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Matthew Tracker Verified Certificate - ABCx & edX

SECTION 1 Questions 1-10
Questions 1-5
Which library matches each description?
Choose your answers from the box and write the correct letter A-J next to
questions 1-5.
A late night opening
B study rooms
C story telling
D online borrowing
E a postal book service
F printing facilities
G internet training courses H weekend opening
I walk-in internet access J is temporarily closed
For example
1 Ashfield
2 Carlton
3 Springfield
4 Paddington
5 Brookside
Questions 6-10
Complete the form below.
Full Name: John 6
Address: PO BOX 7
Date of Birth: 8
Highest education: 9
degree in Accounting
Library section most interested in: 10
SECTION 2 Questions 11 – 20
Questions 11 – 13
Complete the summary below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Computer Health and Safety
Dry eyes can be experienced especially during the 11 _______________. However,
this problem can easily be combated by using a humidifier. Another solution is to
use indoor plants such as the 12 _______________ plant, which is very efficient at
keeping the air clean and moist. To place an order for either of these, staff members
should write their 13 _______________ on one of the forms provided.
Questions 14 – 16
Complete the sentences below.
14 The optician’s visit to the company begins on
15 Staff need to measure their screen to eye distance when they are sitting in their
16 Staff who miss the optician’s visit can go to her clinic in the
Questions 17– 20
Answer the questions below.
17 How long has the company been using laptops?
18 Which department now only uses laptop computers?
19 What risk is associated with connecting a laptop to a desk computer?
20 What does the company offer to people who regularly need to carry laptops?
SECTION 3 Questions 21-30
Questions 21-23
Complete the notes below.
Part 1
* Good point about how babies 21
Part 2
* Omit the part about Mia being a 22
Part 3
* Don’t use 23
Questions 24-28
What is said about the supporting evidence that the student uses in her essay?
Classify the following evidence as:
A the student’s own idea.
B paraphrased from another writer.
C copied exactly from another writer.
Write the correct letter A, B, or C next to questions 24-28. You may choose any
letter more than once.
Evidence Used in the Essay
24 The belief that young babies cannot feel pain.
25 How babies respond to their surroundings.
26 Examples of different development rates.
27 Mia’s response to physical sensations.
28 How babies communicate without words.
Questions 29 and 30
Choose the correct letter A, B, or C.
29 The student decides to get some additional information about referencing from
Athe library.
Bthe assignment booklet.
Cthe university website.
30 What still needs to be included in the final draft?
Aa cover page
Ba reference list
Cthe total number of words
SECTION 4 Questions 31-40
Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Causes of Language Loss
i. Colonisation e.g. in 31 _______________ and 32 _______________.
ii. Government policy directed at the 33
and schools.
* Russian children were sent to 34
* In the US, English and Spanish 35
during the 1950s.
programs were ended.
iii. Linguistic Imperialism - People associate a language with
36 _______________ and 37 _______________ and so want to speak it.
Arguments for Preserving Languages
i. Linguistic Relativity - Language loss may lead to a reduction in the diversity of
that people are able to explain.
ii. Cultural Pluralism – Language loss affects:
* art forms
* 39
* human relationships
iii. Social 40
- Language loss = loss of personal identity.
Reading Practice Test
1 Hour
Start at the beginning of the test and work through it.
You should answer all questions.
If you cannot do a particular question, leave it and go on to the next.
You can return to it later.
All answers must be written on the answer sheet.
Do not remove this booklet from the examination room.
There are 40 questions on this question paper.
The test is divided as follows:
Reading Passage 1 Questions 1 - 13
Reading Passage 2 Questions 14 - 26
Reading Passage 3 Questions 27 - 40
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
Cleaning Wilson Bay
There's nothing remarkable about the fish of Wilson Bay in Jacksonville, North
Carolina. They have fins, two eyes, and scales in all the right places. But the mere
presence of healthy, edible marine life in the bay constitutes a man-made miracle,
because until recent years any life forms inhabiting the dirty bay water grew stunted
and misshapen. No one dared fish, swim or waterski there. Researchers even donned
special gloves to handle the water.
Not only had the bay served as a repository for the coastal city's human waste for half
a century, but the water also received run-off from a nearby housing project. A U.S.
military base had a further impact. The wooden pilings supporting the structure were
coated in the timber preservative, creosote, which had gradually polluted the water.
When Jacksonville officials shut down the bay's sewage treatment plant in 1998 and
started a new inland waste system, they felt a moral obligation to clean up the mess
left behind. But the biggest problem was that no one had a clue where to start
processing such seriously contaminated water.
That's where Jay Levine stepped in. Levine, a professor of veterinary science at North
Carolina State University, had recently returned from France, where he had seen an
aquaculture project involving oysters. From what he had observed he proposed using
bivalve molluscs such as oysters and clams as part of a multi-pronged approach to
cleaning the water. City officials liked the concept, but many in the public and press
were not only sceptical, but downright derisive of the idea that a humble oyster could
clean such severely fouled water.
Levine's plan, which was tweaked and redrawn many times as the project progressed,
was to implement a kind of bioremediation - using nature to heal itself. In this case,
however, nature had a kick start from science.
Levine placed plastic mesh bags of oysters high enough in the water to allow them to
be bathed in sunlight. The idea was that the oysters would thrive in the warm, shallow
waters and eat the material floating in the bay. The removal of unwanted waste would
allow the return of the smaller links in the bay's food chain, which would then serve as
a lure to increasingly larger creatures, such as fish, turtles and seabirds.
Bubbling aeration units were used to restore oxygen to the water to help the returning
species breathe. 'The original goal was to pull water into the bay, but the most
important benefit was delivering oxygen to the bottom,' says Pat Donovan-Potts, who
became involved as a field scientist with the project. 'It had an amazing effect - it
supercharged the oysters [and helped to stabilise] the bottom of the bay.'
The clean-up project didn't stop there. The team built channels and rain gardens in
adjacent neighbourhoods in order to filter the contaminated run-off from the housing
projects. In addition, the pilings from the military base were removed to prevent further
leaching of creosote into the water. In a related project, scientists supervised the
restoration of wetlands, which was carried out by local teachers and students.
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
Despite predictions that the oysters would die and the project fail, the oysters not only
lived, but grew fat on their dubious diet. Along with this, the water habitat showed signs
of revival. Faecal coliform counts (the measure of human sewage contamination)
began a steady downward spiral, while marine life and birds began to return to the
bay. Normal fish reappeared and key species, such as ospreys and golden eagles,
were spotted nesting in the area.
Under the auspices of the Sturgeon City Institute, established to educate residents
and others on environmental issues, the project has expanded from the bay into other
nearby bodies of water. Staffed mostly by teenage volunteers, the institute helps test
and measure how the water and wetlands respond to change. And now, the Wilson
Bay Initiative, as the overall project is known, is preparing to cash in on America's
passion for sushi.
A world-class aquaculturist at Wilmington's University of North Carolina, Wade
Watanube, is working with Jacksonville officials to launch his first marine aquaculture
project outside the university walls. The project will rear black sea bass, harvest their
eggs and grow more. A recent study found there is a high demand for black sea bass
for use in sushi, one of the country's most popular restaurant dishes. Initial tests will
gauge whether a freestanding, profitable venture can operate successfully.
Jacksonville's projects director, Glenn Hargett, is optimistic: 'If it does, then this project
will have found another unintended benefit for our community.'
©COSMOS Magazine, Issue 12, December 2006/January 2007
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
Questions 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet write
if the statement agrees with the information
if the statement disagrees with the information
if there is no information on this
1. It is surprising that Wilson Bay now supports marine life.
2. The public supported Levine's proposal for reviving the bay.
3. The plan required a number of modifications during its implementation.
4. Levine's team was the first to realise that the pilings added to the pollution.
5. Teenagers are paid to work on the project.
6. Further research is needed into the profitability of fish farming in the area.
Questions 7-11
Complete the flow chart below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from Reading Passage 1 for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 7-11 on your answer sheet
Cleaning up Wilson Bay
7. ___________ were put into the
bay inside special bags
8. ___________ was mechanically
added to the water and had a
significant impact on the habitat
Drains and 9. ___________ were
used to remove contaminants from
domestic waste water
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
The creosote problem was solved by
School groups improved
taking away wooden
11. ___________ in the area
10. ___________
Questions 12 and 13
Choose TWO letters A-E
Write your answers in boxes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet
According to the writer, which TWO of the following happened as a result of the
clean-up of Wilson Bay?
Recreational use of the bay increased
Healthy fish reappeared
Important bird species were seen in the area
Oysters were farmed
A new housing project was built
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26 which are based on
Reading Passage 2 below.
Swarming the Shelves
A trip to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare – but
it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes
people feel hungry and persuades them to put more food in their trolley than they had
intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster
than cheaper but less visible competitors. Now researchers are investigating how
“swarm intelligence” (that is, how ants, bees or any other social animal, including
humans, behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy.
