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Forex Forecasting with Deep Learning: LSTM & TensorFlow

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Pragmatic Deep Learning Model for Forex
Using LSTM and TensorFlow on the GBPUSD Time Series for multi-step prediction
Adam Tibi · Follow
Published in Towards AI
23 min read · Oct 7, 2020
In an attempt to solve the classical question, “Can machine learning predict the
market?”, I landed on Forex GBPUSD as a challenging financial series with an
abundant and free data set. Although there are tens of stories on this platform on stock
ML prediction and a handful on Forex ML prediction, here you will see me delve into
the peculiarities that are often missed and aim to take my model to the reality
By implementing multi-step predictions such as 30 or 60 steps (minutes in this
case) or more, as opposed to a single step (1 minute) prediction
By consuming the model using an algorithmic trading bot to let the profit, or loss,
be the judge (the next story)
At the end of the story, readers with some Python and ML experience will be able to
use the concepts and modify the linked code to produce their own variation of the
model. In part 2, reader will be able to use a commercial algo trading platform with
the model.
Source Code and Following Along
The model is built in Python 3.8 using TensorFlow/Keras 2.3. To keep this story focused
on concepts, the full source code and the environment preparation, along with the
explanation related to running and changing the code are here:
This is the companion code to Pragmatic Deep Learning Model for
Forex Forecasting. So, if you want to understand the…
Also, you can view the environment setup and the steps to run the model, visually
Pragmatic Deep Learning Model for Forex Forecasting
Explaining the environment setup and the steps to run the model
Table of Contents
Forex Trading Primer
What is Forex?
Commission, Spread and Pips
Tick Data
Open High Low Close Data
Candlestick Charts
Forex Trading
Algorithmic Trading
The ML Model: Concept and Plan
Model Choice
Technical Stack Choice
Hardware Choice
The Plan
1 — Data Sourcing
2 — Data Preparation
Time Interval and OHLC
Batch Size
Train, Test Split
Process Summary
LSTM Data Input Overview
Windows Size
Converting Samples
3 — Model Training
Training Statistics
4 — Predictions
Single-Step Prediction
Multi-Step Prediction
Continuing and Expanding the Research
Date Feature Engineering
Minimising the Effect of Outliers
Very Small Mini Batch Size
Different Smoothing Method
Interval Aggregation
Sequence-to-Sequence Forecasting
Part Two: Using the Model from a Trading Platform
More Readings
About Me
Forex Trading Primer
I will define the basics of Forex Trading in relation to this story. If you are familiar with
Forex basics, then you can skip this section.
GBPUSD exchange rate buy = 1.28820, sell = 1.28816 captured from cTrader
What is Forex?
Forex, Foreign Exchange, is a currency price relationship between two economies, e.g.
British Pound vs US Dollar or GBPUSD. The first three letters in the symbol represent
the first economy called “Base Currency” and the last three letters represent the
second economy called “Quote Currency”. If the exchange rate of GBPUSD is 1.28818 it
means that to buy $1.28818 you pay £1, plus commission and/or Spread.
Commission, Spread and Pips
If you are exchanging with a friend, then you might use two decimal points and
exchange the GBPUSD at 1.29, however, if you are exchanging via a Forex trading
platform through a Forex broker, then there are fees.
Commission: It’s a fixed fee that the broker charges per transaction. The commission
amount is broker-dependant.
Spread: Is the difference between the buying price and selling price. This is how the
broker makes a profit.
Let’s take an example, if you have pounds and you want to buy dollars then the
GBPUSD buy is 1.28820, conversely sell price is 1.28816. That makes the spread:
Spread = Buy - Sell = 1.28820 - 1.28816 = 0.00004 = 0.4e-4
The change in price in Forex is usually very small unless there is an event affecting the
economy, so traders use PIPs to express
thein change.
PIP: Price Interest
is currency specific. For most currencies, including GBPUSD it
is: Change x 10000
We can consider the spread as a price change, so we can express it as:
Spread = 0.4e-4 = 0.4 pips
For example, if the selling price of GBPUSD changed from 1.28816 to 1.28827, we say
the price moved up by:
1.28827 - 1.28816 = 0.00011 = 1.1 pips
Tick Data
A change in price, also known as “tick”, happens at random times, e.g. multiple
changes per second or a single change in 2 minutes. Forex generates tick data rapidly,
this is an example of GBPUSD tick data for the first 5 seconds of 2020–09–30:
There is another way to look at the data, especially when you want to check the rate
price on longer periods (minutes, hours, weeks, etc…).
Open High Low Close Data
OHLC is another way to aggregate the data. OHLC can apply to any time interval such
as a minute or an hour. The Open captures the sell price at the beginning of the time
interval and Close captures the price directly before the start of the second interval.
High captures the max that the price reached during the interval and Low captures the
min reached. This is an example of 1 minute OHLC data for the first few minutes of the
GBPUSD on 2020–09–30:
Candlestick Charts
Traders usually look at charts with OHLC data, this is why they use “Candlestick Chart”
to better represent this type of data:
Candlestick Bars. Image by author
Note that the candlestick colours are arbitrary, the convention is to use a colour and an
inverted colour such as black and grey, I used green and orange across this story. Next
is our OHLC table above represented as a candlestick chart:
Candlestick Chart Starting 2020–09–30 midnight. Image by author
Forex Trading
Essentially, if you believe the price is going to increase, you buy the base currency
(GBP in our case) using the quote currency (USD in our case) and if you believe the
price is going to decrease, you sell the base currency.
Trading is associated with a strategy, take this over-simplistic strategy as an example
“Buy if you believe the price will increase by at least 10 pips and sell if you believe the
price will decrease by at least 10 pips.”
Your belief in price change could come from many sources, the sky is the limit,
You think a political decision would affect one of the pair economies
You expect an out of the ordinary announcement on GDP
You use some technical indicators and base your decision on them
You train an ML model on historic data and ask it to predict future prices
Algorithmic Trading
Algo trading is using a bot, a strategy written in code, and executing the trade
automatically via an API or other means based on the bot recommendation.
An example is using a bot that will push an input data into an ML model and consult
the model about the price change then trade accordingly.
In part 2, I will show how the model in this story will be used in algo trading.
When you have built a bot, you want to make sure the bot can make a profit, one way is
to run this bot using a backtesting platform, preferably the same one as your
production one.
Another level of backtesting is to run it in demo mode (virtual money) on the same
production platform for a while, but with live data.
This way you mitigate the risk of loss, but, you still have other risks such as the risk of
having a market pattern shift.
In part 2, I will show how to backtest the bot that is based on this model.
The ML Model: Concept and Plan
In trading, if we want to know at a particular time whether to buy, sell or do nothing,
we want to forecast if the price will go up or down and by how much.
To make a trade decision, a technical trader uses indicators that analyse a fixed
number of previous time steps (price changes). If the indicators match a particular
pattern this means a buy or a sell signal. The indicators, in essence, are trying to
extract patterns out of the previous prices.
Candlestick chart with Bollinger Bands (Green) and EMA (Cyan) indicators. Captured from cTrader
The idea here is to have our model to act as an indicator. We will train our model, using
historic data, on price changes and whether they resulted in the price going up or
down. If there are recurring patterns in the historical data, then we want our model to
recognise them.
In brief, we want our model to recognise price patterns and advise us with the
expected price change when encountering a pattern.
Model Choice
To meet our objective, we will need an ML model that would recognise time series
patterns and forecasts the next pattern, so we can narrow down our selection to the
applicable models.
Regression models, such as GARCH, ARIMA and Facebook Prophet, are good for less
sophisticated time series prediction, so I excluded them in favour of deep learning
neural network models such as Attention Networks and Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM) because they are more suitable for this prediction.
I favoured LSTM as the model is heavily researched compared to the newer Attention
Networks, although I might do another research with the Attention Networks.
