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Prospects of High Temperature Superconducting Industry and Introduction of Shanghai Superconducting Company 2022060-Foreign Edition

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Prospects of High Temperature Superconducting
Materials Industry and Introduction of Shanghai Superconducting Technology Co.,
A leader in the development of the global high-temperature superconducting industry
Shanghai Superconducting Technology Co., Ltd.
June 2022 Shanghai
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Introduction to superconductivity
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The second generation of high-temperature superconductivity: zero resistance, high current transmission
ÿSuperconductivity refers to the phenomenon that the resistance of a conductor becomes zero at a certain temperature, and a conductor with zero resistance is called a superconductor. The phenomenon of
superconductivity was discovered by scientists in 1911. It is one of the most important scientific discoveries in the 20th century. Over the past century, 13 people have won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Nobel Prizes
Bardeen, Cooper, Slaver
Reina Ezaki, Gaevo, Josephson
Boles, Muller
Abrisokoff, Ginzburg, Leggett
ÿSuperconducting materials have extremely high industrial significance •
Low power transmission loss: high-voltage power transmission will have a large electric heat loss, and the use of superconductors can minimize the loss; • Strong current
carrying capacity: under the condition of zero resistance, The superconducting wire has a large current-carrying capacity, which is 400,000-1 million times that of the copper wire; the overall volume of the cable is about 10 times
smaller than that of ordinary cables; High-field magnets, the motor made is half the comprehensive volume of ordinary motors, and is widely used in nuclear fusion, magnetic levitation, wind power generation, large scientific instruments
and other fields
Superconducting Grid • Largecapacity, ultra-low loss next-generation smart grid
Fusion • Economical, safe and
inexhaustible clean energy
Superconducting lowaltitude train • safe, supersonic future
human transportation main force
Large scientific
instruments Occupy the commanding heights
of major scientific fields
medical care • Universal cure of cancer tumors
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The second generation of high-temperature superconductors: the cost has dropped
significantly Liquid helium refrigeration (expensive)
Liquid nitrogen refrigeration (cheap)
ÿFrom low-temperature superconductivity to second-generation high-temperature superconductivity
Low-temperature superconducting materials (LTS): realize superconductivity in the liquid helium temperature region
(-269 ÿ), including NbTi, Nb3Sn, MgB2, Fe-based, industrial use requires liquid helium cooling
1960 Low
superconducting layer
Temperature Superconductivity
BSCCO 1990
High-temperature superconducting materials (HTS): superconducting (-196 ÿ) can be realized in the
The first generation
liquid nitrogen temperature zone , including YBCO, BSCCO, solid H2S, etc., and liquid nitrogen is used for cooling in
of high temperature superconductors
industry, and the cooling cost is lower than that of low-temperature superconducting materials using liquid helium. lead
In 2000, the second
100 times lower
generation of high-temperature superconductors
• The first generation of high-temperature superconducting materials: 70% of the raw materials are silver
70% of the raw material is silver and the cost cannot
be reduced
• The second generation of high-temperature superconducting materials: the raw materials are stainless steel +
copper, the cost of raw materials is greatly reduced, and the superconducting materials are really suitable for industrialization
The cost of raw materials is greatly
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The second generation of high-temperature superconductivity: on the eve of the industrial explosion
Average Price Annual Sales
average price market capacity
International mainstream price
2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024
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The second generation of high-temperature superconductivity: on the eve of the industrial explosion
future major market
low cost
controlled nuclear fusion
(Tokamak) as a representative of large
scientific equipment
Super current carrying
capacity =
Superconducting energy-saving, environmental
protection, military industry, scientific
instruments and other products represented
extremely high industrial
by high-field superconducting magnets
Superconducting power application products represented by
superconducting cables
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Company Overview
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The development history of Shanghai Superconductor Corporation
The company was established and formed an industry-university-research
Build the first kilometer-level production line in China, realize the sales of strips in China, overcome the technical
Enter the international market; start
Further increase production capacity and supply batches to
cooperation with Shanghai Jiaotong University
difficulties of stable mass production of the second-generation high-temperature
and gradually break
the international
monopoly of superconducting
to supply small batches to international nuclear fusion
global customers; promote the implementation of domestic
and foreign demonstration projects
CCTV 2: China Finance and Economics Report "Leaping
News synthesis "New
to the Commanding Heights of Science and
materials move towards industrialization to help
Technology: Smart Pioneer"
CCTV 2: Economic half-hour "Set sail for a new era
and explore the "fastest high-speed rail""
the manufacturing industry leap forward"
CCTV 13: "Magic Superconducting Materials" in the live
news room
Liberation Daily
"Heavy! my country's first kilometer-level high-temperature superconducting cable
demonstration project starts construction in Shanghaiÿ
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Shareholder structure and technical team of Shanghai Superconductor Corporation
Founded in 2011 as a joint-
The production
stock high-tech enterprise dominated by private capital, Jingda, a listed company,
and operation area of Pudong New Area Company is 3,000
is the largest shareholder of the company. In 2012, the company owns all
(Zhangjiang) + 5,000 (Zhoupu) + 1,000 (Songjiang) square
intellectual property rights . The original technology comes from Shanghai
Jiaotong University, and all intellectual property rights have been sold out and
entered the company.
