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SC Bank Management Project Report

Principles of management
Final Project
Topic: SC Bank
GROUP MEMBERS:Sameera Fatima (leader)
Mariyam Ikhlaq
Rehman Zafar
Marziya Zehra
Ruman Azhar
Azka Tariq
Table of Contents
“STANDARD CHARTERED” ..................................................................................................................................................................2
COMPANY INTRODUCTION:- ..............................................................................................................................................................2
EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT OF AN ORGANIZATION:- ...............................................................................3
ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE:- ..........................................................................................................................................................6
1. Institutional banking ...............................................................................................................................................................................7
2. Commercial banking ...............................................................................................................................................................................7
3. Retail banking ..........................................................................................................................................................................................7
4. Wealth management................................................................................................................................................................................7
5. Finance ......................................................................................................................................................................................................7
6. CRO ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................7
7. Credit underwriting ................................................................................................................................................................................7
8. Human resource.......................................................................................................................................................................................7
9. CIO ............................................................................................................................................................................................................7
10. CISO .......................................................................................................................................................................................................7
11. Corporate affairs and marketing of brands .......................................................................................................................................7
12. Compliance .............................................................................................................................................................................................7
13. Legal. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................7
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT:- ..............................................................................................................................................8
Product Training .................................................................................................................................................................................9
Skill Training .....................................................................................................................................................................................9
On-job Training.................................................................................................................................................................................9
Management Development Training ...............................................................................................................................................9
Specific Competency Training ........................................................................................................................................................9
1. Securing foundation: .............................................................................................................................................................................10
2. Getting lean and focused .......................................................................................................................................................................10
3. Investments and innovations ................................................................................................................................................................10
4. Business performance ...........................................................................................................................................................................10
MANEGERIAL DECISIONS:.................................................................................................................................................................10
CONCLUSION: .........................................................................................................................................................................................12
COMPANY INTRODUCTION:The “STANDARD CHARTERED” is formed by the merger of the Chartered bank of India, Australia, china and the Standard Bank of British South-Africa, merger is
the agreement that unites the two different organization into one different new company. It is the one of the largest and the oldest multinational Banking and financial
service company. The organization provides services to both retail and institutional banking customers, where Retail Banking provides credit cards, personal loans,
mortgages, deposit taking and wealth management services to individuals and small to medium sized enterprises and Institutional Banking provides clients with services
in trade finance, cash management, lending, securities services, foreign exchange, debt capital markets and corporate finance. It also offers Islamic banking under its
Standard Chartered Saadiq brand. The Bank, which started as the Chartered Bank opened its first office in Karachi in March 1863, celebrated their 155th anniversary
in Pakistan. It is also the first international bank to be awarded Islamic banking licence and the first to open an Islamic banking branch.
ORGANIZATION:Standard Chartered is a leading international banking group. Their heritage and values are expressed in brand promise. They operate in 63 markets worldwide,
including some of the world’s most dynamic. More than 80 percent of income and profits are derived from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Businesses serve four client
segments in four regions, supported by seven global functions.
At Standard Chartered purpose is to drive commerce and prosperity through our unique diversity.They serve client segments with differentiated expertise and Building
a sustainable business in dynamic economies, makes them to generate greater and greater profit.
To analyse the work of SC some analysis conducted like SWOT analysis that clearly indicates and show the position of the SC in market place. Its the analysis that
shows and differentiate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to an organization.
Standard chartered is one of the oldest firm and having great reputation that make easier to attract new customers and maintain or increase their profit
Provide good quality services that make them trustworthy and their customer to be loyal with them.
Having wide range of customers.
Have qualified, highly trained, well motivated and dedicated range of employees and human resource.
Interactive corporate culture.
Combine mixture of social and environmental development with economic growth. Always focus trending and culture and atmosphere of the surrounding.
Leaders in Asia pacific and Africa make them to generate tough competition to others in these two or three regions.