Technical Stack Choice
Development: Python 3.8, Tensorflow 2.3 (with built-in Keras), Visual Studio Code
with Jupyter Notebook, Visual Studio, Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, Matplotlib,
Ubuntu 20.04
Production: Python 3.8, C#, CTrader Algorithmic Trading Platform (CTrader
Automate), Flask Web Server, Windows 10
Hardware Choice
This wasn’t really a choice, this was what I already have.
Laptop (for development): Dell Precision M4800, 32GB RAM, 8 Logical Cores Intel
i7 2.9GHz, 2GB RAM Nvidia Quadro K2100M
Server (for training): Dell Precision Tower 7910, 24GB RAM, 28 Logical Cores Intel
Xeon 2.6GHz, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 8GB RAM
The Plan
The Plan. Image by author
We will go through the standard ML supervised learning process, we will source the
data, prepare it in a structure suitable for the model, train the model and then use the
model for predictions.
1 — Data Sourcing
I selected the GBPUSD Forex because there are abundance of free quality data
available, down to the tick data and I am familiar with the data itself as I live in the UK
(I can blindly pinpoint the 2008 Credit Crunch, Brexit Vote Day and COVID-19
You can download the GBPUSD data from Python using sources like Quandl or as a
CSV, as I have done. I used a Windows desktop software called Quant Data Manager to
download the GBPUSD 1 minute data from Dukascopy Swiss online bank. This is a
sample data:
2010-01-01 00:00,1.61673,1.61659
2010-01-01 00:01,1.61670,1.61670
2020-10-01 23:58,1.28852,1.28838
2020-10-01 23:59,1.28853,1.28846
2 — Data Preparation
The Forex data is usually clean, so I have invested a little on this front. Also, rather
than focusing on the code, I will put the effort into highlighting the quantitative
finance concepts which will make the linked code self-explanatory.
Time Interval and OHLC
With Forex, you have easy access to tick price. However, tick data is highly volatile and
the price change rate is not predictable and can be many changes per second or a
single change in two minutes. Also, tick price generates too much data and this would
increase ML training time.
I chose the 1 minute OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) as I think the 1-min is a good
balance between having a good amount of samples and a good training time. It is a
common practice to use the closing price out of the OHLC. However, I don’t think this
is the best representation of the time interval so I took the average price between the
high-low and I called it HLAvg across the code:
df['HLAvg'] = df['High'].add(df['Low']).div(2)
Given the factors affecting Forex rate, I believe that using the smoothed time series
instead of the actual change in price will yield a better prediction accuracy. I stuck
with the basics of smoothing and used the simple moving average (SMA) with 14
periods. I chose 14 as this is the default period used in most technical analysis tools.
SMA with 14 periods on GBPUSD 1-minute chart. Chart is from TradeView.com and the data source is FXCM.
df['MA'] = df['HLAvg'].rolling(window=14).mean()
Note that when calculating the MA, you will have the first periods minus one without a
moving average (the first 13 rows in our case). We will delete these rows.
Stationarity in plain English means a flat looking series without trend. In brief,
stationarity is the opposite of trending. There are statistical tests that will tell you the
status of a particular time series readily available. For a deeper analysis:
How to Check if Time Series Data is Stationary with Python —
Machine Learning Mastery
Time series is different from more traditional classification and
regression predictive modeling problems. The temporal…
However, Forex and stocks are non stationary, based on empirical evidence. So, we will
continue on the assumption that our instrument is non stationary.
While our LSTM deep learning model does not require a time series to be stationary,
many sources are advising to use a stationary time series anyway.
[1] If your series is trending up or down, estimating [the minimum and maximum
observable] values maybe difficult and normalization may not be the best method to use on
your problem.
[1] In time series forecasting, it is good practice to make the series stationary, that is remove
any systematic trends and seasonality from the series before modeling the problem. This is
recommended when working with LSTMs.
