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GMAT Sentence Correction Course Material

Each of the sentence correction questions presents a sentence, part or all of which is underlined. Beneath the
sentence you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other
four are different. Follow the requirements of standard written English to choose your answer, paying attention to
grammar, word choice, and sentence construction. Select the answer that produces the most effective sentence;
your answer should make the sentence clear, exact, and free of grammatical error. It should also minimise
awkwardness, ambiguity, and redundancy.
例 1. Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland (especially in the
Northeast) and give consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also caused erosion and very
quickly deforested whole regions.
例 2. The modernisation program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51 million dollars, which it is hoped can
be completed in the late 1980’s.
(A) The modernisation program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51 million dollars, which it is hoped can
be completed in the late 1980’s.
(D) The program for modernising the steel mill, which can, it is hoped, be completed in the late 1980’s and cost
approximately 51 million dollars.
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
例 3. A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly unemployment claims suggest that the economy might not be
as weak as some analysts previously thought.
例 4. Quasars, at billions of light-years from Earth the most distant observable objects in the universe, believed to
be the cores of galaxies in an early stage of development.
(A) believed to be
(B) are believed to be
(C) some believe them to be
(D) some believe they are
(E) it is believed that they are
例 5. The evolution of the technology of microelectronics over the past decade has been so rapid that it is
sometimes called a revolution.
(A) has been so rapid that it is sometimes
(B) has been rapid enough sometimes to be
(C) has been rapid enough it is sometimes
(D) is so rapid it has sometimes been
(E) is so rapid that it is sometimes
1. 考生的阅读能力,尤其是长句的阅读能力,偏弱。
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
In the most common procedure for harvesting forage crops such as alfalfa, as much as 20 percent of the leaf and
small-stem material, which is the most nutritious of all the parts of the plant, shattered and fell to the ground.
2. 基础语法知识的相对缺乏。
From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with
small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage so light that a
person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.
(A) baggage so light
(B) baggage being so light
(C) baggage, yet being so light
(D) baggage, and so light
(E) baggage yet was so light
3. 考生过多关注了题干部分的语法结构。
Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland (especially in the Northeast) and
give consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also caused erosion and very quickly deforested
whole regions.
(A) Not only did the systematic clearing of forests …, but it also
(B) Not only did the systematic clearing of …, but also
(C) The systematic clearing of forests …, creating … and giving …, but also
(D) The systematic clearing of forests … created … and gave …, but it also
(E) The systematic clearing of forests … not only created …, giving …, but it
The evolution of the technology of microelectronics over the past decade has been so rapid that it is sometimes
called a revolution.
(A) has been so rapid that it is sometimes
(B) has been rapid enough sometimes to be
(C) has been rapid enough it is sometimes
(D) is so rapid it has sometimes been
(E) is so rapid that it is sometimes
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
The following discussion is intended for you to familiarize with the most efficient and effective approaches to
sentence correction questions. The practical questions in this chapter are generally representative of the kinds of
sentence correction questions you will encounter on the GMAT exam. Remember that it is the problem solving
strategy that is important, not the specific details of a particular question.
解题的基本原则 1
语法的准确性 + 表达的有效性
1. 所有的语法规则为表达服务,在选出正确答案之前,无法确认题目的真实语义
2. 先默认原文的语义是正确的,在选项比较的过程中寻找差异(语法是否准确,表达是否有效)
3. 找到句子的主干一定是第一步
例 1. Each of Hemingway’s wives—Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhom, and Mary Welsh—were
strong and interesting women, very different from the often pallid women who populate his novels.
(A) Each of Hemingway’s wives—Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhom, and Mary Welsh—were
strong and interesting women,
(E) Strong and interesting women—Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhom, and Mary Welsh—every
one of Hemingway’s wives were
例 2. A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were published,
reveals that Twain provided financial assistance to one of the first Black students at Yale Law School.
(B) A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year of publication as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
(C) A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published,
(D) Mark Twain wrote a letter in the same year as he published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that
(E) Mark Twain wrote a letter in the same year of publication as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that
例 3. The physical structure of the human eye enables it to sense light of wavelengths up to 0.0005 millimeters;
infrared radiation, however, is invisible because its wavelength—0.1 millimeters—is too long to be registered by
the eye.
(B) however, the wavelength of infrared radiation—0.1 millimeters—is too long to be registered by the eye making
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
it invisible
(C) infrared radiation, however, is invisible because its wavelength—0.1 millimeters—is too long for the eye to
register it
(D) however, because the wavelength of infrared radiation is 0.1 millimeters, it is too long for the eye to register
and thus invisible
(E) however, infrared radiation has a wavelength of 0.1 millimeters that is too long for the eye to register, thus
making it invisible
例 4. However much United States voters may agree that there is waste in government and that the government as a
whole spends beyond its means, it is difficult to find broad support for a movement toward a minimal state.
