Statement of the problem The idea of marine insurance in Zanzibar plays a significant role in in promoting the maritime sector and the general economy. Though, there is a number of factors appear to hamper the smooth operation as well as growing of the practice of marine insurance within the Zanzibar Insurance Corporation (ZIC). In the global level, a number of studies (Michael and David, 2009; Baranoff and Sager, 2009) on insurance issues focused on risk management and premium growth. These studies were conducted outside Tanzania. There is no study which focused on marine practice and insurance issues that conducted in Zanzibar. Therefore, this present research seeks to explore factors affecting marine practice in Zanzibar Insurance Corporation with specific focus on underwriting, marine claim management, distribution and guiding policies. Creating understanding of the factors that affect marine practice within Zanzibar Insurance Corporation will help ZIC to advance their capacity of assessing risk as well as developing moderating strategies. The research findings will also serve as a foundation for developing new policies as well as revising the existing policies regarding marine practice.