We can make a financial instrument stationary by calculating the returns. The quant
finance way is to use the Log Returns. This is the link to a brilliant and classical post
that explains the reason of using Log Returns:
Making a series stationary via Log Returns is reversible as we are not losing any data,
unlike smoothing with a simple moving average. This is important as we want to be
able to reconstruct our time series back from the prediction, as you will see later.
Calculating the log returns from the simple moving average MA at time step t:
df['Returns'] = np.log(df['MA']/df['MA'].shift(1))
To calculate the Future Moving Average from the returns, which is needed after
df['MA'] = df['MA'].mul(np.exp(df['Returns'].shift(-1))).shift(1)
Time series with the simple moving average and the log returns
In the graphs above, there is not much difference between the first two graphs, as the
smoothing operating on the 1 minute series wouldn’t be clear at this zoom-level.
Note that you won’t be able to calculate the returns of the first row, so we will delete
this row.
Batch Size
Batch size is the number of model samples used in the training of a neural network
before the gradient gets updated.
For practicality, we need to understand that the batch size:
Is a hyperparameter that affects data training and needs to change to minimise
prediction errors
By convention can take a value between 2 to 32, called a mini batch. Other
common values are 64 and 128
The larger it is, the faster to train over a GPU. However, as downside, this results in
more training error than a smaller batch
Best batch size is a debatable topic and I would recommend a trial and error to balance
best training time with fewest errors.
[2] The presented results confirm that using small batch sizes achieves the best training
stability and generalization performance, for a given computational cost, across a wide range
of experiments. In all cases the best results have been obtained with batch sizes m = 32 or
smaller, often as small as m = 2 or m = 4.
After numerous batch sizes trial and error, I landed on 32. For this size, it took me
around 25 min per single epoch on my hardware (described on my GitHub repo).
Train, Test Split
All ML practitioners are familiar with the Train/Test split. I followed the traditional
approach but added the batch size as an additional constraint.
I restricted my data length to a multiple of my batch size, given that I had nearly 4
million records, sacrificing few records from the beginning of the data would not have
an effect. The lost data will be less than the max of the batch size which is less than 32
minutes in this case.
df = df[df.shape[0] % batch_size:]
After that, I split my data with the batch size in mind. Note that val_size, test_size and
window_size (we will talk about the window_size later) are also all multiples of
batch_size. I have not used the traditional 80/20 or 90/10 for training/test split.
df_train = df[:- val_size - test_size]
df_val = df[- val_size - test_size - window_size:- test_size]
df_test = df[- test_size - window_size:]
I took this batch size constraint to reduce the complexity of the arithmetic required
when working with the LSTM model.
The three data frames will be saved to three independent CSVs to be used when
training, validating and testing the model.
Process Summary
First step summary of the data preparation process
The earlier data preparation process produced three separate CSV files for training,
validation and testing. This will help splitting our full process into separate Jupyter
Training Set: Scaled Log Returns between 0 and 1
I have used the MinMaxScaler for this research because this was the most efficient
scaler, as with the other scalers a single epoch time was three to four times more than
the MinMaxScaler.
MinMaxScaler normalises the data values to reside between a min and a max, by
default the min and the max are 0 and 1. LSTM performs better when the input values
are scaled to a standard range.
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
train_values = scaler.fit_transform(train_df[['Returns']].values)
test_values = scaler.transform(test_df[['Returns']].values)
Later on after prediction, the model will be predicting scaled values, so you will have
to invert the transformation to return it back to a real value:
df['Returns_Prediction'] =
This scaler should be fit once on the training data and then reused from this point
onward to scale other data sets: validation data, test data, backtesting data and
production data. This is important to note, as if the scaler is fit across all the data set it
will introduce a look-ahead bias.
To reuse the scaler, the quickest way is to persist it (storing it as a file) and loading it
when needed:
joblib.dump(scaler, 'scalers/scaler.bin') # For persisting to file
scaler = joblib.load('scalers/scaler.bin') # For loading from file
One caveat to this process is that you need to use the same SciKit Learn version for
persisting and for loading.
So far, we have performed the following operations on the row data:
Calculated the High Low Average (HLAvg)
Calculated the Simple Moving Average (SMA)
Calculated the Log Returns of the SMA
Calculated the Scaled Log Returns
We started from the Date, High and Low and ended with the Scaled Log Returns, this is
a 10-record snapshot of our raw data with our processed data:
LSTM Data Input Overview
What we need from a model is feeding it a fixed number of last samples and getting
back the prediction. Let’s use the table above and assume the time now is 2010–01–01
00:23, this is the 6th sample. We want to predict the HLAvg at sample 7, like this:
Previous prices and their prediction. Image by author
The nearer our prediction matches the market real value, a minute later (Sample 7,
00:24), the more accurate our prediction is.
The LSTM model expects input training data that looks like the earlier one but with all
the data preparation applied. Based on the table above, it is expecting data that looks
A feature and a label. Image by author
In our implementation, the length of the Single Feature is Window Size, in the previous
example, it is 6.
Window Size
A window size, also known as “look-back period” is the amount of past samples, in our
case minutes, that you want to take into consideration at a point of time to predict the
next sample. Think of it as the relevant immediate past samples that you want to rely
on to decide if the financial instrument will go up or down.
To train our model on the whole data set, we have to structure the training set as
Model-Samples of Feature (X) and Label (y), if we take the earlier table as an example
with window size of 6:
An illustration of samples shifted by 1 each. Image by author
Next we will show the code necessary to create this data structure, to simplify the
arithmetic and comply with the LSTM input, I made the window_size as a multiple of
the batch_size.
batch_size = 32
window_size = 8 * batch_size # 256 minutes, 4.3 hours
Converting Samples
As “sample” is a loose term, let’s give it a precise definition by calling it “modelsample”. We need to convert all our processed samples (scaled log returns) to model-
samples (a collection of features of window size and labels) in order to train the model.
As a convention, the collection of features is referred to as X and their labels are y.
def convert_raw_samples_to_model_samples(scd_log_rtns, window_size):
X, y = [], []
len_log_rtns = len(scd_log_rtns)
for i in range(window_size, len_log_rtns):
X, y = np.asarray(X), np.asarray(y)
X = np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0], X.shape[1], 1))
return X, y
Explaining the previous function by example, if the scd_log_rtns has 10 data samples
and the window_size=6, the for-loop can be illustrated as:
An illustration of the for-loop. Image by author
LSTM input expects a 3D array of shape: Number of Processed Data Samples, Windows
Size and Features
Number of Processed Data Samples is all the size of the scaled log returns minus
the window size. Remember that we cannot use all the training data, because the
first window_size samples are not usable.
Features in our case are 1, which is the scaled log returns
The last reshapes of X will convert X to the LSTM 3D compatible input.
Also, the same process is applied on the validation data set.
3 — Model Training
The dataflow to the model. Image by author
Keras became part of TensorFlow in v2, we are using Keras for our model:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(76, input_shape=(X.shape[1], 1), return_sequences =
model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer='Adam')
Sequential: Keras way for stacking our layers. For details:
Keras documentation: The Sequential model
Author: fchollet Date created: 2020/04/12 Last modified: 2020/04/12
Description: Complete guide to the Sequential…
LSTM: The LSTM networks are well-suited for time series problems. Explaining the
details of this layer is outside the scope of this story, for details:
Illustrated Guide to LSTM’s and GRU’s: A step by step explanation
Hi and welcome to an Illustrated Guide to Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU). I’m Michael…
Dropout: Is a regularisation layer, it is used for LSTM and other RNN networks to
reduce overfitting. It usually comes after every LSTM layer. More details:
How to Reduce Overfitting With Dropout Regularization in Keras Machine Learning Mastery
Last Updated on August 25, 2020 Dropout regularization is a
computationally cheap way to regularize a deep neural…
I am using a single layer of LSTM that has 76 neurons. For regularisation, I used a
dropout layer of 20%. In my trial and error process of building the network, I used
multiple pairs of LSTM and Dropout layers, I tried 1, 2, 3 and 4 pairs (making the
network deeper with hidden layers), I also tried varying the number of neurons per
layer and the dropout percentage.
I landed on one pair layer, this produced the least errors and least training time.
Dense: My input has multi neurons (76), which will create an output of multiple
dimensions. The dense layer will create a weighted linear combination of the input
(with bias), this creates a single output, in our case it is the single prediction, which is
the next minute.
Training Statistics
I tried minutes data from 2010–01–01 until 2020–10–01 and they took around 25
minutes per epoch and 100 epochs seemed to be good.
Training test MSE, Mean Square Error, was around 3.2e-6 and validation loss was
around 2e-6. I tried to increase the epochs to 200 as I thought the model is
undertrained, but that didn’t reduce the MSE of the testing. I think this difference is
because the validation set had different patterns than the testing one and because
there are less patterns in Forex compared to other time series.
4 — Predictions
Remember that your model understands scaled log returns only, as this is what we’ve
trained it on. Now every time we want a prediction, we will have to go through this
Dataflow before and after prediction. Image by author
The code below implements the process above, where X being the data acting as a
feature list:
y_pred = model.predict(X)
df['Pred_Scaled'] = np.pad(y_pred.reshape(y_pred.shape[0]),
(window_size, 0), mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)
df['Pred_Returns'] =
df['Pred_MA'] =
It is worth noting that to reconstruct the SMA from the returns, you will require the
initial capital. As a simple example, if I know you’ve got +£2, +£3 and -£4 returns, I
wouldn’t know your capital, but if you tell me your initial capital, say £1000, I will be
able to construct a full investment (think SMA), this will be £1002, £1005, £1001. The
last line in the code is doing so, but the returns are not arithmetic returns, so I am
using the exp function to reverse the operation.
Single-Step Prediction
This is a single-step prediction from the model:
Single Prediction (1 minute). Image by author
In the previous graph, the prediction is not far away from the SMA. This doesn’t mean
much, because we are predicting one minute only and any semi-decent model should
give a good result when it comes to this.
Multi-Step Prediction
The single step prediction is not useful for trading, you need over one minute
projection, as if you are planning to trade for 1 min the commission and spread will act
against you.
One way to predict on multiple steps is to predict one minute forward, then use that
minute in a new prediction and so forth. In the next graph, I did several multi-step
predictions to visualise more than one case:
Several Multi-Step Predictions. Image by author
I was inspired by Jakob Aungiers, in his article which I referenced in the More
Readings section, to have this graph with the several predictions.
There were challenges in convincing Matplotlib to draw these short red lines on the
same graph, so I used a workaround. I added to the plot a normal line, but filled it
from the start of the graph to the point where the red line starts with ‘np.nan’, the code
below is preparing the graph and doing the predictions simultaneously:
Continuing and Expanding the Research
There are more experiment concepts that I haven’t tried, due to time constraints or
hardware limitation. I am listing some here so that interested readers can expand on
this research.
Date Feature Engineering
Forex might have certain patterns depending on the date components like hour, week,
month and/or year.
In this research, I have not considered the date value, I just took the price change of
every minute as one sample. Feature engineering the date components and using
multiple data inputs (Multivariate Time Series Forecasting) might reveal more
Minimising the Effect of Outliers
The de-trended data in Log Return have several outliers, most notably the Brexit
period outliers:
A highlight of some outliers. Image by author
I have tried other scalers that are specialised in reducing the impact of outliers but the
model training time increased 3 to 4 folds.
Taking the decision that this model is not suitable for economic turbulence, I would
physically exclude samples coming from the Credit Crunch, Brexit and COVID-19
lockdown periods.
Very Small Mini Batch Size
A single epoch with 32 batch size for 15 years, 1-min GBPUSD was taking around 45
min. So, running 200 epochs would take around a week (6.25 days).
Reducing the size to less than 32 might yield better predictions, but will increase the
training time.
Different Smoothing Method
I have used the simple moving average with 14 periods to smooth the price. But the
SMA is less popular than the exponentially weighted moving average EMA with the
traders, as the EMA is more sensitive to the last data samples.
Interval Aggregation
I have used the 1 minute time step, however, this can also be 15 sec, 30 sec, 2 min, 5
min, 1 hour, etc…
Different aggregations might be suitable for different trading styles and may reveal
more patterns.
Sequence-to-Sequence Forecasting
I simulated multi-step predictions, beyond one, by performing multiple single
predictions. There is another interesting approach known as sequence-to-sequence
prediction or seq2seq.
In seq2seq, rather than predicting a single next value, a new sequence of variable
length is predicted. e.g.
1.2752, 1.2751, 1.2754, 1.2756 -> 1.2758, 1.2760, 1.2761
[3] seq2seq learning, at its core, uses recurrent neural networks to map variable-length input
sequences to variable-length output sequences. While relatively new, the seq2seq approach has
achieved state-of-the-art results in not only its original application — machine translation —
(Luong et al., 2015b; Jean et al., 2015a; Luong et al., 2015a; Jean et al., 2015b; Luong &
Manning, 2015), but also image caption generation (Vinyals et al., 2015b), and constituency
parsing (Vinyals et al., 2015a).
These stories are meant as research on the capabilities of deep learning and are not
meant to provide any financial or trading advice. Do not use this research and/or code
with real money.
Although, in our multi-step predictions graph, not all predictions were right,
remember two things:
1 — This is only the start and this model has a huge room for improvement as
suggested in the “Continuing and Expanding The Research” section.
2 — It is enough to have a certain percentage of predictions right, to make a profit.
I feared in the beginning that the results will follow a “mean reversion” trend, where
the prediction will try to go back to the previous price average. But this wasn’t the case.
Part Two: Using the Model from a Trading Platform
In part two of this story, I will use the same model built here in a commercial
algorithmic trading platform, cTrader, to test if it is going to make a profit. I will
describe the remainder of the end-to-end approach to take this model to production. I
will set the model to run under a web server and expose a RESTful API and have the
algo trading platform request predictions at real-time, then showing a profit/loss
graph, like the one below:
Backtesting of profit simulation of £1000 between 24/08/2020 and 30/08/2020 using this model. To be discussed in
part 2. Captured from cTrader
Using a TensorFlow Deep Learning Model for Forex Trading
Building an algorithmic bot, in a commercial platform, to trade based on
a model’s prediction
More Readings
Time Series Prediction Using LSTM Deep Neural Networks a well-written article
with professional grade code by Jakob Aungiers
Long Short-Term Memory Networks With Python ebook by Jason Brownlee of
Machine Learning Mastery. This is the best written book on the LSTM with
pragmatic and updated Python code.
Practical Time Series Analysis book by Aileen Nielsen. This is the best practical
book on the subject with one small caveat: the book swings between Python and R
from time to time.
Modern Time Series Analysis | SciPy 2019 Tutorial on YouTube by Aileen Nielsen.
About Me
My background is 20 years in software engineering with specialisation in finance. I
work as a software architect in the City of London and my favourite languages are C#
and Python. I have a love relationship with practical mathematics and an affair with
machine learning.
[1] Jason Brownlee, Long Short-Term Memory Networks With Python (2019)
[2] Dominic Masters and Carlo Luschi, Revisiting Small Batch Training for Deep Neural
Networks, arXiv:1804.07612v1 [cs.LG] 20 Apr 2018
[3] Minh-Thang Luong, Quoc V. Le, Ilya Sutskever, Oriol Vinyals, Lukasz Kaiser, MultiTask Sequence to Sequence Learning, Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2016
Some rights reserved
Forex Trading
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Deep Learning
Written by Adam Tibi
197 Followers · Writer for Towards AI
Software consultant from London, UK. Passionate about machine learning, C# and Python. Author of: Pragmatic
Test-Driven Development in C# and .NET
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