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CFS Built-Up Column Axial Response Research

Proceedings of the Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium Colloquium
17-19 October 2022 (cfsrc.org)
Axial response of cold-formed steel closed built-up columns composed of unstiffened channels
Mohammad Adil Dar1, Dipti Ranjan Sahoo2
The previous research on cold-formed steel (CFS) laced built-up columns are mostly limited to the adoption of single laced
pattern, with a few studies discussing doubled laced columns. These outcomes of these studies have confirmed that in
addition to the other critical parameters, the lacing pattern also plays a role in governing the behaviour of CFS laced builtup columns. The paper discusses an experimental investigation on the axial response of CFS built-up columns composed
of unstiffened channels. Two channels were arranged in the face-to-face orientation and were laterally connected with Npattern lacing to form a closed built-up section. Self-drilling screws were used to fasten the lacing elements to the chords.
The height of the column specimens was 2.4 m approximately and were concentrically compressed between pinned ends.
The lateral spacing between the channels and thickness of the lacing element were the two parameters that were varied.
The axial response of the specimens was noted in terms of peak loads, load-displacement behaviour and failure modes.
Although none of the current design standards bring out design guidelines specifically for CFS laced columns, the adequacy
of the design rules meant for CFS built-up columns with closely spaced chords given in the North American Specifications
(NAS) and European Code (EC3) for CFS structures was assessed. It was observed that both these standards predict the
capacity of CFS laced columns unconservatively. The NAS predictions were unconservative by up to 27% and EC3 by up
to 21%.
1. Introduction
In recent years, the use of cold-formed steel (CFS) members
in the construction of mid-rise residential and commercial
buildings has increased due to CFS’s many advantages in
terms of both low self-weight and speed of construction as a
result of its simple manufacturing and installation. Because
of these characteristics, it is more suited for constructions in
situations where the construction site is located in a distant
area, and the transportation and handling of the structural
elements can be accomplished with ease. It also
encourages timely completion of building assignments,
providing it an advantage over other building materials
because all that is required to finish the project is assembling
and connecting the various structural elements. This makes
it easier to work with than other building materials. Even
though CFS sections have several significant benefits that
encourage their use in structural construction, the thinwalled nature of the CFS section still limits their acceptance
due to the local buckling instability of the various crosssectional thin plate elements [1-2]. Researchers, particularly
those working on structural steel, have been encouraged as
a result of this to conduct study in this area and provide a
viable solution to these concerns of uncertainty. As a direct
consequence of this, a great number of research studies
have produced methods that are effective, dependable, and
cost effective for enhancing the buckling performance of a
wide variety of improved cross-sections [3-20].
2. CFS built-up columns
By connecting two channel sections in a back-to-back
arrangement through the webs at standard longitudinal
spacing, a typical/conventional I-type CFS built-up column
can be developed. These types of built-up columns find
widespread application in the construction of CFS framed
systems. There have been a number of different attempts
made to improve the buckling performance of I-type built-up
columns. These attempts have included specifying the limits
to the flat width-to-thickness ratios for the various crosssectional elements and also recommending suitable
patterns for the screwed connections at the various
locations [21-27]. These built-up columns' structural
performance can benefit from the addition of an appropriate
transverse gap between the channels in order to achieve
optimal results [28]. A sufficient level of structural integrity
can be achieved between the chord members using a
variety of lateral connection systems. The transverse gap is
Marie Curie Fellow in Steel Structures, Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, dar.adil89@gmail.com
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, drsahoo@civil.iitd.ac.in
also responsible for controlling the stability characteristics of
such columns, in addition to the torsional resistance [29-38].
