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Botswana Economic Geography Exam Paper

6 (a) The tourism industry makes a substantial contribution to Botswana’s economy. However, the
local people are not always actively involved in the industry. The government has developed
strategies to encourage local participation even though the industry is sometimes affected by
outbreak of diseases.
Define tourism.
 Visiting places of interest for leisure/recreation/business/education
Suggest five ways in which the outbreak of diseases may negatively affect the
 Decline in the number of tourists
 Loss of business/income by the industry
 Decline of the country’s GDP/Decline in revenue
 Reduced employment opportunities
 Under employment
 Area goes into economic decline/less money circulates in the area
 Low wages for employees/ exploitation of labour
 Closing of some tourism businesses/companies
 Retrenchment of employees/loss of jobs
 Decline in standard of living/poverty in the area/region
Suggest how the participation of local communities in tourism will help the
industry to grow.
 They will conserve natural resources
 Preservation of cultural sites/tourist attractions
 Improvement of tourist attractions
 Reduction in poaching
 Development/improvement of craft industries
 Revenue will be used to develop infrastructure
 Development/establishment of other tourism related industries
 Improved marketing
 Acquisition of skills
(b) (i) Name any large scale industry in Botswana that you have studied.
Brick moulding i.e Panda, Makoro
Bolux milling
Food processing
Metal production
Tile/plastic/paper manufacturing
(ii) Describe three factors that could have influenced the location of the industry
in (b)(i)
 Availability of named raw materials
 Availability of water from named water source
 Availability of power from a named source
 Availability of labour from a named place
 Government policy
 Accessibility to market from a named place
 Accessibility to transport/nearness to road/railway
 Availability of flat/gentle land
 Availability of a large area of land
(iii) Explain how large scale industries benefit the country.
 Employment creation which improves standard of living
 Promotes self sufficiency hence reduce import bill
 Promotes development of other industries diversifying the economy
 Generates government revenue hence more money to use on services
 Provide raw materials for other industries
 Brings foreign exchange used to develop the country
 In service/on the job training leading to the acquisition of skills
 Development of the infrastructure improving service delivery
(c) Describe how the government is promoting the development of manufacturing
industries in Botswana.
 Mentorship/training/business development
 Marketing and exposure through trade fairs/advertising
 Some businesses set aside for locals only
 Financing businesses/low interest rates on loans
 Import restrictions/import tariffs
 Women/youth empowerment
 Giving industries subsidies
 Protection of property rights
 Government provides market for businesses
 Provision of services i.e water, power
 Development of infrastructure
5.(a) Mining plays a dominant role in Botswana’s economy.
Name and locate on a sketch map of Botswana an area of diamond mining. Use
two geographical features to help locate the area.
[1 mark for the named mining area]
[1 mark for the outline]
[1 mark for the location]
Describe four factors that led to the mining of diamonds in Botswana.
Large deposits/quantity of diamond ore
Deposits near the surface
High quality diamonds
Large capital
Government partnership with DeBeers/government policy
Skilled/trained labour
Large/reliable market
Water supply
Power supply
Explain how diamond mining has contributed to the economy of Botswana. [6]
 Created many jobs therefore improved living standards of many people
 Generated large sums of government revenue for development of the
 Many people were trained therefore improving the quality of the human
 Generated large foreign exchange enabling the country to develop
 Diversifies the economy reducing dependence on one commodity
 Development of infrastructure to improve service delivery
 Raw material to attract other industries/investors creating more
(b) Botswana has an abundance of minerals such as diamonds, coal and copper -nickel,
however there are other that are not mined.
Name two other minerals in Botswana that are not mined.
 Silver, potash, uranium, iron ore, asbestos, oil, gas, zinc, manganese
Explain why some minerals are not mined.
 low/poor ore quality failure to compete/be sustainable/less profit
 lack of capital/technology difficulty in setting the mine/sustaining the mine
 lack of market leading to low/no profit/returns
 deep ore deposits therefore expensive to mine
near or below water table leading to short life span of mine and dangerous
small quantities therefore short life span of the mine/mine not sustainable
global political influence/instability scarring away investors
causes air pollution therefore harmful to the environment and people
competition with other producers leading to no/limited market
government policies therefore not profitable/dangerous to people
(c) Describe the problems of a mineral led economy.
 depletion of minerals/non renewable
 fluctuation of mineral prices
 competition with synthetic materials/mineral substitutes
 decline in the mineral demand
 competition with minerals from other countries
 economic recession
6(a) Study fig. 5 which shows types of industries.