meters, and jointly built a 6,000-square-meter superconducting
joint research institute with Shanghai Jiaotong University
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Main operation and technical team
R&D teams of top universities at
Dr. Zhu Jiamin
home and abroad • 2 members of the
Central Organization Department Ten
Dr. Wang Yawei
Dr. Yao Linpeng
Dr. Li Xiaofen
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Thousand Talents,
Dr. Jin Zhijian Electric Shanghai
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Vice President, Shanghai Youth
Jiao Tong University
Production and Equipment
Science and Technology Star
EU Marie Curie Scholar, University
of Bath
Strategy Committee
Thousand Talents Program, 2
Shanghai Oriental Scholars, 1
Dr. Zhao Yue
Shanghai Thousand Talents
Dr. Dai Shaotao Director of the
Dr. Jiang Guangyu
Dr. Zhang Zhiwei
Strategy Committee
Program, 4 Shanghai Pujiang
Dr. Wu Wei
President of Danish Technical
of the Chinese Academy
Tsinghua University
University of Cambridge
Zhejiang University
University of Materials , National Youth
Shanghai Youth Science and
of Sciences
Award, Oriental Scholar, Pujiang Talent
Shanghai Youth Science and
Technology Rising Star
Pujiang talent plan
Technology Venus Star
Talents Program, 3 Shanghai
Morning Star Scholars • 985 and
Dr. Joi Yamada
Dr. Hong Zhiyong
above College graduates account for
Central Japan University
Strategy Committee
Song Bai
Deng Hanyin
Li Hang
President of Electric
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
more than 40%
Cambridge University , National
City University of Hong Kong
Engineering University of Cambridge
Youth Award, Oriental Scholar,
Marketing and OutreachR&D and Innovation
Pujiang Talent Plan
International Sales Director
Director of Domestic Market
Assistant to the President
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Shanghai superconducting company honor
More than 70 patents have been applied for , including:
l Authorized 38 invention patents, l 17
items under substantive examination l
Among them, 2 foreign invention patents
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's "specialized, special and new" small giant enterprise Shanghai "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized high-tech enterprises Top 10 Enterprises of Shanghai Achievement
Transformation and Independent Innovation Shanghai Pilot Enterprise of Patent Work Outstanding Enterprise of China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition China International Industry Fair Industrial Design Gold Award China International Industry
Fair New Material Industry Exhibition Third Prize "Twelfth Five-Year" Science and Technology Innovation Achievement Exhibition Certificate of honor ...
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Shanghai superconducting company honor
Project scientific and technological achievements evaluation meeting
China Electricity Council Jianzi [2021] No. 95
Based on the IBAD + PLD technology route, the second-generation high-temperature
After the unanimous evaluation of the expert committee composed of Academician Gan Zizhao as the
director and Academician Ding Wenjiang as the deputy director:
superconducting strip ultra-high-speed batch preparation technology and equipment formed
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International leading technical advantages
Advanced superconducting material preparation technology
l Select the advanced roll-to-roll pulsed laser deposition method to prepare the second-generation high-temperature
superconducting tape; l Fully rely on independent equipment to achieve a good combination of high quality and high output.
The formulation and performance characterization have been greatly improved.
aluminum oxide layer
cerium oxide layer
copper layer
magnesium oxide layer LaMnO3
Similar to the multilayer oxide epitaxy process in the semiconductor industry
superconducting layer
silver layer
lanthanum manganese oxide layer
yttrium oxide layer
Hastelloy Baseband
Roll to Roll
Roll to Roll
Roll to Roll
Roll to Roll
Rolling Shear
polishing equipment
RF Magnetron Sputtering
Ion Beam Assisted Deposition
High Temperature RF Magnetron Sputtering
pulsed laser deposition
DC Magnetron Sputtering
Continuous plating equipment Continuous packaging equipment
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International leading technical advantages
Production equipment is completely self-manufactured
A full set of second-generation high-temperature superconducting vacuum coating
production line: including: roll-to-roll pulsed laser deposition equipment roll-to-roll ion
beam assisted deposition equipment roll-to-roll RF magnetron sputtering
equipment roll-to-roll DC magnetron sputtering equipment, etc.
l The first fully independent research and development production
line in China l Owns completely independent intellectual property
rights l Fully independent equipment and process l International
leading strip performance
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International leading technical advantages
High Temperature Superconducting Materials: Global Suppliers
Currently, there are 16 second-generation high-temperature superconductor manufacturers in the world, including:
l Only 6 companies actually sell to the outside world (production reaches 100 km/year )
l The performance of superconducting strips in Shanghai is comparable to that of the United States, Germany and Russia, which are internationally technologically advanced countries.
625 A/1000 m
Superconductor (2022)
ISD/PLD, Japan
Discovery of
Superconductor (2020)
Superconductor (2018)
H. Maeda
Superconductor (2011)
Superconductor (2015)
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2022
IBAD/PLD, Russia
From Dr. T Izumi (ISTEC/ AIST)
The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Technology (AIST)
is Japan's highest-level national research institution and the core conveyor belt for the industrialization of Japan's
technological innovation products, which has played an important role in promoting Japan's economic development.
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International leading product advantages
High current carrying capacity
l For the application of superconducting magnets, high-density nanoscale stacking faults are introduced as strong intrinsic defects l The
on-site current carrying capacity of superconducting strips is greatly improved, which is more than 50% higher than that in 2016 (the production capacity is doubled)
Tape Overview – Ic (B, ÿ) Nov 2016
The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) is the largest national research institute in
Switzerland, a multidisciplinary research center for science and technology.
Shanghai Superconductor is the only designated tape supplier for its nuclear fusion cable project
The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory of the United States is the largest and most
world-record-setting high-magnetic field laboratory in the world.
Under 4.2K and vertical field, the strip performance of Shanghai Superconductor and SuperPower
for 42T interpolation magnet is similar.
