Uploaded by Kayden Lambert


Welcome to the Piarco Flight Information Region. Piarco is part of the
Caribbean Division of the VATSIM network. We are pleased you have chosen to
join our team of professionals.
The following presentation is designed to introduce you to our local facility. It
will among other things provide a structural breakdown of our facility and how it
affects you as a new member of our facility.
Piarco Training Administrator
Piarco operates under ICAO standards. Local facility SOPs will govern our day to day operations.
VATCAR is made up of 6 Flight Information
Regions(FIRs) and 1 Combined En Route Radar
Approach Control(CERAP) facility. Each facility
is managed by an Air Traffic Manager who
reports directly to the Division Director.
During your registration process you choose
Piarco FIR as your home facility. Our facility
training team is directly responsible for your
progression from your current Observer(OBS)
Rating to your Controller 1(C1) Rating.
Operational Chain of Command:
Air Traffic Manager: Bradley Fenty
Deputy Air Traffic Manager: VACANT
Training Administrator: Sammy Joshua
Facility Engineer: VACANT
Events Coordinator: VACANT
Training Team: Instructors/Mentors
In the previous slide we mentioned that you
currently hold a rating of OBS. What exactly
does that mean?
In order to provide a standardized way of
identifying a controller's responsibility VATSIM
has established a rating system. The following
slides will expand on the duties and
responsibilities for each rating.
OBS - Observer Rating
S1 - Student One Rating
S2 - Student Two Rating
S3 - Student Three Rating
C1 - Controller One Rating
The OBS rating is automatically awarded to any person who registers to become
an Air Traffic Controller on the VATSIM network. This rating allows you to
connect to the network on any ATC client and monitor traffic communications
on any active position in the network.
You are NOT authorized to actively control or communicate with any aircraft
directly. This is a watch and listen ONLY rating.
After completing your initial training and successfully passing your S1 Over the
Shoulder Exam (OTS), you will be endorsed as an S1 Student Controller. This
rating will allow you to connect to authorized Clearance Delivery(DEL) and
Ground (GND) positions within the lateral boundaries of your home facility.
S1 Student Controllers have positive control of all aircraft on the movement
side of an airport with the exception of the active runway(s). S1 Student
Controllers are NOT authorized to control any aircraft in the air or to activate an
ATIS frequency without the approval from above controller.
After completing your initial training and successfully passing your S2 Over the
Shoulder Exam (OTS), you will be endorsed as an S2 Student Controller. This
rating will allow you to connect to authorized Local/Tower(TWR) positions
within the lateral boundaries of your home facility. This is the first level were
you will be introduced to the VATSIM top down controlling concept.
S2 Student Controllers have positive control of all aircraft on the active
runway(s). In Piarco, each tower has various but similar operations for local
airspace ownership. Reference the facility SOPs for complete details.
Together the TWR, GND & DEL controllers make up what is known as the Tower
Cab. In Piarco all of these positions are non-radar positions.
After completing your initial training and successfully passing your S3 Over the
Shoulder Exam (OTS), you will be endorsed as an S3 Student Controller. This
rating will allow you to connect to authorized Departure(DEP) and
Approach(APP) positions within the lateral boundaries of your home facility.
In Piarco, S3 Student Controllers have positive control of all aircraft within the
Terminal Manoeuvering Area(TMA). These areas are commonly referred to as
approach airspace and surround an Aerodrome control zone or local airport. For
specific limitations be sure to reference the Standard Operating Procedures for
each TMA.
After completing your initial training and successfully passing your C1 Over the
Shoulder Exam (OTS), you will be endorsed as a C1 Controller. This rating will
allow you to connect to any authorized Center(CTR) positions within the lateral
boundaries of your home facility. C1 Controllers provide En Route services to all
aircraft within the lateral boundary of the FIR.
In this module you were introduced to the Piarco FIR. Additionally, you were
introduced to the VATSIM ratings. You should now be able to describe the
abilities and limitations of each VATSIM Rating, and what you are able and NOT
able to do under each rating. Should you have any questions, we encourage you
to contact a mentor or instructor for further assistance.
This module was published by the Piarco training team. It is intended for the sole purpose of providing general knowledge & information to Air Traffic Control
members of the Piarco FIR. No content found here, is intended for real world operations. VATSIM, VATCAR, and PIARCO are not responsible for any use of this
content outside of its intended simulation purpose.