A Fishing
B Textile
Fig. 5
C Book Shop
D Research Lab
Write A, B, C and D as a list and name the economic sectors that these fall into. [4]
A Primary
B Secondary
C Tertiary
D Quaternary
State the difference between small scale and large scale industries.
Small scale industries
Practiced on a small piece of land
Little money/capital needed
Labour intensive
Needs few workers
Uses simple tools/machines
Can be put anywhere
Few outputs
Large scale industries
Practiced on a large piece of land
Large capital/money needed
Capital intensive
Needs many workers
Uses large/mechanised machinery
Needs serviced land
Mass production
(b) Explain why the government of Botswana the development of small scale industries. [6]
 Creates jobs to improve standard of living
 Uses traditional skills therefore no need for training
 Uses locally available raw materials therefore no need to buy/readily available
 Employs mostly women promoting women empowerment
(c) (i) Name and locate on a sketch map of Botswana a large scale industry. Use two
geographical features to help locate the area.
[1 mark for the named large scale industry]
[1 mark for the outline]
[1 mark for the location]
(ii) Suggest the problems that the industry in (c)(i) in future due to its location.
 Lack of space for expansion
 Lack of raw materials/low production
 Competition for market/lack of market/low prices
 Substitution of products by new industries
 Expensive water/shortage of water
 Labour unrest/workers strikes
 Expensive power/lack of electricity
 Traffic congestion
 Air pollution
Competition for labour
Outbreak of diseases
(iii) Suggest ways by which the government of Botswana can encourage the
development of industries.
 Financial assistance
 Education(on setting up of industries)
 Provision of necessary infrastructure
 Provide electricity
 Set up industrial estates/serviced land/factory shells
 Human resource development
 Provide market
 Provide water
 Advertisement
 Introduce tax holidays
 Increase tariffs on imported goods/ban on certain commodities from outside
 Relax laws on company registration
 Investing on industries
 Researching/benchmarking/asking others
5.(a) Small scale industries are important in the economies of developing countries such as
Name and locate on a sketch map of Botswana where an area of a small scale
industry that you studied is found.
[1 mark for the name]
[1 mark for the outline]
[1 mark for the location]
Describe the factors which influenced the location of the industry.
 Named source of raw materials
 Flat land
 Named water supply
 Named electricity supply i.e Morupule Power Station
 (Skilled) labour from named place
 Well developed roads
 Market from named place
 Cultural influence
Explain the importance of the industry named in (a)(i) to local communities. [6]
Provide jobs therefore improves standard of living/reduce poverty
Provides goods therefore promoting self sufficiency/reliance
Development of roads therefore improving transport/service delivery
Has attracted tourism to the village creating employment for locals
Traditional skills passed on therefore preserving local culture
Diversify local economy therefore reduce dependence on government
Attracts other industries creating more jobs
Describe the problems facing countries with few small scale industries.
 Unemployment/shortage of jobs
 Poverty/low standard of living
 Increased rural urban migration
 Lack of development in rural areas
 Increased social problems i.e prostitution, crime, drug trafficking
 Insufficiency in some goods/services
 High dependence on government
 High importation bill
(b) Suggest how the government and other stakeholders may encourage the
development of small scale industries.
 Improvement of roads/railway/infrastructure to improve service delivery
Give people loans/grants to start businesses
Intensive training for people to acquire skills of production
Invite foreign investors to assist with extensive advertising
Provide market
Provide water
Provide power
Provide telecommunication network
Tax incentives/holidays/rebates
Allocation of land/factory shells/industrial estatessdvertisement/extensive
Forms cooperatives/community trusts
Speed up process of setting up industries i.e land registration for businesses
Tariffs on imported goods
6.(b) Minerals such as iron ore play an important role in the economies of producing
countries. However, minerals such as oil have affected politics in the middle east.
Explain how the mining of iron ore benefits the economy of a country.
