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7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
So you just met a new girl and she’s AWESOME...
You have a great conversation with her and it seems like you’re
really connecting. Maybe you just get her number, maybe you
take her out once or twice and have a great time with her...or
maybe you even kiss her or more.
Then, you send her A TEXT MESSAGE...
Just a few characters on a screen...
And then...
All of a sudden...
She STOPS responding and you don’t even know what
“I don’t understand,” you think to yourself.
This scenario plays out hundreds of times a day for men all
across the world.
I know because my clients write me asking about texting almost
every day.
Listen, texting seems like a small thing, and in some ways it is...
However, it can be a HUGE deal when it comes to dating.
Your phone can be like a nuclear weapon that annihilates your
chances with a woman with one small press of a tiny button.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
Or, it can be one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal that
makes her irresistibly attracted to you.
I get asked all the time:
“How do I keep an attractive conversation going over text?”
And, “How can I attract women with text messages?”
And, “How do I stop losing attraction while I’m texting?”
And, “How do I avoid getting put into the friend zone when I’m
texting a girl?”
And, “How do I make sure she sees me as a sexual option when
I’m texting her?”
And, “If a girl’s friend gives me her number, how should I text her
to make sure she doesn’t just think it’s a ‘friendly’ thing and still
not make it weird?”
And, “How do I make women want me when I’m texting them?”
And, “I’m a little older and I just got back into the dating
game...How do I effectively text women?”
And, “How do I make sure my texting game doesn’t screw things
up with a good woman?”
So, to help you out, I decided to put this simple guide together
with the 7 most important principles I know when it comes to
attractive texting.
Now listen, if the 7 principles seem simple to you, great.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
That means you’re already WAY ahead of the average guy out
there trying to attract women.
And remember, as the great Vince Lombardi, winner of 3 NFL
championships and Super Bowls I and II said, “Excellence is
achieved by the mastery of the fundamentals.”
So, even if you kind of know the 7 principles already, it’s
extremely important that you CONSISTENTLY APPLY THEM AT
ALL TIMES if you want to enjoy the level of success you really
want with women.
When you follow the 7 principles in this guide, women see you as
an attractive man: You attract high quality women AND never get
put into the friend zone or get “rejected” by a woman simply
because of texting ever again.
When you don’t, your results suffer. It’s as simple as that.
So, here are 7 texting principles that make her WANT YOU when
you apply them CONSISTENTLY:
#1 D
When it comes to texting women, less is more.
I was recently interviewing a gorgeous, sweet, innocent 25-yearold girl for a program I’m producing.
And I asked her what made her think of guys as “just friends” or
as “real options” when they TEXT her...
She said, “Well, first of all, if the guy texts me too much it really
turns me off. One guy sent me, and I’m serious...99 messages in
one day with no reply from me...
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
That’s kind of an extreme example, but even a few extra
messages tell me that the guy doesn’t have what I’m looking for.”
So, send a woman ONE (short) text, and then WAIT FOR HER
TO RESPOND before you text her again.
Would you just keep talking without letting the other person talk in
real life? No...So let her participate in the conversation when
you’re texting her too.
Don’t be like this guy who keeps on texting a woman who doesn’t
Send her a text, then don’t text her again until she replies. And,
trust me, she got your text.
Now, if she doesn’t respond, you can wait 5-7 days and then send
her ONE more text just in case something really crazy happened
or she actually didn’t get your last text (less than 1% of the time).
But don’t keep texting a woman if she doesn’t respond.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
If she’s interested, she’ll text you back. And, because you waited
for her to respond, her interest in you will go UP when she does.
So, you can ONLY lose if you double, triple, or quadruple text her:
1. If she IS interested, she’ll LOSE attraction for you.
2. If she IS NOT interested, you’ll be wasting your time and
lowering your self-worth at the same time.
Waiting for her to respond is ALWAYS the winning strategy. And,
it more closely mimics a real life interaction.
So send her one (short) text, and then let her respond before you
text her again (see #3).