(A) However much United States voters may agree that
(B) Despite the agreement among United States voters to the fact
(C) Although United States voters agree
(D) Even though United States voters may agree
(E) There is agreement among United States voters that
例 5. Lacking information about energy use, people tend to overestimate the amount of energy used by equipment,
such as lights, that are visible and must be turned on and off and underestimate that used by unobtrusive equipment,
such as water heaters.
(A) equipment, such as lights, that are visible and must be turned on and off and underestimate that
(B) equipment, such as lights, that are visible and must be turned on and off and underestimate it when
(C) equipment, such as lights, that is visible and must be turned on and off and underestimate it when
(D) visible equipment, such as lights, that must be turned on and off and underestimate that
(E) visible equipment, such as lights, that must be turned on and off and underestimate it when
解题的基本原则 2
语法的准确性 + 表达的有效性
1. 表达的简洁并不要求每一次都要选最短的选项
2. 在表达含义一致的情况下,优先考虑表意简洁的选项
3. 注意避免表达上的重复及啰嗦
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
例 6. A Labor Department study states that the numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a
thirty-five percent increase in the past decade and accounted for more than sixty-two percent of the total growth in
the civilian work force.
(B) numbers of women employed outside the home grew more than thirty-five percent
(C) numbers of women employed outside the home were raised by more than thirty-five percent
(D) number of women employed outside the home increased by more than thirty-five percent
(E) number of women employed outside the home was raised by more than a thirty-five percent increase
例 7. State officials report that soaring rates of liability insurance have risen to force cutbacks in the operations of
everything from local governments and school districts to day-care centers and recreational facilities.
(A) rates of liability insurance have risen to force
(B) rates of liability insurance are a force for
(C) rates for liability insurance are forcing
(D) rises in liability insurance rates are forcing
(E) liability insurance rates have risen to force
例 8. In reference to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety that their prospects
for being hired and promoted are being stunted by their habit.
(A) In reference to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety that
(B) Referring to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety about
(C) When referring to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently express anxiety about
(D) With reference to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety about
(E) Referring to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently express anxiety that
例 9. Diabetes, together with its serious complications, ranks as the nation’s third leading cause of death, surpassed
only by heart disease and cancer.
(A) ranks as the nation’s third leading cause of death, surpassed only
(B) rank as the nation’s third leading cause of death, only surpassed
(C) has the rank of the nation’s third leading cause of death, only surpassed
(D) are the nation’s third leading causes of death, surpassed only
(E) have been ranked as the nation’s third leading causes of death, only surpassed
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
1. 形容词的前置/后置并不是考试的有效考点。
2. 形容词不管在原文中的位置,永远只能修饰名词。
- Men are created equal / equally.
- The old man died happy / happily.
- Manufacturers made the wings so ____ (perfect) and so ____ (smooth) that they can easily withstand the
resistance from the wind.
- make + n. + a. / find + n. + a.
- find these elements that helped shape our social and cultural traditions important
- find important these elements that helped shape our social and cultural traditions
例 1. In the traditional Japanese household, most clothing could be packed flatly, and so it was not necessary to
have elaborate closet facilities.
(A) flatly, and so it was not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities
(B) flat, and so elaborate closet facilities were unnecessary
(C) flatly, and so there was no necessity for elaborate closet facilities
(D) flat, there being no necessity for elaborate closet facilities
(E) flatly, as no elaborate closet facilities were necessary
例 2. Charles Lindbergh, for his attempt at a solo transatlantic flight, was very reluctant to have any extra weight on
his plane, he therefore refused to carry even a pound of mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.
(B) When Charles Lindbergh was attempting his solo transatlantic flight, being very reluctant to have any extra
weight on his plane, he
(C) Since he was very reluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he was attempting his solo transatlantic
flight, so Charles Lindbergh
(D) Being very reluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo transatlantic flight was
the reason that Charles Lindbergh
(E) Very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo transatlantic flight, Charles
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
1. 副词可以修饰形容词、动词、副词和句子。
2. 副词修饰的大部分情况都满足就近修饰。
3. 副词修饰句子时,满足如下条件:
例 3. In a period of time when women typically have had a narrow range of choices, Mary Baker Eddy became a
distinguished writer and the founder, architect, and builder of a growing church.
(A) In a period of time when women typically have
(B) During a time in which typically women have
(C) Typically, during a time when women
(D) At a time when women typically
(E) Typically in a time in which women
例 4. Dr. Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize for discovering how the body can constantly change its genes to fashion a
seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each specifically targeted at an invading microbe or foreign substance.
(A) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each specifically targeted at
(B) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each targeted specifically to
(C) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, all specifically targeted at
(D) seemingly unlimited number of antibodies, all of them targeted specifically to
(E) seemingly unlimited number of antibodies, each targeted specifically at
例 5. Eating saltwater fish may significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and also aid for sufferers of rheumatoid
arthritis and asthma, according to three research studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
(A) significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and also aid for
(B) be significant in reducing the risk of heart attacks and aid for
(C) significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and aid
(D) cause a significant reduction in the risk of heart attacks and aid to
(E) significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks as well as aiding
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
1. 介词和介词短语最常见的使用情况是表示时间或地点
2. 需要考生注意的只有修饰对象的问题
例 6. Concerns about public health led to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems
to serve metropolitan Boston.