At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome, Zeeshan-ulhassan Usmani, a computer scientist from Princeton University, described a new way
to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage
shoppers to buy things they do not realise they wanted: for instance, by placing
everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store, forcing shoppers to
walk past other tempting goods to reach them. Dr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes of
the Florida Institute of Technology set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by
playing on the herd instinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be popular,
shoppers are likely to choose it too. The challenge is to keep customers informed
about what others are buying.
Enter smart-cart technology. In Dr Usmani’s supermarket every product has a radio
frequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit
information, and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to
a central computer. As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf
tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product.
If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.
Dr Usmani’s “swarm-moves” model appeals to supermarkets because it increases
sales without the need to give people discounts. And it gives shoppers the satisfaction
of knowing that they bought the “right” product – that is, the one everyone else bought.
The model has not yet been tested widely in the real world, mainly because radio
frequency identification technology is new and has only been installed on a trial basis
in some supermarkets. But Dr Usmani says that supermarkets in America and Britain
are interested in his work, and testing will continue.
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
Another recent study on the power of social influence indicates that sales could,
indeed, be boosted in this way. Matthew Salganik of Columbia University in New York
and his colleagues have described creating an artificial music market in which some
14,000 people downloaded previously unknown songs. The researchers found that
when people could see the songs ranked by how many times they had been
downloaded, they followed the crowd. When the songs were not ordered by rank, but
the number of times they had been downloaded was displayed, the effect of social
influence was still there but was less pronounced. People thus follow the herd when it
is easy for them to do so.
In Japan, one retailer has been ordering its products according to sales data from
department stores and research companies. The shops sell only the most popular
items in each product category, and the rankings are updated weekly. Icosystem, a
company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, also aims to exploit knowledge of social
networking to improve sales.
And the psychology that works in physical stores is just as potent on the internet.
Internet retailers such as Amazon are adept at telling shoppers which products are
popular with like-minded consumers. Even in the privacy of your home, you can still
be part of the swarm.
© The Economist Newspaper Limited, London, November 11th 2006
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
Questions 14 and 15
Choose TWO letters A-E
Write your answers in boxes 14 and 15 on your answer sheet
In paragraphs A & B, which TWO of the following supermarket sales strategies are
NOT mentioned?
pumping delicious smells into the air
putting expensive products where they can be easily seen
making shopping trolleys larger
putting commonly bought items at the back of the shop
giving away free food samples to customers
Questions 16-21
Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-G
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 16-21 on your answer sheet
NB You may use any letter more than once
16. A place where you can only buy the most commonly bought brands.
17. A description of how a computerised shopping trolley works.
18. Research findings not related to supermarkets.
19. Why supermarkets are interested in Dr Usmani's research.
20. Applying "swarm intelligence" to online shopping.
21. An organised event for sharing academic research.
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
Questions 22-25
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
Write your answers in boxes 22-25 on your answer sheet
if the statement agrees with the information
if the statement disagrees with the information
if there is no information on this
22. Measures should be taken to restrict the use of psychological warfare in
23. Shoppers are less likely to choose a product if they know that it is extremely
24. "Smart" shopping technology is still in the experimental stage.
25. The Columbia University study was based on Dr Usmani's research.
Question 26
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write your answer in box 26 on your answer sheet
The main idea of this passage is that
The cheaper the product, the more likely it is to be sold.
The supermarket industry is very competitive.
It is important for supermarkets to keep technology up-to date.
People's herd mentality can be exploited to increase sales.
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40 which are based on
Reading Passage 3 below.
Questions 27-30
From the list below, choose the most suitable headings for section A-D.
Write the correct number i-vii in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet
List of Headings
The drawbacks of personal carbon trading.
Comparison with other similar schemes.
The chances of carbon trading being implemented.
Results of a carbon trading case study
Public reaction to carbon trading.
How does the system work?
An old idea revisited.
27. Section A
28. Section B
29. Section C
30. Section D
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
The UK is considering a personal carbon trading scheme. In the scheme, all citizens
will receive a free equal allowance of carbon units, which can be exchanged for carbon
use, for example, the consumption of petrol or electricity. Additionally, these units can
be traded in a market which has the aim of reducing the overall use of carbon.
