costs were used to examine if optimal load factor and fleet size can be achieved using these inputs. Airline efficiency was then used as the inputs in the second stage of analysis, with the purpose of evaluating the airlines’ revenue generation. In this model, airline efficiency became an interim variable that connects the two stages of DEA analysis. Results indicated different levels of airline performance in each stage, with no airlines achieving optimal efficiency for both stages (Zhu, 2011). Clearly, compared to the single stage DEA model, the two-stage DEA model can provide a more accurate assessment of airline performance and efficiency. Several studies have added stage(s) to DEA analyses of airline efficiency (Mallikarijun, 2015; Li et al., 2015). Mallikarjun (2015) developed a three-stage DEA model to estimate the overall efficiency of the airline, with the stages being labeled cost efficiency, service effectiveness, and sales, respectively. While the first stage of DEA analysis was very similar to that in Zhu (2011), the evaluation of revenue generation (stage two in Zhu (2011)) was further segmented into two stages – generation of passenger miles (service effectiveness) and revenue recognition (sales). It can be argued that the three-stage model developed by Mallikarjun (2015), compared to the two-stage model of Zhu (2011), was more representative of the real world airline operations because, instead of transforming the cost inputs directly into revenue, a three-stage analysis considered steps of airlines to allocate resources and assessed if various decision makings would affect revenue maximization. Inspired by the study of Mallikarjun (2015), Li et al. (2015) developed multi-stage models to examine airline efficiency, with added measures to further improve the accuracy of efficiency evaluation. Recently, more studies used multi-stage DEA models in evaluating airline efficiency. Shirazi & Mohammadi (2019) developed a robust multi-stage DEA to evaluate the efficiency of 14 Iranian airlines with undesirable output. Using the environmental impact as an output, Chen et al. (2017) used a two-stage DEA model to evaluate Chinese airlines’ efficiency for flight delays and CO2 emission. More notably, a series of studies by Cui and Li (2016, 2018, 2019) and Cui (2019, 2020) used twostage or three-stage DEA models to evaluate the airline efficiency using environmental impact, measured by Aviation Kerosene, as single input. More specifically, in those models, environmental impact was used as input either in the first stage or second stage, but not both. The literature review in Section 2 highlighted the research gap in airline efficiency. While existing studies examined the relationship between operational factors and airline efficiency, more research is needed to integrate these and other impact factors to improve the evaluation of airline efficiency. Specifically, the relationship between environmental factors and airline efficiency merits further investigation. Environmental factors should be incorporated in the multiple stages of model development so their effect on airline efficiency can be more clearly identified. From the methodology perspective, while some studies used multi-stage DEA model to gain new insights into airline efficiency, most studies have used environmental factors either as an input or output variable, but not both. Additionally, those studies focused mainly on airlines operating outside the U.S., mostly in Asia and Europe. Some studies by Cui and Li (2021) and Cui (2019, 2020) did include several U.S. airlines, such as United and American Airlines, but only capture their international operations. Due to the dynamism and high air travel volumes in the U.S. market, it is imperative to understand further how efficiently airlines have been operating in this market over time, especially how airlines compete in various market segments, such as between U.S.-based and nonU.S.-based airlines, and between FSCs and LCCs. Finally, although they used multi-stage DEA models, the results were only presented for the overall model, and the efficiency comparison at each stage was lacking. To fill the research gap, this study developed a high-fidelity model incorporating operational efficiency, revenue generation effectiveness, and environmental impact abatement to gain a holistic understanding of airline efficiency. Environmental factors were used as both input and output in the model. We focused on airlines operating in the U.S. market, including 4 International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan U.S.-based and non-U.S.-based airlines, FCSs, and LCCs. The efficiency comparison was conducted overall and within each segment. Furthermore, the results were presented at each stage in each phase over time in addition to the total efficiency. 3. Methodology This quantitative study employed a two-phase, two-stage DEA approach to evaluate airlines in terms of their cost efficiency, carbon abatement efficiency, and operating efficiency. Section 3 describes population and sample, sources of data, and model development. 3.1. Population and sample The DMUs in this study were airlines. The population included airlines that (1) operated in the U.S. between 2013 and 2015 and reported their operations to the Department of Transportation, (2) provided publicly accessible data (specifically Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility Reports) with specifications of expenditures of airlines to meet their respective CSER goals and, (3) carried a minimum of 5,000,000 passengers in 2015. Thirteen airlines, FSCs and LCCs, were selected as the sample for this study. The sample was selected intentionally to reflect the diversity of airline operations, containing U. S. airlines and international flag carriers that provide service from and to the U.S. Boussofiane et al. (1991) recommended the number of DMUS should be the multiple of the number of inputs and the number of outputs for the discriminatory power to exist in the model. Since our model has two phases and two stages, it is necessary to determine the needed sample size for each stage at each phase and the overall model. As presented in Fig. 1, Phase 1 Stage 1 has one input and two inputs, indicating the needed sample size is 1x2 or two DMUs. Similarly, Phase 1 Stage 2 needs a sample size of 3x2 or 6 DMUs, Phase 2 Stage 1 needs a sample size of 3x2 or 6 DMUs, and Phase 2 Stage 2 needs a sample size of 2x1 or 2 DMUs. It is trickier to determine the sample size for the overall model due to multiple stages and phases. In this case, we use the combined number of inputs and outputs in two phases for the calculation. More specifically, there are a total of four inputs (one in Phase 1 and three in Phase 2) and three outputs (two in Phase 1 and one in Phase 2). Thus, the sample size for the overall model is 4x3 or 12 DMUs. The study sample includes 13 airlines, thus, meeting those sample size requirements airlines. They are Air Canada, Alaska Airlines, Air France-KLM, All Nippon Airways, American Airlines, British Airways, Delta Air Lines, Emirates, Japan Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Lufthansa German Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and United Airlines. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that the purpose of the DEA method is to benchmark a group of DMUs, in order to assess and explore the individual efficiencies; the purpose is not meant to serve as a regression analysis, so test power is not the concern (Zhu, 2014). What is important is to include the airlines that actually compete in the same market and have sufficient data for the efficiency frontier determination. Zhu (2014) recommends that a DEA analysis that is pursuing higher levels of discrimination should consider the weighting utilized to help narrow the requirements associated with the optimal efficiency frontier. Fig. 1. Environmental operating efficiency measurement model. 