The column performance with the chords arranged face-toface has been superior to those with the chords placed backto-back arrangement [39-41], and owes that improvement to
the closed sectional configuration of these built-up crosssections, which has been confirmed through more studies
[42-58]. Based on the little research done on CFS closed
section battened columns, the structural performance of
such columns, especially the short and intermediate ones,
is controlled by the unsupported chord slenderness
(slenderness of the chord between the intermediate battens)
[33;48-54;59-61]. Also, the lateral connectivity in battened
columns is discontinuous. As a result of these drawbacks,
research on the effectiveness of CFS laced columns using
plain channels as chords members is warranted.
American Specifications (NAS) [63] and European Code
(EC3) [64] for CFS structures was assessed.
4. Test specimens
To fulfil the requirements of the current study's stated
research objectives, a total of six test specimens (shown by
Figure 1(a-c)) were constructed. Two plain channel sections
were used as chord members and were oriented in face-toface arrangement to form a closed built-up section (as
shown in Figure 2) with lacing elements used as lateral
connectors. The channel sections were formed using press
braking operation from a steel strip 150mm wide and 2mm
thick. Each channel had a web depth of 100 mm and a
flange width of 25mm. The radius of curvature at the flange
web junction was 2.4mm. The length of each channel
supplied by the supplier was 2500mm. Three different
values of the transverse spacing between the tips of the
flanges, viz., 25mm, 50mm and 75mm were adopted, as
3. CFS laced built-up columns
To allow for the adaptability of adopting the transverse gap
in two orthogonal directions for greater structural efficiency,
the majority of the prior research work on CFS laced
columns consisted of plain angles being used as chord
members. However, during the initial stages of loading, such
laced columns experienced local buckling. Because of this
early instability in the chords, the column failure occurred at
a lower axial load than originally anticipated. As a result,
encouraging the use of plain channels rather than angles as
chords in CFS built-up columns. Using the chord itself as the
built-up section (consisting of two lipped channel sections to
generate a built-up angle profile), a study found that CFS
laced built-up columns performed well [62]. The complicated
production process for such built-up columns, however,
discourages their use in actual practice. Also, the built-up
columns that are composed on multiple mono-sectional
profiles result in a complicated behaviour with a weak postpeak behaviour. This justifies the need for exploring the
behaviour of CFS laced built-up columns composed of two
plain channel sections to form a closed built-up section.
In this experimental study, two plain channels were
arranged in a face-to-face configuration to form a closed
built-up section, with lacing plates being adopted as lateral
connectors, with N-pattern lacing to form a closed built-up
section. Self-drilling screws were used to fasten the lacing
elements to the chords. The height of the column specimens
was 2.4 m approximately and were concentrically
compressed between pinned ends. The lateral spacing
between the channels and thickness of the lacing element
were the two parameters that were varied. The axial
response of the specimens was noted in terms of peak
loads, load-displacement behaviour and failure modes.
Although none of the current design standards bring out
design guidelines specifically for CFS laced columns, the
adequacy of the design rules meant for CFS built-up
columns with closely spaced chords given in the North
Figure 1: Longitudinal details of the test specimens, (a) NL-25-2.5 &
NL-25-6; (b) NL-50-2.5 & NL-50-6; NL-65-4 & NL-75-6.
shown in Figure 1. The width of each lacing plate was
25mm. Steel plates of three different thicknesses viz.,
2.5mm, 4mm and 6mm were used to prepare the lacing
elements. The lacing plates were adopted on the N-type
lacing configuration with the lacing inclination of 450. The
height of the specimens varied from 2380mm to 2460mm.
The depth of the end plates adopted in all the six specimens
was 125mm. A single self-drilling screw (5mm diameter)
was used to connect each end of the lacing plate to the
flanges of the chords. The end plates were connected to the
chords using the same size of screws in three rows. The
labelling of the specimens was carried out such that
important details get reflected, e.g., in the label “NL-25-2.5”,
NL reflects the N-type lacing arrangement being adopted,
25 indicates the transverse spacing (in mm) between the tips
of the flanges of the chords, placed in the face-to-face
orientation, and finally the last number 2.5 represents the
thickness (in mm) of the lacing element.