The idea of tradable personal carbon allowances, or domestic tradable quotas as they
are also called, is not new. The concept was first proposed in the mid-1990s, when it
was largely ignored as utopian and unworkable. But it is now being taken seriously by
the British Government among others. In a recent speech, the UK’s environment
secretary David Smith said such a scheme would tackle the “vast majority of individual
[carbon] emissions … which in turn make up 44% of the [UK] economy’s total
A tradable personal carbon allowance scheme could function like this: the government
calculates a target for the total emissions it will allow from personal electricity, gas and
transport use – the factors which are responsible for most domestic carbon production.
This total is converted into carbon points and distributed. Every citizen receives an
equal share.
The points are like a currency, to be used alongside the regular currency, although
they only apply to carbon. When someone buys fuel, or an airline ticket, or pays an
electricity bill, they use their points as well as their money. In fact, the two currencies
could be integrated so that both worked with the same debit or credit card.
Now someone who was frugal in their energy use – for example, who had installed
solar heating and a wind turbine for electricity generation and who cycled to work –
could end up with surplus points. Meanwhile, someone else might drive a large car,
have a houseful of electronic gadgets and fly to distant holiday destinations, thereby
exceeding their allocation. Under the personal tradable carbon allowance scheme,
these two individuals could trade points, the carbon guzzler could buy from the carbon
cutter. The deal would take place on an open market, and the price of the points would
be set by that market.
Such a scheme has a number of potential advantages over other mechanisms that
have the same aim of reducing carbon consumption, says Smith. First, it would be
more equitable than putting a carbon tax on electricity, fuel, etc., because tax
increases hit all consumers of products, whereas the carbon allowance scheme only
creates financial penalties for those who go above their entitlement.
The scheme could be more empowering than many forms of regulation, because
instead of banning particular products, services or activities, or taxing them heavily, a
personal carbon allowance would enable individuals to make their own decisions.
These can be based on their individual account which shows the quantity of carbon
used. The points system also provides a guide for those who want to do their bit for
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
the environment, but at the moment have no way of measuring the effectiveness of
their actions.
And the scheme could be more effective than taxes or attempts to ban products
because personal carbon allowances limit the total amount of carbon that can be used,
not how the carbon target is achieved. “Carbon trading fixes the outcome to be
achieved,” said Smith, “and leaves the price of carbon to adjust to the necessary level
to change behaviour.” Citizens wanting to conserve their points will choose low carbon
products, thereby encouraging the market for such products – green electricity, hybrid
cars, etc. Consumers changing their preferences will have a domino effect throughout
the supply chain. This approach will also simplify the implementation of such a
“By focusing on just the energy a citizen buys – their electricity, gas, petrol and air
travel – not the energy used already to make food, cars or domestic appliances – the
complexity is reduced,” said Smith. Meanwhile, the vast majority of individual
emissions are captured, which in turn make up almost half of the UK economy’s total
The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, a leading UK research organisation
based in Manchester, England, last year published a feasibility study on personal
carbon allowances and concluded that it would be technically possible to introduce
such a scheme based around existing credit and debit cards, and that it could prove
relatively inexpensive. Furthermore, such a scheme would have “distributive justice”
since every citizen would be given a free and equal share of the carbon entitlement.
But no one is pretending that such a scheme is likely to be introduced soon, or that it
will completely solve climate change. It is bound to be controversial, and will require
big up-front investment. It is also likely to work best in conjunction with other methods,
such as offsetting, which need further development too. But it offers some answers to
questions that will have to be faced at some point in the future – such as just what is
our individual carbon/environmental entitlement, how do we reward environmental
responsibility, and how can we use market mechanisms to engage individuals in the
battle against climate change?
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
Questions 31-34
Complete the flow chart below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from Reading Passage 3 for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 31-34 on your answer sheet
Operation of personal carbon allowance scheme
Total personal emissions
31. ___________ set by government.
Carbon points are calculated and evenly
32. ___________ .
Carbon allowance used as a form of
33. ___________ .
People who use too much carbon will be able to
34. ___________ points.
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
Questions 35-38
Complete each sentence with the correct ending A-G from the box below.
Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 35-38 on your answer sheet.
A because the carbon target is set and will not change.
B because tax levels will stay the same.
C because of purchasing behaviour which aims to save points.
D because only people who use too much carbon will be negatively affected.
E because the price of carbon will be fixed
F because the points system will give information about how much is consumed.
G because the government will allocate carbon points according to income
35. The carbon trading scheme will be fairer to consumers than carbon tax
36. People will have more control over their carbon use
37. The carbon trading scheme will work better than bans or taxes
38. The availability of low carbon products will increase
Questions 39 and 40
Choose the appropriate letters A-E and write them in boxes 39 and 40 on your
answer sheet
Which TWO of the following are conclusions from the Tyndall Centre for Climate
Change Research concerning personal carbon allowances?