(B) Concerns about public health have led to the construction of three separate sewer systems between 1876 and
1904 to serve
(C) Concerns about public health have led between 1876 and 1904 to the construction of three separate sewer
systems for serving
(D) There were concerns about public health leading to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate
sewer systems serving
(E) There were concerns leading between 1876 and 1904 to the construction of three separate sewer systems for
A leading figure in the Scottish Enlightenment, Adam Smith's two major books are to democratic capitalism what
Marx's Das Kapital is to socialism.
A South American bird that forages for winged termites and other small insects while swinging upside down from
the foliage of tall trees, the graveteiro belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that
includes more than 230 species and that are represented in virtually every kind of habitat.
A pioneer journalist, Nellie Bly's exploits included circling the globe faster than Jules Verne's fictional Phileas
例 7. In 1713, Alexander Pope began his translation of the Iliad, a work that, taking him seven years until
completion, and that literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope's contemporary, pronounced the greatest translation in
any language.
(B) his translation of the Iliad, a work that took him seven years to complete and that literary critic Samuel Johnson,
Pope's contemporary, pronounced
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
(C) his translation of the Iliad, a work that had taken seven years to complete and that literary critic Samuel
Johnson, Pope's contemporary, pronounced it as
(D) translating the Iliad, a work that took seven years until completion and that literary critic Samuel Johnson,
Pope's contemporary, pronounced it as
(E) translating the Iliad, a work that had taken seven years to complete and literary critic Samuel Johnson, Pope's
contemporary, pronounced it
例 8.
The first commercially successful drama to depict Black family life sympathetically and the first play by a
Black woman to be produced on Broadway, it was Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun that won the New
York Drama Critics' Circle Award in 1959, and was later made into both a film and a musical.
(B) in 1959 A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, won the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award and was
later made
(C) Lorraine Hansberry won the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award for A Raisin in the Sun in 1959, and it
was later made
(D) Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun won the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award in 1959 and was
later made
(E) A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, won the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award in 1959, and later
made it
例 1. As researchers continue to probe the highly expressive vocal and postural language of wolves, their close
resemblance to dogs has become ever more striking.
(A) their close resemblance to dogs has become
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
(B) the closeness of their resemblance to dogs has become
(C) the close resemblance between them and dogs has become
(D) the close resemblance between wolves and dogs becomes
(E) the close resemblance of wolves with dogs becomes
1. 一般过去时:描述过去动作
2. 现在完成时:描述过去动作且过去动作对现在产生影响;或,_____
例 2. At a recent session, the French government has decided that Paris needs a second, larger opera house to
complement the famous Paris Opera.
(A) has decided that Paris needs
(B) decided that Paris needs
(C) has decided that Paris will need
(D) decided that Paris has a need of
(E) has decided that Paris needed
例 3. Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could not be excluded outright from jury
service, nearly a century of case-by-case adjudication has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that
all juries must be drawn from “a fair cross section of the community.”
(A) has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be
(B) was necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries being
(C) was to be necessary in developing and enforcing the principle of all juries to be
(D) is necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be
(E) will be necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries being
例 4. Dressed as a man and using the name Robert Shurtleff, Deborah Sampson, the first woman to draw a soldier's
pension, joined the Continental Army in 1782 at the age of 22, was injured three times, and was discharged in 1783
because she had become too ill to serve.
(A) 22, was injured three times, and was discharged in 1783 because she had become
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
(B) 22, was injured three times, while being discharged in 1783 because she had become
(C) 22 and was injured three times, and discharged in 1783, being
(D) 22, injured three times, and was discharged in 1783 because she was
(E) 22, having been injured three times and discharged in 1783, being
例 5. Fossils of the arm of a sloth found in Puerto Rico in 1991, and dated at 34 million years old, made it the
earliest known mammal of the Greater Antilles Islands.
(B) sloth, that they found in Puerto Rico in 1991, has been dated at 34 million years old, thus making it the earliest
mammal known on
(C) sloth that was found in Puerto Rico in 1991, was dated at 34 million years old, making this the earliest known
mammal of
(D) sloth, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, have been dated at 34 million years old, making the sloth the earliest
known mammal on
(E) sloth which, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, was dated at 34 million years old, made the sloth the earliest known
mammal of
例 6. Rivaling the pyramids of Egypt or even the ancient cities of the Maya as an achievement, the army of
terra-cotta warriors created to protect Qin Shi Huang, China's first emperor, in his afterlife is more than 2,000 years
old and took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete them.