Figure 3: Typical stress-strain plot of the coupons
6. Test set-up
For the purpose of carrying out the concentric axial
compression tests on the laced built-up column specimens,
a robust loading frame with a capacity of 300 kN was
adopted (as can be seen in Figure 4). In order to apply the
compression force in an axial direction, a hydraulic jack with
a capacity of 500 kN was used. During the process of testing
the specimens, an axial loading part was monitored using a
load cell with the same capacity as the loading jack. Two
linear variable differential thermometers, or LVDTs, were
Figure 2: Cross-sectional details of the built-up column specimens
5. Material properties
The steel used to construct the chord members must have
its actual material qualities established. Accordingly, tensile
tests were conducted on the channels' derived tensile
coupons, which had been prepared in accordance with
Indian Standards [65]. These tensile tests were carried out
with the support of an MTS universal testing machine (UTM).
There were a total of three coupon tests carried out. The
average yield strength (fy in MPa), ultimate strength (fu in
MPa), elasticity modulus (E in GPa), and elongation (e in
percent) values were recorded as 423.2, 501.7, 203 and
25.2, respectively. Figure 3 presents typical stress vs. strain
curve obtained from the material tests.
Figure 4: Details of the test set-up
used to record the axial displacement as well as the lateral
deflections (at the mid-height). Both the load cell and the
LVDTs were wired up to a data acquisition system that was
fully automated.
7. Test results
The relationship between axial load and axial displacement
for each of the specimens is depicted in Figure 5 (a-c).
Figure 5 illustrates that the axial load vs. axial shortening
curves of specimens NL-25-2.5 and NL-25-6, both following
a similar pattern, as shown in Figure 5(a). The maximum
axial load resisted by NL-25-2.5 was 129.9kN with a
corresponding axial displacement of 5.05mm. The same for
specimen NL-25-6 was 140.29kN and 5.62mm, in the same
order. Notably, increasing the lacing thickness from 2.5mm
to 6mm increased the axial strength by 10.43kN (8 %). Axial
stiffness, however, showed no apparent changes. The axial
load vs. axial displacement plots of specimens NL-50-2.5
and NL-50-6 look identical as shown in Figure 5(b). The
peak axial strength developed by NL-50-2.5 was axial
150.1kN with a corresponding axial displacement of 6.6mm.
The same for specimen NL-50-6 was 165.27kN and 5.8mm,
in the same order. It can be noted that the axial strength
improvement of 15.2kN (10%) was observed by varying the
lacing thickness from 2.5mm to 6mm. Again, there was a
meagre variation in the axial stiffness. The axial load vs.
axial displacement plots of specimens NL-75-4 and NL-756 share a similarity in their trend as shown in Figure 5(c).
The ultimate axial strength produced by NL-75-4 was axial
153.6kN with a corresponding axial displacement of 5.5mm.
The same for specimen NL-50-6 was 171.5kN and 6.54mm,
in the same order. It can be noted that the axial strength
improvement of 127.84kN (11.6%) was observed due to the
change in the lacing thickness from 4mm to 6mm. Again,
there was a small variation in the axial stiffness. A variation
in the post-peak response of the axial load and axial
displacement was observed. As the transverse spacing
between the chords was increased from 25mm to 50mm and
then from 50mm to 75mm, a subsequent increase in the
stiffness of the falling branch was observed.
As can be seen in Figure 6(a-f), each of the six samples
exhibited local buckling in the chord almost in the middle of
the height of the columns. It was the web element of the
chord that suffered the most of the local buckling instability.
The susceptibility of the web to local buckling as a result of
its relatively high sectional slenderness in comparison to the
flange is the primary cause of this behaviour. The variation
in the lacing slenderness did neither affect the failure mode
nor the location of the failure along the column height.