5 A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx 3.2. Sources of data Two types of data – airline performance data and emission data - were used in the DEA analyses. For the U.S. carriers, financial data was obtained from quarterly financial data collected by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) under Title 14 Part 41 requirements, which is available for public access through TranStats (BTS, 2017). For international carriers, financial data were extracted from public disclosures on their websites. Operating data for both the U.S. and international carriers were obtained from TranStats (2017). Airline specific emission data such as CO2 emission were obtained from airlines’ CSER reports or other annual reports. Data aggregation was performed to allow inputs to reflect summary data for performance analysis for each year and for any given time period. 3.3. Model development The model development in this study was based on two established theoretical models in the literature – the three-stage airline efficiency model proposed by Mallikarjun (2015) and the two-stage model developed by Kao and Hwang (2008), with modifications to better incorporate environmental impact into efficiency analysis. As reviewed in Section 2, the three stages of the model developed by Mallikarjun (2015) were designed to (1) convert labor and material resources into airline capacity such as available seat miles (ASMs), which was the first intermediate output representing supply of product, (2) transform the ASMs into revenue passenger miles (RPMs), which was the second intermediate output indicating service demand of airlines, and (3) transform the intermediate service into total recognized revenue. The three-stage structure of the DEA model, while including multiple variables and forward–backward recursive iteration to add useful layers to data analysis, created more calculation and complexity due to the number of the stages required. Ideally, the DEA model in the present study can utilize an easy-to-implement, two-stage DEA model while retaining the comprehensive representation of the airline business of the three-stage model proposed by Mallikarjun (2015). This study thus combined the three-stage model of Mallikarjun (2015) with the two-stage model of Kao and Hwang (2008) to propose a new theoretical framework that can be easily utilized to accommodate large datasets. In this study, a two-phase, two-stage DEA model was developed to evaluate the efficiency of each phase and combine the product of the two phases to generate the total airline efficiency, with the environmental operating efficiency been incorporated in both phases. Fig. 1 illustrates the two-phase, two-stage model for this study. In this model, the subprocesses were performed in series based on the interrelationship between phases and stages, and the cross product of the two subprocess efficiencies is calculated to generate total efficiency. One major characteristic of the proposed model is the duplication of the second stage of Phase one and the first stage of Phase two. This model construction helps keep the philosophical construct of the airline business presented in Mallikarjun (2015) and at the same time enabling the use of DEA approach to model the conceptual relationships between various input and output variables. The two phases evaluate capacity generation and revenue recognition, respectively. The model construction emphasizes environmental effect both as inputs and outputs. In both phrases, environmental abatement is incorporated to reflect its impact on airline efficiency. The remainder of Section 3.3 explains the multiplicative relational twophase, two-stage model design and corresponding mathematical formula. The mathematical formula was based on Kao and Hwang (2008), adding environmental variables to evaluate airline efficiency. 3.3.1. Phase One: Capacity generation Phase one, containing two stages, focused on the capacity generation and transformation of capacity to meet airline demand. The first stage consumed operating expenses such as materials and labor resources invested for airline operations to produce the intermediate output of capacity in the form of ASMs. The second stage evaluated two types of efficiencies service efficiency and environmental efficiency. The assessment of service efficiency contained an evaluation of the process of consuming ASMs generated in Stage One to produce the intermediate output of RPKs, which represents the service demand of airlines. The service efficiency evaluation, together with the evaluation of transforming resources to produce ASMs, helped analyze the cost efficiency of an airline. The second stage of Phase One also evaluated environmentalrelated variables such as CO2 emissions and their effect on airline efficiency. In addition, Stage Two also consumed abatement expenses, which referred to airline’s financial expenditure to reduce the environmental impact of its operations. The abatement-related intermediate output of Stage Two is actual CO2 emissions, which reflected the net carbon impact on the environment. This value assessed the effectiveness of abatement. It reflected the reduced environmental impact, which was calculated by subtracting the value of abatement from the estimated total carbon emissions. Phase One used a VSR EA model to decrease input levels while simultaneously increasing the outputs. In this phase, the objective function drove to either maximize the efficiency of the first stage for airline k, or minimize the approximate inverse efficiency of the second stage. There were two constraints in this phrase to ensure the optimal production frontier airline is increasing in efficiency through the iterations. The first constraint indicated no increase (only decrease is allowed) in the consumption of operating expense inputs for successive iterations. The second constraint stated that an optimal airline was increasing airline capacity generation for each successive iteration. The mathematical equation (Formula 1) for Phrase One is presented below. 6 International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan Formula 1: Ek ¼ max s X ur Y rk r¼1 s.t. m X v i X ik ¼ 1 i¼1 s X m X ur Y rk r¼1 q X wp Z pj p¼1 s X v i X ij 0; j ¼ 1; ; n i¼1 m X v i X ij 0; j ¼ 1; ; n i¼1 ur Y rj r¼1 q X wp Z pj 0; j ¼ 1; ; n p¼1 ur ; v i ; wp e; r ¼ 1; ; s; i ¼ l; ; m; p ¼ 1; ; q where: E1j: Phase 1 efficiency of airline j XiOE: Operating expenses input for every iteration i for airline j YrRPM: Revenue passenger mile output for every iteration r for airline j YrCO2: Actual CO2 output for every iteration r for airline j. ZpASM: Available seat mile intermediate output for every iteration p for airline j. ZpECO2: Estimated CO2 intermediate output for every iteration p for airline j. ur, vi, wp: All equal 0.5 for equivalence in weighting across input and output variables for both stages of the phase 3.3.2. Phase two: revenue generation Phase Two focused on revenue generation, containing two stages to provide an efficient measurement of airline revenue generation. By incorporating the intermediate outputs from the previous phrase, Phrase Two assessed the airline efficiency in marketing the RPMs and transforming the intermediate service into revenue. The first stage of Phase Two replicated the second stage of Phase One with the purpose of assessing (1) transformation of ASMs to RPKs and (2) effectiveness of airline carbon dioxide emissions abatement. In the second stage, the DMU marketed the RPKs and converted the intermediate service into total recognized revenue. The model showed that in this stage, airlines consumed the CO2 output from the abatement segment of the first stage. Thus, the revenue generation was also influenced by airlines’ efforts to minimize operational impact on the environment. In terms of formula development, Phase Two used a two-stage VRS DEA model to decrease input levels while simultaneously increasing the outputs. The mathematical formula for Phase Two (Formula 2) is illustrated below: Formula 2: E1j ¼ max s X ur fðY rRPM ÞðY rCO2 Þg r¼1 s.t. m X v i fðX iOE Þg ¼ 1 i¼1 s X ur fðY rRPM ÞðY rCO2 Þg m X r¼1 q X wp m X Z pASM Z pECO2 j v i fðX iOE Þgj 0; j ¼ 1; ; n p¼1 s X r¼1 v i fðX iOE Þgj 0; j ¼ 1; ; n i¼1 i¼1 ur fðY rRPM ÞðY rCO2 Þgj q X wp Z pASM Z pECO2 j 0; j ¼ 1; ; n p¼1 ur ; v i ; wp e; r ¼ 1; ; s; i ¼ l; ; m; p ¼ 1; ; q 7 