 Creates jobs improving people’s standard of living/eradicating poverty
 Improved infrastructure improved service delivery
 Attracts other industries creating more jobs
 Self sufficiency in items produced ie. iron and steel
 Local production reduce imports
 Brings foreign exchange used in buying imports
 Source of raw materials attracting industries
 Source of government revenue used to develop the country
 Gives local people skills and training which improves their skills
 Diversifies the economy reducing dependence on one economic sector
Suggest how the production of oil has affected politics in the Middle East.
 Conflicts/war e.g the Gulf war
 Influence of rich/developed countries on the election of governments
(e.g the toppling of Saddam Hussein of Iraq
 Interference by other countries
 Affects international relations/bilateral agreements/OPEC.
 Brings instability in the country.
 Alliance with certain countries
 Revenue from oil sales used to sponsor terrorism.
 Corruption/mismanagement of national revenue e.g leaders using the
money to enrich themselves.
 Dictatorship
6(a) Study fig. 4 which is an extract on tourism in Botswana.
Botswana’s principal tourist attractions is game reserves , with hunting and photographic
safaris available. Another attraction is the Okavango Delta, which during the rainy season
is a maze of waterways, islands and lakes. The tourism industry also helps to diversify
Botswana’s economy away from traditional sources such as diamonds and beef.
Fig. 4
Using Fig, 4 only, state two tourist attractions in Botswana.
 Named game reserve/national park, Okavango Delta/lakes/island
Describe the role of the government of Botswana in developing tourism.
 Education/benchmark/research
 Funding tourism businesses
 Develop/increase tourist attractions
 Development of infrastructure e.g roads/airports
 Advertising locally and abroad
 Ensure political stability
 Enact policies/laws/regulations
Explain how the tourism industry may disadvantage local communities.
Low paying jobs offered to locals/exploitation of workers
Tour operating companies are foreign hence profit leaves the country
Large pieces of land are taken up by national parks/game reserves
Wild animals are carriers of diseases such as foot and mouth which ends up
crippling the beef industry
Increase in social ills e.g crime/prostitution
(b) For iron and steel or textile or car assembly industry in one country in Southern Africa.
Name and locate on a sketch map, an area where the industry chosen is found.
Use two geographical features to help locate the industry.
[1 mark for the name]
[1 mark for the outline]
[1 mark for the location]
Describe the factors that have influenced the location of the industry in (b)(i)
Iron and steel
 Iron ore from Thabazimbi
 Cooking coal from Natal
Limestone from Marble Hall
Water supply from Vaal dam
Large flat land
Power supply from Eskom
Car Assembly
Ports for exports e.g Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Pretoria
Availability of local market/exports to Europe, Asia and USA
Skilled labour
Government policy
Power supply from Eskom
Large flat land
Textile industry
Serviced industrial area with factory shells and buildings
Global market e.g SADC, AGOA
Government policy e.g low taxes
Water supply from Katse Dam
(iii)Explain how the industry chosen in (b)(I) has benefited the country in which it is found[6]
 Creates employment therefore improve standard of living /reduce poverty
 Source of foreign exchange used to buy imports
 Diversifies the economy reducing dependence on one economic activity
 Boosts other industries more jobs created
 Pay tax generating government revenue
 Locals acquire skills therefore being empowered
 Source of raw material attracting other industries
 Self sufficiency in goods produced
 Develops the infrastructure which improves service delivery
5.(a) Subsistence farming is widely practised in Botswana.
Define subsistence arable farming.
 Production of food mainly for family consumption/growing crops for family
Describe the importance of subsistence farming to local communities.
Provision of food for the family
Self employment/source of income
Promotes self reliance/reduces dependence on the government.
Platform for the commercialisation of farming/can be improved to start
commercial farming
Improved standard of living/empowerment of people/prestige
Promotes skills transfer/provides necessary training
Preserves local culture
Strengthens community cooperation
Source of raw material
Suggest five ways through which subsistence arable farming can be improved in
 Use of modern methods of farming to increase yield
 Farmers acquire skills/get trained on modern farming methods
 Use of hybrid seeds to increase yields
 Form cooperatives/associations to share production costs
 Use fertilisers/herbicides/pesticides
 Financial assistance/loans/grants/subsidies
 Grow cash crops to diversify production/sell surplus at local markets
 Use hired labour
 Use of modern machinery
 Fence farms to protect crops from destruction by animals
 Provision of necessary infrastructure e.g water, roads, electricity
 Irrigate crop during dry periods
(b)(i) Name an area of commercial arable farming you have studied in Botswana.
