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Uzima Centre: A Local Church Focused on Relationships

The Local Church (Uzima Centre)
A major lesson to note is that Christianity should have a nature of relationship rather than
religion. Relationship is built in different forms in which any local church, and in this case,
Uzima centre should be in a position of offer those platforms that encourage the members to
establish and nurture the relationships. According to the lessons learnt about a Local Church and
its composition, Uzima centre has many of the qualities and functions that makes is a perfect
local church. Membership to the church is by salvation which is the believing in Jesus Christ as
the Messiah and the salvation of all humanity through his death on the cross and resurrection.
Uzima center meets fulfils the purposes that a local church should do. Every teaching that
is given in the church are centered on Christ as the Lord and head of the church. The teachings
do not point the congregants to an individual, or towards a doctrine that is not of Christ. There is
clear emphasis on true doctrine of Christ. The church also holds fellowships and gatherings as
often as possible, beginning with Sunday services, Thursday services, and keshas. Within the
church, there are minor groups of people who have same interests or same calls for ministries
where they can meet in smaller manageable numbers and have fellowships, which is all aimed at
strengthening the relationships between people and giving platforms for closer interactions.
Prayer which is an important pillar for a believer is something that is clearly seen as embraced by
Uzima center. Every service is started by a session of prayer which everyone is involved, and
there are monthly Keshas which are meant for prayers. The church also invests much in the
Great Commission given by Christ of making disciples of all nations, and this is exemplified by
the passion in the Lead pastor. The church is involved in many missions both to students in High
schools, colleges, market places and international missions all with the aim of making disciples.
Uzima center also takes serious the issue of the Holy communion and ensures that there is the
breaking of bread as often as possible and everyone is free to share in this fellowship. The church
has also opened an opportunity for members to give their tithes, offerings and any other type of
giving which is a way to bless others and support the work of God. Finally, Uzima center is also
involved in expansion by planting other churches like the church in Gatundu which is a way to
make others from far places to get the gospel too.