Not focus towards brand or company advertisement and promotion.
Less penetration in emerging economies like India, China etc.
Lesser emphasis on Small enterprises.
Growth for-ex market enhance flexibility in market
Global expansion in countries all across the world.
Mergers and acquisitions of small institutions.
Fresh entrepreneurs come up with new creative ideas.
Huge UN-tapped sub urban and rural market.
Rapid growth of huge, local and multinational banking organizations like: UBL, HBL and Al-habib in Pakistan.
Stringent economic policies all over the world
Highly competitive market.
Government policies
Global economical crisis.
ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE:It is used to define a hierarchy within an organization. It identifies each job, its function and where it reports to within the organization and responsible for the
achieving the targets goals and objectives. SC has wide accurate strong and dedicated organization structure that helps its employee in working systematically. Shown
below in the picture.
On the upper most level their is board of directors: a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization. A board's
activities are determined by the powers, duties, and responsibilities delegated to it or conferred on it by an authority outside itself, on second the four committees hold
their charges that are risk committee: assist the Board of Directors in its responsibility to oversee the management of risks, audit committee: assists the board of
directors fulfill its corporate governance and overseeing responsibilities in relation to an entity's financial reporting, internal control system, risk management system
and internal and external audit functions, nomination committee: evaluate the board of directors of its respective firm and examine the skills and characteristics needed
in board candidates, it acts as part of an organization's corporate governance and remuneration Committee: assist and advise the Board on matters relating to the
remuneration of the Board and senior management, in order to motivate and retain executives and ensure that the Company is able to attract the best talents in the
market in order to maximize shareholder value. While on third level the CEO holds its charge of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the 13 segments and
1. Institutional banking
2. Commercial banking
3. Retail banking
4. Wealth management
5. Finance
6. CRO
7. Credit underwriting
8. Human resource
9. CIO
10. CISO
11. Corporate affairs and marketing of brands
12. Compliance
13. Legal.
The best part of entire SC organization is that their employees are not treated as workers they mean to their organization and form a simple but strong and direct
related hierarchy of system to top level managers. Though they are bit harsh to rivals but they are that much loyal to their company that they promise not to work for
themselves but for an organization’s goals and targets. This is done due to direct contact of them with their managers in any sort of problem and motivational hopes by
their managers to their employee. This make their each step and taken risk effective and result efficiently.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT:Human Resources basically Recruits and builds talent while providing learning and development opportunities to motivate colleagues. The main purpose is to create
and to keep the balance between the firm’s goals and the interests of the employees.
The hiring process at SCB is a two way process at where they make sure the job fits the individual, not failing to consider how Standard Chartered would fit the
HRM functions are carried out by the HR managers to fulfil goals and objectives of the organization. HR Managers focus on two sets of function. The HR department of
SCB carries out managerial functions which comprise of planning, recruiting, training, rewarding, researching and compensating for the future.
HR developments at Standard Chartered Bank embrace training, learning and mentoring. The operative functions, are specialized activities performed exclusively by
the managers for all departments. These operational functions include development, compensation, maintenance and motivation, integration and industrial relations.
“SCB believes that human beings are its most valuable asset prime movers in the organization.
As a people oriented company, SCB makes considerable investments in attracting and
developing talented and dynamic professionals, while offering employees an environment
which fosters innovation and entrepreneurship.”
Recruitment and selection is one of the pillar of Human Resources Management, which could impinge on the performance of not only the company and but the
employees too. And enhance the profit potential at SC bank on required or may be sometimes beyond the required target and this makes SC bank to achieve their goals
and objective successfully because they filtered out the the best and the bests from 1000s of candidates.
Along with selection they themselves give certain sorts of training that build or enhance their mental physical abilities that make them able to handle the ups and downs
of the particular surrounding of the company. Instead of working abilities SC bank always focus on mental growth abilities and thinking that may leads them to take a
decision about candidate whether able to fit in environment or not.