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International leading product advantages
Excellent low temperature high field performance
Japan High Energy Accelerator Research Institute (KEK) test results: l In the
test of strips for 4.2K, accelerator and nuclear fusion applications, the performance of
Tokamak Energy of the United Kingdom (Tokamak Energy) compared and tested 14 global strip suppliers: l Shanghai
Superconductor belongs to the first echelon, with the highest cost performance, and the strip is suitable for all magnets
Shanghai superconducting strips is in the forefront l Low-temperature highfield performance test: critical current of Shanghai superconducting strips
(4.2K, 10T, 4mm wide) is 662A
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Plasma and Fusion Center (PSFC)
conducted a comparative test of the world's mainstream tapes: l The lowtemperature and high-field current cost performance of Shanghai
Shanghai Superconductor
is the only Chinese supplier
included in the list of
Superconducting tapes is higher than that of all competitors l Shanghai
Superconducting is the second supplier in the world to use 30ÿm thin base
tapes Quotient l Magnetic field angular dependence uniform symmetry/peak
at 90° with no deviation – predictable performance and useful for simulation l High
delamination stress, low hand soldered joint resistance, small minimum
turning radius
preferred strip suppliers
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International leading product advantages
Deeply cultivate application needs
core equipment
superconducting tape
Basic materials and
superconducting cable
supporting supports
magnets (nuclear fusion, large scientific instruments)
British Tokamak Energy •Compact commercial tokamak
current limiter
nuclear fusion • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Strong current application
Guangdong Power
Grid •500kV/3.15kA Saturated Iron Core Type Superconducting
(MIT) CFS Company •Compact tokamak nuclear fusion reactor
State Grid (Shanghai) Superconducting Power Transmission
Southwest Institute of Physics (SWIP) • nuclear fusion project
Current Limiter Jiangsu Zhongtian Technology Company
•220kV/1.5kA Resistive Superconducting Current Limiter
Demonstration Project •1200 meters, 35 kV/2-3 kA Yishan Road
Substation-Wanping Road Substation China Southern Power Grid
Guangdong Power Grid •500kV Superconducting Current Limiter
(Shenzhen) Superconducting Power Transmission Demonstration
•10Mvar Superconducting Synchronous Condenser Prototype
Project •500 meters, 10 kV/2 kA • Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau - Ping
An Building
High temperature superconducting magnetic levitation
CRRC Changke High-
temperature superconducting electric levitation train prototype Adopting
domestically produced second-generation high-temperature superconducting materials
China Aerospace Science and Industry
Strong magnetic field application
Corporation • "High-speed Flying Train" project
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future market
Large scientific equipment represented by
controllable nuclear fusion (Tokamak)
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High-temperature superconductivity helps ultimate energy: the global commercial nuclear fusion power generation market with a value of 100 billion US dollars is gradually increasing
No nuclear radiation, high efficiency, inexhaustible
Race to 2030: Fusion commercialization faster than thought
Nuclear fusion is the ultimate energy source for mankind and can solve the energy crisis once and for all
Countries around the world attach great importance to it, and the fastest team will realize nuclear fusion business in 2030
Second-generation high-temperature superconducting tape is a must for
In 2040, the output value of nuclear fusion power generation will exceed 450 billion U.S. dollars, of which the output value
rapid commercialization of nuclear fusion
of superconducting strips will exceed 135 billion U.S. dollars
Superconducting tape directly affects the performance of nuclear fusion devices, accounting for more than 30% of
the construction cost of nuclear fusion power generation devices
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Classification of fusion devices
main project
Applicable field
magnetic confinement fusion
It mainly includes Tokamak, stellarator, and magnetism mainly based on Tokamak (Tokamak) devices. The representative ones are: American DIIID, as a nuclear power plant, and large ship mirrors. Among them,
Tokamak is the most compatible with European JET. , JT-60China
of Japan,
of Russia,
power supply
of China
2 is CFS
easy company
to reach fusion
has Wait
the fastest development No. A,
Chinese and
Inertial Confinement
It mainly includes high-power laser devices, and Z hoops are mainly laser-driven inertial confinement fusion (LICF). The representative ones are: American contraction
Fusion (ICF)
device and heavy ion beam device. National Ignition Facility laser
French MJ
host laser device, the European Union's ultra-intensive
1, etc.
Schematic diagram of the appearance and internal structure of the American DIII-D
confinement fusion
Japan JT-60 Appearance Schematic
The laser experiment and shooting range area and structure diagram of the NIF device in the United States
Schematic diagram and internal structure of the European joint ring JET
Schematic diagram of the appearance of Russian T-15 and T-5MD
Suitable for future use in aircraft, etc.
inertial confinement
Shenguang-III device layout diagram, target chamber
China Circulator No. 2 A Unit (HL
2A), M device (HL-2M)
East super ring EAST
French megajoule laser LMJ
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High-temperature superconductivity helps ultimate energy: two existing nuclear fusion customers will need a large amount of
superconducting materialsÿBritish Tokamak Energy Company: spherical tokamak device + high-temperature superconducting magnet
• 1st generation prototype
• Single toroidal field
(ST25) • Built
coil • Need 10km •
About 3 million yuan
• 2nd generation prototype
(ST40 magnet part)
• Need 300km, 90 million RMB
• 3rd generation
• 1:1 commercial nuclear fusion reactor •
prototype • Balance of energy
Power generation is about 150 megawatts •
consumption and power generation •
Planned annual demand of 3000km •
Planned demand of 3000km, or 1 billion About
RMB 900 million yuan / year
ÿCompared with the traditional annular tokamak (ITER), the high-temperature superconducting spherical tokamak has extremely high energy efficiency, and greatly reduces the cost (1 order of
magnitude) and construction period
ÿTokamak Energy has completed the comparative test of the strip performance of all suppliers (14) in the world. Shanghai Superconducting Energy belongs to the first echelon and has the
highest cost performance . The strip is suitable for all magnets
ÿ In July 2017, Tokamak Energy and Shanghai Superconductor reached an agreement on the strip supply plan, and began to supply in batches at the end of 2019, with a supply amount of nearly
20 million yuan. From 2022 to 2025, the planned global procurement value of strips is about 1 billion yuan
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High-temperature superconductivity helps ultimate energy: two existing nuclear fusion customers will need a lot of superconducting materials
British Tokamak Energy and Shanghai Superconductor
In January 2016, began to contact Shanghai Superconductor to discuss the possibility of supplying
high-temperature superconducting strips
In April 2016, tested the short sample and joint resistance of Shanghai superconducting strip
Dec 2016 order - 100m medium performance REBCO strip
October 2017 order – 3000m of medium performance REBCO strip
Tokamak Energy CEO (left) and business director (right) visited Shanghai Superconductor
Test 200m high-performance REBCO sample in September 2018
Shanghai superconducting investor (left) visits Tokamak Energy and Callum Fusion Center
Order May 2019 – 16,500 meters of high performance REBCO strip
December 2020 – Complete all orders and deliveries,
performance indicators fully meet customer requirements