(A) took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete them
(B) took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete it
(C) took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete
(D) 700,000 artisans took more than 36 years to complete
(E) to complete them took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years
1. 优先寻找原文的时间状语(时间短语)
2. 继续寻找原文的已有动词(未划线部分)
3. 没办法只能看看动作先后(先发生和后发生)
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
1. 有三种常见的语气:虚拟语气,陈述语气,祈使语气
2. 表示要求、命令、建议的动词,后面的句子中需要使用虚拟语气(should + do)
例 7. To develop more accurate population forecasts, demographers have to know a great deal more than now about
the social and economic determinants of fertility.
(A) have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic
(B) have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economical
(C) would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economical
(D) would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economic
(E) would have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic
例 8. Constance Horner, chief of the United States government’s personnel agency, has recommended that the use
of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to application for a job be grounds for not hiring an
(B) any dangerous or illegal drug, if used in the five years prior to applying for a job, should be grounds for not
hiring an applicant
(C) an applicant’s use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to application for a job be grounds not
to hire them
(D) an applicant’s use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to applying for a job are grounds that
they not be hired
(E) for five years prior to applying for a job, an applicant’s use of any dangerous or illegal drug be grounds for not
hiring them
例 9. Although films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of
distant hills, in reality these gregarious creatures live in stable groups that occupy the same territory for long
(B) in films about the American West coyotes are depicted to be solitary animals that howl mournfully on the tops
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
of distant hills
(C) coyotes are depicted as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of distant hills in films about the
American West
(D) films about the American West depict coyotes as if they were solitary, mournfully howling animals on the tops
of distant hills
(E) films about the American West depict coyotes to be solitary and mournfully howling animals on the tops of
distant hills
1. it / this / that / they / these / those 一般情况下均向上指代
2. 稍微注意一下 ones 和 the ones 的用法
3. 只能指代名词或名词短语
4. 在同一个题目中,相同代词只能指代同一个对象(名词或名词短语)
5. 代词指代是固定且唯一的,不能存在指代的歧义
例 1.
( 1 ) In ancient Thailand, much of the local artisans' creative energy was expended for the creation of Buddha
images and when they constructed and decorated the temples that enshrined them.
(2)Japanese researchers are producing a series of robots that can identify human facial expressions, to which
they will then respond; their goal is primarily creating a robot that will empathise with us.
例 2. Competition in the mid-nineteenth century by large western farms gradually caused farmers in Pennsylvania
to turn to livestock raising, but before that it was predominantly grain-producing.
(B) Once predominantly a grain-producing state, competition in the mid-nineteenth century from large western
farms gradually was causing Pennsylvania's farmers to turn to livestock raising.
(C) Pennsylvania's farmers were gradually caused to turn to livestock raising by competition from large western
farms in the mid-nineteenth century, but before that it was predominantly a grain-producing state.
(D) It was once predominantly grain-producing, but competition in the mid-nineteenth century by large western
farms was gradually causing Pennsylvania's farmers to turn to livestock raising.
(E) Pennsylvania was once a predominantly grain-producing state, but competition in the mid-nineteenth century
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
from large western farms gradually caused the state's farmers to turn to livestock raising.
例 3. Unlike the original National Museum of Science and Technology in Italy, where the models are encased in
glass or operated only by staff members, the Virtual Leonardo Project, an online version of the museum,
encourages visitors to "touch" each exhibit, which thereby activates the animated functions of the piece.
(A) exhibit, which thereby activates
(B) exhibit, in turn an activation of
(C) exhibit, and it will activate
(D) exhibit and thereby activate
(E) exhibit which, as a result, activates
1. so 可以指代上文形容词(少见)或者上文整句话(多见)
2. such 可以指代上文名词(少考)
3. 在定语从句中,指代人的时候只能使用 who 或者 whom
例 4. Under a provision of the Constitution that was never applied, Congress has been required to call a convention
for considering possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do it by the legislatures of two-thirds
of the states.
(B) was never applied, there has been a requirement that Congress call a convention for consideration of possible
amendments to the document when asked to do it formally
(C) was never applied, whereby Congress is required to call a convention for considering possible amendments to
the document when asked to do it formally
(D) has never been applied, whereby Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amendments to
the document when formally asked to do so
(E) has never been applied, Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amendments to the
document when formally asked to do so
代词 it 的两个特殊用法
It is dangerous to travel alone to Iran without a local guide or a map.
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
During the 1980s it became clear that for environmentalists who sought financial aid, it was far more efficient to
solicit private funds than to go to state or federal agencies.
The officers made it clear that all the documents should not be taken away.
Published in Harlem, the owner and editor of the Messenger were two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A.
Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader.
例 5. More than five thousand years ago, Chinese scholars accurately described the flow of blood as a continuous
circle controlled by the heart, but it went unnoticed in the West.
(A) but it went
(B) but it was
(C) although it was
(D) but the discovery went
(E) although the discovery was
例 6. Scientists have observed large concentrations of heavy-metal deposits in the upper twenty centimeters of
Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent with the growth of industrial activity there.