A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx where: E2j: Phase 2 efficiency of airline j XiASM: Available seat miles input for every iteration i for airline j XiECO2: Estimated CO2 input for every iteration i for airline j YrOR: Operating revenue output for every iteration r for airline j ZpRPM: Revenue passenger mile intermediate output for iteration p, for airline j. ZpCO2: Actual CO2 intermediate output for iteration p, for airline j. ur, vi, wp: All equal 0.5 for equivalence in weighting across input and output variables for both stages of the phase The multiplicative efficiency method was utilized to determine the total efficiency of each airline. The total efficiency is defined as the cross-product of the efficiencies generated in the two phases using the formula presented below (Formula 3). Formula 3: 2 Ek ¼ E1k Ek Table 1 summarizes the DMU input and output variables in the DEA model. In this study, three types of efficiency analysis were conducted. First, the analysis was performed on all airlines (13 airlines) to examine and compare their efficiencies for the individual annual operations of 2013, 2014, 2015, and then also the aggregate operations from 2013 through 2015. Second, a comparative analysis of efficiency was conducted for U.S. and non-US airlines for their aggregate operations from 2013 to 2015. Finally, the efficiency difference between FSCs and LCCs was examined for the 2013 to 2015 aggregate operations. 4. Results 4.1. Descriptive statistics Two-phase, two-stage DEA models were developed for analyzing and comparing the efficiency of 13 airlines (DMUs) with respect to revenue generation and environmental impacts for a three-year period of time (2013–2015). Eight operating and environmental variables were used as input and output variables. As shown in Table 2, the airlines differed extensively in terms of these variables given their various scales and operations, with the standard deviation typically 51%-60% the value of the means for all variables except Abatement Expense and Net Income. The wide coverage of these variables ensured the representativeness of the study sample. Noticeably, due to British Airways not reporting environmental performance in 2015, there are two missing data (A.E. and CO2) in Table 2. Accordingly, B.A. was not included in the analyses related to the year 2015. 4.2. Data envelopment analysis results Both phase-based efficiency scores and total operational efficiency scores (i.e., cross-product) of the DMUs were calculated and compared. In total, eight DEA models were constructed to evaluate the efficiencies of the 13 airlines based on time of operation (2013, 2014, 2015, and 2013–2015), U.S. and non-US airlines, and FSCs and LCCs. The model analysis focused on three aspects. First, airline performance efficiency was assessed for all stages of the model. When an airline makes the best use of the resources (being 100% efficient or achieves a unity score), it is considered operating on the efficient production frontier. For each airline, a score indicating efficiency was obtained for each stage. For any given phase, only when an airline possessed a unity score in both stages of a phase can they be considered operationally efficient for that phase. To achieve efficient performance for the entire model, an airline must demonstrate a unity efficiency score in the four stages encompassing both phases. Second, multiple sets of the values of efficient product frontier were evaluated in this study. These values can be obtained from the number of variables and stages included in the modeling process. These production frontiers provided different ‘‘closest benchmark” points for different airlines in this study. At each stage, different benchmark references may be provided for the inefficient airlines’ operations to be compared to. Table 1 Summary of DMU Input & Output Variables. Variable Stage Type Definition O.E. ASM ECO2 A.E. RPM CO2 NINC OR 1 1/2 1/2 2 2/3 2/3 3 3 Input Output/Input Output/Input Input Output/Input Output/Input Output Output Total Operating Costs Available Seat Miles Estimated CO2 Emissions Abatement Expense Revenue Passenger Miles Actual CO2 Emissions Net Income, Profit, or Loss Total Operating Revenues 8 International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan Table 2 Descriptive statistics – All Airlines. Variable (units) N Minimum Maximum Mean SD OpExpenses ($1000 s) ASM (1000000 s seat-mi.) ECO2 (metrics tons CO2) AE ($) RPM (1000000 s pax–mi.) CO2 (metrics tons CO2) NetIncome ($1000 s) OpRevenues ($1000 s) 39 39 39 38 39 38 39 39 4,293,788 16,033 2,292,719 0 12,883 4,337,568 (2,637,620) 5,150,814 42,751,965 220,437 31,522,487 21,324,498 188,375 42,300,000 10,549,234 43,349,652 19,758,671 119,237 17,050,836 1,464,402 97,201 20,656,127 1,158,784 22,343,522 11,056,135 69,531 9,942,884 4,795,230 58,682 12,204,412 2,180,254 12,037,311 Note. N = Available data points; SD = Standard Deviation; OpExpenses = Total Operating Expenses; ASM = Available Seat Miles; ECO2 = Estimated CO2 Emissions; AE = Abatement Expenses; RPM = Revenue Passenger Miles; CO2 = Net CO2 Emissions; NetIncome = Net Income; OpRevenues = Passenger-based Operating Revenues. Finally, airline total efficiency scores were assessed. Caution should be exercised when analyzing the efficiency scores at full-model level. Because the phase and total scores were products of stage scores, poor performance in one stage may mask the strong performance in other stages, leading to misinterpretation of relative distance to the efficient frontier. 4.2.1. Year-based analysis The DEA models, which cover both airline operations and environmental abatement, were estimated to evaluate all airlines for each individual year of 2013, 2014, 2015, and for the three-year period of 2013–2015. Appendices 1–4(Table A1-A4) show the stage-based analysis of airline efficiency in 2013. Appendices 5–8 (Table 3, 4, 5, and 6) summarize the airline efficiency scores for operational efficiency results in 2013, 2014, 2015, and the aggregate three-year period. In 2013, all but three airlines achieved unity score efficiency (efficiency coefficient = 1) in the first stage of Phase One. All FSCs utilized Emirates as a benchmark except for Delta Air Lines and United Airlines, along with two non-FSCs – Alaska Airlines and JetBlue – who defined their own efficient frontier scores. Except for these four airlines, all other airlines used JetBlue in conjunction with Emirates to define the efficient production frontier. The second stage of Phase One assessed efficiency for two different firm areas of focus – ASM-RPM conversion and carbon dioxide abatement. This stage required airlines to improve their performance in both aspects in order to approach benchmark-setting performance. Four airlines obtained a unity efficiency score, each defining its own production frontier, with the exception of Air France–KLM (which used Alaska Airlines and Delta Air Lines to define its benchmark). All remaining airlines either used a combination of Air Canada and Alaska Airlines or Delta Air Lines to define the closest point on the efficient frontier. The first stage of Phase Two further differentiated which airlines were operating at high efficiency scores following ASM conversion. Results indicated that the airlines with multi-airline benchmarks for every airline in the stage had the largest proportion (weighting) of the improvement defined by the performance of Air Canada or Alaska Airlines, with Delta Air Lines supplying the other defining benchmark. In the second stage of Phase Two, four airlines obtained a unity efficiency score, but only Air Canada defined its own point on the efficient production frontier. All Nippon Airways and Japan Airlines used Air Canada and Alaska Airlines as benchmarks for efficient production improvements while Lufthansa used Alaska Airlines and Delta Air Lines for potential improvements to efficient production. Table 3 presents that overall, no airline’s performance in 2013 achieved efficient operation in all stages of the model. Air Canada and Alaska Airlines both demonstrated efficient performance in three of the four model stages; however, Air France-KLM held the highest total efficiency