Tokamak Energy Project has had 15 interviews with Shanghai
Superconductor, 24 teleconferences, 765 emails, and 9
procurement contracts and cooperation agreements
Shanghai Superconductor and Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission visited Tokamak Energy
Tokamak Energy visits Shanghai Superconductor
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High-temperature superconductivity helps ultimate energy: two existing nuclear fusion customers will need a lot of superconducting materials
ÿMassachusetts Institute of Technology CFS: compact tokmak device + high temperature superconducting magnet
lDesigned power 100MW: 10 seconds pulse can generate energy to supply a small
l The output energy is 1/5 of ITER, and the volume is only 1/65 of
ITER l The input/output energy ratio is less than 1:2 l Share IP with
MIT Plasma and Fusion Center, the team is all from MIT
fusion team
Phase 1: Prototype:
Verification of Engineering Feasibility of High Temperature Superconducting Magnets
lStarting from 2018, verify the ReBCO high
High Field Feasibility of Warm Superconducting Magnets
Phase II:
Construction of the SPARC Tokmak fusion device
l Build SPARC Trafigura within four years starting in 2021
Mark fusion device, from experiment to industrialization
l Realize DT plasma fusion within one year after completion,
Achieve output energy greater than input energy around 2025
l Starting to purchase strips in 2019, Shanghai Superconductor has completed the supply of nearly 30 million
strips to CFS l The planned time span of the pilot phase project is 7 to 8 years (less than 10 years) l Plan to purchase
more than 12 worth of strips before 2022-2025 100 million yuan high temperature superconducting tape
Phase 3:
Approximately 2x SPARC diameter commercial plant
l Start commercialization from about 2025 to 2030
device construction
lTarget power generation capacity 200MW
l Rapid and low-risk fusion within the next 15 years
Commercialization of power generation
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High-temperature superconductivity helps ultimate energy: two existing nuclear fusion customers will need a lot of superconducting materials
Commonwealth Fusion Systems and Shanghai Superconductor
In October 2016, Shanghai Superconductor began to contact the MIT nuclear fusion
At the beginning of 2018, CFS company was established to start the high temperature superconducting nuclear
fusion project
October 2018 order – 3000m of medium performance REBCO strip
In February 2019, the performance of Shanghai superconducting strip 20K 20T was tested
In March 2019, a 12-meter high-current composite cable was successfully prepared with
Shanghai superconducting tape
CFS Chief Scientist and Supply Chain Director Visited
CFS Chief Scientist and Supply Chain Director Visit Shanghai
Shanghai Superconductor
May 2019 order – 146km of high performance REBCO strip
Superconductor Investors
MIT-CFS Evaluation of Shanghai Superconducting Tape
November 2020 – Completed the strip supply of about RMB 30
million, and the performance indicators fully meet the requirements
ü The cost performance of critical current in low temperature and high field is higher than that of all competitors
of CFS
üIt is the second supplier in the world to use 30ÿm thin baseband after SuperPower üThe angular dependence of the magnetic field
So far, the MIT-CFS team has had a total of 6 interviews with Shanghai
is uniform and symmetrical/peak is 90° and there is no deviation – predictable performance and helpful for simulation
Superconductor, 7 conference calls, 289 emails, and 5 procurement contracts and
ü High delamination stress, low resistance of hand-welded joints, small minimum turning radius
cooperation agreements
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High-temperature superconductivity boosts ultimate energy: the global track for high-temperature superconducting nuclear fusion is rapidly opening
Commonwealth Fusion Systems has rapidly developed into a company with a market value of tens of billions of dollars in the past two years
In September 2020, MIT-CFS successfully
developed the world's first 20T one-to-one hightemperature superconducting magnet that can
be used for nuclear fusion (1/3 of which uses
In December 2021, MIT CFS announced
to the world that it had completed a
"magnificent amount" of US$1.8 billion in
Series B financing, which marked that a
leading private enterprise in the field of
materials from Shanghai Superconductor ),
marking a new milestone in the field of
international controllable nuclear fusion. A
booster of shock! It marks that the hightemperature superconducting nuclear fusion
device has entered the stage of functional prototype development!
superconducting fusion with more than 100
employees has entered the market value of
US$10 billion . Disclosure: Its investors include
international investment giants such as Bill
Gates, Middle East Sovereign Fund, Saudi
Jameel Family Fund, and ENI Petroleum Group.
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High-temperature superconductivity boosts ultimate energy: the global track for high-temperature superconducting nuclear fusion is rapidly opening
The high-temperature superconducting material produced by Shanghai Superconductor is an indispensable key basic material for controllable nuclear fusion
In the research phase of controlled nuclear
fusion, about 10% of the total investment will be
used to purchase superconducting materials. If
it enters the industrial prototype and commercial
stage, the value of superconducting materials
accounts for about 15%-20% of the
manufacturing cost of each fusion device.
Comparing with CFS’s valuation of tens of
billions of dollars, Shanghai Superconductor,
as its supplier of upstream key materials, is
expected to reach a valuation of tens of
billions of RMB in the next three years !
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High-temperature superconducting powers the ultimate energy source: China’s fusion device has a huge amount of strips p The research and development
of compact and practical controllable nuclear fusion devices based on high-temperature superconducting magnets has been launched internationally in recent years, and the momentum is increasing day by day
p Domestic nuclear Fusion devices will also be pushed in this direction. Institutions or companies such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China National Nuclear Corporation, and ENN Energy have all carried out research for
Completed the production of scaled D-shaped
· Complete the development of 1:1 size high-
coils The purchase volume of strip materials
temperature superconducting fusion magnet ·The
was 10 million yuan
clear material demand from 2022 to 2024 is about
purchase volume will be MIT
300 million yuan
10 times the CFS project
· Built engineering pile CFETR · Strip
pThe CFETR project of the Institute of Plasma, Chinese Academy of
Sciencesp plans to continue to invest 100 billion p has cooperated with
pSouthwest Institute of Physics of China Nuclear Industryphas
Shanghai Superconductor to develop high-temperature superconducting cluster conductors
launched a high-temperature superconducting fusion magnet
projectpSigned a strategic cooperation agreement with Shanghai
Superconductor and purchased superconducting materials
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High-temperature superconducting powers the ultimate energy source: China’s fusion device has a huge amount of strips p The research and development
of compact and practical controllable nuclear fusion devices based on high-temperature superconducting magnets has been launched internationally in recent years, and the momentum is increasing day by day
p Domestic nuclear Fusion devices will also be pushed in this direction. Institutions or companies such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China National Nuclear Corporation, and ENN Energy have all carried
out research for many years. ENN Energy is a giant company in the energy field with a market value of more than 170 billion
In 2019, ENN Energy completed the Xuanlong 50
Tokmak (non-superconducting) test prototype.