This one tip alone will make you 1000x more attractive, separate
you from all the guys texting her 3000 times per day, and protect
your self-confidence all at the same time.
And, this principle is easy to understand but can sometimes be
challenging to implement when you really like a girl. So, I
encourage you to just bite the bullet and be patient...
Remember: patience is painful and bitter but its fruit is sweet and
So, always wait for her to respond no matter how much you want
to send that next text. Then, if she doesn’t reply after a few days,
send her ONE more text if you want...
And then, if she’s not interested and never responds, move on.
Also, don’t sit around texting her all day...
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
A few texts back and forth per day should be your limit. After all,
you’re a successful guy with lots of important things to do and
you’re having lots of fun living the awesome lifestyle that you’re
creating for yourself, right?
If it’s starting to go past the point of a few texts back and forth in a
single day, wait until the next day and pick up the conversation
again from where you left off and do it as if there was no “pause”
in the conversation at all. Just continue normally the next day as if
you had just kept texting her...and, of course, set up an in-person
meetup: “Hey, this conversation will be a lot more fun in person.
Let’s grab a smoothie and go for a hike on Sunday...”
Always remember: The point of text messaging is to get to the
next in-person meetup. That’s it.
You can send a few playful texts back and forth between dates...
However, you want to get to know her in person and then let her
THINK about you when you’re not out with her.
She can’t do that when her phone is constantly buzzing with your
presence...the validation of your attention might feel good to her
for a minute, but it will get annoying and destroy her interest in
you extremely quickly after that.
Also, keep your texts SHORT...
Anything you want to communicate can be said using fewer words
and with the help of emoticons.
Let’s look at an example:
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
Notice how his response to her text is a very simple “Me too. :-)”
He could have said, “I had a great conversation with you too! I
can’t wait for our next one...” or something even longer...
But his SHORT, SIMPLE, text with a little emoticon for context
said everything he wanted to say in a much more attractive way.
That’s what we want to go for.
The girl I interviewed continued: “And if his texts are kind of short
and in a kind of “cold” tone, I will be more interested in him. I
know that’s weird, but in the beginning stages of dating that’s
what makes me want to know the guy more...
It makes me want to chase him. And, if he ends up choosing me, I
want to do even more for him because I know he has options and
is a strong man that I can rely on if he texts me that way...
...If he texts me a lot a lot a lot, I will not text him back for sure.”
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
And her statements only confirm what I’ve learned over the last
13+ years studying all things male/female dynamics, dating and
relationships and SEEING what successful guys do vs. what other
guys do.
And, what she says confirms what I see when clients start texting
this way: they have MUCH more success.
So, text women less often, keep your texts short, fun, and simple,
use texting ONLY to move things toward the next in-person
meetup, and after you send her a text, don’t text her again until
she responds.
If you follow this principle, your success rate will go way up.
#2 L
This one is related to principle #1...
When you’re having a texting conversation with a woman, try to
let HER text to YOU be the last one in your conversation with her.
Resist the urge to send her that last little text...
It keeps the tension alive and keeps her chasing you a little bit. It
seems like a small thing, and it is, but these “small” things can be
HUGE when you first meet a girl.
So, when the conversation is wrapping up and she texts you
something that doesn’t REQUIRE a response, let it be the last
text in the conversation and DO NOT REPLY.
Let’s look at the one of the examples from principle #1 again to
see what this looks like:
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
Notice how her text to him (ending with “Maybe that’s where this
topic should end...”) is the last one in their first texting
He could have replied, and he probably wanted to because he
likes her. But, instead, he let her text be the final text in their
conversation. He planned on texting her again in a couple days to
ask her to meet up...
Then, a day or two later, they randomly ran into each other in
person and SHE texted HIM again afterward.
Remember: It’s okay for her to double-text you. The same rules
don’t apply to women. We want her to chase you.
It’s your job to lead; it’s her job to chase.
So, give her the opportunity to chase you. And, she will, if she’s
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
And one way to encourage her to chase you is to let her text be
the last one in the conversation.
Another example of this is when she says, “good night :-)” or
something like that.
She’s clearly ending the conversation...
And, it’s VERY tempting to text her back to reciprocate.
However, letting that text be the last one in the conversation is
better for her and for you because it makes her more attracted to
you the next time you text her or see her.
So, fight off the voice that tells you, “Text her, text her, text her
back, text her back, text her back!!! She’ll be mad at us or forget
about us if we don’t!! Besides, it’s just one little text...”
No! Don’t send her that last little text and she’ll like you MORE.
So, let her text to you be the last one at the end of a conversation
whenever you can.
It’s okay for your text to be the last one in a conversation once in
a while, so don’t panic if it happens, but just be aware of this
dynamic and allow her text to be the last one when you notice it.
Also, you don’t have to keep track of this like an accountant or
anything, but try to make it so her messages are a little longer
than yours for the most part.
So, if she texts you 3 sentences...text her 2 sentences back for
At the very least, don’t send her long paragraphs when she’s
sending you short sentences...make sense?
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
#3 S
We don’t want her to get the impression that you’re sitting there
waiting by your pone for her text...
So, don’t sit there waiting for her to text you or text you back.
When you text her, send it, and then immediately go do
something else.
Come back a little while later and check to see if she texted you.
Not only does this make you more attractive to her, it also makes
you feel more confident because you’re in a stronger position
when you’re not sitting there wondering if she got your text or not
or when/if she’ll respond.
So don’t wait around by your phone texting her back and forth all
day long. Make it more natural by sending her a text, moving
forward with your life, and then coming back to your conversation
Take your time. There’s no rush. That’s the beauty of texting.
You don’t have to text her back right away, and she doesn’t have
to text you back immediately either.
Be patient, let things develop naturally over time, and let her
interest in you catch up to your interest in her by adding time and
space between your interactions with her.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
Now, if she texts you back immediately and you hear your phone
buzz as you’re walking into your living room to turn on the game
or reaching for your vacuum cleaner, it’s okay to exchange a FEW
texts back and forth for a bit...
But, otherwise, text her once, move on to something else, and
then come back and check your phone and respond a little later.
Enough said.
#4 B
One of the WORST texts you can send a woman is any variation
of the following:
“When are we hanging out again?”
“When can I see you again?”
“What are you up to this weekend?”
“Wanna hang out sometime?”
“Let’s meet up sometime next week and do something.”
When you want to meet up with a girl or go on a date with a
woman, just choose the day, time, and activity and then ask her to
join you.
Don’t involve her in the planning process.
Text her something specific and direct, like:
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
“Hey, let’s meet at amazing coffee shop on Thursday at 7”
Or, “I’m headed to this cool new wine bar on Thursday around
8:30...join me?”
And trust me...if she can’t make the day and time you selected,
she’ll suggest a specific alternative day and time if she’s actually
interested in you.
She’ll text you back something like, “Sounds fun but I’m busy
Thursday...can we meet up on Sunday?”
(“Let’s hang out some other time doesn’t count...”)
If she offers an alternative day and time, say yes if you’re
available unless she asks you to meet up the same day you text
her (then say, “I’m busy tonight...let’s meet up tomorrow night if
you can make it”).
If she doesn’t agree to your original date invitation and doesn’t
suggest a specific alternative day/time, move on and don’t ask her
out again.
Because, if she doesn’t suggest a specific alternative day/time,
it’s 99% likely that she’s not interested in you and your time will be
better spent on another awesome girl who likes you.
And, in the 1% of cases where she IS interested and doesn’t
suggest a specific alternative, SHE will re-engage YOU later and
then you can proceed normally at that point.
If you keep asking her out and she keeps declining, it kills her
interest in you and crushes your confidence at the same time.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
Either way, the only “play” you have is to move on...and then, if
she re-engages you later by texting you again, you can ask her
out ONE more time at that point and take it from there.
And, if you ask her for a specific day/time/activity and she
happens to have a BETTER idea for where to go, she’ll let you
know as well.
The important thing is that you took the initiative to plan
something and then invited her to join you. She will appreciate it
AND be much more attracted to you.
So, ALWAYS do that...then, if she has a better idea, you can go
with that if you want. But never expect her to plan dates and don’t
try to figure out her schedule.
So, after you have an awesome date with her, don’t ask her,
“Hey, when can we hang out again?”
Instead, just send her ONE short, simple text like: “Thanks for the
fun time tonight Allison :)”
Then, wait a few days, choose a specific activity you want to do,
choose a day and time that works for you, and then invite her to
join you.
Here’s an example of a texting conversation from a guy’s phone
after a really good date.
Let’s analyze it:
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
First of all, look at the text she sent him: “Thank you again for an
amazing first date :)”
That’s a great text to get from a woman after a date...AND, it’s
exactly the kind of text YOU should send a girl after a really fun
date: Just ONE simple text like that (sometimes girls seem to be a
lot better at these things naturally)...
(Also, notice that she doesn’t use a period and uses an emoji...)
Second, notice in his response that he asks, “When’s the 2nd
You might notice that he made another mistake after that, feels
nervous about it, and tries to apologize for it...BUT, what he
doesn’t realize is that asking her “When’s the 2nd date?” is MUCH
worse than making a funny autocorrect texting error.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
What should he have texted her back instead of “When’s the 2nd
Something simple like, “So. Much. Fun. ”
And then let that be the last text for the night...
Or, “Thank YOU Jessica. I had a great time too! :) Have a good
night” <Notice no period at the end...do this most of the time *pro
Then, he should just wait a few days, find something fun to do,
and ask her to join him.
If she texts him in-between, he can send a few fun, light texts
back and forth, but he should keep it to a minimum – just enough
to set up the next in-person meetup.
Make sense?
Here’s one more example of a BAD way to ask a woman out:
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
And here are two more examples of GOOD ways to ask a woman
Be specific and direct when you ask her out and she’ll be more
attracted to you and MUCH more likely to meet up with you.
#5 DON’T B
Remember: The ONLY purpose of texting is to set up the next INPERSON meetup with her.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
So, don’t send her super-long texts, ask her open-ended
questions where you’re trying to get to know her, share lots of info
about yourself, or otherwise try to connect with her on a “deeper”
level when you’re texting her.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you can’t text her back and forth a
little bit and have some fun with her while you’re texting (see #6
and #7...)...
However, what it does mean is that you should NOT try to build
an emotional connection with her via text.
Most guys forget the purpose of texting and try to deepen their
connection with her when they text her.
You want to get to know her in person...
#6 K
When you text a girl, DO NOT talk about:
-Sex (explicitly)
-How you “feel” about her
-How much you need her/want to be with her
-Negative news: “Did you hear about that tsunami that killed
10,000 people yesterday...”
-Negative topics
-Your “horrible” childhood
-The job you hate and the boss you hate even more
-Your issues and problems
-Your negative emotions
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
Because in the beginning stages of dating (the first 2-3 months)
when you’re establishing attraction with a woman, these HEAVY
and NEGATIVE topics can ONLY:
1. Destroy her interest in you unnecessarily or
2. Make it so you “break even”
They can NEVER increase her interest in you. So, stay away from
them in general in the early stages of dating and definitely stay
away from them when you’re texting her.
And remember: “serious” or “deep” discussions about
“negative” subjects, “important” issues, or “feelings” DO
NOT create a stronger connection with her. <==Read 3X...
That’s one of the biggest myths out there that can hurt your
chances with a woman.
Having shared new experiences with her and having FUN with
her actually builds a stronger emotional bond with her than any
kind of “deep” conversation ever can.
And that applies to texting even more...
So, instead of trying to be deep and serious, adopt a
PLAYFUL mindset when you’re texting her.