score. Delta Air Lines and United Airlines were the only two airlines besides Air France–KLM with total efficiency scores significantly over 50%. In 2014, several FSCs failed in performing efficiently in the first stage of Phase One, indicating some FSCs were not successful in converting input resources to ASMs. Air France-KLM and JetBlue defined the efficient frontier for most of the airlines in this stage. The second stage of Phase One identified airlines that were not operating efficiently, with different improvements needed for each airline group. The inefficient airlines included those who operated efficiently with either ASM-RPM conversion or emission abatement and needed improvement with the other (e.g., Air Canada, Lufthansa, and SWA), and airlines that needed improvement in both areas (e.g., All Nippon and British Airlines). In the second stage of Phase Two, five airlines – Air Canada, Alaska, Delta, British Airways, and JetBlue achieved efficient performance, with Air Canada and Delta the only two airlines to define their optimal efficient frontier operations using their own individual performance. In the last stage of Phase Two, Air Canada, Delta, and Lufthansa each defined its own efficient frontier positions, with the remaining efficient airlines in this stage (5 airlines) following either the individual or combination of these three airlines. Overall, in 2014, no airline demonstrated efficient performance through the entire model (all four phases). Delta Air Lines obtained the highest score in total efficiency and demonstrated efficient performance in three of the four stages. While Alaska and Lufthansa also demonstrated efficient performance in three of the stages, neither demonstrated one of the top three total efficiency scores for this year. United Airlines and Air France–KLM possessed the second and third highest total efficiencies, respectively. Though no single airline demonstrated efficiency throughout the 2014 single–year model, Alaska Airlines and Delta Air Lines both stood out as performers who defined their own efficient frontier positions and defined the closest efficient frontier positions for other airlines in most stages. For 2015, the first stage in Phase One indicated that American and Lufthansa were the only two inefficient airlines. Air France-KLM, Alaska, Delta, Emirates, and JetBlue each individually defined its own efficient frontier, against which the 9 A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx remaining efficient airlines compared their performance and identified areas for improvement. In the second stage of Phase One, four airlines – Alaska, American, Delta, and JetBlue achieved operating efficiency and each defined its own efficient production frontier. Air Canada defined performance improvement opportunities for itself and four other airlines, although it did not demonstrate efficient performance, indicating Air Canada may have approached efficient frontier by improving carbon emissions abatement. While the first stage in Phase Two collaborated to the observations made in the previous stage, the second stage in Phase Two identified six efficiently performing airlines -Air Canada, Delta, Lufthansa, All Nippon, Japan Airlines, and United, with each of the first three airlines defining its own efficient frontier. The remaining airlines were inefficient in this stage and associated with either Air Canada or Lufthansa benchmark factor in defining the efficiency of their performance. Overall, in this year’s model, Delta scored the highest overall total efficiency ranking, demonstrating efficient production performance in all stages of the model. Alaska and JetBlue demonstrated efficiency in three out of the four model stages, with Alaska presenting itself as the primary airline defining the efficient product frontier with respect to carbon dioxide abatement. United Airlines and Air France-KLM demonstrated the second and third highest total efficient frontier positions. For the three-year analysis, the first stage of Phase One identified five efficient airlines, with Alaska and JetBlue the only two airlines each identifying its own efficient frontier. In the second stage of Phase One, six airlines performed efficiently, with Alaska, Delta, and America each defining its own efficient production frontier. The inefficient airlines identified in this stage had their operating positions defined by Alaska and Delta, except for Air Canada, which had its improvement opportunities defined by American and itself. Air Canada’s emission abatement is strong, but it needed improvement in ASM-RPM conversion. The first stage of Phase Two identified four efficient airlines, among which only Air Canada and Delta individually defined their own efficient frontiers. This represented a shift from individual-year models in which Alaska often defined production frontier efficiency in this stage, especially in terms of emission abatement. In the three-year model, Air Canada and Delta demonstrated stronger emissions abatement in this stage while surpassing Alaska in ASM-RPM conversion. The second stage in Phase Two identified six efficient airlines, with Air Canada, Delta, Lufthansa, and Southwest individually defined their efficiency frontiers. All the inefficient airlines either followed the benchmark defined by Lufthansa or a combination of Air Canada and Lufthansa performance. Overall, the three-year model saw no airline demonstrated efficient performance in all stages of the analytical model. Delta Air Lines obtained the highest total efficiency score (over 98%). Air France–KLM and Southwest Airlines were the only other airlines with total efficiency scores over 70%. Air Canada and Alaska Airlines were the only carriers besides the benchmark (i.e. Delta Air Lines) to demonstrate efficient operations in three of four of the stages. A summary of the total efficiencies for year-related analysis is presented in Table 7. Fig. 2. Airline annual efficiency performance. 10 International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan Fig. 2 graphically presents the annual total efficiency scores for each airline over the three years of the study period. From 2013 to 2014, Delta Air Lines and United Air Lines showed discernible improvements in annual efficiency, while Air France–KLM and Southwest Airlines showed reductions in total efficiency relative to the sample. From 2014 to 2015, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines continue to improve, though with less improvement relative to the 2013–2014 change. Southwest Airlines made a significant improvement, surpassing its 2013 efficiency score. Both Emirates and Lufthansa Airlines demonstrated reductions in total efficiency from 2014 to 2015, after making marginal improvements from 2013 to 2014. 4.2.2. U.S. Versus Non-U.S. Airlines The study sample was divided into U.S. and non-U.S. airlines, which were tested for the entire three-year study period. The efficiency results are shown in Appendix 9 (Table 8). For the U.S. airline model, Alaska, JetBlue, and Southwest demonstrated efficient performance in the first stage of Phase One, with Alaska and JetBlue each defining its efficient frontier position. The three FSCs – American, Delta, and United – were found to be inefficient. In the second stage of Phase One and the first stage of Phase Two, Delta and Alaska were the only efficient airlines defining their efficient frontier positions, both demonstrating efficiency with respect to ASM-RPM conversion and carbon dioxide emissions abatement. In the second stage of Phase Two, Dela and Southwest demonstrated efficient performance. The results of this stage aligned with the results observed in the previous models in that Alaska and JetBlue generated far less revenue due to the limited size of their operations compared to the other airlines in this stage of the model. Overall, Alaska Airlines and Delta Air Lines both demonstrated efficient operations in three stages, with Delta Air Lines presenting the highest total efficiency for the U.S.