(A) Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent with the growth of industrial activity there
(B) Baltic Sea sediments, where the growth of industrial activity is consistent with these findings
(C) Baltic Sea sediments, findings consistent with its growth of industrial activity
(D) sediments from the Baltic Sea, findings consistent with the growth of industrial activity in the area
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(E) sediments from the Baltic Sea, consistent with the growth of industrial activity there
例 7. While studying the genetic makeup of corn, a new class of mutant genes was discovered by Barbara
McClintock, a discovery which led to greater understanding of cell differentiation.
(A) a new class of mutant genes was discovered by Barbara McClintock, a discovery which led
(B) a new class of mutant genes in corn were discovered by Barbara McClintock, leading
(C) Barbara McClintock discovered a new class of mutant genes, and it led
(D) Barbara McClintock discovered a new class of mutant genes, a discovery that led
(E) Barbara McClintock, who discovered a new class of mutant genes, leading
例 8. Joan of Arc, a young Frenchwoman who claimed to be divinely inspired, turned the tide of English victories
in her country by liberating the city of Orleans and she persuaded Charles VII of France to claim his throne.
(A) she persuaded Charles VII of France to claim his throne
(B) persuaded Charles VII of France in claiming his throne
(C) persuading that the throne be claimed by Charles VII of France
(D) persuaded Charles VII of France to claim his throne
(E) persuading that Charles VII of France should claim the throne
例 9. In January 1994 an oil barge ran aground off the coast of San Juan, Puerto Rico, leaking its cargo of 750,000
gallons into the ocean, while causing the pollution of the city's beaches.
(A) leaking its cargo of 750,000 gallons into the ocean, while causing the pollution of
(B) with its cargo of 750,000 gallons leaking into the ocean, and it polluted
(C) and its cargo of 750,000 gallons leaked into the ocean, polluting
(D) while it leaked its cargo of 750,000 gallons into the ocean and caused the pollution of
(E) so that its cargo of 750,000 gallons leaked into the ocean, and they were polluting
例 10. The population of India has been steadily increasing for decades, and it will probably have what is estimated
as 1.6 billion people by 2050 and surpass China as the world's most populous nation.
(A) it will probably have what is estimated as
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(B) they are likely to have
(C) the country will probably have
(D) there will probably be
(E) there will be an estimated
例 11. Japanese researchers are producing a series of robots that can identify human facial expressions, to which
they will then respond; their goal is primarily creating a robot that will empathise with us.
(A) expressions, to which they will then respond; their goal is primarily creating
(B) expressions, then responding to them; primarily to create
(C) expressions and then respond to them; the researchers' primary goal is to create
(D) expressions as well as giving a response to them; their primary goal is creation of
(E) expressions and responding to them; primarily, the researchers' goal is creating
例 12. As Charles Darwin observed, natural selection operates whenever individuals of one genetic composition are
better at reproducing than that of others.
(A) that of others
(B) the other
(C) another
(D) those of another
(E) that of the next
例 13. The particular design of muscles and bones in the neck and limbs of the turtle allow that it can draw in its
exposed parts such that an attacker can find nothing but hard shell to bite.
(A) allow that it can draw in its exposed parts such that
(B) allow it to draw in its exposed parts, and so
(C) allows for it to draw in its exposed parts and that
(D) allows that it can draw in its exposed parts, and so
(E) allows it to draw in its exposed parts, so that
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
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Open Markers
and/ or/ rather than
Closed Markers
both A and B/ either A or B/ neither A nor B
not A but B/ not only A but also B/ from A to B
Proper, scientific study of impacts of dams and of costs and benefits of controlling waters can solve these conflicts
mentioned above.
It identifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of “ineffectual and forced medical procedures that
may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying” as the twin problems of end-of-life care.
1. 完美的平行
2. 不完美的平行
例 1. Dressed as a man and using the name Robert Shurtleff, Deborah Sampson, the first woman to draw a soldier's
pension, joined the Continental Army in 1782 at the age of 22, was injured three times, and was discharged in 1783
because she had become too ill to serve.
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
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例 2. In recent years cattle breeders have increasingly used crossbreeding, in part that their steers should acquire
certain characteristics and partly because crossbreeding is said to provide hybrid vigor.
(A) in part that their steers should acquire certain characteristics
(B) in part for the acquisition of certain characteristics in their steers
(C) partly because of their steers acquiring certain characteristics
(D) partly because certain characteristics should be acquired by their steers
(E) partly to acquire certain characteristics in their steers
1. 具体名词不能和抽象名词并列
2. 泛指不能和特指并列
3. 抽象名词不能和 doing 并列
例 3. The energy source on Voyager 2 is not a nuclear reactor, in which atoms are actively broken apart; rather a
kind of nuclear battery that uses natural radioactive decay to produce power.
