Number the Stars: Chapters 1-6 Worksheet

Number the Stars Vocabulary: Chapters 1-6
1. sulking (p. 3)
2. defiantly (p. 4)
3. intricate (p. 14)
4. mourned (p. 16)
5. lingered (p. 17)
6. dawdled (p. 18)
7. rationed (p. 18)
8. haughtily (p. 19)
9. torment (p. 21)
10. dismay (p. 34)
11. dubiously (p. 34)
12. contentedly (p. 43)
Number the Stars Chapter 1
1. What is the setting of this story (where and when does it take place)?
2. What is the conflict that happens on page 2? What type of conflict is it?
3. How is Kirsti’s view of the incident on page 2 different from Annemarie’s and
4. What type of figurative language is found in the following quote “For Kirsti, the
soldiers were simply part of the landscape, something that had always been there on
every corner, as unimportant as lampposts.”
5. What is the “De Frie Danske?” How had Annemarie learned about this?
6. What is the Resistance all about?
7. How has life for the Johansens changed? When will it return to normal?
8. What is Mrs. Rosen’s advice for walking to school the next day? Why does she feel
this way?
Number the Stars Chapter 2
1. How does Annemarie feel about King Christian?
2. What does the story about the boy and the German soldier show about the Danes at
this time?
3. Why didn’t King Christian fight against the Germans?
4. Why did the Norweigians fight? What was the outcome?
5. How was Sweden different from other countries?
6. Why is there additional space between the paragraph on page 16 that ends with
“Sweden is still free,” and the paragraph that begins with “And now, three years later..”
a. to start a new conversation
b. to signal the end of a flashback
c. to show a change of location
d. to introduce a new character
7. Who is Lise? What happened to her?
8. How had Peter and Papa changed?
9. What is the theme of chapter 2?
a. War Changes everything
c. Fairy tales do come true
b. Good always defeats evil
d. all of the above
Number the Stars Chapter 3
1. What are some things that the Johansens have to ration or live without?
2. What news does Peter bring?
3. What do the Johansens think happened to Mrs. Hirsh? How could they be sure?
4. On page 24, what is the comment Mama makes about friends. Why is this quote a
possible theme for the book?
5. The last two paragraphs in chapter 3 are foreshadowing. Based on the last two
paragraphs what do you predict Annemarie will have to do?
Number the Stars Chapter 4
1. Why was Kirsti so upset with her new shoes?
2. On page 29, the author writes that Kirsti did something “disdainfully” What does
“disdainfully mean?”
a. gently and softly
b. discontentedly and anxiously
c. cheerfully and joyfully
d. disgustedly and scornfully
3. What were the fireworks Kirsti remembered from her birthday?
4. How did the Germans find out the names of the Danish Jews?
5. On Page 36, Annemarie says to her father, “I don’t understand!” What does the
exclamation point at the end of this sentence indicate?
a. Annemarie is raising her voice
b. Annemarie is upset
c. Anemarie is outraged
d. all of the above
6. How did the Johansens’ plan to hide Ellen?
7. Why did Mr. Johansen tell Annemarie and Ellen to pretend that they were sisters if the
German soldiers came?
Number the Stars Chapter 5
1. What type of figurative language is found in this quote from page 41? “Papa looked so
angry. He made one hand into a fist and he kept pounding it into the other hand. I
remember the noise of it: slam, slam, slam.”
2. What conflict takes place in this chapter? What type of conflict is it?
3. Explain how Papa tricked the Nazi officers.
4. What was left imprinted in Annemarie’s palm?
5. Predict what you think will happen next.
6. Which of the following best describes the theme of chapter 5?
a. People who follow different religions cannot be very good friends.
b. War is violent and causes many people to die.
c. Even very young people can be brave in a scary situation
d. Parents can always protect their children from danger
Number the Stars Chapter 6
1. Why did Mr. Johansen not send the girls to school?
2. Who is Henrick?
3. What can be seen across the water from Henrick’s home?
4. Reread page 53. What is significant about the “carton of cigarettes” that Mrs.
Johnasen will bring Henrick?
5. What type of figurative language is this quote from page 56?, “Seagulls soared and
cried out as if they were mourning.”
Number the Stars- Chapter 7
1. Describe how you picture Gillelejie (where Henrik lives) in your mind.
2. Why does Mama Johansen tell the girls to come into the house if they see anyone?
3. What was the name of Uncle Henrik’s boat and where did he get the name?
4. Describe the relationship Mama has with her brother Henrik.
5. Why do you think there was no laughing between Mrs. Johansen and her brother as
they sat down to talk?
6. The author often uses long descriptive sentences with multiple clauses. However, she
ends chapter 7 with three short sentences. What is the effect of the ending?
a. It builds suspense as to what will happen in chapter 8
b. It changes the mood from Annemarie’s happy memories of the past
c. It draws attention to the fact that there was no laughter in the house
d. all of the above
Number the Stars Chapter 8
1. How did the girls spend their full day on the farm?
2. What type of figurative language is the quote from page 70, “And Kirsti,” She added,
the God of Thunder made a very small rain shower in the corner of the kitchen floor,”?
3. What did Uncle Henrik mean when he said, “Tomorrow will be a good day for
4. Why was Annemarie surprised by Uncle Henrik’s announcement that there was to be
a funeral?
5. Which of the following details would be most important to include in a summary of
chapter 8?
I. Mama made oatmeal for Annemarie
II. The faucet in the kitchen leaks.
III. Mama prepared the living room.
IV. There was no Great-aunt Birte
a. I and III
c. I and IV
b. II and III
d. III and IV
Number the Stars Chapter 9
1. What type of figurative language is found in the quote from page 74, “Blossom looked
up at Annemarie with big brown eyes and moved her wrinkled mouth like an old woman
adjusting false teeth.”?