Remember, we only use texting to get to the next in-person
meetup...and we want the emotions that she feels about you inbetween dates to be STRONG and POSITIVE.
When you tease her, she feels STRONG ATTRACTION for you if
you do it playfully.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
When you are playful with her and when you keep things light,
she feels STRONG POSITIVITY connected with you.
Those strong emotions are awesome for her and they make her
more attracted to you.
When you text her about negative and heavy subjects, she feels
STRONG, NEGATIVE emotions and associates them with YOU.
Not good.
When you text her telling her about all of your deep feelings for
her, she feels STRONG REPULSION and maybe even
DISAPPOINTMENT that you’re ruining it with her even if she liked
you before.
Not what we want...
So, keep your texting light and playful from now on and you’ll do a
lot better.
Here’s an example of keeping it light and playful so you can see
what I mean:
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
Notice how his texts (in green) are shorter than hers, how he says
everything he needs to say with few words, how he uses LOL and
;), how he teases her about being attracted to him, and how he
softens it by attributing her attraction to him to her having good
There’s nothing serious or heavy going on here. Very LIGHT and
PLAYFUL, even when he teases her. Good stuff.
Lastly, when you text a woman, never give her an ultimatum or
ask for a specific outcome:
“If you don’t come over tonight, it’s over...”
“Okay I’m giving you ONE more chance...”
“You seriously better not talk to Will again.”
“Do you wanna be my girlfriend or not?”
“Why don’t you come over and play with my...”(before you’ve slept
with her)
“Seriously. Are you just messing with me or do you actually like
Keep it LIGHT and PLAYFUL when you text her. Then, set up
your next meetup with her.
Save any important, serious conversations you want to have with
her for AFTER she’s already in love with you, you’ve already been
dating her for 2-18 months, and you’re trying to decide if you want
to be her boyfriend or marry her or not...and do it IN PERSON.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
In the meantime, just have fun getting to know her a little bit at a
time and do it mostly in person.
If you figure out that she isn’t right for you, move on without
drama. Until then, just have as much fun with her as possible...
And, DEFINITELY don’t have serious conversations with her via
text message.
I can’t possible say this too often, so I’ll say it again: keep it
LIGHT and PLAYFUL in the beginning stages of
dating...especially when it comes to texting.
Now, besides keeping things light and being playful, you also
want to make sure you’re building a little tension with her while
you’re texting so you don’t accidentally slip into the friend zone:
#7 T
Women understand that playful teasing is how you attractively
communicate romantic interest.
And, they can generally take A LOT more hard teasing than you
Most of them LOVE IT.
So, tease her and build some tension when you’re texting her.
Just don’t INSULT her or PUT HER DOWN.
Teasing is: “You’re such a brat! ;)”
Or, “Ha. Those are some big words for a little girl...”
Putting her down is: “Your nose is super ugly.”
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
Or, “You’re worthless. You seriously have absolutely nothing to
offer me or this world.”
See the difference?
We love to playfully tease her...but we never put her down. That’s
how winners play it.
Now, here are a few ways you can tease her and build some
tension when you’re texting her:
1. Misinterpret something she says on purpose:
For example, if she texts you: “Do you have a bandana I can
You can respond: “No, I don’t have a “banana” for you...you girls
only think about ONE THING! ;)”
This can be really funny. Try it.
2. Tease her/Challenge her:
“I’m pretty sure I saw you in the bushes a little while ago when I
was changing my clothes...are you stalking me again?” (The
“again” makes this even more hilarious...)
“I will SO fight you.”
“Your parents must be so proud right now ;)”
“You’re so adorable...You’re like the 2nd cutest girl I’ve talked to all
day! ;)”
“Why do you like me so much?”
“Haha, you dork ;-)”
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
“Nerd! ;)”
“Why are you so into me right now? ;)”
“Why are you so attracted to me right now?”
