Remote Radio Unit Description Description Value Height 636 mm Width 383 mm Depth 169 mm Weight RRUW 20 kg Color Gray NCS S2502-R (1) The licenses that control the RRUW are designated Number of 40 W Power Amplifiers in RUW/RRUW based RBS and Number of 60 W Power Amplifiers in RUW/RRUW based RBS. Detailed information about licences can be found in RBS License Control. The RRUW size, height, width, and depth with solar shield, is shown in Figure 2. 383 169 636 Unit of measurement mm Figure 2 3.2 Ge1018A RRUW Height, Width, and Depth with Solar Shield Space Requirements This section describes the space requirements for installing the RRUW. A complete description can be found in Installing Remote Radio Units. The RRUW can be installed as follows: • 6 On a wall 30/1551-LZA 701 6001 Uen H | 2010-10-12 Technical Data Figure 4 shows sample pole installations (left to right: single unit on a monopole; two units on a tower on different struts; three units on a monopole). Ge1311A Figure 4 3.3 Sample Site Layout for Pole Installation Acoustic Noise The RRUW does not generate acoustic noise. 3.4 Environmental Characteristics This section contains RRUW operating environment data. 3.4.1 Operating Environment The following is a list of values for the RRUW normal operating environment: 3.4.2 Temperature -40 to +55 C Solar radiation ≤ 1,120 W/m² Relative humidity 5 to 100% Absolute humidity 0.26 to 40 g/m3 Maximum temperature change 1.0C/min Maximum wind load at 50 m/s (pole installed single case) 1.2 kN Heat Dissipation The RRUW has no fan units. The RRUW is convection cooled. There is no forced air cooling. The heat dissipation value shown in this section is meant to give an idea of heat dissipation when the unit is installed by itself or around 30/1551-LZA 701 6001 Uen H | 2010-10-12 9