2. What was the lie that Uncle Henrick and Mama told? Why did they lie?
3. Which of the following best describes the change in Annemarie’s emotions when she
speaks with Uncle Henrik on pages 74-77?
a. angry to confused
b. confused to afraid
c. angry to accepting
d. afraid to angry
4. Why didn’t Annemarie tell Ellen the truth about Great Aunt Birtie?
5. Reread page 79. What does it mean when it says that Annemarie and her mother
became equals?
6. Who came to Henrick’s house with the arrival of the casket? Who do you think they
Number the Stars Chapter 10
1. Why did the German soldiers come to Uncle Henrik’s house?
2. How was Annemarie brave in chapter 10? Do you think her bravery may have been
different had Henrick told her all of the details surrounding the death of Great aunt
Bertie? Why or why not?
3. On page 85, Peter “reached slowly with one hand toward his side’ Peter was most
a. Stretching his arm because he was tried. b. preparing to stand up
c. preparing to use a weapon
d. reaching for something he had dropped
4. How was Mrs. Johansen brave in chapter 10? What was the result of her bravery?
5. Why does Peter read the psalm to the mourners?
6. What do you think the line “he who numbers the stars one by one” means?
7. What do you think the casket is there for?
Number the Stars Chapter 11
1. What was in the casket and why was it there?
2. What is given to the infant and why?
3. In Chapter 11, it says that the baby, Rachel was completely encased in the warm red
wool. Which of the following is an antonym(opposite) of encased?
a. covered
b. wrapped up
c. discovered
d. uncovered
4. Why didn’t Mr. Rosen ask what was in the package that Peter gave him to take to
Uncle Henrik?
5. Why does the author include additional space between two paragraphs on page 91?
6. What is the source of pride other than how the Rosen’s look? Why are they able to
hold their shoulders straight?
7. At the end of chapter 11, Annemarie realizes that Uncle Henrik is going to take the
Rosens to Sweden. Describe at least one clue from chapter 11 that led Annemarie to this
realization. Use information from the chapter to explain your response.
Number the Stars Chapter 12
1. What promise did Ellen make to Annemarie?
2. What type of figurative language is the following quote from page 98, “Dawn would
creep across the Swedish farmland and coast; then it would wash little Denmark with
light and move across the North Sea to wake Norway.”?
3. Predict what you think happened to Mrs. Johansen?
4. If Lois Lowry decided to change the title of chapter 12, which of the following would
be most appropriate?
a. Mama Runs Away
b. Annemarie Waits for Mama
c. Where are the Rosens?
d. Annemarie Waits for Peter
Number the Stars Chapter 13
1. What happened to Mrs. Johansen on the way back from Henrik’s boat? What type of
conflict is this?
2. How did Annemarie hide the packet?
3. What do you think the packet contained?
4. On page 104, the author, Lois Lowry, wrote the word “Hurry” in italics. What does
this indicate?
a. Mama was speaking Danish
b. Mama was very upset
c. Mama’s voice was urgent
d. Mama had stopped speaking
Number the Stars Chapter 14
1. Annemarie recalls the fairytale of Little Red Riding Hood. Describe at least one
similarity and one difference between Little Red Riding Hood’s story and Annemarie’s
experiences in the chapter.
2. Why do you think Annemarie remembered this particular fairytale?
3. Annemarie is experiencing a man vs self conflict in this chapter. Explain her conflict.
4. How does the end of chapter 14 leave you in suspense?
5. Since Chapter 14 is written from Annemarie’s point of view, what effects does this
have on the chapter?
I. It reveals Annemarie’s internal thoughts.
II. It reveals Mama’s internal thoughts
III. It shows Annemarie’s external actions
IV. It shows Mama’s external actions
a. I, II, III, IV
c. I, IV
b. I, II, III
d. I, III, IV
Number the Stars Chapter 15
1. What had Mama told Annemarie to do if she encountered anyone in the woods?
2. As the soldiers question Annemarie and examine the lunch basket, whom does she try
to imitate?
3. Why aren’t the soldiers interested in the package once they open it?
4. Uncle Henrik says, “because of you, Annemarie, everything is all right.” What does
he mean?
5. Which of the following is the most significant event in chapter 15?
a. Annemarie delivered the packet to Henrik
b. The dogs ate Annemarie’s bread
c. The soldiers stopped and questioned Annemarie.
d. The soldiers discovered the handkerchief
6. Annemarie has a lucky escape from the soldiers. Describe a situation in a movie or
television program that you have viewed in which as character has a lucky escape from a
dangerous situation.
7. What is one similarity and one difference between Annemarie’s situation and the
situation that you describe from a movie or television program.
Number the Stars Chapter 16
1. Where were the Rosens hidden on Uncle Henrik’s boat?
2. In what way was the handkerchief special?
3. The author mentions on page 123 that Annemarie was “startled”. Besides telling the
reader that Annemarie was startled, how does the author show that she was startled?
a. by describing how Annemarie looked.
b. by using exclamation points and question marks
c. by using long sentences
d. by using the Danish words, De Frei Danske
4. Based on what you have read in this chapter, compare and contrast the characters of
Annemarie and Kirsti. Use information from the chapter to explain your response.
Number the Stars Chapter 17
1. In what way had the Johansens, Peter, and Henrik acted as bodyguards for the Jews?
2. What happened to Peter?
3. How did Lise really die?
4. Where had Annemarie hidden Ellen’s Star of David necklace?
5. Chapter 17 functions in which of the following ways?
a. as a prologue
b. as an epilogue
c. as a preface
d. as an afterword
1. The genre of this novel is historical fiction. Some of the events actually happened but
the characters are not real. What three events in the book happened in real life?