“It’s a good thing you aren’t here right now or I would have to kick
your ass ;)”
“That’s it...I’m breaking up with you ;)”
“You’re trouble...I might have to stay away from you haha”
“I would challenge you to a friendly game of monopoly and wine
but I don’t want to see you cry when I crush you and take all your
fake money ;)”
“You’re such a little brat :-P”
“What gift are you thinking about buying me right now? ;)”
Get creative with it and banter back and forth with her a little bit.
And, be prepared for her to come back at you as well.
Remember: Have FUN with it...teasing back and forth means
you’re both interested, so interpret it as a compliment when she
teases you or challenges you hard...because it IS a compliment in
3. Tell her to stop making you like her:
“Stop making me like you...it’s not fair ”
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
“Why do you have to be so cute and make me like you like this?
You know I’m trying not to like anyone right now...”
“Seriously, if you don’t stop being so awesome and making me
like you I might have to break up with you because it’s just getting
too intense for me haha”
And, of course, she’ll probably tease you and play back with you
too whenever you tease her. That’s what we want.
Here’s a real example of teasing and building a little tension so
you can see it:
Again, notice how his texts are shorter than hers, how his texts
communicate a lot in a few words, how he’s being playful, and
how he teases her and assumes she’s attracted to him.
Listen, teasing her and building tension with her is how you make
sure she doesn’t think you’re BORING. So do it when you text
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
However, remember that it’s just a SPICE: sprinkle in a LITTLE
BIT into your texting conversations and you’ll be golden.
Don’t keep teasing her endlessly...
And, if she truly gets upset when you tease her (this is RARE if
you do it properly, but it can happen), acknowledge it but don’t
“Hey, when I like someone I tease them so it just means you’re
doing well and I want to get to know you more, make sense?”
“I’m being playful with you because I like you, okay?”
Or, maybe something else is happening in her life that’s making
her react negatively at the moment.
So you can ask her if she’s okay if you want:
“?” (Sometimes a simple question mark is all you need.)
Or, “Are you alright?”
Then, just see how she reacts and take it from there...
If she continues to get super emotional over the next few days or
weeks in her reactions to your texts, consider moving on to
someone who’s a little more stable.
However, if she says something like, “Sorry, I had a bad day at
work and I was being silly for a sec...I’ll try not to take it out on
you next time Handsome Prince haha,” or it only happens once,
then you know you can proceed normally.
And, if you tease her and she defends herself, validate her
instead of continuing to tease/challenge her:
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
YOU: “You’re not some sort of stalker are you?”
HER: “No, I’m not like that I promise!!!”
YOU: “Okay cool. I was a little worried for a sec but now I’m good
Tease her, build tension with her, keep texting to a minimum, be
direct when you ask her to meet up, and keep it light and playful
and you’ll be successful.
Studies show that guys who use emoticons while texting are more
successful with women.
So, use them =)
And, make sure you use them the RIGHT way:
Use emoticons to SOFTEN your messages when you challenge
and tease her OR to make your messages more FUN.
You’re such a brat ;-)
I hate you ;)
I bet your parents are so proud haha :-P
My God you are so into me right now 
Or, use emoticons to help make your text messages SHORTER
and more impactful (use them to communicate what you want to
say more simply):
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
Yes =)
Me too 
Ok ;)
Of course :)
You know it ;-)
One of the example text conversations from earlier clearly
demonstrates this concept:
Notice how in this example he just adds a smiley face :-) to his
SHORT message instead of saying something “sappy” and it
conveys all the necessary information, including emotion?
Notice how he didn’t need to write a long text to say the exact
same thing?
Perfectly done. Copy him...
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
However, DO NOT use emoticons to apologize or to try to make
her like you:
“We should meet up again soon ”
Instead of sending the above text, just choose an activity, day,
and time and invite her to join you. No emoticon necessary...
“Sorry to text you again, but I wanted to see what you’re up to
today ;)”
NEVER apologize for texting her: if you follow the principles in this
guide you won’t have anything to apologize for.
If you apologize for texting her you might as well not ask her out
because she’s going to lose attraction for you...
And the emoticon doesn’t help or add anything in this case either.
