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Religious Studies Assignment: Theology & Faith

Levey R. Vitto
Gloria Cluster
1. John Calvin
2. the serpent, Satan
3. Augustine of Hippo
4. selfless love
5. Origen
6. Genesis 3:15
7. Fatalism
8. Providence
9. Free Will
10. Fate
True or False
1. True
2. False - hamartia refers to sin
3. True
4. False - sanctification is moral in nature
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. False - the most common objection is that it is unfair
9. True
10. False - it is through faith in Christ
1. I believe that my ultimate destination after death is heaven, to be with God, if I continue trusting
and following Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. The Bible says that those who believe in Jesus
have eternal life (John 3:16). Jesus promised His followers that He is preparing a place for them in
heaven (John 14:2-3). I believe that promise. But I also know that my future depends on remaining
faithful to Christ, continuing in His Word and walking in obedience by the power of the Holy Spirit.
My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
2. Yes, I believe humans have free will to make choices in life. The Bible teaches that God gave
humans the ability to choose, starting from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We can use our
free will to either choose God's way or reject it. That's why there is evil in the world - because
people chose to disobey God. Even after becoming Christians, we still have the free will to follow or
disobey Christ. Our salvation depends on submitting our wills to Jesus daily and walking in the
Spirit by His grace and power. Free will is part of being human, and it's a sacred gift from God, even
though it can be misused to reject Him.
1. Elohim - strong One, divine
2. Adonai - Lord, Master
3. El Elyon - Most High
4. El Roi - the strong One who sees
5. El Shaddai - Almighty God
6. El Olam - Everlasting God
7. GOD IS ETERNAL - He had no beginning and His existence will never end. He is immortal and
8. GOD IS JUST - He cannot and will not pass over wrongdoing.
9. GOD IS ONE - There is no other God besides Him.
10. GOD IS RIGHTEOUS - He always does what is right.
11. GOD IS SOVEREIGN - He is supreme and all powerful. Nothing can thwart His purposes.
12. GOD IS HOLY - He is completely set apart from sin and hostile toward it.
13. GOD IS OUR CREATOR - He made the heavens and the earth and everything in them.
1. Being made in God's image means that humans were created to reflect God's character and
represent Him on the earth. We were made in His likeness, to be like Him in our moral, spiritual,
mental, and social capacities. Being made like God sets us apart from the rest of creation. We were
given dominion and called to steward creation. We were made for relationship with God and each
other. The image of God is damaged but not completely lost due to sin. Through Christ, God is at
work to restore His image in humanity.
2. The image of God refers to the aspects of human nature that reflect the character and purpose of
God. Having God's image means we were made to represent Him, have dominion over creation,
and find identity and fulfillment in relationship with Him. It includes our moral, rational, social and
spiritual capacities. The image is not physical resemblance but rather the reflection of divine
attributes in human nature.
3. The image of God was damaged and distorted due to the Fall but not completely lost. Humanity
retains aspects that reflect being made in God's image, even though sin has corrupted every part of
our nature. God's original purpose for humanity has been thwarted but not terminated. The image
will be fully restored when Christ returns and we are glorified.
4. Yes, God will completely restore His image in humanity, which was damaged by sin. Renewal of the
divine image is made possible through Jesus Christ. As we look upon Christ, we are transformed
into His image and likeness. The renewal process begins at salvation and continues progressively by
the power of the Spirit until completed at glorification when Christ returns. Although the image is
marred by sin, it will be perfected in the redeemed through God's redeeming work in Christ.
True or False
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. True
10. False
1. I will know that I am saved when I have sincerely repented of my sins, put my complete trust in
Jesus Christ as my Savior, and received Him into my heart and life by faith. The Bible promises that
anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13). Jesus said that whoever
hears His word and believes in Him has eternal life (John 5:24). As a believer in Christ, I can have
assurance of salvation because God keeps His promises. I can feel His Spirit within me changing my
desires, drawing me closer to Him, and producing spiritual fruit in my life. The Spirit confirms that I
am a child of God (Romans 8:16).
2. Yes, knowing and accepting Christ has radically changed my life. When I was saved, I experienced
the forgiveness of all my sins and freedom from guilt. I received new life as the Holy Spirit came to
live in me. He gives me strength to overcome sin and grow spiritually. My attitudes, desires and
priorities are different now. I have new purpose and meaning. Instead of living for myself, I live to
know, love and serve Christ. I have new desires to read the Bible, pray, share my faith, and
participate in church. I have new relationships with other believers as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Everything is different because Jesus changed my heart and life.