–carrier group. Alaska Airlines defined the optimal performance for this model with respect to carbon dioxide emissions abatement. For the non-U.S. airline model, the first stage in Phase One identified all airlines to be efficient except for Lufthansa, with Air France-KLM, Emirates, and Japan Airlines, each defining its efficient frontier. Air France-KLM and Emirates were the only airlines performing efficiently in the second stage of Phase One. Noticeably, Air Canada performed inefficiently in this stage but becoming efficient in the first stage of Phase Two, despite the similar stage construction of the two stages. This indicated that Air Canada’s performance of ASM and RPM generation lagged that of other airlines in the sample (Phase One Stage Two), but it was able to define efficient frontier with respect to emission abatement to improve its efficiency (Phase Two Stage One). Four airlines performed efficiently in the second stage of Phase Two, with Air Canada and Lufthansa each defining its own position on the efficient frontier. Emirates showed inefficient performance in emissions abatement and thus relied on revenue generation and RPM maximization to improve to the efficient frontier. Overall, Air Canada was the only carrier to demonstrate efficient operations in three stages, while Air France–KLM presented the highest total efficiency for the non-U.S.–carrier group. Air Canada defined optimal performance for this model with respect to carbon dioxide emissions abatement. 4.2.3. Fscs versus LCCs The study sample was divided into two groups based on their business models – FSCs or LCCs. The efficiency results (2013–2015) of the two groups are presented in Appendix 10 (Table 9). The first stage in Phase One identified five airlines to be efficient, with Air France-KLM, Emirates, and Japan Airlines, each defining its own position on the efficient frontier. All the U.S-based FSCs demonstrated inefficiency. Opposite results were obtained in the second stage of Phase One, where American, Delta, and United were the only carriers demonstrating efficient performance, with American and Delta each defining its own position on the efficient frontier. Air Canada, again, was efficient in emissions abatement performance but not ASMRPM conversion, which dragged down its overall performance inefficiency in this stage. In the first stage of Phase Two, Air Canada and Delta performed efficiently, defining a position on the efficient frontier for emission abatement (Air Canada) and ASM-RPM conversion (Delta). Five airlines performed efficiently in the second stage of Phase Two, with Air Canada, Delta, and Lufthansa each defining its efficient frontier. The low efficiency score of Emirates in this stage, again, indicated the airline’s low efficiency in emissions abatement performance. Overall for the full–service carrier group, Air Canada and Delta Air Lines both demonstrated efficient operations in three out of the four stages, with Air Canada defined the efficient production frontier relative to emission abatement. Delta has the highest total efficiency scores but it, together with the other two U.S. FSCs, demonstrated inefficiency in the first stage of Phase one. This noticeable pattern may suggest that there may be a higher cost structure associated with those carriers competing in both large domestic and international markets. The inefficiency in the first stage (performing at 98%) can be specific to the U.S.–market. If so, Delta Air Lines would be considered the most efficiently producing FSC relative to the model. For the three airlines in the L.C. C/P2P sample, Alaska is the only efficient airline in the first stage of Phase One. The next stage identified all airlines to be efficient in ASM-RPM conversion and emission abatement. The first stage in Phase Two again identified Alaska as the only airline demonstrating the greatest efficiency in emissions abatement and ASM-RPM conversion in the context of revenue generation. The last stage of the model duplicated the results of the second stage in Phase One. The full efficiency results in these two stages were likely due to the small number of DMUs and the exclusion of competitors of LCCs (e.g., regional airlines) in the sample. For similar reasons, the efficiency performance of some airlines may be underestimated, as can be seen in the case of SWA. In this analysis, only Alaska Airlines were efficient throughout all stages, defining the efficient production frontier with respect to emissions abatement and revenue generation. 11 A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx 5. Discussion This study constructed two-phase, two-stage DEA models to evaluate airline efficiency, considering actual carbon dioxide emissions produced by the airlines as part of the efficiency measure. The model development integrated existing models in the literature (Kao & Hwang, 2008; Li et al., 2015; Mallikarjun, 2015) to provide a flexible, easy-to-used framework for efficiency assessment in the airline industry. While both service and environment variables were found to be important in determining airline efficiency, environmental abatement affected the overall efficiency of airline performance both inside and outside the U.S. when emission reduction effort was properly accounted for. Alaska Airlines were the only airline that demonstrated efficient performance in the environmental abatement component of each phase of the analytical models for all time-related analysis, while Delta performed efficiently in this regard for the year of 2015 and three-year analysis. None of the non-U.S. airlines, however, achieved all-stage efficiency with respect to environmental abatement. For the individual-year and three-year analysis in 2013, some FSCs such as Lufthansa, All Nippon Airways, British Airways, and Japan Airlines did not perform efficiently, especially in the service component of the model (which is in agreement with the literature indicating similar inefficient statistics for this year). LCCs/P2P airlines demonstrated efficiency except for the second stage of Phase Two. Both Alaska and JetBlue showed low performance relative to the sample in this stage, suggesting that LCCs/P2P airlines underperformed FSCs in revenue generation. For this reason, several FSCs, including Delta, U.A., Air Canada, and Alaska (it operates a service closer to FSCs) achieved higher total efficiency in the two phases in 2013. In addition to Alaska, Air Canada is another efficient airline in carbon dioxide abatement, and it was able to generate a high level of revenue. The division between efficient and inefficient airlines was more noticeable in 2014. Only Alaska achieved efficiency in the two stages in Phase One, with Delta, Air France-KLM, and JetBlue achieved efficiency in one of the two stages. These four airlines showed a stronger position in passenger traffic compared to 2013, and at the same time maintaining efficient performance in carbon emission abatement. Only Delta and Air Canada performed efficiently in the revenue generating phase. Similar to 2013, the performance of LCCs/P2P airlines fell sharply in the second stage of Phase Two, reinforcing the observation that these airlines, due to their niche market operation, cannot compete with large carriers in total revenue generation (irrespective of profitability). The results of 2015 were consistent with that of the previous years. American Airlines and Lufthansa appeared to struggle in Phase One. As both airlines have more employees and complex fleet composition, they are facing higher costs which can negatively affect their efficiency performance. The three-year model further revealed differences in airline performance with respect to RPM generation and emissions abatement. Worth-mentioning is Emirates, which demonstrated efficient performance in environmental emission that was not observed in two of the three yearlymodel analysis. The flights of Emirates consist mostly of long-haul, international flights, which may lend themselves to fuel and emissions generation efficiency per passenger mile. Costs, however, remained to be a threat to Emirates’ efficiency, especially in ASM-RPM conversion. The three-year model analysis once again demonstrated that L.C. C/P2P airlines did not generate enough revenue in the last stage of the model, as none of the L.C. C/P2P airlines achieved an efficient score in the second stage of Phase Two; similar to what was observed in the year–specific analysis. The efficiency analysis of U.S.