The training techniques they usually focuses on after orientation.They believe on long term raining method like:
Product Training
Skill Training
On-job Training
Management Development Training
Specific Competency Training
Learning and Development
These training sessions may enhance their employee skills, efficiency in work, and mental and emotional balances and such type of of techniques and efforts make their
employees fully motivated energetic and feel easy while achieving such company objectives:
1. Recognize the efforts and contributions of current staff.
2. Reward staff with compensation directly linked to performance.
3. Motivate staff to improved performance.
4. Orient staff towards goal achievement.
5. Retain key employees using competitive compensation programs.
6. Attract quality employees with an effective performance management system.
This shows that Standard Chartered Grind lies Bank formulate effective internal and external communication mechanism.because Employees are specific and well
trained as to what is expected from them so that they direct their efforts towards achieving those expectations.Feedback on the evaluation should be provided to the
employees so that they can improve their performance.
Shazad is the Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors of Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Ltd. Shazad is a graduate with honors from
University of Pennsylvania with Bachelors of Science and Bachelors of Arts degrees, and also has an MBA from the Wharton Business School, University of
Pennsylvania. He is a 'Certified Director' as well. He is a seasoned banker and a prominent capital markets professional, with over 21 years of diverse experience with
renowned financial institutions in the United States and Pakistan. According to him the best leading way is to control mental and emotional sense of employee if you will
be successful in doing so yo will rule the company and that’s what he always teach to his managers as well, whether you are dealing with customers or handling the
employees of the company.
He use to carry out an appropriate code of conduct that makes his staff flexible and relax and make them to share the entire company situation and performance as well
and make him aware of whats going on in market and at what position their company is standing and at what position they plan to reach. And that’s why he try to
maintain such code of conduct and in his view the leader should have to be polite and humble but must have to be strict in:
1. Efficiency and effectiveness of the worker and in its work.
2. Any employee any worker must have to be responsible and loyal to his her work that may effect the company and brand reputation and image.
3. Make his workers always alert and vigilant and use accurate and perfect analyzing power and judge critically to tackle the risks and situations.
4. He makes his employee to speak up against any thing that happens in unethical way or against any rule and law.
Along with this the ways that make his leadership different from others that he always tries to focus on:
1. Securing foundation:
2. Getting lean and focused
3. Investments and innovations
4. Business performance
This shows that SC have made encouraging progress in transforming the Group, the path ahead is clear and are now well positioned to drive sustainable profit growth
across our markets.they remain focused on improving service to clients, generating strong returns for our investors, and contributing even more to the communities in
which we operate. This will enable SC to realize the Group’s full potential.
They up till now wont change their strategy but still having the same but sometimes more profits and benefits
shown below:
the business model of SC bank is completely based on the long term relationships in between clients and
company, in between employees with company and also in between partners with company.this can be more
clearly defined in below mention statements uploaded given by SC bank executives in reports. They are stuck on
what they made their purpose in the beginning and that rarely become their strength.
These focused long term trends shows the exact targeted strategy of SC bank that they only and only focused on 3 basic points:
1. Secure the foundation: Ensure that we have a strong capital position, with a balanced client and product portfolio
2. Get lean and focused: Drive the shift towards sustainable, profi table growth in returns-accretive businesses, and improve productivity
3. Invest and innovate: Invest in improvements to drive better client experience, meet clients’ demands, and drive growth and cross-bank collaboration
This concluded that SC BANK is focused on capturing the existing growth opportunities in our footprint, by developing deep, long-term relationships with our clients
and helping them connect across our markets. The continued strategy never gives them tough time.
The entire report concluded that continuity in SC bank promises and their values that they give to their customers, employees and their partner make their work
effective and efficient. And such way of dealing makes SC bank one of the leading organizations in market of financial services and banking system. Along with this the
contrast of perfect leadership, managerial decisions, organization structure and strong, long, continued strategy works as basic root causes of SC bank success name
fame and reputation up till now.