In 2020, superconducting compact controllable nuclear
fusion has become the key development direction of ENN
Energy. The research and development of the second
superconducting fusion device has officially started.
In 2021, ENN Energy's superconducting magnet
and superconducting fusion research teams have
been quickly established, and have begun to
purchase Shanghai superconducting materials.
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The nuclear fusion industry is constantly expanding
• At the 2021 United Nations Climate Conference, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has repeatedly emphasized the necessity of nuclear technology to
achieve climate goals. • Nuclear fusion does not produce CO2 or other greenhouse gases, and releases nearly 4 million times more energy than burning an equivalent amount of coal, oil or natural gas,
Fusion also produces less nuclear waste than nuclear fission, which is widely used today.
Capital flows to the field of nuclear
fusion • The British "Financial Times" reported that according to incomplete statistics in 2021, the US nuclear fusion field attracted investment of up to 2.3 billion euros; • In February 2022,
the German company Marvel Nuclear Fusion and Siemens Energy, French Thales and German engineering group Trumpf signed
Cooperation agreement, and led by technology investment company Earlybird to invest 35 million euros for nuclear fusion research and development;
• In April 2022, Energy Singularity completed the first round of financing of nearly 400 million yuan, jointly led by Mihayou and NIO Capital, Sequoia China Seeds
The fund and Blue Rush Venture Capital will be mainly used for the research and development and construction of the world's first small-scale tokamak experimental device based on full high-temperature superconducting
materials, and the research and development of advanced magnet systems that can be used in the next generation of high-performance fusion devices. In May 2022, Energy Singularity and Shanghai Superconductor
signed the first batch of 50km superconducting tape supply contracts, about 15 million yuan.
• Sehila M. Gonzalez de Vicente, IAEA nuclear fusion physicist, said that with the influx of a large amount of capital, the technology in the field of nuclear fusion
Technological breakthroughs are likely to appear earlier, and the application of nuclear fusion energy is likely to become a reality in 30 or 50 years.
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future market
Superconducting power application products represented by hightemperature superconducting cables
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High-temperature superconducting grid: the best grid solution for dense cities, embracing the 100-billion grid market
High-temperature superconducting cables in dense cities are more cost-effective than traditional ones
Inventory transformation market + incremental expansion market exceeds 100 billion people
system cable
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High-temperature superconducting grid: the best grid solution for dense cities, embracing the 100-billion grid market
The core problems faced by the traditional power grid
• The National Development and Reform Commission announced that from January to November
2018, the electricity consumption of the whole society in my country was 6.22 trillion kWh, a
year-on-year increase of 8.47%, and the growth rate increased by 2 percentage points
compared with the same period last year. • Among them, only an increase of 484.7 billion
The electricity load is increasing year by year and urgently needs to be expanded?
kilowatt-hours exceeded the total electricity consumption of the whole society in the UK in 2017
Picture: before and after the large-scale power outage in Shanghai in June 2013
The underground transmission pipeline gallery is saturated!
traditional cable
The cost of building a new underground transmission pipeline is comparable to building a subway
Hongkou Siping Road
The overhead line in the city center is in urgent need of renovation?
Pudong Hunan Road
It is the general trend for dense urban overhead lines to enter the ground
No new high-voltage substations can be built on the ground!
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High-temperature superconducting grid: the best grid solution for dense cities, embracing the 100-billion grid market
Grid-connected superconducting station
Superconducting cable laying
Traditional cable tunnels have a diameter of 3-4 meters
traditional cable laying
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Comparison of project cost between superconducting cable and traditional cable
Power transmission method
After the 10kV of the
Superconducting AC cable
traditional DC cable is boosted to 110kV, it is
10kV direct transmission
transported through the 110kV underground cable and
then reduced to 10kV 110kV/200A/1km
10kV/2000A/1km three-axis
equipment cost
Cable body: 4 million
Cable body: 42 million
Transformer: 8 million
Refrigeration: 32 million
Others: 10 million
Substation construction
Construction cost: 1,500
Copper wire and high temperature superconducting
tape with the same current carrying capacity
land acquisition: 70 million
superconducting layer
transmission corridor construction 60 million installation,
0 (replace existing 10kV cables)
construction, laying 1-2 million comprehensive cost (total) about
3-5 million about
150 million yuan
90 million yuan
High temperature superconducting tape
Capacity increase/expansion in dense cities,
under the same distance and transmission capacity,
superconducting cables have obvious advantages
High temperature superconducting cable (triple phase coaxial type)
High temperature superconducting cable (three-core type)
High temperature superconducting cable (single core type)
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High-temperature superconducting grid: the best grid solution for dense cities, embracing the 100-billion grid market
China Southern Power Grid (Shenzhen) Superconducting Power Transmission Demonstration Project
• Cable application length: 500 meters • Rated voltage/
current: 10 kV/2 kA • The 500-meter line from Shenzhen Power Supply
Bureau to Ping An Building solves the power shortage problem of Ping An Building • The consumption of
superconducting materials is about 17 million RMB • All of them are used Shanghai superconducting
State Grid (Shanghai) Superconducting Power Transmission Demonstration Project
• Cable application length: 1,200 meters • Rated voltage/
current: 35 kV/2-3 kA • The 1,200-meter line from Yishan Road Substation to
Wanping Road Substation solves the problem of power shortage in the center of Xuhui District
• The consumption of superconducting materials is about RMB 50 million .
