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Social Media: Negative Impacts Essay

Essay about how social media is bad
90% of the US population are hooked on social media, like facebook, instagram, tik
tok and snapchat; 84% of people from the ages of 18-29 use social media on a daily basis.
While social media has its benefits, for example being able to contact someone across the
world and being able to see what someone is doing in another part of the world or your
friend that you haven't seen in a while or even just for a fast laugh. However, it also has
several drawbacks. Some of these drawbacks could be depression from online
cyberbullying, mental health risks from seeing other peoples unrealistic lives that seem
perfect but aren't or even health risks from looking at your phone all the time for several
hours at a time.
Social media has a lot of bad people, some of which can cause harm to someone else.
These people are called cyber bullies; they typically send messages of an intimidating or of
a threatening nature. This could cause someone to go into depression or make you feel sad,
depressed and even anxious. About 37% of teens in between 12 to 17 have been bullied
online more than once. Fun fact about half of all teen cyberbullying is toward the LGBTQ+
community. In conclusion, social media is an easy way for cyber bullies to bully people.
Social media poses health risks for instance, looking at our phones wastes time
from doing other activities. Teenagers from the ages of 13 to 17 spend an average of 4.8
hours a day on social media. Also looking at your phone for several hours a day could cause
eyestrain from the blue light emitted from the display and eventually cause headaches. In
conclusion, looking at our phones and on social media could cause several health risks.
Social media has been linked to increased the risk of depression, anxiety, loneliness,
self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts in teenagers. This is mainly because while we're on
social media we usually look at other people, who only really post parts of their lives that
seem perfect. What could make your life seem like it’s missing something; what then could
make you feel depressed, lonely or even just sad. In conclusion you can never believe
everything you see or hear on social media, most of the time it's fake.
Although social media has a lot of drawbacks like cyber bullying, mental risks, and
being on your phone for hours at a time etc. It also has a lot of advantages that could help
society and the world. Such as helping you know what to do if you get covid, alert you if
there is something like covid. Or even being able to contact someone from your family that
you haven't talked to for a long time.
Social media users
11 Facts About Cyberbullying | DoSomething.org
Teens Spend Average of 4.8 Hours on Social Media Per Day
Social Media and Mental Health - HelpGuide.org
How Much Screen Time is Too Much for Adults? - Reid Health