It just makes an already weak text even weaker.
So don’t do apologize directly and don’t do it with emoticons
“Good morning beautiful! ;-)”
DO NOT start sending her this kind of text every day (or at all) if
you want to date her.
If you do, she’ll just show it to the guy she’s actually dating while
they’re lying in bed together: “Hey, look at what this guy keeps
texting me...LOL”
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
Whether or not they make fun of you is dependent on how cool
those two people are.
The fact that it will destroy any attraction she might have felt for
you is certain.
Lastly, use “haha” instead of “jk.”
In fact, take “jk” out of your texting vocabulary for good.
Haha is a SOFTENER...jk is apologetic.
“You’re such a little princess haha...” (YES)
“You’re such a little princess ;)” (YES)
“You’re such a little princess...jk” (NO)
See the difference? If not, she definitely will, so trust me and just
use haha or a winky-face emoticon instead.
After you’ve slept with a woman, you can turn her on with a text...
And, it’s almost always MORE of a turn-on for her when she’s not
“supposed” to be turned on. Like, when she’s at work or out
shopping with her mom.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
So, while she’s out in public and she’s supposed to be on her
“best behavior,” send her a text that turns her on and then let her
imagination take over:
“I can’t even tell you what I’m thinking about doing to you right
“You’ve been such a naughty girl lately...I’m going to punish you
when you get home”
“You’re standing at the railing looking over the edge of a gorgeous
yacht, feeling the warmth of the sun on your face as the cool
breeze of the ocean cools your body down to the perfect
temperature. Then, you feel me come up behind you and grab
you firmly around the waist. You turn to look back at me as I start
to whisper in your ear...”
“You better get ready because as soon as you get home I’m going
to pin your arms behind your head and ravish you exactly the way
I want to.”
“You better not come home today because it might be
dangerous...you never know what will happen between us and I’m
just not sure you can handle it...”
“Imagine my hand slowly and firmly making its way up your leg as
my other arm holds you firmly by your lower back and I look at
you intensely and kiss you passionately...”
“Don’t think about how I’m going to pull your hair and spank you
like the bad girl you are later. Seriously, stop thinking about it ;)”
A text like any of these will make the odds extremely high that
she’ll be ready to “go” the next time she sees you if you’ve
already been with her and she’s attracted to you/in love with you.
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
When you consistently apply the 7 principles (and 2 bonus
principles) we just covered in this guide, women are wildly
attracted to you and you stay out of the dreaded friend
Your phone becomes one of your most deadly attraction
weapons instead of a nuclear missile launcher that
completely destroys your chances with good-looking, highquality women like it does for most guys who DON’T follow
the principles.
So go out and use your weapon the right way starting today
because it’s the best thing for you AND all the women you
meet from now on. =)
Good luck out there and let me know how it goes...
And if you haven’t already grabbed your copy of The Good
Guy Guide to Getting Sexual yet, join us on the inside now
because it will absolutely change your life. Click here to learn
more and see your private discount page >>
Want more? We have some advanced FREE training for you:
How to Attract a Devoted Girlfriend or Wife:
The Formula Step 1: Initial Attraction (Click Here for FREE Instant Access)
The Formula Step 2: Increase her attraction for you and make her fall in love with you
The Formula Step 3: Keep her in love with you
The Formula BONUS: How to know if she's right for you
How to Attract Women Without Words:
Brad Pitt’s Body Language Secrets (Click Here for FREE Instant Access)
And, if you’re really ambitious, go grab one of our best-selling programs now:
Attract and Keep Her (Click Here to Learn More)
First Date God (Click Here to Learn More)
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU
I sincerely hope you enjoyed this download and got at least one
tip you’ll use in your REAL LIFE...
If you ever have a question, please email us at:
datingadvice4menwholovewomen [at] gmail.com
We look forward to helping you become the most attractive
version of yourself.
Talk to you soon sir...
Jim Wolfe
7 Texting Principles That Make Her WANT YOU