The core conductor layer adopts the material of Shanghai Superconductor, and the shielding layer
adopts the material of Shanghai Shangchuang
Lu Xiaochun, secretary of the municipal economic informatization work party committee, and Wang Hong, secretary of the
Baoshan District Party Committee, unveiled the plaque for the Shanghai High Temperature Superconducting Industry Base
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High-temperature superconducting grid: Shanghai Superconducting has become the most important material supplier of State Grid/South Grid
China's first 35 kV kilometer-level high-temperature superconducting
cable will be fully connected on November 2021, solving the problem of power shortage in the central
area of Xuhui District. CCTV13, CCTV and other media have focused on this.
22 million, already supplied
HTS cables State Grid (Shanghai)
China Southern Power Grid (Shenzhen)
High temperature superconducting
current limiter Zhongtian Technology
Southern Power Grid about 30 million,
has been supplied
Cost-effective 100
billion market in
High temperature
dense cities
superconducting motor Shanghai
Electric Southern Power Grid
China's first 10 kV three-phase coaxial high-temperature AC superconducting cable
about 10 million, has been supplied
was officially put into operation on September 2021, solving the power shortage problem of
Ping An Building. CCTV, Guangdong Satellite TV, People's Daily Online and other media have focused on it
17 million, already supplied
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High temperature superconducting grid is the best grid solution for dense cities
• Continuous growth of the charging pile market: With the promotion of China's "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality" goals, the popularization of electric vehicles is inevitable, and the demand for charging
piles will continue to grow. As of the end of 2021, the number of new energy vehicles in my country has reached 7.84 million, and there are 1.147 million corresponding public charging piles, including
470,000 "slow charging" and 677,000 "fast charging". (AC charging piles are commonly known as "slow charging", and DC charging piles are commonly known as "fast charging")
• "Fast charge" has great potential: from low battery to 100% charge, the "fast charge" charging time is about 0.3-2.5h (charging power 70100kW), "slow charging" takes 5-8h (charging power 7-10kW), fast charging has obvious advantages in charging time.
• In the next 5 years, the number of new energy vehicles in China will increase to 30% of the number of new motor vehicles. In the next 5 years, the number of new energy vehicles will exceed 50
million ! And most of them are concentrated in first-tier and second-tier cities. This is an important national policy related to carbon neutrality and my country's oil energy security.
• The large-capacity and local expansion of the distribution network in dense urban areas has become an important contradiction that restricts the development of charging piles for energy vehicles.
http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2022-01/12/content_5667734.htm https://finance.sina.com.cn/tech/2022-01-12/doc-ikyakumx9929249.shtml 2020 China New Overview of the energy vehicle charging pile industry. Toubao Research Institute, 2020,
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Case Analysis of Fast Charging Pile Capacity Increase in Dense Urban Areas
• In 2021, in response to the country's call for the development of the energy vehicle industry, Shanghai Electric Power Company promises to provide parking spaces for commercial and office buildings in urban areas
The ratio of 0.3 is equipped with charging piles to increase the capacity, and the increased capacity is 7kW*number of parking spaces*0.3. However, fast charging piles that are more suitable for office buildings in commercial districts are still not included in the scope of
the planned capacity increase, and it still needs to be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
Commercial District Name Hang Lung Plaza (Jing'an)
Business district name Kerry Center (Jing'an)
With a construction area of 160,000 square meters, two buildings with 66 floors and 48 floors are office buildings
The construction area is 450,000 square meters, including super-grade-A office buildings, Jing'an Shangri-La
Hotel, serviced apartments, retail shopping malls,
and an exhibition center.
The current distribution capacity is 20,800 kVA
120VA - 130VA per square meter
600 parking spaces
Construction of slow
of fast charging piles
120VA - 130VA per square meter
The number of parking spaces is 1340
180/each 7kW needs power increase of 1260kVA (+6%)
charging piles in the plan
Such as the construction
The current distribution capacity is 58,500 kVA
Construction of slow
400pcs/each 7kW requires power increase of 2800kVA (+5%)
charging piles in the plan
50pcs/average 80kW each
4000kVA required power increase
"Technical Guidelines for Business Expansion Engineering of Non-resident Power Users of State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company (2014 Edition)"
Such as the construction
of fast charging piles
150/each average 80kW
12,000kVA required power increase
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Case Analysis of Fast Charging Pile Capacity Increase in Dense Urban Areas
• According to the "Technical Guidelines for Business Expansion Projects of Non-resident Power Users of State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company (2014 Edition)". Commercial users such as
office buildings and malls are mostly 10kV and 35kV voltage level users. In this case, Kerry Center added 150 fast-charging charging piles, which required a power increase of 12 MVA.
According to the existing power capacity expansion guidelines, it needs to be connected from the superior power supply (110kV or 220kV substation) through 110kV or 220kV underground cables,
and then the newly added substation will drop the voltage to 10kV and send it to Kerry Center.
Superconducting cables can directly connect ultra-high power transmission capacity to users in 35kV and 10kV
transmission corridors through low-voltage and high-current:
• The 1.2km, 35kV superconducting cable project in Shanghai has been completed so far, with a transmission
capacity of 133 MVA. A superconducting cable combined with a 35kV substation can complete the task
of increasing the capacity of charging piles in 10 large business districts such as Kerry Center.
• The currently completed Shenzhen 480m, 10kV superconducting cable project has also achieved an astonishing
43 MVA transmission capacity at a lower 10kV voltage level. This means that without any new power
transformation equipment, it can be directly connected to the 10kV substation of Kerry Center, and the
power transmission capacity is 4 times that of the current charging pile capacity expansion demand!
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High-temperature superconducting grid: the best grid solution for dense cities, embracing the 100-billion grid market
3.5742 million kilometers
Stock transformation market:
The output value of
71,600 kilometers
superconducting tape worth 100 billion yuan
Incremental expansion market:
240,500 kilometers
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future market
Superconducting energy-saving, environmental protection and
military magnet products represented by superconducting induction heaters
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Superconducting induction heaters: high-efficiency and energy-saving products that will subvert the future metal heat treatment industry
Lianchuang Optoelectronics Superconducting Induction Heater Industrialization Project
ÿIt has been determined to build a production base with an annual output of 100 high-temperature superconducting induction heaters
• Each superconducting induction heater needs to use about 12km of
superconducting tape. • Plan to produce 10 superconducting induction heaters in
2022 • Plan to produce 50 superconducting induction heaters in 2023. • In 2024, it
is planned to produce 100 superconducting induction heaters. • From 2022 to 2024,
about 120km, 600km, and 1200km of superconducting tape will be needed each year.