(A) apart; rather
(B) apart, but rather
(C) apart, but rather that of
(D) apart, but that of
(E) apart; it is that of
例 4. * The commission has directed advertisers to restrict the use of the word “natural” to foods that do not contain
color or flavor additives, chemical preservatives, or nothing that has been synthesized.
(A) or nothing that has been
(B) or that has been
(C) and nothing that is
(D) or anything that has been
(E) and anything
(F) nor anything that was
例 5. New theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have caused reversals in the
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
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Earth’s magnetic field, the onset of ice ages, splitting apart continents 80 million years ago, and great volcanic
(A) splitting apart continents
(B) the splitting apart of continents
(C) split apart continents
(D) continents split apart
(E) continents that were split apart
例 6. Studies of the human “sleep-wake cycle” have practical relevance for matters ranging from duty assignments
in nuclear submarines and air-traffic control towers to the staff of shifts in 24-hour factories.
(A) to the staff of
(B) to those who staff
(C) to the staffing of
(D) and staffing
(E) and the staff of
1. 形式的并列是最基本的考点
2. 语义的并列才是最本质的考点
例 7. The lawyer for the defense charged that she suspected the police of having illegally taped her confidential
conversations with her client and then used the information obtained to find evidence supporting their murder
(A) used the information obtained to find evidence supporting
(B) used such information as they obtained to find evidence supporting
(C) used the information they had obtained to find evidence that would support
(D) of using the information they had obtained to find evidence that would support
(E) of using such information as they obtained to find evidence that would be supportive of
例 8. To help preserve ancient Egyptian monuments threatened by high water tables, a Swedish engineering firm
has proposed installing pumps, perhaps solar powered, to lower the underground water level and dig trenches
around the bases of the stone walls.
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
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(A) to lower the underground water level and dig trenches
(B) to lower the underground water level and to dig trenches
(C) to lower the underground water level and digging trenches
(D) that lower the underground water level and that trenches be dug
(E) that lower the underground water level and trench digging
例 9. In Scotland, the number of wild salmon have been reduced because of uncontrolled deep-sea and coastal
netting, by pollution, and by various other threats to the fish’s habitat.
(A) number of wild salmon have been reduced because of uncontrolled deep-sea and coastal netting
(B) number of wild salmon is reduced because deep-sea and coastal netting is not controlled,
(C) numbers of wild salmon has been reduced because of uncontrolled deep-sea and coastal netting,
(D) wild salmon’s numbers are reduced by deep-sea and coastal netting that is not controlled,
(E) wild salmon’s numbers have been reduced by uncontrolled deep-sea and coastal netting,
例 10. In April 1997, Hillary Rodham Clinton hosted an all-day White House scientific conference on new findings
that indicates a child's acquiring language, thinking, and emotional skills as an active process that may be largely
completed before age three.
(A) that indicates a child's acquiring language, thinking, and emotional skills as
(B) that are indicative of a child acquiring language, thinking, and emotional skills as
(C) to indicate that when a child acquires language, thinking, and emotional skills, that it is
(D) indicating that a child's acquisition of language, thinking, and emotional skills is
(E) indicative of a child's acquisition of language, thinking, and emotional skills as
例 11. Scientists have identified an asteroid, 2000 BF19, that is about half a mile wide and, if it strikes Earth, it can
do tremendous damage to part of the planet but probably not cause planetwide destruction.
(A) and, if it strikes Earth, it can do tremendous damage to part of the planet but
(B) and, if it would strike Earth, part of the planet could experience a tremendous amount of damage but it would
(C) and that, if it were to strike Earth, could do tremendous damage to part of the planet but would
(D) and that, if Earth is struck by it, can do part of the planet tremendous damage, but it would
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(E) and that, if it strikes Earth, it could experience a tremendous amount of damage but
例 12. Almost a decade after New York State passed laws to protect patients by reducing the grueling hours worked
by medical residents, twelve hospitals have been investigated by state medical officials, finding that all twelve
consistently break the laws, many residents work longer than 24 hours straight, and that more than half the surgical
residents work more than 95 hours a week.
(B) an investigation by state medical officials of twelve hospitals have found all twelve consistently breaking the
laws, that many residents work longer than 24 hours straight, with more than half the surgical residents working
(C) an investigation of twelve hospitals by state medical officials has found that all twelve consistently break the
laws, that many residents work longer than 24 hours straight, and that more than half the surgical residents work
(D) twelve hospitals were investigated by state medical officials who found all twelve breaking the laws, with
many residents working longer than 24 hours straight, and more than half the surgical residents work
(E) an investigation by state medical officials has found that, of twelve hospitals, all twelve consistently break the
laws, that many residents work longer than 24 hours straight, with more than half the surgical residents working
例 13. Sartre believed each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over another one, that it is the
choice that gives value to the act, and that nothing that is not acted upon has value.