-based and non-U.S.-based airlines, using segregated samples, allowed for certain airlines’ performance to stand out among their peers. Alaska and Delta were the efficient airlines in the U.S. group. Delta achieved less efficiency in Phase One compared to Phase Two, indicating some difficulty in transforming inputs into ASMs. Alaska achieved efficiency except in the revenue generation stage of Phase Two, which, again, reinforced the earlier observation that smaller LCC and P2P carriers are incapable of competing with larger airlines in the last stage of the model. While Alaska demonstrated that it is the top U.S. airline with respect to emissions abatement, a comprehensive evaluation considering emissions abatement, RPM generation from ASMs, and revenue generation indicated that Delta outperformed Alaska Airlines in this analysis. Three airlines were efficient in the non-U.S. airline analysis in different model phrases. Air France-KLM and Emirates demonstrated efficient performance in Phase One (converting inputs into ASM, ASM-RPM conversion, and emission abatement). This agreed with the strategy of the two airlines as both combined short- and long-haul operations, focused on improving load factors, especially for their long-haul flights to cover costs, and were relatively early in investing in fuel-burn and emissions reduction initiatives. Phase Two saw several FSCs performed efficiently in revenue generation, but only Air Canada demonstrated efficient performance through a combination of revenue generation and emission abatement. Further analysis was conducted to examine the efficiency of airlines utilizing either FSC or L.C. C/P2P business model. Phase One for the FSC group showed that non-U.S. FSCs were more effective in transforming input resources into ASMs while the U.S. FSCs were stronger in RPM generation from the ASM supply. The operational characteristics of these airlines may help explain this phenomenon. The international FSCs in this study (e.g., Emirates, Air Canada, and Japanese Airlines) typically focus on long-haul, international flights due to limited domestic markets. The U.S. FSCs, on the contrary, generate their revenue more equally from domestic and international operations. As such, the total operational efficiency of non-U.S. FSCs was more reflective of its long-haul operations, while the U.S. FSCs’ operational efficiency reflected a more even split between long-haul international and short-haul/regional operations. In Phase Two, Air Canada and Delta demonstrated efficient performance in both stages, with Air Canada leading in emissions abatement and Delta in revenue generation. For the LCC /P2P model analysis, Alaska performed efficiently in all stages in the two phases, which agreed with the results of yearspecific analyses. However, the small sample size of LCCs and P2P airlines may limit the conclusion it can make. Most airlines in the sample performed optimally only in some of the four stages (ASM generation, ASM-RPM conversion, emission abatements, and revenue generation). Deeper insights can be obtained through model comparison in terms of these 12 International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan airlines’ strengths and weaknesses in achieving efficiency. Overall, this study found Alaska Airlines to be the most efficient airline that successfully executed the business strategies within the market space it defined. It performed efficiently in all stages except revenue generation and also set the benchmark for the entire model of the FSC-LCC analysis. The lower revenue generation efficiency scores, as previously explained, is related to the airline’s focus on the regional market and the use of single-aisle aircraft, which make it difficult to match revenue generation with FSCs that enjoy wider market coverage and aircraft types. Delta was the most efficient FSC in this study, achieving the highest overall efficiency rating with consistent efficient performance in Phase Two in all DEA models. However, while several airlines performed efficiently in the first stage of Phase One (transforming inputs into ASM), Delta was not efficient in this stage, which may be attributed to its use of huband-spoke system. As hub-and-spoke configuration allows flight scheduling with partially filled flights from smaller airports into the hub, the ASM generation can be negatively affected. Some airlines performed efficiently in most of the model stages, which can be considered relatively efficient airlines. One example is Air Canada which performed efficiently in emission abatement and revenue generation but struggled with ASM-RPM conversion. Several airlines were considered inefficient due to their low efficiency scores in most model stages. Lufthansa was overall inefficient as it only demonstrated efficiency in revenue generation but lagged its peers in all other stages. High costs associated with aging fleet and operations may be the reason for its overall inefficiency. Another inefficient airline was Air France-KLM, which showed efficiency mostly in transforming inputs into ASM but performed inefficiently in other stages. The merger between Air France and KLM, which required fleet reconstruction and organizational change, may be responsible for the decreased overall efficiency of the airline. United Airline’s execution of FSC business model and environmental abatement strategies lagged behind other airlines (FSCs) in this study; overall, it consistently underperformed benchmarks set by other FSCs. Noticeably, several airlines such as Emirates, Lufthansa, and the two Japanese airlines struggled in achieving efficiency in ASM-RPM and emission abatement. Aging fleets and long-haul, international focus (with oversized aircraft for the demand) were among the suspected responsible factors for their poor performance in these areas, especially emission abatement. 6. Managerial contributions The findings of this study provided major contextual forces that airline managers need to consider when making decisions with respect to evaluation and improvement of the overall airline efficiency. The evaluation of airline efficiency has become increasingly complex in the highly competitive market, as airlines may simultaneously outperform and underperform relative to their counterparts in multiple factor categories. The two-stage, two-phase DEA model developed in this study can be particularly useful in providing a holistic view for airline managers to prioritize strategies for future investments, evaluate how the investments are changing the airline’s total efficiency relative to its peers, and recognize areas for improvement. As shown in this study, some airlines such as Delta and Air Canada were relatively efficient with respect to both operations and emission abatement, thus requiring only minor adjustments of their business strategies to improve overall efficiency. Delta, for example, should review its fleet composition and look for an opportunity to improve ASM generation. Another group of airlines, including Air France-KLM, All Nippon, Japan Airlines, and Emirates, struggled in achieving environmental efficiency in addition to some operational issues and thus would need more adjustment in their business strategies. The recommendation for these airlines would be to evaluate their emissions abatement programs, cost structure, and fleet strategy (aircraft-to-route matching) to improve overall efficiency. Some airlines such as Lufthansa and United faced greater challenges in meeting efficiency goals and would therefore need greater adjustment in their business strategies to improve efficiency. Lufthansa can improve overall efficiency through developing cost-saving and fleet-network strategies (i.e., replacing aging and/or underutilized large aircraft). For United, the recommendation would be to review all aspects of its operations for opportunities to gain greater ASM creation, ASM-RPM conversion, and emission abatement. Fleet renewal and fleet-network matching strategies can be useful for United to achieve greater efficiency. From a regulatory perspective, the models developed in this study can be a useful tool for policy makers to evaluate the efficiency of airlines, especially regarding environmental abatement, and to formulate a strategy to better serve the interest of the airline industry. 7. Conclusion This study constructed a two-phase, two-stage DEA model and used a linear programming approach to assess the relative efficiencies of 13 airlines from 2013 to 2015, considering operational and financial performance indicators of the airlines, and environmental impact abatement success measured as a function of the carbon dioxide emissions produced by the airline operations. The results indicated that the proposed model and method could successfully evaluate airline efficiency and provide useful insights into their strengths and weaknesses in achieving efficiency when multiple inputs and outputs are considered. This study contributed to theoretical knowledgebase in several ways. First, it is the first study to develop a measurement model that incorporated carbon dioxide emission abatement and high-fidelity assessment, in which ASM creation, RPM generation, and revenue realization were separately assessed as part of an airline’s business operations. Previous DEA studies typically made environmental impact output of the total airline operations. In this study, environmental impact was treated as both input and output variables in two stages of the model. This design allowed environmental considerations to be part of the firm’s decision-making’s process prior to the final outputs and revenue generation, which can provide a deeper under13 A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx standing of the role of environmental factors in airline efficiency. Second, the two-phase, two-stage DEA model provided a plausible alternative to the three-stage DEA model developed by Mallikarjun (2015). It reduced the complexities associated with the forward/backward recursion required in a three-stage DEA while still maintaining the fidelity of the original approach to airline efficiency. The validity of the model was supported, as the results from the models were consistent with that in the literature as well as airlines’ disclosure during the study period (Cui & Li, 2016). Finally, by including different types of airlines in the sample, this study provided insights into the effect of airlines business model and route/network on airline efficiency. The study also reinforced the perspective that DEA results are more reliable when a greater number of DMUs are used to represent each business model. This study has some limitations. First, it is assumed that the weighting between any two consecutive stages in the DEA model was the same. Efficiencies between these stages, as a result, were treated as the same. This can represent an oversimplified operational environment for the airline industry. Second, this study only included carbon dioxide emissions created from direct operating activities (e.g., aircraft fuel consumption). Other types of aviation emission (e.g., from electric power facilities supporting airline operations) were not considered. Thirdly, due to the model constraints, only selected variables were used as inputs and outputs in this study. Finally, due to the number of airlines operating in the U.S. market with sufficient data, the number of DMUs did not meet the sample size requirements in several cases, including the comparison between U.S. based and non-U.S. based airlines for the overall model (total efficiency) and comparison between FSCs and LCCs in Phase 1 Stage 2, Phase 2 Stage 1, and overall model. Accordingly, those comparisons need further exploration in the future using more airlines from other countries, if available. Nonetheless, as Zhu (2014) pointed out, the purpose of DEA is to benchmark a group of DMUs and assess individual efficiencies; therefore, our results still provide useful findings in comparing those airlines in separate groups. Additionally, airlines included in the DEA model must represent actual competitors in the market, and there must be sufficient data to determine the efficiency frontier. Thus, caution must be taken to avoid adding outside airlines to the group since it would lead to invalid results. Future researchers can extend the current study in several areas. First, the two-phase, two-stage DEA model can implement a disproportionate weighting between the two stages as part of the optimization routine. This could be especially useful when studying a sample of airlines adopting similar business philosophies. The second future research direction is related to the variable selection that best reflects operational success. While this study used revenue generation in the final stage of the multi-phrased model, future research can use net profit as the output of the final stage, which can provide deeper insights into how emission abatement activities would impact on the overall airline operational efficiency. Finally, different types of emissions can be incorporated to better reflect the environmental impact of air transportation. Future research can extend the model by including additional forms of aircraft emissions, such as nitrous oxides. Table A1 2013 Single Year VRS Model – Phase 1, Stage 1 Results. Airline Stage 1 Efficiency 1st Benchmark 1st Airline Benchmark 2nd Benchmark 2nd Airline Benchmark Air Canada Air France – KLM Alaska Airlines All Nippon Airways American Airlines British Airways Delta Air Lines Emirates Japan Airlines JetBlue Airways Lufthansa Airlines Southwest Airlines United Airlines 1.00000 0.96758 1.00000 1.00000 0.84710 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.52609 1.00000 1.00000 0.379 0.992 1.000 0.607 0.889 0.776 1.000 1.000 0.378 1.000 1.000 0.652 1.000 Emirates Emirates Alaska Airlines Emirates Emirates Emirates Delta Air Lines Emirates Emirates JetBlue Emirates Emirates United Air Lines 0.621 0.008 JetBlue JetBlue 0.393 0.111 0.224 JetBlue JetBlue JetBlue 0.622 JetBlue 0.348 JetBlue 14 International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan Table A2 2013 Single Year VRS Model – Phase 1, Stage 2 Results. Airline Stage 2 Efficiency 1st Benchmark 1st Airline Benchmark 2nd Benchmark 2nd Airline Benchmark 3rd Benchmark 3rd Airline Benchmark Air Canada Air France – KLM Alaska Airlines All Nippon Airways American Airlines British Airways Delta Air Lines Emirates Japan Airlines JetBlue Airways Lufthansa Airlines Southwest Airlines United Airlines 0.37664 1.00000 1.00000 0.42117 1.00000 0.68627 1.00000 0.93740 0.47938 0.97762 0.91257 0.85297 1.00000 0.462 0.212 1.000 0.024 1.000 0.080 1.000 0.206 0.122 0.928 0.206 0.457 1.000 Air Canada Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Air Canada American Airlines Air Canada Delta Air Lines Alaska Airlines Air Canada Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines United Air Lines 0.538 0.788 American Airlines Delta Air Lines 0.464 Alaska Airlines 0.512 Delta Air Lines 0.281 Alaska Airlines 0.639 Delta Air Lines 0.794 0.523 0.072 0.794 0.543 Delta Air Lines Alaska Airlines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines 0.355 Delta Air Lines 3rd Benchmark 3rd Airline Benchmark 0.067 0.082 Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines 0.022 0.125 Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Table A3 2013 Single Year VRS Model – Phase 2, Stage 1 Results. Airline Stage 1 Efficiency 1st Benchmark 1st Airline Benchmark Air Canada Air France – KLM Alaska Airlines All Nippon Airways American Airlines British Airways Delta Air Lines Emirates Japan Airlines JetBlue Airways Lufthansa Airlines Southwest Airlines United Airlines 1.00000 0.90797 1.00000 0.52991 0.99421 1.00000 0.75218 0.91227 0.39998 1.00000 0.94162 1.00000 0.72121 1.000 0.291 0.809 0.765 0.291 0.598 0.291 0.291 0.938 0.645 0.291 0.527 0.291 Air Canada Alaska Airlines Air Canada Air Canada Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Air Canada Air Canada Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines 2nd Benchmark 2nd Airline Benchmark 0.709 0.124 0.152 0.709 0.402 0.709 0.709 0.040 0.231 0.709 0.473 0.709 Delta Air