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Superconducting maglev: the only future direction for human travel exceeding 1000km/h
ÿConstant magnetic levitation train EMS
ÿLow temperature superconducting maglev train EDS (LTS)
ÿHigh temperature superconducting maglev train EDS (HTS)
Mature technology, already in commercial operation
Under construction
In preparation (planned 3-4 years)
in Japan (open to traffic in 2027)
China (high speed), low vacuum pipeline can reach 2000km/h
The maximum speed of the L0 train is 603km/h
or above
Germany (high speed) Japan (low speed) China
CRRC High-temperature superconducting electric suspension train prototype
drive motor
stator coil
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation "High Speed Flying Train" Project
8 word suspension coil
Guide wheel
ØUsing domestically produced superconducting materials, it is the world's first electric suspension system
based on second-generation high-temperature superconducting materials
ØIt is expected to be completed in December 2021, and the prototype vehicle of the test line will be
Ø Determined the high-temperature superconducting suspension as the main technical route
suspended . The development of a full-scale prototype vehicle is currently under planning.
superconducting magnet
Velocimetry and Positioning System
walking wheel
Ø Combined with more than 20 scientific research institutions at home and abroad, it will be gradually realized in
Ø Jointly participated by Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, CRRC Changke,
Shanghai Rail Transit, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Tongji University
accordance with the three-step strategy of the maximum operating speed of 1000 km/h, 2000 km/h and 4000 km/h
Brake aluminum plate
Ø Will explore/develop multiple core technologies such as high- temperature superconducting linear drive
8 word coil
technology suitable for high-speed maglev trains, high -temperature superconducting magnet technology
Ø Shanghai Superconductor is the only high-temperature superconducting strip enterprise in the leading working group
suitable for high-speed operating conditions , and promote the construction of demonstration lines
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Superconducting Particle Accelerator: A Key Component for the Practical Application of Proton/Heavy Ion Cancer Therapy
üStrong-field magnets are currently the core components of many important
medical devices, such as heavy ion accelerators for cancer therapy, proton
accelerators for cancer therapy, and medical isotope cyclotrons.
üCurrently, the equipment on the market generally still adopts a constant
conduction magnet or a low-temperature superconducting magnet. The unit
is huge in size, weight and footprint.
üHigh-temperature superconducting magnets, with their outstanding advantages
of small size, light weight, and no need for liquid helium refrigeration, will be
the magnets of choice for the next generation of medical accelerator devices.
üThe current global market in this field has formed a scale of tens of billions, and
has maintained rapid growth in recent years.
heavy ion accelerator
proton accelerator
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Superconducting Particle Accelerator: A Key Component for the Practical Application of Proton/Heavy Ion Cancer Therapy
u equipment weight
Transportation and installation are difficult, and the amount of raw materials is large
u Large size
rotating rack
Large demand for space (new hospital)
u high energy consumption
High power consumption, high heat generation, water cooling system
u high cost
System plus construction generally requires billions
System miniaturization is an urgent need!
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Superconducting Particle Accelerator: A Key Component for the Practical Application of Proton/Heavy Ion Cancer Therapy
Our company cooperates with Guoke Ion , a
leading enterprise of heavy ion cancer treatment
equipment in China, to build a heavy ion
accelerator based on high-temperature
superconducting magnet groups, which can
reduce the entire equipment area from thousands
of square meters to hundreds of square meters.
Our company has become the superconducting
magnet partner of the national project led by
Guoke Ion. The preliminary research and
development work has started, and it will take 2-3
years to gradually replace the magnets on the
existing heavy ion therapy equipment with
superconducting magnets. Each set requires
superconducting magnets worth about 100 million yuan.
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Superconducting military industry: key components for various military strong magnetic field applications
Ultra-high-speed skid, space launch
U.S. Holloman Air Force Base high-speed test skid
Maglev Skid
contact skid
l The slider is seriously worn l
The skid body vibrates violently
l High cost of testing
l No wear on the slider l
l Long experiment cycle
Small vibration of the skid body
l High test success rate
l Reusable
Ø The U.S. Air Force commissioned Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
and Boeing to develop it. The total length of the line is 1.5 kilometers, and
the 424kg unmanned load accelerates to 1019 kilometers per hour, and the
future target speed is Mach 10
Application field of ultra-high speed skid
Ø my country's J-20 uses high-speed skids, with a maximum speed of 3240km/h
• ejection rescue
• Aerophysiology
• Parachute testing
• High overload
• Missile inertial guidance and control
• collision
• aerodynamics
• Explosive shock
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Superconducting military industry: key components for various military strong magnetic field applications
Superconducting Magnetic Minesweeper
helicopter towing
Core technology: total weight < 1 ton, stable operation > 10 hours
Key requirements: lightweight | miniaturization | high stability | no liquid helium
lLarge heat capacity nitrogen fixation
Minesweeper vehicle
remote control minesweeper
l Cryostat strain analysis to reduce structural weight
l Closed-loop superconducting coil and its (quasi-) fee basis are excitation techno
cold storage prolongs combat time and increases thermal stability
• Current lead loss reduced by an order of magnitude: refrigerator cost,
l Non-insulated superconducting coil technology
l The total weight of the new high-frequency pulse tube low-
realizes self-protection in complex thermal environment; has strong stability in high vibration environment
temperature refrigerator is reduced by 3 to 5 times, and it is maintenance-free for 50,000 hours
weight reduced; system stability improved • Ultra-low resistance
closed-loop superconducting coil: passive operation, total system weight
reduced • Decay rate less than 1%/day: in weeks Regular
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five-year development plan
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Marketing and Sales
Domestic market: thriving
• Since 2016, Shanghai Superconductor's second-generation high-temperature superconducting tape products have won most of the public bidding in the Chinese market, and the bidding
opponents are from the United States, Japan, South Korea, and China. The key to success is leading performance/price ratio and excellent customer service.