(A) each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over another one
(B) that each individual is responsible for choosing one course of action over another
(C) that each individual is responsible, choosing one course of action over another
(D) that each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over the other
(E) each individual is responsible for choosing one course of action over other ones
like 和 unlike 的比较
1. 如果 like 和 unlike 位于句首,永远表示比较,比较对象一定要对等。
2. 如果 like 位于句中,注意两个小考点:
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
例 1. Like Auden, the language of James Merrill is chatty, arch, and conversational—given to complex syntactic
flights as well as to prosaic free-verse strolls.
(A) Like Auden, the language of James Merrill
(B) Like Auden, James Merrill’s language
(C) Like Auden’s, James Merrill’s language
(D) As with Auden, James Merrill’s language
(E) As is Auden’s the language of James Merrill
例 2. Unlike George Wallace in 1968 and John Anderson in 1980, both of whom running as independent candidates,
H. Ross Perot's independent run for the presidency in 1992 arose not from an unsuccessful effort to gain a major
party nomination but from a desire to establish a viable third party in American politics.
(B) George Wallace in 1968 and John Anderson in 1980, each of whom ran as independent candidates,
(C) George Wallace in 1968 and John Anderson in 1980, both of which ran as an independent candidate,
(D) the independent candidates, George Wallace in 1968 and John Anderson in 1980,
(E) the independent candidacies of George Wallace in 1968 and John Anderson in 1980,
例 3. According to his own account, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty, modeled the
face of the statue like his mother’s and the body like his wife’s.
(A) modeled the face of the statue like his mother’s and the body like his wife’s
(B) modeled the face of the statue after that of his mother and the body after that of his wife
(C) modeled the face of the statue like his mother and the body like his wife
(D) made the face of the statue after his mother and the body after his wife
(E) made the face of the statue look like his mother and the body look like his wife
例 4. Unlike the conviction held by many of her colleagues that genes were relatively simple and static, Barbara
McClintock adhered to her own more complicated ideas about how genes might operate, and in 1983, at the age of
81, was awarded a Nobel Prize for her discovery that the genes in corn are capable of moving from one
chromosomal site to another.
(A) Unlike the conviction held by many of her colleagues that genes were
(B) Although many of her colleagues were of the conviction of genes being
(C) Contrary to many of her colleagues being convinced that genes were
(D) Even though many of her colleagues were convinced that genes were
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
(E) Even with many of her colleagues convinced of genes being
例 5. Thai village crafts, as with other cultures, have developed through the principle that form follows function and
incorporate readily available materials fashioned using traditional skills.
(A) as with
(B) as did those of
(C) as they have in
(D) like in
(E) like those of
like 和 as 的比较
例 6. Proponents of artificial intelligence say they will be able to make computers that can understand English and
other human languages, recognize objects, and reason as an expert does-computers that will be used to diagnose
equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan or other purposes such as these.
(B) as an expert does, which may be used for purposes such as diagnosing equipment breakdowns or deciding
whether to authorize a loan
(C) like an expert-computers that will be used for such purposes as diagnosing equipment breakdowns or deciding
whether to authorize a loan
(D) like an expert, the use of which would be for purposes like the diagnosis of equipment breakdowns or the
decision whether or not a loan should be authorized
(E) like an expert to be used to diagnose equipment breakdowns, deciding whether to authorize a loan or not, or the
as 和 just as 的比较
Just as …, so … .
Like ancient Egyptian architectural materials that were recycled in the construction of ancient Greek Alexandria, so
ancient Greek materials from the construction of that city were reused in subsequent centuries by Roman, Muslim,
and modern builders.
Just as ancient Egyptian architectural materials were recycled in the construction of ancient Greek Alexandria, so
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
ancient Greek materials from the construction of that city were reused in subsequent centuries by Roman, Muslim,
and modern builders.
as... as 的比较
1. 常见考点
2. 结构变形
 as much ... as ...
 as many ... as ...
例 7. Retailers reported moderate gains in their November sales, as much because of their sales of a year earlier
being so bad as that shoppers were getting a head start on buying their holiday gifts.
(A) of their sales of a year earlier being so bad as that
(B) of their sales a year earlier having been as bad as because
(C) of their sales a year earlier being as bad as because
(D) their sales a year earlier had been so bad as because
(E) their sales of a year earlier were as bad as that
例 8. Most insomnia is not an illness or a physical condition so much as a symptom of another problem that may
simply be a reaction to certain medications, anxiety about travel, or stress before a job interview.
(B) an illness or a physical condition so much as symptomatic of another problem that may be a simple one, like a
reaction caused by certain medications
(C) so much an illness or a physical condition but a symptom of another problem that may be as simple as when
certain medications cause a reaction
(D) so much an illness or a physical condition, but it is a symptom of another problem, maybe a simple one like
certain medications causing a reaction
(E) so much an illness or a physical condition but symptomatic of another problem, maybe simply a reaction to
certain medications
例 9. Carbon-14 dating reveals that the megalithic monuments in Brittany are nearly 2,000 years as old as any of
their supposed Mediterranean predecessors.