The scheme would be effective at reducing carbon emissions.
The scheme would be fair to everyone.
The scheme should be implemented within the next five years.
The current credit card system could be used to introduce the scheme.
The scheme is unlikely to affect the consumption habits of the wealthy.
Disclaimer: This Reading Practice Test is authored and the property of the Institute of Continuing & TESOL
Education (ICTE-UQ). It is in no way affiliated with an actual IELTS test and/or its partners, British Council, IDP
IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
1 Hour
All answers must be written on the separate answer booklet provided.
Do not remove this booklet from the examination room
There are 2 tasks on this question paper.
You should do both tasks.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The graph below shows the number of males and females of different ages,
employed in a European country in 2013.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Age (years)
15 - 19
Males (thousands)
Females (thousands)
20 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 - 39
40 - 44
45 - 49
50 - 54
55 - 59
60 - 64
65 - 74
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
In many countries there is a widening gap between the rich and the poor.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience
Write at least 250 words.
WRITING TASK 1 - Sample Answer
The chart gives information about employment in terms of age and sex in a
European country in 2013.
The most striking feature is that employed men outnumber employed women in all
age groups apart from the 15-19 year age group, where women (approximately 280
000) slightly outnumber men (approximately 270 000).
Turning to differences in employment in terms of age group, it can be seen that the
group with the highest participation in the workforce is aged between 35 and 44, with
close to 1 200 000 male workers and almost 1 000 000 female workers. The age
groups above and below this one, 25-34 and 45-54, are ranked second, with
between 1 000 000 and 1 100 000 men and 830 000 to 850 000 women.
For female workers, next comes the 20-24 age group, followed by the group aged
55-64, and then the 15-19 year old group. For male workers, the group aged 55-64
is next, followed by the 20-24 age group and finally, the 15-19 year old group. The
group with the lowest participation in the workforce is aged 65+, with around 100
000 men employed and half that number of female workers.
(194 words)
WRITING TASK 2 - Sample Answer
Economic prosperity has been a feature of many countries over the last half century.
This has, on the whole, raised the standard of living and reduced the numbers of
people who would be considered destitute, and may have led to a redefinition of
poverty. However, within those countries, the difference between the poorest and
wealthiest citizens has increased. This essay will outline some of the possible
causes and some suggested solutions to this situation.
The main cause of the widening gap in personal wealth is the overriding need for
companies to make ever-increasing profits. Although this has fuelled many positive
developments in society, such as higher employment rates and greater national
revenue, many employees are rewarded to excess for their ability to make more
money for their employers. We commonly see CEOs being paid, or even paying
themselves, exorbitant salaries, sometimes in the millions. This characteristic of
many listed companies has a trickle-down effect to subordinate employees.
Consequently, many people have too much personal wealth.
One solution to this would be the gradual introduction of socially responsible ethics
in business where the profit motive is moderated by greater attention to philanthropy
and financial support to those in need. This could be encouraged by tax incentives
from government for such community support programs. Another measure could be
the instigation of salary caps. There is surely no need for anyone to be paid an
annual salary in the millions.
Overall, society is more materialistic than ever and this need to acquire has driven
the accumulation of wealth. Changing tax and employment regulations may help
redistribute some of the excess wealth to those who are struggling financially.
(274 words)
1. E
21. develop
2. H
22. delicate
3. I
23. bullet points
4. B
24. B
5. C
25. C
26. A
7. 451
27. B
8. January 29
28. C
9. Master(s)
29. A
10. (the) journals
30. B
11. winter
31-32. (the) US/USA
12. spider(s)
Australia (in any order)
13. room number(s)
33. workplace
14. May 15
34. boarding schools
15. working position(s)
35. bilingual (education)
16. city centre
36. success
17. six months
37. power
18. (the) sales department(s)
38. ideas
19. (an) electric shock
39. belief
20. (a special) backpack
40. justice (argument)
21 B
22 NO
23 NO
24 YES
26 D
7 oysters
27 vii
8 oxygen
28 vi
9 rain gardens
29 ii
10 pilings
30 iii
11 wetlands
31 target
12 C
32 distributed
13 B
33 currency
14 E
34 buy
15 C
35 D
16 F
36 F
17 C
37 A
18 E
38 C
19 D
39 B
20 G
40 D.