China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation
l Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences: 32T
Project, the world record for the highest magnetic field of a
Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
full high-temperature superconducting magnet in 2020
Institute of High Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences
CSIC 725 Institute
Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tsinghua University
Harbin Institute of Technology
Lanzhou University
Beijing Jiaotong University
Northwest Institute of Nonferrous Metals
CSIC 712 Institute
North China Electric Power University
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Beihang University
ENN Technology
naval engineering university
Southeast University
Nanjing University of Technology
Dongfang Electric Group
He Hai University
Zhongtian Technology
Sichuan University
National Defense University
Southwest Jiaotong University
Shanghai Cable Institute
Nuclear Industry Southwest Institute
Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
of Physics
Shanghai Electric
Lianchuang Optoelectronics
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Institute of Plasma, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chongqing Institute of Science and Technology
Hefei Institute of Material Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
lShanghai Electric Cable Institute: The first kilometer-
University of Science and Technology of China
118 million+
Retaining customers in 2021
2019-2021 Annual Order Amount
l China Southern Power Grid: the only supplier in the strip field to
enter the list
China Southern Power Grid Corporation
level high-temperature superconducting
cable demonstration project in China
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Marketing and Sales
International market: sudden emergence
German KIT
l Germany KIT: All new superconducting cable
projects use Shanghai superconducting tape
University of Cambridge
University of Bath
Dutch Philips
Tokamak Energy
Moscow Cosmodrome
Appleton Laboratories
Korea KERI
University of Sclyde
ANL laboratory
University of Caen
Kyushu University,
CNRS Research Institute
Japan Chubu
University, Japan KEK
Swiss PSI
ACT Corporation
Institution, Japan
General Electric
American MIT
BNL laboratory
NIFS, Japan NIMS, Japan
Japanese Hagoromo Electric
Florida State University
NHFML Laboratory
ENEA Frascati
Victoria University of
l Tokamak Energy: Up to 6,000 kilometers of demand by
quantum levitation
2025, Shanghai Superconductor has entered the supplier list
Research Center
Wellington Robinson Institute
New Zealand HTS110 New
Solarek Green
l BNL laboratory: 25T large magnet will use
Shanghai superconducting tape
l MIT in the United States: Part of the magnets for controllable
nuclear fusion will purchase superconducting strips from Shanghai
54 million+
Retaining customers in 2021
2019-2021 Annual Order Amount
lSwitzerland PSI: after comparing the performance of more than 10
global strip suppliers horizontally, Shanghai Superconductor was chosen
Zealand RRI
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Future development goals
Log in to the Science and Technology Innovation Board
• Realize that the level of superconducting technology, equipment level, product performance, product comprehensive cost performance, and product market share rank first in the world.
• Before 2024, build superconducting material production bases in Shanghai and Hefei, reaching the world's first approximately 5000km (4mm wide)
Superconducting strip production capacity, has a superconducting magnet subsidiary with world-class magnet development level.
Build a world-leading national enterprise technology center and a national engineering technology
research center
• Build a world-leading national enterprise technology center and a national engineering technology research center
• Improve the competitiveness of key core technologies for Shanghai, create new momentum for high-quality industrial development, and improve the strategy of integrating into the global innovation service network
task contribution.
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Development plan after financing
Development plan for the next three years (2022)
Ø Continue to maintain the absolute leading performance of mass-produced materials in China, and the strength of the first
echelon in the world Ø Realize stable mass production of strong pinning process, increase critical current, develop painting process and improve post-processing
R & D investment
system Ø Strong electric series strip (10mm wide), 77K , 0T critical current reaches 600A (currently 450A) Ø Strong magnetic series strip (10mm width), 4.2K, 10T critical
current reaches 1100A (currently 900A)
Ø Invest about 50 million yuan. By the end of 2022, the new plant and the technical transformation and equipment purchase for the existing production line will be completed.
The new production capacity will be 500km/year, and the total existing production capacity in Shanghai will reach about 900km/year (10mm wide).
Capacity building
Ø Invest 100 million yuan to complete the construction and initial investment of the superconducting magnet subsidiary with the partner (under preparation).
Market Development
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Development plan after financing
Development plan for the next three years (2023)
Ø Reach the world's top three levels of mass-produced material performance
Ø Comprehensive after-treatment types and world-leading process quality Ø Strong
R & D investment
electric series strips (10mm wide), 77K 0T lower critical current reaches 750A Ø Strong magnetic series strips (10mm wide), 4.2K 10T
lower critical current reaches 1300A
Ø Invest about 150-200 million yuan, and complete a new high-capacity configuration in Shanghai and Hefei in September 2023
production line construction. The new production capacity is 2000km/year. The Shanghai Zhangjiang site equipment will become a research and development and pilot test
Capacity building
line. The total national production capacity of Shanghai Superconductor has reached about 2500km/year (10mm wide).
Ø Additional investment of 100-150 million yuan to complete the first world-class magnet trial production project of Superconducting Magnet Company, forming a
Become the manufacturing capacity of large-scale high-temperature superconducting magnets for future fusion engineering.
Market Development
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Development plan after financing
Development plan for the next three years (2024)
Ø Reach the world's first level in terms of material performance, production capacity, and market share, and reach the global market share
R & D investment
Ø Strong electric series strip (10mm wide), 77K 0T lower critical current reaches 900A Ø Strong magnetic
series strip (10mm wide), 4.2K 10T lower critical current reaches 1500A
Ø According to the operation of the production line, supplement equipment as appropriate, and increase the investment by 30-50 million yuan. The new plant at the end of the year
The total production capacity reaches about 3000km/year (10mm wide).
Capacity building
Ø The construction of the superconducting magnet subsidiary has been completed, and a planned global undertaking of magnet research and development tasks has begun.
Market Development
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company address
Building 25, No. 1388, Zhangdong Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
company website
contact number