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Persuasive Speech: Dangers of Texting While Driving

Elizabeth George
Persuasive Speech Outline
Attention getter
Today I want to help you all to gain the most important lesson you can learn as a driver.
This topic may seem like something you all have heard about the dangers of before, yet
this is something only talked about briefly in your driving lessons.
Opening Thesis
My goal is to persuade my audience of the dangers of driving while distracted and the
importance of maintaining focus regardless of the distractions you face when driving.
Review of Main Points
Texting while driving is an extremely dangerous pastime of all too many drivers out
there. On the highway I've seen countless cars swerving in and out of there lanes, to
drive past them and see they are either peeking up and down at their devices or are
talking on the phone. In doing so they are making a decision to put their lives and the
lives of others around them on the line, for what? A text? A call? Both of which could
wait. I want to help you all see there are other options to checking your phone and
plenty of reason to keep your eyes glued on the road.
1. Driving and texting is deadly
A. Distracted driving is deadly driving
B. No one wants to die
C. Proof using statistics of the dangers of texting while driving
2. Texting and driving is illegal
A. Outlawed in the majority of states in the US
B. No one wants to spend time in jail or spend money on fines
Checking the text takes mere seconds my driving is good enough
proof of the distance travelled ins seconds when you drive
3. There are better options
A. There are alternative options
B. Provide alternatives
Conclusion of Main points
Punchline - Cincher
You don't want to be in an ambulance.