Furthermore, the variation in the transverse spacing also did
not alter the mode of failure in the various specimens. It was
also observed that none of the specimens experienced any
Figure 5: Axial load vs. axial displacement behaviour, (a) NL-25-2.5 &
NL-25-6; (b) NL-50-2.5 & NL-50-6; (c) NL-65-4 & NL-75-6.
sort of failure in the connection, clearly reflecting that the
self-drilling screws were designed adequately. Also, in
circumstances when local buckling of the chord occurred
near the connection, the structural integrity between the
lacing plate and the chord remained unaffected, again
demonstrating the sufficiency of a single screw adopted to
connect each end of the lacing to the chord.
arrangement, through the webs. Figure 7(a&b) and Table 1
compare the design strengths predicted by both these
design specifications [63,64] against the test strengths.
Figure 7: Comparison of test strengths and the predicted strengths,
(a) North American Specification [63] ; (b) European Standards [64]
Figure 6: Failure in the test specimens, (a) NL-25-2.5; (b) NL-25-6;
(c) NL-50-2.5; (d) NL-50-6; (e) NL-65-4, and (f) NL-75-6.
It was noted that both the North American Specification [63]
and European Standard [64] unconservatively predicted the
strengths of CFS laced columns composed of plain
channels in most of the cases, particularly when the overall
slenderness of the built-up columns was low. The degree of
unconservativeness increased with the increase in the
overall slenderness of the laced columns. The discrepancies
observed between the design predicted strength and the
test strengths calls for more research to be carried out on
such built-up columns that will generate a large pool of data
points which will be helpful for the development of reliable
design rules for CFS laced columns composed of plain
channel sections.
8. Design strengths
There are currently no design standards that can be used to
estimate the axial strengths of CFS laced columns made up
of channel sections as chords. Therefore, North American
Specification [63] and European Standards [64], brought out
for designing CFS structures were used to determine the
design strengths of the different specimens. Both these
design specifications [63,64] give fundamental design steps
for conventional I-type CFS built-up column made by
connecting two channel sections in a back-to-back
Table 1: Comparison of test results and design strengths
PTest (kN)
PEC3/ PTest
9. Summary and conclusions
In this investigation, we aimed to experimentally study CFS
laced columns made from plain channel sections. Pined
supports were used as end conditions for all the laced
column specimens. The effect of parameters such as the
transverse spacing between the tip of the channel flanges
and the lacing thickness, was explored. The effect of these
variations on the axial compression resistance and stability
response of CFS-laced columns was analyzed. The
variation in the structural behavior of the built-up columns
was monitored in terms of their resisted peak loads, loaddisplacement responsiveness and failure modes. Lastly, the
North American Specification (NAS) and European
Standards (EC3) for CFS structures were used to compare
the design strengths and test strengths. The forecasts of
each of these standards revealed inconsistency in terms of
their level of accuracy. Both the NAS and EC3 mostly
predicted the strengths of CFS laced columns composed of
plain channels unconservatively, particularly when the
overall slenderness of the built-up columns was low. The
degree of unconservativeness grew as the overall
slenderness of the laced columns increased. All of the
specimens collapsed due to local buckling of the web in the
built-up columns' mid-height region. There were no failures
at the connection levels, indicating that the connection
design used was adequate. Peak strength variations ranged
from 8% to 11% as a result of lacing thickness variation.
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AISI S100-16 North American speciļ¬cation for the
design of cold-formed steel structural members.
Washington, DC: American Iron and Steel Institute;
BS EN1993-1-3 (2006), Design of steel structures.
Part1-3: General rules – Supplementary rules for coldformed members and sheeting, Brussels: European
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IS 1608: 2005, Indian Standard- Metallic Materials Tensile Testing at Ambient Temperature, Bureau of
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: Cold-formed steel
: Modulus of elasticity
: Ultimate strength
: Yield strength
: Design strength predicted by North American
Specification (AISI S100:2020)
: Design strength predicted by and European
Standards EN1993-1-3 (2006)
: Peak test strength
: Strain at fracture