Lines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Table A4 2013 Single Year VRS Model – Phase 2, Stage 2 Results. Airline Stage 2 Efficiency 1st Benchmark 1st Airline Benchmark 2nd Benchmark 2nd Airline Benchmark Air Canada Air France – KLM Alaska Airlines All Nippon Airways American Airlines British Airways Delta Air Lines Emirates Japan Airlines JetBlue Airways Lufthansa Airlines Southwest Airlines United Airlines 1.00000 0.84990 0.33143 1.00000 0.59424 0.62725 0.87240 0.53433 1.00000 0.29617 1.00000 0.51761 0.88322 1.000 0.291 0.809 0.765 0.291 0.598 0.291 0.291 0.938 0.645 0.291 0.527 0.291 Air Canada Alaska Airlines Air Canada Air Canada Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Air Canada Air Canada Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines 0.709 0.124 0.152 0.709 0.402 0.709 0.709 0.040 0.231 0.709 0.473 0.709 Delta Air Lines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Alaska Airlines Alaska Airlines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines 15 A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx Table 3 2013 Operating efficiency results. Airline 1st Phase 1st Stage 1st Phase 2nd Stage 2nd Phase 1st Stage 2nd Phase 2nd stage Total Efficiency Air Canada Air France – KLM Alaska Airlines All Nippon Airways American Airlines British Airways Delta Air Lines Emirates Japan Airlines JetBlue Airways Lufthansa Airlines Southwest Airlines United Airlines 1.00000 0.96758 1.00000 1.00000 0.84710 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.52609 1.00000 1.00000 0.37664 1.00000 1.00000 0.42117 1.00000 0.68627 1.00000 0.93740 0.47938 0.97762 0.91257 0.85297 1.00000 1.00000 0.90797 1.00000 0.52991 0.99421 1.00000 0.75218 0.91227 0.39998 1.00000 0.94162 1.00000 0.72121 1.00000 0.84990 0.33143 1.00000 0.59424 0.62725 0.87240 0.53433 1.00000 0.29617 1.00000 0.51761 0.88321 0.37664 0.74666 0.33143 0.22318 0.50046 0.43046 0.65620 0.45694 0.19174 0.28954 0.45206 0.44151 0.63699 Airline 1st Phase 1st Stage 1st Phase 2nd Stage 2nd Phase 1st Stage 2nd Phase 2nd stage Total Efficiency Air Canada Air France – KLM Alaska Airlines All Nippon Airways American Airlines British Airways Delta Air Lines Emirates Japan Airlines JetBlue Airways Lufthansa Airlines Southwest Airlines United Airlines 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.76157 1.00000 0.95294 0.88910 1.00000 1.00000 0.61330 1.00000 0.94792 0.38800 0.99190 1.00000 0.45880 1.00000 0.69287 1.00000 1.00000 0.51641 0.98210 0.85003 0.47410 1.00000 1.00000 0.72334 1.00000 0.48085 0.99045 1.00000 1.00000 0.84993 0.33361 1.00000 0.93753 0.87228 0.80145 1.00000 1.00000 0.36244 1.00000 0.70825 0.65765 1.00000 0.63898 0.97822 0.33803 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.38800 0.71748 0.36244 0.22061 0.53423 0.45566 0.95294 0.48285 0.16853 0.33198 0.48875 0.41355 0.75971 Airline 1st Phase 1st Stage 1st Phase 2nd Stage 2nd Phase 1st Stage 2nd Phase 2nd stage Total Efficiency Air Canada Air France – KLM Alaska Airlines All Nippon Airways American Airlines Delta Air Lines Emirates Japan Airlines JetBlue Airways Lufthansa Airlines Southwest Airlines United Airlines 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.73109 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.60252 1.00000 1.00000 0.49755 0.99678 1.00000 0.42168 1.00000 1.00000 0.89504 0.49273 1.00000 0.77293 0.96481 0.97621 1.00000 0.93221 1.00000 0.63568 0.79999 1.00000 0.79046 0.45512 1.00000 0.94216 1.00000 0.82812 1.00000 0.81323 0.41158 1.00000 0.92818 1.00000 0.65101 1.00000 0.40008 1.00000 0.57415 1.00000 0.49756 0.75566 0.41158 0.26805 0.54286 1.00000 0.46059 0.22425 0.40008 0.43877 0.55395 0.80842 Table 4 2014 Operating Efficiency Results. Table 5 2015 Operating Efficiency Results. Note. British Airways is omitted from analysis due to lack of environmental data. 16 International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan Table 6 Total Efficiency Results – 3 Year Study Period (2013–2015). Airline 1st Phase 1st Stage 1st Phase 2nd Stage 2nd Phase 1st Stage 2nd Phase 2nd stage Total Efficiency Air Canada Air France – KLM Alaska Airlines All Nippon Airways American Airlines British Airways Delta Air Lines Emirates Japan Airlines JetBlue Airways Lufthansa Airlines Southwest Airlines United Airlines 1.00000 0.99233 1.00000 1.00000 0.79069 1.00000 0.98210 0.91302 1.00000 1.00000 0.57807 1.00000 0.95086 0.42263 1.00000 1.00000 0.43871 1.00000 0.69325 1.00000 1.00000 0.49746 0.98628 0.84035 0.76289 1.00000 1.00000 0.92276 1.00000 0.54746 0.91702 1.00000 1.00000 0.84028 0.38924 1.00000 0.94035 0.95937 0.72635 1.00000 0.83220 0.36631 1.00000 0.73383 0.64631 1.00000 0.60418 1.00000 0.34205 1.00000 1.00000 0.97626 0.42264 0.76203 0.36631 0.24018 0.53209 0.44805 0.98210 0.46352 0.19363 0.33736 0.45681 0.73190 0.67426 Note. British Airways data includes flight capacity (seat miles) and revenue generation from 2015, but no environmental data. Table 7 Total efficiency summary – Time-Related Analysis. Airline 2013 2014 2015 3-Year Analysis 3-Year Average Air Canada Air France – KLM Alaska Airlines All Nippon Airways American Airlines British Airways Delta Air Lines Emirates Japan Airlines JetBlue Airways Lufthansa Airlines Southwest Airlines United Airlines 0.37664 0.74666 0.33143 0.22318 0.50046 0.43046 0.65620 0.45694 0.19174 0.28954 0.45206 0.44151 0.63699 0.388 0.71748 0.36244 0.22061 0.53423 0.45566 0.95294 0.48285 0.16853 0.33198 0.48875 0.41355 0.75971 0.49756 0.75566 0.41158 0.26805 0.54286 N/A 1.00000 0.46059 0.22425 0.40008 0.43877 0.55395 0.80842 0.42264 0.76203 0.36631 0.24018 0.53209 0.44805 0.98210 0.46352 0.19363 0.33736 0.45681 0.73190 0.67426 0.42073 0.73993 0.36848 0.23728 0.52585 0.44306 0.86971 0.46679 0.19484 0.34053 0.45986 0.46967 0.73504 Note. British Airways data includes flight capacity (seat miles) and revenue generation from 2015, but no environmental data. Table 8 Total Efficiency Results – U.S.–based and Non-U.S. -based Carriers (2013–2015). Airline (U.S.) 1st Phase 1st Stage 1st Phase 2nd Stage 2nd Phase 1st Stage 2nd Phase 2nd stage Total Efficiency Alaska Airlines American Airlines Delta Air Lines JetBlue Airways Southwest Airlines United Airlines Airlines (non-U.S.) Air Canada Air France – KLM All Nippon Airways British Airways Emirates Japan Airlines Lufthansa Airlines 1.00000 0.74644 0.81072 1.00000 1.00000 0.79160 1.00000 0.86405 1.00000 0.72353 0.53671 0.92979 1.00000 0.88940 1.00000 0.96313 0.92038 0.85647 0.37194 0.85779 1.00000 0.34852 1.00000 0.95622 0.84299 0.83942 0.95268 0.75880 0.86427 0.88352 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.52171 0.72414 1.00000 0.53671 0.76049 1.00000 0.86406 0.92978 1.00000 0.93014 0.55155 1.00000 0.84700 0.39001 0.94787 1.00000 0.83220 1.00000 0.65139 0.60418 1.00000 1.00000 0.72415 0.77406 0.29602 0.49537 0.51174 0.33699 0.45979 Note. British Airways data includes flight capacity (seat miles) and revenue generation from 2015, but no environmental data. 17 A. Saini, D. Truong and Jing Yu Pan International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx Table 9 Total Efficiency Results – FSCs and LCCs (2013–2015). Airline (FSCs) 1st Phase 1st Stage 1st Phase 2nd Stage 2nd Phase 1st Stage 2nd Phase 2nd stage Total Efficiency Air Canada Air France – KLM All Nippon Airways American Airlines British Airways Delta Air Lines Emirates Japan Airlines Lufthansa Airlines United Airlines Airline (LCCs) Alaska Airlines JetBlue Airways Southwest Airlines 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.79069 1.00000 0.98210 1.00000 1.00000 0.57807 0.95089 0.58662 0.99371 0.53358 1.00000 0.76049 1.00000 0.92094 0.85998 0.84093 1.00000 1.00000 0.92437 0.54951 0.91863 1.00000 1.00000 0.84175 0.38963 0.94200 0.72762 1.00000 0.83220 1.00000 0.73383 0.64866 1.00000 0.60418 1.00000 1.00000 0.97626 0.58662 0.76443 0.29321 0.53302 0.49330 0.98210 0.46836 0.33507 0.45792 0.67547 1.00000 0.83594 0.26806 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.71975 0.30502 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.60166 0.08177 Note. British Airways data includes flight capacity (seat miles) and revenue generation from 2015, but no environmental data. 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