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Genetically Engineered Foods: Benefits and Risks

Have you ever wondered how the fruits or foods you are eating, How was it made.
How could billions of atoms give you such explosive taste in your mouth. Lets get on a
much bigger scale from that,how about the genes. The genes are practically the code to
all life and their capabilities.Genes are what causes all things such as grapes,
apples,lions,cheetah,humans,and much much more to grow the way the do. This is only
some of thousands or even millions of possible genetic possibilities. Being able to
manipulate these genes would be like playing god and being able to create any creature
you wish.You can Genetically Engineer animals so as plants and crops that we eat. When
playing god one of two things could happen the things you create could be very good or
the can be very bad side effects such as causing cancer to the people who eat it. or it
could be the next breakthrough method of creating food.
Food safety is also very important part of our lives determining if we get sick from
what we eat or just being fine. But there is also another way to get get food which is
known as Genetically Engineered.Food that is genetically engineered (GE) is just like
normal food that is grown from the ground but it has undesirable traits removed.Such
as seedless watermelon and seedless grapes. The undesired traits which are the seed
are taken out way before the plant begins to sprout.That is a very big benefit of having
GE food on top of that the food is always controlled so it can be more resistive against
certain food epidemics. Biotechnology Council“ increase the health value of certain
foods and protect fruits and vegetables”. This could be the very thing that brings GE
foods to the top because they are possibly that good.
As much as food safety concerns everybody GE foods are pretty good because they
can be manipulated in a multitude of ways. Most of these ways that it can be
manipulated can be very good for human health. “with GM ingredients have been eaten
with no substantiated evidence of harm to health” said Biotechnology Council. Judging
from what was said from the article GE foods still have the possibility to improve from
their current stand point and become even better. We have only just started to tap the
potential of GE foods by making certain foods stronger, better and faster.
While GE foods gave their ups they also have their downs which can cause them to
be unsafe for human digestion. There has been a very long list of harsh side effects to
the human body. This is due to the process that is used to create these marvelous foods
that could harm us. "GE products clearly have the" said Cummins "toxic and threat to
human health". That means that GE foods are still experimental and they are still very
dangerous to use. Based on statistics that I have read it says that over 5,000 people have
gotten some sort of terminal illness from foods that were developed in lab for normal
people like us to eat. When that is put into consideration it seems that foods that have
altered dna is not good for people to consume.
The negatives far outweigh the the positive to having food that is genetically
engineered. Just because of the fact that you can die from a food that was created in the
lab instead of growing from the ground naturally.GE does not necessarly mean that it
has to change something very drastically such as a harmone. There was a hormone that
was used on cows to make them produce more milk and it actually worked. Until IGF-1
and another compound was used which would cause colon,breast,prostate cancer to
people who ingested that stuff. “humans with elevated levels of IGF-1 in their bodies are
much more likely to get cancer” (Cummins). With that said people should not play god
with GE and use growth hormones because we can only get bad results.
My opinion on this matter is that as long as it is safe to do so without any horrible
side effects then it is ok. If we are somehow able to harness that power to play god then
we could have endless possibilities.” The scientific evidence on the impact of GM food
on human health is inconclusive, and while no evidence has been discovered so far
showing that GM food is harmful”. In this quote of the article it states that no side effects
have been found since it was introduced. Without most of the public knowing we have
probably eaten GM food such as seedless grapes, corn, and a big one wheat. Judging
from my current experience with eating GM foods it seems pretty safe to me. I would
also recomend it to people to try eating GM foods because it taste just as good as the
real thing just without the unwanted genes.
The use of GM foods are already being consumed by the general public around
digestion world already. Meade," While European consumer sentiment is against the
idea of GM, we are indeed wise to market our food produce as GM free, but the notion
that we should also ban research on new crop technologies, as Sargent has suggested,
is perhaps not so enlightened". Even in Europe it is still being accepted, . Although some
crowds of people do not like it, it is still accepted.
In the end GE foods are still in the experiment stage but it is still safe to consume.
But if you start consuming foods with growth hormones then that is when it becomes in
safe. The side effects are still unknown but for now it seems safe. We all can assume due
to the fact that nothing has showed up in the past 10-15 yrs since genetically modified
food it is safe to say that it is good. It can only get better from here on out with GM(GE).