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
(A) as old as any of their supposed
(B) older than any of their supposed
(C) as old as their supposed
(D) older than any of their supposedly
(E) as old as their supposedly
more than 的比较
1. 基本结构:A is more ... than B.
2. 变化结构:A is more ... than ... .
 He is more a friend of mine than a teacher.
 Dr. Watson is more willing to help us than to blame us.
 She got married more because he is nice than because he is rich.
例 10. Two new studies indicate that many people become obese more due to the fact that their bodies burn calories
too slowly than overeating.
(A) due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slowly than overeating
(B) due to their bodies burning calories too slowly than to eating too much
(C) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than that they are overeaters
(D) because their bodies burn calories too slowly than because they eat too much
(E) because of their bodies burning calories too slowly than because of their eating too much
例 11. Those who come to church with a predisposition to religious belief will be happy in an auditorium or even a
storefront, and there is no doubt that religion is sometimes better served by adapted spaces of this kind instead of
by some of the buildings actually designed for it.
(B) adapted spaces like these rather than some of the buildings actually designed for them
(C) these adapted spaces instead of by some of the buildings actually designed for it
(D) such adapted spaces rather than by some of the buildings actually designed for them
(E) such adapted spaces than by some of the buildings actually designed for it
例 12. For the last five years the Dutch economy has grown faster than Britain, France, or Germany, with the
unemployment rate having remained well below that of the other three countries.
(B) have those of Britain, France, or Germany, and the unemployment rate remaining
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
T / 010-62609000 F / 010-62609090
(C) have Britain, France, and Germany, and the unemployment rate has remained
(D) the economy of Britain, France, and Germany, with the unemployment rate that has remained
(E) the economies of Britain, France, and Germany, and the unemployment rate has remained
例 13. If current trends continue, by the year 2030 carbon emissions in the United States will soar to a level more
than one-third higher than were those in 1990, according to official projections.
(A) will soar to a level more than one-third higher than were those
(B) will soar to a level more than one-third higher than that
(C) would soar to a level more than one-third higher than it was
(D) would soar to a level more than one-third higher than those
(E) would soar to a level more than one-third higher than they were
例 14. An exceptionally literate people, more Icelanders publish books per capita than do the people of any other
(A) more Icelanders publish books per capita than do the people of
(B) more Icelandic books are published by Icelanders per capita than by the people of
(C) Icelanders publish more books per capita than do the people of
(D) Iceland's per capita publication of books is higher than that by
(E) the per capita publication of Icelandic books is higher than that in
例 15. Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungi, in the form of carbon dioxide, and converting it
to energy-rich sugars.
(A) Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungi,
(B) Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than fungi,
(C) Plants are more efficient than fungi at acquiring carbon,
(D) Plants, more efficient than fungi at acquiring carbon,
(E) Plants acquire carbon more efficiently than fungi,
例 16. According to public health officials, in 1998 Massachusetts became the first state in which more babies were
born to women over the age of thirty than under it.
(A) than
(B) than born
(C) than they were
北京市海淀区海淀东三街 2 号新东方南楼 18 层
18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
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(D) than there had been
(E) than had been born
例 17. Most of the country’s biggest daily newspaper had lower circulation in the six months from October 1995
through March 1996 than a similar period a year earlier.
(A) a similar period
(B) a similar period's
(C) in a similar period
(D) that in a similar period
(E) that of a similar period
1 once / as … as (?)
2 double / twice
3 triple
4 quadruple
N (?)
例 18. According to surveys by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 20 percent of young adults used
cocaine in 1979, doubling those reported in the 1977 survey.
(A) doubling those reported in the 1977 survey
(B) to double the number the 1977 survey reported
(C) twice those the 1977 survey reported
(D) twice as much as those reported in the 1977 survey
(E) twice the number reported in the 1977 survey
例 19. Providing initial evidence that airports are a larger source of pollution than they were once believed to be,
environmentalists in Chicago report that the total amount of pollutant emitted annually by vehicles at O’Hare
International Airport is twice as much as that which is being emitted annually by all motor vehicles in the Chicago
metropolitan area.
(A) as much as that which is being emitted annually by all
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
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(B) as much annually as is emitted by the
(C) as much compared to what is annually emitted by all
(D) that emitted annually by all
(E) that emitted annually compared to the
例 20. The Arthritis Research Institute of America advises women of color that they have twice the likelihood to get
osteoarthritis of the knee as do White women.
(A) they have twice the likelihood to get osteoarthritis of the knee as do White women
(B) that they are twice as likely as White women to get osteoarthritis of the knee
(C) that their likelihood of getting osteoarthritis of the knee is twice as much as White women
(D) of being twice as likely as White women to get osteoarthritis of the knee
(E) of having twice the likelihood of getting osteoarthritis of the knee as White women
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18F, New Oriental South Building, No.2 Dongsanjie, Haidian District, Beijing
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