 Pandamatenga Farms/ Barolong Farms/Chobe Farms/Tuli Block/Mosesedi
(ii) Describe three factors that influenced the location of commercial arable farming in
the area you named in (b)(i)
 Fertile soils
 Adequate rainfall/reliable rainfall
 Large flat land/gentle slopes
 Availability of power
 Adequate water supply from named source of water
 Large pool of labour from a named place
 Named market
High/moderate temperatures
Accessibility of transport/road/railway
(c) As part of the effort to address the decline in commercial arable the government
encourages farmers to form cooperatives.
(i) Suggest how commercial arable farmers will benefit from forming cooperatives.
 Sharing of costs/use of economies of scale to reduce spending/farmers may be able
to afford fertilizers/machinery/other costs/inputs through buying in bulk/increased
 Sharing of skills/knowledge hence improved productivity
 Improved access to market hence facilitates sales
 Better opportunity to access loans hence improved affordability/efficiency
 Better price negotiations therefore better returns/profit
 Sharing farm implements hence less costs incurred
 Sharing of transport to the reduces costs/facilitates accessibility
 Improved income therefore improved standards of living
 Encourage government support hence improves training/funding/infrastructure
6(a) Subsistence arable farming is widely practised in Botswana.
On a sketch map of Botswana, name and locate an area important for
subsistence farming in Botswana.
[1 mark for the name]
[1 mark for the outline]
[1 mark for the location]
Describe the factors which influence the location of the farming area.[4]
 Large flat land/gentle slope
 Fertile soils
 Rainfall
 Pastures for animals used as draught power
 Proximity to the village
Explain how the government can help subsistence arable farmers to increase
crop production.
Financial assistance to meet costs
Provide fertilizers to improve soil fertility/promote growth of crops
Facilitate importation of labour to curb the problem of shortage of labour
Hire tractors/machinery to facilitate ploughing
Provide certified/hybrid seeds for guaranteed germination
Provide pesticides/herbicides to control pests and diseases
Education on modern farming to improve farmer’s skills
Fencing fields to protect crops from animals
Provide market to earn income
Move wild animals from farmlands to reduce crop destruction/conflicts
Drill more boreholes/construct more dams for iirigation
5(a) About 98℅ of pastoral farmers in Botswana are producing at subsistence level . The
farmers mainly depend on rain and family labour, the output is usually low.
State three inputs of subsistence pastoral farming.
Pastures/land (communal)
Family labour
Rain water
Little money
Simple tools
Logs/bushes for fencing the kraal
Explain how subsistence pastoral farmers can improve their production.
Paddocking/ zero grazing/rotational grazing
Skilled labour
Supplementary feeding
Artificial insemination/cross breeding
Loans/financial assistance/bull subsidies
Drilling more boreholes
Disease control/vaccination/dipping
Suggest why subsistence farmers find it difficult to increase their yields.
 Lack of skills
 Lack of rain/drought
 Extreme temperatures
 Infertile soils
 Lack of money
 Traditional beliefs
 Shortage of land for ranches
Shortage of labour
Lack of interest in farming by youth
Outbreak of diseases
Shortage of water
(b)(i) Name and locate on a sketch map of South Africa or Sudan, one area important in
the production of sugar or cotton.
[1 mark for the name]
[1 mark for the outline]
[1 mark for the correct llocation]
Describe the conditions favouring the growing of the crop chosen in (b)(i).
 High temperatures
 Water from Togela, Bongola rivers
 Fertile soils
 Large, flat land
 High rainfall
 Abundant sunshine
Gentle slopes
Large land
Water from Blue Nile river
Fertile soils
little vegetation
Explain how plantation farming benefits the local community.
 Employment creation improves standard of living/reduce poverty
 Self sufficiency reduce imports/imports bill
 Farmers gain skills being empowered
 Development of infrastructure improving service delivery
 source of raw material attracting other industries