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Window of Tolerance Worksheet: Emotional Regulation

A Worksheet
Creating Awareness for Consistent Emotional Regulation
The 4 States:
There are four basic states that we will focus on in this worksheet: Regulated, Fight State, Flight State, Freeze
State. Regulated simply means that you are in control. You may be angry, sad, happy, or frightened, but you
are still in control. Fight State is a type of hyperarousal that makes you ready to ignore reason and to fight for
survival (sometimes everything and everyone is seen as a threat). Flight State is similar, but rather than fight,
you run away and/or isolate (maybe you lock yourself in the bathroom, hide in your bedroom, or literally run
away). Freeze State is very much like Flight State, however it is internal and invovles fear or shock that leaves
you frozen.
My "Window" means what I can
handle and still be in control.
What is a hard thing you've had to handle before, but
were able to stay in control and not say or do anything
that was not appropriate?
When my emotions are too big
for my window, they get trapped.
What is a hard time that you couldn't handle, and ended
up saying or doing something you shouldn't have?
Signs that something may be too big for my window of tolerance.
Maybe your face gets hot, your heart beats faster, or you don't feel like you can make clear sentences. What are
some signs you felt the last time you coudn't handle a situation?
Be proactive, take steps to manage feelings BEFORE they get too big.
Options could be taking a walk, writing a note to someone that you need time, breathe deeply and count to 10, or use
therapeutic strategies like Five Senses and Butterfly Hugs. What are some things you think would help you handle
your emotions before they are too big to handle?
Resource created by Ofaros, LLC. For additional information, visit www.Ofaros.com.