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Data Science Tutor Application - UCSD

Data Science Tutor Application
HDSI has opened recruitment for tutors in our WI24 DSC courses. Please read this information
carefully and apply at the link listed at the end of this document.
Process and timeline: Students should apply to tutor by November 3, 2023. The department
assigns tutors to classes and begins sending out the official offers until all positions are filled.
Students must accept or decline the offer by the date given in the appointment letter.
Application priority deadline is November 3 at 11:59 pm (PST).
To qualify, you must:
● Have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA.
● Have completed at least two quarters at UCSD by the application quarter.
● Earned a minimum grade of B or higher in the course (or its equivalent).
● For first time tutors: Must enroll in DSC 95.
○ DSC 95 is not offered during the summer term. First time tutors taking on
summer assignments must enroll in DSC 95 in the subsequent fall quarter.
● Be on campus to work from the start of the quarter to when grades are finalized.
Additional Information:
● You must be available to fulfill tutor duties from the official start of the quarter
through the day grades are due.
● You should not start preparing to tutor for a course until you have received an official
appointment letter from the department and accepted the position.
● We do NOT know that enrollments will be high enough to warrant tutors in all of the
classes listed on the application.
● Students may not be a Tutor for courses in which they are enrolled.
● Tutors may be asked to attend lectures, lead discussion or lab sections, and proctor
midterm and final exams.
● For information about our DSC courses, please see the Undergraduate Course
● More information on DSC Tutors can be found online at
DSC Department Application Link:
To apply for a DSC Tutor position, please visit: